I Think I Can Now See Cena As A Heel

I think the main problem with Cena's promos is that he doesn't show much intensity or emotion.I'm not sure why creative doesn't want Cena to show any emotion except for positive ones.He can be damn good when he wants to.I hardly watch Smackdown,but I remember watching one episode before Wrestlemania where Cena was being interviewed by Michael Cole,and he cut a pretty good promo in my opinion,and that was because he showed emotion.He said something along the lines of "The Miz is the new face of the WWE?Well at Wrestlemania I will BREAK the face of the WWE!" I thought it was great.

Right now Cena's promos are as interesting as watching the weather report,because it's monotonous.When Cena wants to make a point,he lowers his voice instead of turning the volume up.Look at The Rock's promos.His voice is booming and every promo ends with an exclamation point.The Miz,he's a 2008 version Jericho wannabe,but his promos also end with an exclamation point.Creative shouldn't be afraid that kids will imitate their hero and get angry.Let Cena show emotion and the words will flow naturally and he'll have great promos.
You'll have corny hard working Cena vs the pompous wanna be movie star.

first off he aint a wanna be movie star when he's actually a movie star....his movies has grossed over a billion...cena is the only wanna be movie star between the two...lol...and i dont hate cena because of his promos...that dont help any but i hate him because he is shoved down everyones throat all the time and he aint even good he has the same 5 moves over and over....he is boring as hell in the ring.
no, he's a wannabe movie star. It's a joke how bad his acting is, watch any entertainment show.

Bret hart had the same five moves, guys like harley race and jerry lawler only used about 5 moves, ric flair only used about five moves, and only autistic people who don't understand emotion would use that as a reason that a guy sucks. Cena's matches tell stories, you have been worked.

As for the guy above this guy, don't use the Rock as an example. The Rock's promos are equally as corny. "No callin yo momma" "fruity pebbles" Rock's promos make Miz promos look like shakespeare.

Bottom line is this. If you're the nostalgic type from the Attitude Era, you hate Cena because he's family friendly (which the face of WWE HAS to be after Benoit, like it or not, WWE needs to make money). If you're a move mark, you hate Cena because he doesn't do enough KEWL MOVEZ.

However, if you're smart enough to understand the psychology of matches or if you are business minded, you like Cena. Even Bryan Alvarez, a writer for the Observer, the OBSERVER, the reason you are all here, says that if you say Cena is bad in the ring, you have questionable credibility.

As for Cena's recent promos. I have no idea what you're talking about. I LOVE that Cena calls Rock out for basically being a fair weather fan. Think about this, Rock tried football, he failed, he tried canadian football, he failed. So he talked to his daddy, got to the show, had amazing natural ability, and once he got big enough, he left. His first few movies drew huge but since then he's been relegated to crappy kid movies and being a cop in a corny comedy. hmmm, kid stuff....corny what if....I lost my thought, had something, maybe some correlation to something I've been reading over and over and over and over and over and over again somewhere else. Rock is a notoriously bad actor, my girlfriend, who doesn't watch wrestling, watches a lot of entertainment shows. She and everyone else who is "up" with the entertainment stuff treat him as a joke. He really is a bad actor. He movies really do suck. I don't care how much his novelty or disney's marketing sold, he's a fucking joke. he knows he's a joke. The only place he's "over" is the WWE. Cena LOVES the WWE. Rock does not, Cena calls him out for it. Cena's promos against the Rock have been emotional and intelligent.

In a nut shell, their promo a while back sums it up "Rock, this is who I am, I love the WWE, and you won't judge me because you don't love this like I do" then the Rock responds with "you're right, The Rock won't judge you, only the good lord with judge you, but jesus can't save you from the Rock whipping your monkey ass". Basically Cena makes an excellent, intriguing point and Rock responds with monkey ass and catchphrases.

Rock's promos are only entertaining to idiots who are impressed with loud fast talk, shitty metaphors, and catchphrases.
this is the worst post i have ever read?

why not bring the bogeyman back but make him green and slimey and his entrance can be that he falls out of a big nose hovering above the ring....

or... why not dress Booker as a librarian?

IMO - stupid not Amazing? - im actually annoyed with myself i kept reading....

In all honesty mate, I think you are being a bit harsh on The Rock here...O.K, he left the business because he went on to make movies, some very questionable but I've enjoyed most of them and still do (I am a huge rock mark) But he left because he accomplished a lot in the WWE and wanted to challenge himself yet again...Personally I am the same I cant just have one career, I would get bored and constantly want a challenge.

