I Think Vince Will Be Back Soon


As we all know, Triple H takes on CM Punk tonight at the Night of Champions ppv in a no DQ match. If Triple H loses, then he gives up his on screen position as C.O.O. of WWE. That means that someone will have to step in to attempt to "restore order" to WWE.

Now, it's possible that there are a lot of twists that could come out of this. There's been speculation of a reformation of the nWo, though much of that is due to Kevin Nash merely using the old nWo theme music. We've seen tension between Triple H & JL as JL seems to be overstepping his authority and seems to have some sort of relationship with Kevin Nash. Last time we saw Nash, JL was getting into a car with him. I think it's obvious that Kevin Nash hasn't been fired and I've wondered if there's some sort of secret alliance looking to undercut Trips and eventually find a way to wrest power from him.

If there is such an alliance, it makes complete sense for Vince to be the one behind it. After all, JL has been a very loyal stooge to Vince for a loooooong time. Kevin Nash was a huge star when he was in WWF back in the mid 90s and we all know, realistically in fact, how much of a mercenary Nash is. He was WWF Champion for 52 weeks and maybe he, kayfabe, remembers how good he generally had it in WWF with Vince in charge. Nash is the type of guy/character who will do anything he thinks is beneficial to him, including stabbing his best friend in the back. The, of course, there's Stephanie McMahon. It's entirely possible that she could be in on it. While she's Triple H's wife and mother of his 3 children, she's also very much "Daddy's girl" and maybe Triple H was exaggerating when he said "the family" supported the decision of the Board of Directors to "relieve" Vince of his duties as C.O.O. of the company.

On top of that, we've heard that The Rock will be wrestling in a traditional Survivor Series match and that he'll be on the same team as John Cena. It'll be a big deal and will probably garner some healthy ppv buys. Maybe there'll come up with a way to intertwine the angles. After all, CM Punk wants "change" and he's "shot" on The Rock as well a couple of times and he could see all the attention lavished on The Rock as a sign of the status quo.
I would not be surprised to see Vince McMahon return in the very near future, possibly as soon as tonight. The way they have been potentially building up this storyline has been intriguing and it totally has me guessing what is going on, and I think if it is done properly, this storyline can have legs to continue into the future, through to Survivor Series and even until WM28.

I have no doubt that someone is leading a charge to remove Triple H as COO, and will lead a charge to invade the company from the outside to "save" it. This certainly could be Vince McMahon, but it could also be JL, Stephanie, even Shane McMahon which I think is an IWC wet dream which is probably not too realistic, but how great would that be?

Who would be part of this invasion? Could be either Triple H himself or Punk, but not both, although one of them would have to be involved. Nash has to be a part of it. There could be some if the old nWo guys possibly. Or there could be some returning superstars such as HBK, Chris Jericho, or Batista. The sky's the limit in terms of how they could proceed, but a number of the possibilities could be very interesting.

My only problem with it being Vince is that it seems to be a little too soon for him to return. He was only ousted a little while ago, for him to return to reclaim his company seems too early. Plus, even though his removal and replacement by Triple H is pure kayfabe, you would think that there has to be a shred of legitimacy go it, prepping Triple H for the day when Vince truly hands the reigns over to him and his bean headed wife. To take control away from HHH in a kayfabe situation would seem to underscore the day that it eventually does happen for real.

Personally, I think Triple H goes heel tonight, receiving assistance from Kevin Nash and some others to maintain control of the company, and thus completes the Punk face transformation. No Vince McMahon yet, but with an eventual return of a face McMahon closer to Wrestlemania time. By then, the heel Triple H and his associates will have been in control for months, and Vince will return at this time to reclaim his throne.
Wrestlezone.com posted that they heard Vince might be coming back.

Your not insightful. You read the main page then came here and called the rumors your ideas.


I also love the fan fiction, cute as kittens.

Vince should not come back. In my fan fiction, HHH wins, but goes full heel. Insert method here.
yes, they said he will be back as early as tonight but i believe there will be a big swerve. i believe hhh will win with help from nash. then vince will come out monday and tell hhh the board does not like what happened which will lead to survivor series. hhh team against vinces team and winner gets control.
Eh, I'm not really sure if I like the idea of Vince coming back this soon. I get that he's Vince and that he's not REALLY going to go down without a fight, but I think they should wait a few more months before his inevitable return. Let Triple H really get settled into this role, and then we can do the power struggle thing. Also, where would that leave Punk? Cena's involved with the WWE Title at this present moment, so Punk would have nothing to do if it turned into a Triple H vs. Vince feud. What I would like to see is a Triple H heel turn followed by a more corporate version of the McMahon-Helmsley era; and when Punk finally realizes that things were better with Vince around, he puts his pride aside and gets him to come back. It might go against Punk's character a little bit, but I don't see any other way of doing it without excluding Punk from the storyline altogether.
I think he could be back soon on the basis that Triple H and Punk trying to create 'magic' just isn't working.

Triple H hasn't really been gone long enough to help suspend the belief that he took over for Vince. Maybe if he didn't have the Wrestlemania run this year, it could be a little easier to swallow that he has stopped wrestling to focus on running the show. Gone for a year and a half? Yeah, I'd buy that he doesn't care about actually wrestling anymore. Six months removed from Wrestlemania? Not so much. Since he has came back, it just feels inevitable that he will get the ring or have some physical confrontation.

And hearing Punk talk about Steph as his only reason Triple H is in power got old as fuck the first week.
There's been speculation of a reformation of the nWo, though much of that is due to Kevin Nash merely using the old nWo theme music.

