I Was At Wrestlemania 29...


The Cerebral Assassin
... And I thought it was average. Just wanted to give my thoughts about it. (I was sitting in the top level behind the stage set- nothing obstructing my view and I had a decent view of the ring)

First off, it was cold as shit the whole night, and the wind made things way worse. Throw in some rain drizzles every now and then, it was hard to deal with. I read reports that the crowd was dead for large parts of the night, and I don't disagre, but you gotta understand that the climate didn't make things easy. Not to mention the PPV wasn't spectacular either.

The stage set, I thought, was really good. Captured the metro area style with the landmarks and what not, so I thought they did a nice job with that. For some reason there was no National Anthem? I thought that was weird. Also, NO backstage promos were shown to the crowd after the preshow (don't know if there were any or not but we didn't see any).

I thought the match lineup was weird too. 3 main events in a row was tough to deal with. They could've used the 8 man tag to break it up a bit and give the crowd a rest. Undertaker/Punk & Rock/Cena got the best reactions. Crowd was into those matches. Very anti Cena crowd. Crowd was split on Punk/taker.

Predictable card, too. The only predictions I got wrong were Ryback losing (WHY?), Lesnar losing, and Ziggler/Langston losing.

Some final notes:
-I don't know why Ryback lost, and the way he lost- literally getting crushed by Henry's weight. Bad.
-Ziggler takes the pin, continues to look horribly weak. I dont know how they can build him back up anytime soon he always loses. HUGE chant for him to cash in tho during and after the ADR win.
-I liked the booking of the Fandango match, but it was sloppy; most of the undercard was sloppy with not much storyline behind it.
-Would have liked to see a little more hardcore bumps from Lesnar/HHH, just thought it was okay. I thought we were gonna get some blood but just wishful thinking I guess.
-Cena/Rock was also just okay. The end of the match and their final sequence of moves was great though, it was very well-booked. Good ending to see them reconcile also, made sense. After 2 years of feuding they've finally gained each other's respect by each winning a match, so it the booking made sense.

Decent wrestlemania, bad undercard with decent main events, probably forgettable though.
What the hell man? You're supposed to bitch about how it was the worst WM since 1776 and that Dolph Ziggler should've cashed in on John Cena. Who cares if it's not the WWE Title briefcase? Rewrite something because Ziggler should be champion of Earth. There should also be at least 10 :banghead:'s in your post!

WTF kind of IWC member are you?! :rolleyes:

Nice, quick review. :)

Lucky for you your view wasn't obstructed. I do feel bad for those people. It seems to me the timing of the whole PPV wasn't planned out properly as a lot of things got cut short. Probably why there weren't any backstage segments as well. The card was very predictable too. I think part of that problem is caused by so many part timers in the events. The only one that could've gone either way was HHH/Lesnar. But I don't know anyone who legitimately thought Ryback would lose.
I almost sort of think that they saw the card was so predictable and just picked a match that was predictable (ryback vs henry in this case) and changed it to have henry win, and they plan on figuring out the rest later. Just for the sake of shaking things up a bit.

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