I was Interviewed By Fox Sports

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Hello everybody. Thought this was pretty cool so I'd share. Last night I was at the Pirate's game after winning special tickets through a radio station. Basically I was sitting next to the Padres' dugout and in addition was next to the Fox Sports set and part of the special prize was I got interviewed. Me and my buddy were interviewed by Laura McKeeman (who I found out today was also Miss Florida (2012) and in general I gave my opinions on the Pirate's playoff chances as well as the game in general.

I'm searching for videos of the actual interview (I have no clue if it'll air or not) but I the meantime I included a few photos.

After I went back to my seat we thought it be cool to have a photo of the interviewer as well as the set all together which is why I'm in front of the railing but during the interview I was let in. (I'm on the right)

At the end of the game they brought Medica into be interviewed who I got to meet and chat with. He was really a cool guy and was appreciative of Pirates' fans appreciating him.

I have other photos in general but I figured that would be sufficient enough. I'm looking for the video as we speak to no avail but I know a lot of my family said I made it on TV last night so I might just have to go looking.

Does Anyone Else have any experiences like this?
I got interviewed by SportsNet after Game 5 of the 2004 Stanley Cup finals, I was randomly grabbed and before I knew what was going on the cameras were rolling and I had a mic in my face.

There was also an incident in 07 when I was having lunch with my mom and sister and my loud conversation about lesbians brought someone from CTV over to interview us about smoking in public places. My sis was the only one that time that made it on TV unless you count me and my mom laughing our asses off in the background, good times.
I never got interviewed but I did piss off Octavio Dotel and asked Mike McDougal if he wanted to come to The Waffle House in Kansas City with my friend and I.
I also came inches away from being run into by Frank Thomas who didn't wait for everyone to get out of the way before he started driving through a crowd of people who were getting autographs from Mark Buehrle who had stopped to sign and talk to fans.

It's pretty awesome that you got interviewed.
I never got interviewed but I did piss off Octavio Dotel and asked Mike McDougal if he wanted to come to The Waffle House in Kansas City with my friend and I.
I also came inches away from being run into by Frank Thomas who didn't wait for everyone to get out of the way before he started driving through a crowd of people who were getting autographs from Mark Buehrle who had stopped to sign and talk to fans.

It's pretty awesome that you got interviewed.

McDougle is too much of a stud to go anywhere below IHOP in the breakfast world.

Too bad his first pitch was the highlight of his career.
I've been interviewed more times then I can count, sometimes after child custody hearings I testified at, but mostly, boring things such as my opinion on matters as a psychologist of tricky subects. Twice I've been called as an "expert witness" in cases, mostly because I come cheap(Re: I'm not that big of a deal), and was interviewed following the end of both trial.

And at X-Fest once, which is a rock concert here in Pittsburgh. I saw a girl die of an Ecstacy OD,and we were all detained there and not permitted to leave. I was literally three people down from here, unaware of how she died, exactly, and was still in shock when I had a camera and microphone thrown in my face. I mumbled out one or two words, probably inconmprehensibly, and went back to being in shock.

Some of them wound up making the news at some point. The Ecstacy OD interview was my first experience being interviewed live, quite the treat.

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