Not only that but WWE.com was teasing it saying that he wore a shirt on the first RAW he was on similar to the one he wore in WCW when he first showed up. WWE.com has been teasing more recently as of late with articles such as "which WWE superstar would be a good fit if nWo reformed?"

I personally dont want Vince to come back. I thought he was supposed to be writing off his Mr. McMahon character? I thought the whole limo explosion was supposed to be it. The problem is...its hard to tell Mr. McMahon from VINCE McMahon. I like/want Triple H to stay in charge for awhile. I think this storyline has been rushed too fast at the expense of CM Punk. Yes he has gotten over, but where does it leave him in the long run?

Having Triple H in charge could've opened a few doors for NEW storylines instead of rehashed ones. I dont want to see NWO, I want to see a NEW stable. Call it Anti-Establishment for all I care...just DONT call it NWO! Making a stable of Nash, JL and Vince is wrong on SOOOOOO many levels. Where does that leave other talents for the spotlight?

Make a stable of Miz, Truth, ADR, Nash, and add in 1 other person. Make it be a fight against Triple H where they want him gone, but Punk teams with him and even gets Cena, rock and someone else to be with them. There is your Survivor Series match!!

IF Vince comes back, be about helping promote Survivor Series. Maybe Triple H brings him back in some capacity other than being in charge.
I think Vince will be back too. I mean.. If he was really retiring his on screen character you'd think he'd at least have a "farewell ceremony" of some sorts. Plus WZ has another one of their so called "exclusives" that says they spoke with people close to the situation and they said Vince is coming back to TV soon. Now most of WZ's exclusive reports turn out to be actually true so this is another reason I think Vince is coming back.

To be honest I always waned to see Shane take over. It's unfortunate that Trips is the leading candidate because of Shane's resignation from the company about 2 years ago.
I can see this angle taking place but I fail to see it's long term benefits Jack-Hammer. It would establish Triple H as a strong CEO of the company but I do not think that there is anyone who thinks that Triple H would do a bad job as one. Therefore, there is no need to build him up. Also it would end up as Punk becoming Vince's weapon and that is something I do not want to see. Punk always works best in a lone crusader type role, be it as a face or as a heel. I just cannot see Punk as a figure who would bend down to Vince's demands, that in my opinion just kills off his character and makes him look like any other opportunistic heel. Punk is opportunistic but what makes him unique is the fact that he creates opportunities rather than just wait for one to capitalise on.

I would much rather see face Punk against heel HHH. I know that some people think that Punk is already stale but I believe that it would take just one move to solidify him again. That move would be for HHH to turn a full fledged heel and basically accept all the allegations that Punk has made against him.

All in all I hope this is one internet speculation that turns out to be just a speculation. I have faith that this will not happen. That is because I believe that only the internet fans believe that this storyline is a failure. WWE understands pro wrestling better than any of us and I think that they understand how difficult it can be to carry a storyline that has no action for 6 weeks based on just one idea. They have saved up all the action for NOC and I do not have a shadow of doubt that they will deliver. Hence, the return of Vince would not be needed.
nWo isn't returning WWE pretty killed, cremated and scattered the nWo ashes in May-June 2002.

That said I could see Vince/Nash/Steph maybes even Trips forming some kind of faction reminiscent of the Corporation from 1999. Mixed with top level talent to lower card guys to help get them over to some degree. Maybe even help explain some loose ties with Nexus and GM. I wouldn't be surprised if Nexus screws Punk tonight for dropping them at MITB.
Wrestlezone.com posted that they heard Vince might be coming back.

Your not insightful. You read the main page then came here and called the rumors your ideas.


Actually, I'm quite insightful. I don't usually look on the WZ main page for info and didn't do it this morning. I'm looking on the main page now and don't see any of the titles of articles currently posted on the main page suggesting that he's about to return. You don't have to read a story to sense it's about to happen, you just have to be someone with at least a slight attention span and look at what's been going on with this angle. Oh and, just for future reference, it's supposed to be you're. You know, the contraction for the words you are. Your in the way you used it implies ownership.

For example: Your post was quite foolish and it would be best if you didn't make assumptions towards other posters because you'd look much less foolish. Glad to be of some assistance. :)
Actually, I'm quite insightful. I don't usually look on the WZ main page for info and didn't do it this morning.

I'm sure thats true.

The article however was a few days old and other articles that elaborated on it have been going around for about a week.

Brb gotta go make a thread cause i think Rock might be at Survivor series. Insight inc!
Vince will be back, no question. If Vince was gone from WWE programming for good, I think a bigger deal would have been made. You know, the usual tribute stuff.

The more interesting thing is, where will he fit in?

It's obvious to think that he will be battling HHH for control of the WWE. Maybe with Kevin Nash as a new NWO, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it. Maybe he comes back with Miz and R Truth, and we get a Survivors Series "Team Vince vs Team HHH" elimination match goin' on?

But does that make Vince the heel? Is Vince going to win and retake his company as a heel? This is one instance I'd rather him be the face, but if it does come down to Hunter vs Vince in some way, Vince will probably play the evil genius.

It'll be interesting for sure.
I don't ever want to see Vince onscreen ever again. I hope he does not return anytime soon because I'm sick and tired of him. They will never be able to recreate Vince VS Stone Cold again, and that was the only angle I liked Vince in. He is good as a wrestling promoter, but that doesn't mean I want him to be onscreen. The show should be about the wrestlers. Trips being COO is something that feels fresh due to Vince having been running the show forever in the past. WWE needs change, it needs to try new things. Bringing Vince back whatsoever is the absolute opposite direction of what they need right now.

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