I Think I Can Now See Cena As A Heel

I would like 2 see john turn it would b a change that that a lot of ppl wanna see now.I think rock will cost him da belt @ mania and set up a match @ maybe backlash(is dat wat it is now its been changed so many times I lost track lol)to keep da fued fresh cuz I don't think it'll last til ss ppl mite get bored by then.I think rock will win cuz do u really think he'd let vkm talk him into coming back just to lose?
Cena is flirting with immortality here.. I have to agree, I never really loved John Cena, but he has proven he has the TALENT to be on that level, and a lot of people didn't think he did.. A lot of people assumed he worked hard to get where he was, but he never would have gotten there if the more talented *Cough* Lesnar * Cough* wrestler didn't leave the WWE high and dry he would have been nothing more than an upper-mid carder.

Last night he proved it didn't matter if Lesnar never quit, it dosen't matter that The Rock left to act- John Cena always had the ability AND talent to become the franchise star in a major wrestling promotion. Nobody doubted how hard he worked to get where he is, but a lot of people (Myself included) doubted weather or not he was talented enough to pull it off, or weather he was just the main guy because of circumstance, and lack of other stars.

When Orton stated Cena could outshine The Rock I thought he was off his rocker, but last night John Cena proved just how far he can get when given the best of the best to work with.

I won't go into who is better Cena or the Rock, because I still feel Rocky is in a disscusion with a select few to be the "greatest of all time".. Last night Cena set the foundation to be included in that disscussion when he decides his career is over.

I think it does matter that Lesnar quit. I think it does matter that The Rock is gone. Austin is gone. HHH is on the way out. Angle is gone. HBK is gone. Cena didnt have what it took to outshine any of those guys. When they were all there, Cena was buried. For good reason. The rap gimmick got him over and it was due to circumstance and ppl leaving that he got more popular and more popular. Now with that said, with all the newfound respect that Cena is getting because of this angle with The Rock, I think whats getting lost is the fact that The Rock is ALLOWING this to happen. He's ALLOWING Cena to get over on his name, if in fact that's what the WWE is doing (which I agree, it looks like their doing). Cena and the WWE needed someone the calibur of the Rock to come back and work a program with their biggest star because yes....the WWE is severely lacking talent right now. I dont know if thats a knock on Cena or moreso a knock on the rest of the roster. Look, Cena has never been that great of a wrestler. All those guys mentioned above are exceedingly better than him in the ring and on the mic. Well, some haha. Anyway, Cena NEEDS The Rock...The Rock does not need Cena. Thats why The Rock should be getting more respect than anyone in this scenario. Also, it makes the criticism that he's been taking from Cena seem ridiculous considering The Rock is helping Cena get over...all over again.
I just don't see Cena turning heel at Mania, or anytime soon. Its Wrestlemania season, Vince is simply giving the WWE Universe a chance to see one of the all time favorites, The Rock and John Cena in the ring together to give us all a little excitement. I just don't see Cena turning heel, and not just because of merchandise blah blah. There is simply a lack of faces right now and Cena heel on RAW leaves Orton to face Nexus and the rest of the heels on RAW.

Though, if Cena was to turn heel at Mania, wouldnt the logical choice be for him to give Bieber an AA? :)
My first ever post!
As long as there is a payoff in this feud (a match between Cena and Rock which must be at next year's Mania) then I'll be satisfied. I agree Cena should turn into a pseudo-heel. Retaining the kids fan base, he should sell it as a Cenation v everyone else scenario.
My ideal way to play this out would be the following:
Miz is methodical in the match and does serious damage to give him credibility. Out of nowhere, Cena manages to hit the Attitude Adjustment (countering the Skull Crsuhing Finale perhaps) and looks set to win the match but the referee is out of the ring. Rock runs down to the ring, trades punches with Cena and hits the Rock Bottom, dragging Miz on top of Cena to cover and rolling the referee into the ring. The ref starts counting and at 2 Vince comes to the ring and drags the ref out, causing confusion for the fans in attendance. (Vince might need an enforcer to take out Rock in this process). Cena locks in the STFU and makes Miz tap.
Vince and Cena have a stare down in the ring but eventually shake hands (much like Austin once upon a time). Next night on Raw, Vince explains that he was never going to let the flagship name of his company be screwed over by a Hollywood host.
Rock does some piece about enjoying Mania and finishes with telling Cena he'll "see him next year..."
Fastforward a long time and do classic tricks like Rock's music hitting and distracting Cena at the Rumble.