Cena and The Rock have cut excellent Promo's together and I believe there will be a brilliant storyline leading to WM28 =]
I don't think that's in Cena to do. It will only make the crowd hate him even more and that's not Cena's intent just yet. I do agree he will take a jab at him for not being there, but not to the point where he brings an actual rock to the ring.
i do not see him turning heel he is just a kind of guy you always like, like daniel bryan, john morrison, and kofi kingston. i like him much better as stereotypical face than a heel that tries too hard to be a heel. as for cena wrestling a rock, that would be very ******ed but entertaining to watch:lmao:
Cena was booed because he was against The Rock. Go to a live show, he's insanely over as a babyface.

Cena is boring to you when he talks, but you don't matter. One thing pretty much every "smart" (no such thing) mark needs to realize is that YOU don't matter. The majority watching matters. It's why even though I think Triple H's promos suck and are insanely boring with his monotonous rambling, he gets everyone in the arena and thus likely people at home listening and reacting. I appreciate that and understand that by definition of what a pro wrestler's job is: to get people paying attention and entertain them; that Triple H is good at promos.

Personally I'd rather watch Daniel Bryan vs Mistico all night, but my opinion doesn't matter. the consensus wants to see Cena speak. They want to either boo or cheer Cena. Cena is a good pro wrestler.

You've been watching wrestling a long time but you still don't seem to "get it". Wrestling is about understanding your audience. If Vince McMahon did what entertained him we'd see 55 Chris Masters on the roster, and sometimes Vince lets that get the best of him. However, crowd reaction and merch sales are ultimately how guys are graded. Cena, as a babyface, is his best.

If you watch wrestling for many years as you claim then dude you should know already that the fans started booing Cena was back in late 05 when he was a top babyface in which back then it wasn't rated pg. Do you remember wrestlemania 22? Huh? You remember? If not i'll refresh your memory, when Cena who was the top babyface and a champion was facing a top heel Triple H. But guess who the fans was rooting for huh? Ohhh wait it has to be Cena right? OOOOOO NOOOO!!! It can't be? The fans was booing the hell out of Cena while was cheering loudly for Triple H LOL. I've seen Cena being boos by fans vs RVD, Kurt Angle, Orton, Batista, Michaels and so on. <<<This is way way before The Rock came back. If you know your history and have watch wrestling for many years as again you claim then you would know this. The fans boo Cena cause they just like me feels he's freaking terribly BORING!
Once again, WHY turn Cena heel? So there's less of a reaction? Because YOU liking his character matters?

Which is better, the Rock, as his attitude era character, arrogant and not really caring what anyone else says (as in, not really responding to Cena calling him out for being fairweather) vs Cena, in fully cheesey goofy but determined form, making kids cry out of happiness and making 20 year old move marks boo. OR do you wanna see the Rock, as his attitude era character vs cena as an attitude era esque character (something he's not KNOWN for, something he's not iconic for)?

Turning Cena into anything other than what he is right now would be like saying "Let's make rock into a high fiving white meat babyface vs Hogan so it fits Hogan better".

Move marks always want to turn Cena heel and it's downright stupid. from a business perspective, from a character perspective, from a storyline perspective. There is just no logical intelligent argument for it.

You hear 'TURN TEH SEEENUH HEELZ COZ THEN HE'LL BE KEWL AGAIN". Cena isn't cool, that's part of his character. He's a cheesey corny bralwer with a ton of heart.

Cena is like that friend that annoys you, but always has your back and you kind of take him for granted. The Rock is like your big brother who you think is cool and every once in a while he lets you hang with him when his friends leave him because they think he's a douche.

As for the guy above me. Cena rarely gets overwhelming boos. He WANTS the mixed reaction. That's why he plays it up. No shit they'll boo him vs RVD, Michaels, and Angle, Angle, RVD, and Michaels fans are passionate and Cena is the opposite of all of them. Cena vs RVD, Cena sells, RVD doesn't, Cena vs Michaels, Michaels is the best all around guy ever, Cena isn't, Angle is an amateur champion, Cena isn't.

Go to a live show, I've been to several, and not once has it ever been more than maybe a loud 30% of the audience that boos him. Either way, turning him heel is a shit idea because the reaction wouldn't be as loud.

