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I Want The Miz To Get A Push

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
Yes, I know. It's an unpopular opinion, but Miz doesn't get enough credit. There was a time where he was getting a bigger pop than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He's been on the lowest part of the card and on the highest, but after seeing his incredible promo on "Talking Smack" this week, I realized that the guy does have a lot of grudges against the fans and rightfully so. He puts the work in what he does, but sure, he isn't the new standard of wrestler. He's a veteran who brawls more and sells more than the current "good workers", but he's still fun to watch when they give him time to do it.

He's still great with promos. He's still great working the crowd. He's still great putting his opponents over. Seriously, if I was a wrestler and somebody told me I would be working with The Miz, I would actually be happy with it, because at the end of the day I would know that the guy did his best for the crowd to support me.

I checked and The Miz never did get injured since 2006 (10 YEARS!!!). He's been out there every day of every week. He's worked Money In The Bank matches, Elimination Chambers, Hell In A Cells... He's a great ambassador for the brand to the point where even Cena gave him a rub for it (only time he ever did it). Heck, he got a concussion in his WrestleMania main event and not only did he finish the match once, he finished the match twice!

I mean, it's getting frustrating to see the guy being sidelined and filled with hate because he came from a stupid MTV show. What I'm saying is that Miz deserves respect for everything he's done and I hope that he gets an opportunity to be a top heel act again in the future.

(Also, for those who watched Bryan/Miz's segment on Talking Smack... Didn't you get the vibes that Bryan was coming out of retirement?)
I didn't think about a Bryan return but a Face Authority Figure against a Mega Hell. They need these types of interactions on the actual show. Its amazing what actual passion and emotions do for the product. I checked out five Dirt Sheet Comments Setions and in each people are debating work/shot and are excited.
I thought he was getting a well deserved push? He has held on to his title for a while now and has been putting on some great matches. I would agree that right now the Miz is at the top of his game, he makes a great heel. I don't know if he deserves a world title push , but where they have him working now is going great. As far as Daniel coming back , I am not so sure but it wouldn't surprise me if you see him do a little more than just stand on the sidelines all the time. He is probably up for a safe bump here and there when it's warranted.
I'm a huge Miz fan, and I think he should get one more main event run later, but I'm VERY happy with the way he's being used right now. He's had a 140+ day reign as Intercontinental Champion, and with one exception I can think of, all of his title defenses have been clean wins. His match with Cesaro at Payback was great, and the Fatal Four Way at Extreme Rules was an easy MOTY candidate. I do hope they give him better opponents - jobbers like Darren Young and nobodies like Apollo Crews should not be challenging The Miz. I think Miz will get another brief main event run in a year or two before he leaves WWE, but right now I think he's doing...AWESOME.
I have never been a huge Miz fan. Even when he was on the real world..lol. That being said, to come where he's come from and accomplish what he has, I can do nothing but respect him. He was treated like crap by the locker room when he first got there because of his reality TV fame. Fast forward that 10 years, Multiple championships later, he's not necessarily getting treated like crap anymore, but he's still not getting the respect I think he deserves.

When he interrupted on "Talking Smack", what started out as a work turned into a total shoot between Bryan and Miz. It's clear that Bryan doesn't like the Miz one bit and he always takes this subtle shots towards Miz. I think the one he took on the show was what fired the Miz up and Miz went on an epic rant because of it.
It's hard to push him harder than they do now when he takes time off to film shitty films every few months.

He more than deserved his headline run, but WWE have moved on since. He's fine in his current role.
Miz is great where he's at at the moment. Seriously though, he has all the tools to be a great superstar. I really don't want his IC title reign to stop and that says a lot. He's like one of the best heels ever and if Miz in 2010 was main event material, then is Miz is as well, because this Miz is years above that Miz back then.
I also have to respect what he's been able to accomplish even though I have always disliked him, and still do, I guess he's doing something right as a heel.
I wish they would focus more on the IC title than his...ahem...acting chops...if that's what you want to call them.