I realise this really isn't helpful for The Miz, but when it comes to two stars of this magnitude you have to get it right between them. Obviously, I'd like to see Miz continue in the maine event scene.
to all those people that say that a Cena heel turn cant be done then how do u explain Hulk Hogan,Bret Hart and Stone Cold's heel turns?

Cena's heel turn CAN be done and is inevitable ;-) however, to answer your question. Hogan's heel turn came towards the back end of his career and with a different company. It was done perfectly though. With a serious shock and awe factor. Something that Cena will have to do. Austin's heel turn did not work at all. Ppl never stopped cheering him. You cant turn a tweener all the way heel. Its already built in to them. Short of saying he hated the fans, Austin couldnt do anything to get over has a heel. Even fighting a face Rock and teaming with a heel HHH. Nothing. So it wasnt a very valid heel turn. Bret Hart's is the only one of the three mentioned that worked. That was because he started using anti-American rhetoric and was saying how the fans abandoned him....and that ALWAYS works haha. Cena would need to say something to the effect of the fans abandonded him by booing him and cheering The Rock who's been gone, so screw all of you. Jericho did the same thing, remember? The fans were cheering the man who was a "liar and a cheater" (HBK) and booing the man who was trying to call him out on it. BAM!! Instant Y2J heel turn.
I just don't see Cena turning heel at Mania, or anytime soon. Its Wrestlemania season, Vince is simply giving the WWE Universe a chance to see one of the all time favorites, The Rock and John Cena in the ring together to give us all a little excitement. I just don't see Cena turning heel, and not just because of merchandise blah blah. There is simply a lack of faces right now and Cena heel on RAW leaves Orton to face Nexus and the rest of the heels on RAW.

Though, if Cena was to turn heel at Mania, wouldnt the logical choice be for him to give Bieber an AA? :)[/I]

No this would only make him a bigger face(atleast in my book) Cena can't really turn heel right now due to the fact that the face/heel balsnce is really fucked up right now, and until its balanced, i won't expect cena giving the WWE universe a big FU, then again it won't be the first time I've been wrong....

Any way I do agree with what you're saying....mostly....
It WILL HAPPEN, just not anytime in the foreseeable future. Everyone is talking about how this whole feud with The Rock is going to make Cena a bigger star. So answer me this, if John Cena becomes a household name, why would they make him a heel?

He's a rehashed version of the Hulk Hogan of the 80s. Hulkamania-->Cenation,
Training, Prayers, Vitamins-->Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, Hogan Hulks up and wins-->SuperCena beats everyone.

Its the same dynamic. Until they find his equal, starpower wise, he won't become a heel. (I know, the Rock is a bigger star, but the Rock is short term.)
The thing is, Cena's fanbase loves it when he does thing like AA's The Rock. It's weird. And stuff he's done before.

Really, the only way people would buy a Cena heel turn is if he does something WAAAAY out of left field, like joins back up with Wade Barrett big deal, and I mean willingly. It would be so shocking and out of character that people wouldn't believe it and tune in to see if it's real.
I am completely looking forward to Cena taking the championship off of Miz at Wrestlemania without the help of The Rock to do so. In fact, I anticipate Rock trying to get a measure of revenge on Cena but failing.