WWE WANTS him to get booed like crazy at mania. They WANT the crowd to be hostile. That's sooooooo much better than some shitty phoney "lets go rocky" "lets go cena" chants. Turning Cena heel would be false. It wouldn't be real. Cena, is a corny goofy guy. Rock is an arrogant asshole. Some people like one, some like the other.

They are actually the EXACT SAME. Like I've said. 2003, both are edgy, since then, both have been doing stuff to sell entertainment to kids. Rock comes back and has some bad promos and he's over again. Fans forget that Cena and Rock were BOTH catering to kids, the difference is, Cena was doing it every night, putting his body on the line.

I NEVER said that was the first time Cena go booed. Cena getting booed actually proves nothing considering that's the reaction WWE wants that portion of the audience to have. I work at a restaurant in a food court at the mall. I see more Cena shirts than anything. YOu can't say that he's not over.
i still cant see cena as a heel again. he is somehow kinda a icon in the wwe, he is the poster boy, the face of the wwe. most people wouldnt care for cena as heel plus whats the point? in one year cena and rock have a WM match then rock is prob gone again until who knows when. after that you have john cena as a heel, with nothing to really do. so it would kinda defeat the purpose to be honest.
i still cant see cena as a heel again. he is somehow kinda a icon in the wwe, he is the poster boy, the face of the wwe. most people wouldnt care for cena as heel plus whats the point? in one year cena and rock have a WM match then rock is prob gone again until who knows when. after that you have john cena as a heel, with nothing to really do. so it would kinda defeat the purpose to be honest.
Exactly, this guy gets it. NOBODY, except for stupid moves marks and Rock marks, want Cena as a heel. He is iconic as the posterboy muscular babyface.

Speaking of Muscular, if Cena exchanges punches for boring headlocks and a blue thunder bomb, five knuckle shuffle, flying shoulder block, and FU for a russian leg sweep, a middle rope elbow, a back breaker, and a sharp shooter, and loses 40 pounds and aobut 50% of his promo ability and about 80% of his marketability, he's Bret Hart. Bret's moveset was equally as simple and they BOTH tell amazing stories with very little.

Until you watch a match like Lawler vs Race in Memphis 1979 where they go broadway and use a combined 12 or so total different moves (including basic punches, headlocks, kicks, knees, headbutts) and be amazed by the story told. Shut up and don't post anything about anyone's in ring ability because you know nothing about storytelling.
I think that they should do what they did with the rock. first the rock came in as a face. then he got the int belt and after a while got cocky, and the fans turned on him, he then became heel and joined the nation of domination, took over, and fueded with dx. after that he left the nation for a while and then joined the corperation. he then turned on the corperation and the fans loved him again.

i think that would work with cena. i thought they were gonna start that process when he joined nexus. take over nexus, fued with a newly created the corre, leave nexus, join a new corperation type of thing, then turn on them. it wouldnt work as good as the rock's did, but i think it would work. that would have freshened him up. but the wwe wont do that, because (like most people know) he's the face of the company. he's the symbol of the wwe and where they want to go in the future. if they had an nba type logo, it would be colored orange, purple and red, and holding up cena's hand symbol. GUARANTEED!
I don't know if the current wrestling climate would allow that. I think it'd be awesome with Orton. Cena is more like Hogan/Austin where if you turn him heel then you kind of lose it. Austin was never the same after WMX7. He was still awesome, and that was an awesome turn. Don't say "Hogan was heel in WCW" I'm strictly talking WWE here. Hogan in WCW works because they had more southern fans. Hogan heel in WWE wouldn't work.

Plus Cena is over as a babyface and works the boos. It's just different you know.
Anyone that thinks Cena turning heel just can't happen apparently forgot about Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hogan was the penultimate face. Nobody ever thought in a million years he could ever be turned heel. But it happened and it bloody worked. WCW made ratings and money from it. I don't think it would work for a long term run, but it can be made to work. There just needs to be a real top face to push him against and there aren't enough around right now
Hogan went to WCW. WCW fans were TOTALLY different than WWE fans. Bash at the Beach people were throwing stuff, that doesn't happen with the WWE fans. Such a huge difference between southern fans and northern.

It was like Hogan came into their house and beat up their dad (Flair). Cena is still very loved by most people and is still the most consistently over guy in the company, something Hogan was not. Cena is generally a nice guy in real life, Hogan is not (from most accounts).

A cena heel turn, especially before going against the Rock would be a bad move. You NEED Cena as a face vs Rock for this dream match to work. If it's a heel Cena, then Rock may as well be going against someone else. You can give Cena more intensity, but don't change the basis of his character.