I'm sorry but I will have to disagree that he ever got bigger pops than Austin.
Miz is fine where he is, he had no business being a main eventer 5 years ago and I think he will be just fine as a midcarder from here on out.
I'm unashamedly a Miz fan. I thought he held up his end of the deal when he had the main title too but was unfortunate that WWE had no-one except Jerry Lawler for him to feud with before pushing him as the third wheel in Cena v Rock. If he had been given that title at, say, Summerslam and allowed run with it for a longer period of time I think he would have had a legitimate chance to cement himself as a main eventer. He can certainly draw more real heat than the majority of the roster since he debuted.

If WWE aren't serious about pushing him to the top again though I would love to see him take a step out of the ring for a while and form a Heenan Family/Million Dollar Corporation style stable. Where he draws heat to his stable but has those guys do the dirty work for him in the ring. Build that for a while and I could see real fan desire to pay money to watch Miz finally get laid out in the ring during a match with a Ambrose, Crews or whoever.
Mid-carder at best and if he didn't have the mic skills then he would be a jobber. He main evented WM with Cena who is the biggest superstar since Austin and Rock. Enough said.
Mid-carder at best and if he didn't have the mic skills then he would be a jobber. He main evented WM with Cena who is the biggest superstar since Austin and Rock. Enough said.

What makes you say he's a midcarder? He's top three on the mic on the entire roster and he's far from a liability in the ring. Good storytelling, his moves look good and he's never really had a mad match in a seven year career in the company. He could easily be a regular feature in the main event now that the brand split is a thing again.

I just cannot see where his game is not good enough to be in the main event, he's over as all hell and gets a massive amount of heat. He's easily the most underrated guy on the roster for the same reasons Daniel Bryan threw at him last night. That promo was fucking incredible.
Am I the only one that didn't like this promo at all because it made no sense. How did we go from Bryan telling miz that he is a coward because spoiler alert miz is a heel to miz calling Bryan a coward because he couldn't return to the ring because Bryan had brain issues. Those two things involve variables that are out of their own hands and I don't under stand how this is considered good.
WZ Forum in a nutshell:

We hate Miz, he is bad worker and doesnt deserve to even be a jobber.

The Miz does great promo(as countless times before): Oh, we love him now, push him to the stars

He is trully underated. He lacks in- ring work for top caliber but his promos are always great and entertaining. For midcard star thats more then enough. Having Maryse as a vallet is just a plus to that and he does deserve that title he has now.

Am I the only one that didn't like this promo at all because it made no sense. How did we go from Bryan telling miz that he is a coward because spoiler alert miz is a heel to miz calling Bryan a coward because he couldn't return to the ring because Bryan had brain issues. Those two things involve variables that are out of their own hands and I don't under stand how this is considered good.
It was a worked shoot. They roasted eachother keyfabe and out of it. Hoping we would see more with more guests.
The Miz is a fantastic heel and I have no idea why he isn't used more on a roster that is lacking in good heels. That being said though, he seems happy where he is and seriously I don't think they have any plans on pushing him higher. He would have to go over Styles, Ambrose, Ziggler, Wyatt, Orton and Cena to get a main event shot. That isn't going to happen.

Maybe part of it is the fact that he is away from time to time filming movies. The good thing is, even when he is away they are still keeping him IC champion. Although part of that might be because SD lacks a good mid card on their roster.
I think the idea is that they're using The Miz to legitimize the Intercontinental Championship again. There's a reason his reign has been so long and he's beaten just about everyone clean. They should have him defend at Backlash against someone like Cena and win clean. Help cement him as a future main event player on Smackdown along with Ambrose, Styles, Cena, Ziggler, Wyatt and Orton.

I've always liked The Miz in the fact that he shows up and does whatever is asked. He is one of the best on the mic right now and plays an awesome heel. In ring he's alright, but he can build a story and really can drive a storyline with his mic work.