On RAW, the night after Wrestlemania, I am even more looking forward to Cena's "I told you so" promo. As much as Miz kept telling everyone and anyone who would listen that he was going to retain his title at Wrestlemania, Cena told him that he was wrong and that the champ is here. Which takes him onto the most important point of all. He told the WWE Universe that Rock was leaving after Wrestlemania, that he wasn't home for good - he will never be home for good. He told the WWE Universe that he is there for them every week in this very ring and that The Rock isn't and it'll probably be another seven years until he is. While Cena preaches hustle, loyalty and respect, The Rock has his lame, past their used by date catchphrases, but most importantly of all The Rock is a fraud. He was right in everything that he told The Rock and Rock has proven him correct. He goes on and on for several minutes to sum up the feud, making himself look better and better, but gaining more and more heat. Cena even mentions that the fans really aren't booing him but it's the millions and the MILLIONS of the Rock's fans turning on the Rock as they are finally opening their eyes, etc, etc. Show ends with Rock hitting the ring and giving the Rock Bottom to Cena.
We really don't know where they will go with Cena after last night. I completely marked the F out after that AA. I totally didn't see it coming, and I thought it was awesome, along with Cena's speech. I've been critical about a lot of the things Cena has done over the last two or three years, but last night he proved he can hold his own against the Rock.

Personally, I want the Cena vs. Rock rivalry to be face vs. face. If Cena turns heel for this rivalry, the whole thing won't work because it will be the Rock vs a Cena created in reaction to the Rock. The crowds will mostly be against him simply because of who he's facing, but if it's done right, Cena can emerge on top but Rocky will look good because he pushed him to the absolute limits.
as much as i would love to see cena as a heel, i don't see it happening soon. vince is not going to lose the young kids demo, after cena he has no one to target that. orton is used more for the adults, edge is also for the adults but he is about to retire, morrison is more for the girls. they already have 3 strong heels in the company del rio, punk, and miz kind of. they really don't have a strong face right now and cena is kind of it. hhh is at the end of his career, so is taker, edge and rey will probably retire soon. who is left.
First and foremost, the comments Cena made about The Rock writing off the wrestling fans in becoming a movie star were things I agreed with. I mean, he even stopped calling himself The Rock in hopes that he'd lose the stigma of being a pro-wrestler who is doing a movie in order to get more roles. It was a futile effort on his part and I think was insulting to us, the people who made him.

But now to this whole thing about Cena as a heel. Why should they turn Cena in to a rule breaking heel? I mean he's a champion to kids under 12 and teenage girls, they should keep those fuckers on his bandwagon. Perhaps tweak with the product to make Cena, somebody who just doesn't fit in with the WWE Universe anymore. Then they could do both a more edgy product, yet still have the wholesome character the kids could latch on to.

He does need a new name for the AA though. I think the name would be better suited for a move like a Boston Crab or a Camel Clutch.
Ok so with WM this Sunday and looking back at the whole Rock/Cena/Miz fued I think I figured out what could happen. Let's remember when The Rock returned the Raw GM made a statement that he will deal with the Rock later. So let's say Vince is revealed to be the Raw GM and he brought The Rock back to get revenge at the Rock for leaving the WWE for Hollywood. Cena's major issue with The Rock is that he left the WWE to make movies (the same as Vince). During Mania we will find out that Vince and Cena are working together which will set-up the Cena/Rock match at SS and start Cena's heel turn.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm sold. If there was ever a right time to turn John Cena heel, then they have to do it now. We haven't really seen Cena receive that much of a negative reaction from the fans in quite a while, and he handled it beautifully. In fact, I thought Cena's promo was the best out of ALL the Rock/Cena verbal war promo's. Mainly because everything he said was true. In that final promo, let's face it Rock fans, Cena owned him. Anyone that says anything differently is just in denial.