Having a heel Cena vs Rock would be like advertising a huge juicy cheeseburger and have it actually be a cheese veggie-burger. Yea, it's a huge burger, but it's not the original and what you were thinking.

BTW, why does anyone want to turn Cena heel anyways? What's the storyline/character/motive/logic behind that?
Ok so, for the little "Heel Cena is coming at every pay per view" fans I have to ask you a few questions. So your dream's finally come true, you've won the lottery, you've put your kids through college without them changing their major or without any other problem, and finally the cena guy has turned heel.

Ok now tell me, Mr. Booker, what exactly do you do from here? Cena is the WWE's main cash cow right about now and until Orton can gain some sales, the only one behind him would probably be Rey Mysterio (Don't give me that Dwayne Johnson bullshit cause he won't even be wrestling)... So now that Cena's heel, how does WWE make money? The kids are now all mad cause Cena left and there's no top face to take his place... What do you do? Give me on good scenario and finally I'll be able to let the "Cena's going heel" comments slide.
OK,He could get even bigger,Not to bring up the past..BUT..When The Rock went heel,HIS POPS GOT EVEN LOUDER!!

Another scenario,they let Cena go DEEP into HEEL!!
Because they could keep him heel for awhile at least a year or two.
Then they could turn him back to face,

The greater the fall from grace....the greater the rise to redemption.
lol you are so funny..oh wait, this is serious? I don't know, where did Hogan go when he went heel at the pinnacle of his popularity? It didn't change the face of wrestling or anything. Oh wait, yes it did.

The bottomline is this, if you WANT another wrestler to become a top face that sells, you need to make one. If Cena is the poster boy of course everyone is going to buy his stuff rather than Ortons.

Get this, if Cena turns his back on the crowd and hurts the little kids feelings and they need to jump onto another wrestler to feel better and ride that wrestler to get revenge on the man Cena that turn his back on the people(fans) that love him oh so dearly, then Randy Orton or whomever becomes that much more popular and more people will be interested in watching the trader get his booty whipped.

You have Cena basically do everything that contradicts Hustle, Loyality and Respect and all of the sudden a newer, much stronger fanbase for the new top face grows because they want to see their trader hero go down.

It brings more interest and freshens up what many consider a stale product.

Good enough for you? Probably not because your opinons are the only one that is right, RIGHT?
If Cena went heel, I would turn "Super Cena" into a bad guy so to speak.

I'd put the title on him and give a heel Cena a title reign that would rival HHH's reign of terror in 2002-05. Build him up as the greatest superstar of all time and he is larger than life.

I'd even go as far as to put Cena over the Rock at Wrestlemania 28, because the rub it would give to a face superstar when he takes down mega heel Cena would be incredible.
I should have added this to my earlier post but this has happened in wrestling for years. Randy Macho Man Savage was a fan favorite until the Mega Powers exploded and the fans went fully on to Hogans side after this.(yes hogan was crazy popular without it)

Another example was after Austin joined Vince at WM17 it made the crowds chant harder for the Rock.

Later the Rock turned heel when he "turned his back on the fans" storyline because the fans were calling him a sell-out. Who did they latch onto? Austin.

Before the two man power trip and before HHH got hurt, the fans were slowly starting to cheer for HHH against Austin. Actually there was a steel catch match where Austin was crushing the Rock and HHH was a heel at the time and when his music hit, the fans WENT CRAZY for HHH because they thought he was going to go after Austin. As most of us know he ended up attacking The Rock and thats how the two man power trip began. I believe that may have been the night after WM17.

Anyways, my point is, they can easily turn Cena heel and make up for whatever small sales they may lose. Keep in mind, a heel turn doesn't automatically mean all of his current fans will turn on him.
If Cena went heel, I would turn "Super Cena" into a bad guy so to speak.

I'd put the title on him and give a heel Cena a title reign that would rival HHH's reign of terror in 2002-05. Build him up as the greatest superstar of all time and he is larger than life.

I'd even go as far as to put Cena over the Rock at Wrestlemania 28, because the rub it would give to a face superstar when he takes down mega heel Cena would be incredible.