I'd like to see him be the next to challenge Ambrose after Styles/Ziggler are done, assuming Ambrose retains at Backlash.
Yes, I know. It's an unpopular opinion, but Miz doesn't get enough credit. There was a time where he was getting a bigger pop than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He's been on the lowest part of the card and on the highest, but after seeing his incredible promo on "Talking Smack" this week, I realized that the guy does have a lot of grudges against the fans and rightfully so. He puts the work in what he does, but sure, he isn't the new standard of wrestler. He's a veteran who brawls more and sells more than the current "good workers", but he's still fun to watch when they give him time to do it.

He's still great with promos. He's still great working the crowd. He's still great putting his opponents over. Seriously, if I was a wrestler and somebody told me I would be working with The Miz, I would actually be happy with it, because at the end of the day I would know that the guy did his best for the crowd to support me.

I checked and The Miz never did get injured since 2006 (10 YEARS!!!). He's been out there every day of every week. He's worked Money In The Bank matches, Elimination Chambers, Hell In A Cells... He's a great ambassador for the brand to the point where even Cena gave him a rub for it (only time he ever did it). Heck, he got a concussion in his WrestleMania main event and not only did he finish the match once, he finished the match twice!

I mean, it's getting frustrating to see the guy being sidelined and filled with hate because he came from a stupid MTV show. What I'm saying is that Miz deserves respect for everything he's done and I hope that he gets an opportunity to be a top heel act again in the future.

(Also, for those who watched Bryan/Miz's segment on Talking Smack... Didn't you get the vibes that Bryan was coming out of retirement?)

Quoting you because I'm too lazy to read other comments.

To start, I wouldn't say Miz ever got Stone Cold level reactions... but I will say that he's one of the first heels not named Edge or Triple H that actually got cheered over John Cena. And that in and of itself is something to be admired. The Miz has been one of my top guys for a while now, really since 2008's Cyber Sunday. He's been able to put on stellar matches with a lot of guys, including names such as CM Punk, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, and of course John Cena. And not to mention, he and Jerry Lawler put on a great storyline during his run at the top.

Also, he's a company guy. What I mean is that he doesn't mind putting over guys lower down the card than he is, and he loves going out and doing a lot of charity work for the WWE. He's like another Cena, if you want to call him that. I really think Miz in the main event on Smackdown would be highly justified and also a fine breath of fresh air.
What makes you say he's a midcarder? He's top three on the mic on the entire roster and he's far from a liability in the ring. Good storytelling, his moves look good and he's never really had a mad match in a seven year career in the company. He could easily be a regular feature in the main event now that the brand split is a thing again.

I just cannot see where his game is not good enough to be in the main event, he's over as all hell and gets a massive amount of heat. He's easily the most underrated guy on the roster for the same reasons Daniel Bryan threw at him last night. That promo was fucking incredible.

There is no denying his qualities, he is one the WWE best mic men as I said. However The Miz along with the most of the roster are suffering from the "mid-card or jobber syndrome", The Miz does not look like a star, compared to the likes of Brock, Cena, Batista Orton let alone the likes of Austin, Rock and Hulk.

He is like Jericho who will be a filler in the main event scene except he doesn't have the wrestling skills of Jericho.
WZ Forum in a nutshell:

We hate Miz, he is bad worker and doesnt deserve to even be a jobber.

The Miz does great promo(as countless times before): Oh, we love him now, push him to the stars

I've never subscribed to this. With respect, I'm afraid you're guilty of conglomerating many varied opinions into one WZ Forums Entity. Maybe there's a few hypocrites in the bunch, but it certainly doesn't lump as all together into one amorphous opinion.

I've been a quiet supporter of Miz. I never turn the channel, but never looked forward to his matches. However, if he can keep that kind of performance going forward, he may win me over as a fully patched in Mizfit. Absolutely terrific intensity! Miz made me miss Daniel Bryan more than Daniel Bryan has made me miss Daniel Bryan.