But the Rock is the one guy who can get over Cena as a heel successfully. One of the biggest superstars comes back after 7 years, just to be the host of Wrestlemania? I mean c'mon, there HAS to be something else big come from this. The fans are waiting for that big payoff, which we will most likely see at Wrestlemania this Sunday. I'm not liking the possible alliance with Rock and Cena at Wrestlemania, mainly because I feel this feud has gone too far to just ignore it. For some reason I see the Miz winning, he's the underdog.

I mean Triple H and Randy Orton are big enough faces to carry Raw. Plus with the draft coming up soon, it's not like the rosters will be permanent for a while. As someone else pointed out above, Cena's facial expressions after giving the Rock an AA were simply perfect. He acted like a heel.. and he played it to perfection. He could easily become the biggest heel in the company within the blink of an eye. And hey, without good heels, you can't make good babyfaces.

I'm a huge Cena (and Rock fan for that matter) mark, but I think the crowd will legitimately buy Cena as a heel. His character is the only thing that makes it difficult I feel. But The Rock comes back after 7 years, and the fans chant his name over Cena's, the guy who's busted his ass for the past 8 years. If they plan on doing a Cena/Rock match in the future, they can't allow both to be faces, because Cena will always be viewed as the heel against the People's Champ. Almost every main eventer has had a heel turn at some point or another, and I think now is the right time to turn Cena heel, as not only will fans buy into him relatively easily (especially the older males), but this could also shape The Miz into a babyface, who could receive a Cena-like push to the top so he can be the next poster boy for the company. After all, John Cena isn't getting any younger. He's almost 34 now I think.
It's kind of like Cena is a neutral character right now. He is a face when it comes to dealing with The Miz, but then when The Rock is involved, everybody hates Cena. However, every child in America loves John Cena, he bring soooo much to the WWE, therefore, I don't see him turning heel now.
I thought Cena hitting the Rock with the AA (or the FU as I like to call it!) was awesome! Whether or not he was seen as the heel in that segment is irrelevant but I can definitely see him as a heel. You could see the raw emotion coming through in Cena's promo with the Rock and he was still booed out of the building. Ironically enough, this reminds me of the build up with Rock/Hogan for WrestleMania 18. The Rock was a solid face and Hogan used heel tactics the entire time yet when the big day came around Hogan was wildly cheered and the Rock was booed out of the building for even the slightest offense. Hogan was cheered because he had just returned to the WWE and the fans were so happy to see him since he'd been gone for years (sound familiar?) It's basically a popularity contest at this point. Cena wasn't wrong or offensive with anything he said in that promo and actually made some valid points yet he was booed out of the building for the same reason Hogan was solidly favored over the Rock. I don't know that this IS the beginning of a heel turn for Cena simply because how many times have we seen face/face conflict leading up to a WrestleMania? Austin/Rock, HBK/Taker, Cena/HBK, Batista/Taker: all face/face matches at WrestleMania, all took shots at each other throughout the build up for the PPV. The problem in this situation is that one face is always going to be more popular than the other so one face will ultimately play the heel in that angle. I'm sure the WWE expected the crowd to be pro-Rock and Cena would be heavily booed. Since you can't make the fans change their mind, you might as well play it up so Cena drops Rock with the AA. If Cena DOES go heel it would be the most justified heel turn since, again very ironic, the Rock's heel turn that saw the end of the "Rocky Maivia" character and the birth of "The Rock". The fans boo Cena for always smiling, being "corny", and "having 3 moves" (since everyone else has a Chris Benoit 700-move set these days!) or some other lame bullshit excuse just like they did Rocky Maivia way back when. From a character standpoint, Cena would be completely justified to tell the fans to fuck off. I think it would work very well since he's already being booed often. What better way to draw EPIC heel heat than to win the belt AND drop the Rock on the biggest stage in the game?