This is basically what I just typed, so I agree with you and I almost can guarantee you Cena will go over Rock and thats when he should turn heel alla Austin Wm17 against the Rock. The next night on Raw you have Cena in the ring explaining why he did this and how the crowd never respected him. The fans would be seething and then "I hear voices" hits and the crowd goes bananas for Orton.
Well I typed it first :)

It is really the only way to successfully turn him into a full fledged bad guy. While I agree Orton should logically feud with Cena after Rock, he shouldn't go over. I would give an unknown star a chance to become huge by pinning a heel SuperCena clean at Wrestlemania 29 or 30.
I just ain't wanna write much & wrote 4 PPVs from Mania 2012 to MITB 2012 all for Cena to Main Event as heel.

And its GONE cuz I wasn't signed in properly, smmfh
My hope is that the WWE doesn't *just* latch onto The Rock to be the face against Cena.

Rock needs to be the face that puts Cena over as a heel but that's where his role begins and ends. As he will not be around long enough he can't be the one that the WWE pins their hopes and dreams on.

It also in my opinion cannot be Randy Orton. He gets over enough well enough on his own and as good as he is there is something that is missing with him. He's a great second tier main eventer but he's not and never will be the type of guy that will carry the WWE on his shoulders. He also doesn't need that type of rub.

So who are the guys that can potentially carry the WWE on their shoulders?

In my estimation the WWE has potentially six or seven guys on the roster that have the potential to carry the company and are young enough to make it worthwhile for the company. However, the problem that I see is that some of them are too good as heels to be the "face" of the company. I'll list them anyway.

1. CM Punk - The crowd loves him as a face but the crowd also loves to hate him. Quite simply, CM Punk is by far the greatest heel in the WWE right now and may become one of the all-time greats. Easily one of my own personal favorites which means I laugh and cheer his heelish behaviors but I can see how people legitimately HATE him, he's that good. He can and will carry the company at some point.

2. The Miz - I have a belief that he's going to be amazing heel or face and that he will change multiple times throughout his career. He's also the type that like Jericho can and will constantly reinvent himself to keep himself fresh. I like the fact that he's now intricately woven into this Cena-Rock issue and it holds him in good stead for it to be him who eventually gets the rub.

3. Wade Barrett - He, like CM Punk, is an amazing heel. Unlike Punk, may be best suited at remaining heel. He has the dynamic of a main event heel down perfectly. I'm not sure whether he has the right attributes to be a face. At the same time I'm sure that he'll prove me wrong and be a great face when given the opportunity.

4. Alberto Del Rio - He has it all. He and Barrett are by far the two greatest new additions from the past year. He's another who will be great in whatever role the WWE has for him. He's so fluid and dynamic in the ring that he has the ability to easily become a crowd favorite. He also screams permanent main eventer to me.

5 and 6. Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison - these two are in the same position aside from their current heel-face alignment. Both are beyond exceptional in the ring with both having skillsets that excite the fans. They also seemingly have the same issues holding them back - personality, charisma and mic skills. If they can work on those three things then the sky is the absolute limit for all of them.

7. Sin Cara - I know it is too early to make this type of call. However, the way that he has been promoted and the fact that Triple H made him his first talent acquisition signifies that the WWE has huge things in store for him. The biggest issue for him will be his speech. If he can speak then he is one of the biggest pieces of the future in this company. If not then he'll hover in the mid to upper mid card and while that may not be a bad thing in itself his natural ability lends itself to much more.

It's one of these seven (and maybe Daniel Bryan) that need to be given the opportunity to become one of the top flight main event superstars in the WWE.
PPV 1. WM: John Cena vs. Taker shows Taker win, but Cena as a sore loser

PPV 2/3. I turned Cena on The Miz, forced a double turn for the rematch and Super Heel Cena retains.
Raw1: Screwed Orton out of #1 Contender to build feud by having hooded man interfere

PPV 4: Fatal Four Way Cena vs. R-Truth (non-title)
Undercard: Orton vs. 1/3 possible attackers (CM Punk, John Morrison, Ted Dibiase)

PPV 5: MITB: Super Heel Cena vs. Randy Orton WWE Title sees Orton screwed again by Mark Henry's turn to Cena's new stable!
PPV 5: MITB - Super Heel Cena vs. John Morrison (winner of MITB) as Morrison pulls it off only to lose or forefit title and uncash briefcase. "They call it a briefcase for a reason"

If you saw Luger/Tatanka or Hogan's defection into nWo or even (pick one) The Rock, Austin or HHH into The (McMahon) Corporation you'd know he needs to hold that title for 8 months to a year by holding off Orton's fair shot, having Orton feud with his underlings, letting him shuffle through the uppermid card and give them all some form of legitimacy whether it be title shots or grudge/gimmick matches and SCREW everyone except his group.

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