I'm not sure where it goes though. Perhaps Daniel stacks the deck on Miz and sends in some of his indy pals to kick his teeth in. Not sure of any other possibilities, but I'm intrigued.
The funny thing is, the Miz just did in one minute what Dolph Ziggler has been trying to do for years - verbalise his frustrations and emotions in a way that was actually compelling to watch.

While I don't know if I want to see another Miz world title reign, I would be happy to him in that main event picture again. I mean, we're forgetting that this guy put on a very passable ladder match against Jerry the King Lawler in 2010, for crying out loud. So he can definitely deliver, and there are a handful of 'new era' main eventers that the Miz could do some good stuff with. So yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing it. But he does need to stop with the movies for a while, possibly until he's finished in the ring.
I don't get it. The Miz was beyond irrelevant for months. Then all of sudden, the WWE is bound and determined to get MIz over. He's done nothing to deserve it. Look back at the fatal four way at Extreme Rules. Three of the four guys in the match have done a great job of getting themselves over organically. They didi the right way. The reason Miz still has the belt is because it's the only thing that makes him relevant. Without it, he's just some douche bag who was a reality star. Does anybody follow the WWE on facebook? At least twice a day there's post about Miz. It's about nothing, but they are desperate to get his face out there.

I just don't get the fascination all of a sudden. He has nothing to deserve where he's at. He's gong to have he IC belt for a long time. Not because he deserves it, but because one of the higher ups has a boner all of a sudden. Maybe they are desperate for his movie to do well. But there are a number of guys that deserve the spot that he's been handed.
I didn't think the WWE would ever push The Miz again. He's been constantly jobbing, so it was completely surprising to me when he beat Zack Ryder and actually successfully defended the Intercontinental Championship for as long as he has. This has been a great run for The Miz. This is a guy that has drastically improved his game over the years despite being booked to job. He should have been one of the top stars back when he was the WWE Champion and afterwards. To me, he had that presence to be a good rival for John Cena with all of the promos he did. I don't know how long his Intercontinental Championship reign will last, but I know it's good for that title. I don't see him ever becoming the WWE Champion again, but I honestly wouldn't mind one more run either.
I've never subscribed to this. With respect, I'm afraid you're guilty of conglomerating many varied opinions into one WZ Forums Entity. Maybe there's a few hypocrites in the bunch, but it certainly doesn't lump as all together into one amorphous opinion.

Not saying its you or anyone in this theme in particular, just having a laugh how general opinion changes around here. Because I seem to remember a theme few months back where general opinion was quite different. And look at it now, he has 2 themes where he is fun and deserving a push.

And not even that big supporter of a guy, he is where he needs to be and does good job at it.
I've liked Miz for quite a while, I had no problems with his WWE Championship push and run, but I think he's probably better where he's at right now. Even though I liked the guy, I'd written him off for a long time because...well, it looked like WWE itself had written the guy off as prior to his 5th IC title run, he hasn't had anything great going on in years. I think he's done a great job as a heel Intercontinental Champion, I just wish WWE would've done something with him in the previous 4 reigns but, hey, better late than never I guess.

While I wouldn't hate it if Miz got a main event push, I think he's found his niche as an entertaining, mid-card heel that can be counted on to help provide good matches, fun promos and generally helping to keep the mid-card title scene interesting.

With that said though, a main event title push may be in the cards for him at some point because of the blue brand's lack of roster depth.
I think The Miz is in a perfect spot right now. He's holding The Intercontinental Championship that was once considered the second most important belt in the company. (Not anymore.).

I think The Miz will shine his brightest when in specific SmackDown only PPVs. Unfortunately when both brands are prominent on the same program, the IC title is dangerously close to pre show time.

But if he's given a solid 25-30 minutes to work a promo then match, The Miz and The I.C Title will both gain points again with the fans. When The Miz is at his best, he's got fans begging for whatever challenger comes forward to beat him. I think he can easily get back there, as soon as the next SmackDown PPV too.

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