As far as the Jizz.......Miz was concerned, the crowd was eating the Cena/Rock interaction up until he came out and killed the momentum in the segment. His music hit and not a single fuck was given that night! If Cena does indeed go heel I can promise you any plan that ANYONE had for the Miz to the the company's number 1 heel will have gone directly down the shitter because Cena will have a death grip on that spot.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm sold. If there was ever a right time to turn John Cena heel, then they have to do it now. We haven't really seen Cena receive that much of a negative reaction from the fans in quite a while, and he handled it beautifully. In fact, I thought Cena's promo was the best out of ALL the Rock/Cena verbal war promo's. Mainly because everything he said was true. In that final promo, let's face it Rock fans, Cena owned him. Anyone that says anything differently is just in denial.

But the Rock is the one guy who can get over Cena as a heel successfully. One of the biggest superstars comes back after 7 years, just to be the host of Wrestlemania? I mean c'mon, there HAS to be something else big come from this. The fans are waiting for that big payoff, which we will most likely see at Wrestlemania this Sunday. I'm not liking the possible alliance with Rock and Cena at Wrestlemania, mainly because I feel this feud has gone too far to just ignore it. For some reason I see the Miz winning, he's the underdog.

I mean Triple H and Randy Orton are big enough faces to carry Raw. Plus with the draft coming up soon, it's not like the rosters will be permanent for a while. As someone else pointed out above, Cena's facial expressions after giving the Rock an AA were simply perfect. He acted like a heel.. and he played it to perfection. He could easily become the biggest heel in the company within the blink of an eye. And hey, without good heels, you can't make good babyfaces.

I'm a huge Cena (and Rock fan for that matter) mark, but I think the crowd will legitimately buy Cena as a heel. His character is the only thing that makes it difficult I feel. But The Rock comes back after 7 years, and the fans chant his name over Cena's, the guy who's busted his ass for the past 8 years. If they plan on doing a Cena/Rock match in the future, they can't allow both to be faces, because Cena will always be viewed as the heel against the People's Champ. Almost every main eventer has had a heel turn at some point or another, and I think now is the right time to turn Cena heel, as not only will fans buy into him relatively easily (especially the older males), but this could also shape The Miz into a babyface, who could receive a Cena-like push to the top so he can be the next poster boy for the company. After all, John Cena isn't getting any younger. He's almost 34 now I think.

I have a real problem with people saying that Cena has been "owning" the Rock in his promos. The Rock did a lot for wrestling, and did a lot for the fans. He wanted to move on to other ventures because he accomplished everything he ever wanted to in wrestling. He still came back every once in a while, and has always been grateful for his time in WWE, and for his fans.

The majority of The Rock's promo material against Cena have been about his character, whereas the majority (all?) of Cena's promo material has been about The Rock disrespecting the fans, or letting down the fans, or selling out. First of all, none of that is hard material to come up with. It's pretty clear that a lot of wrestling fans, despite loving The Rock, are pissed at him (unwarranted, I might add) for showing up infrequently, or not coming back for good. How many times can you make the, "Via satellite" joke and expect it to be funny? The guy has other obligations and the WWE isn't his main job - get over it. I would argue that The Rock has done more for the WWE, and has provided more entertainment to the WWE fans than Cena has, so for Cena to make the argument that he's still in the WWE entertaining the fans while The Rock isn't, and expect that to be some sort of an insult is just proposterous.

Basically, Cena's material hits home for a lot of WWE fans who are still upset with The Rock for fulfilling his own dreams instead of entertaining them forever and that's what some people feel that Cena is owning him. Personally, I think The Rock has been far more entertaining, and that Cena is coming off more like an ignorant idiot who can't seem to understand the situation. Who knows who has wrote what and for whom, and who knows how good/bad of friends Cena and Rock really are backstage - I'm simply talking about this within the WWE universe. I don't find that the Cena character has come off looking good to the intelligent fan, so unless they plan to turn him heel, the Cena character is failing.
I have a real problem with people saying that Cena has been "owning" the Rock in his promos. The Rock did a lot for wrestling, and did a lot for the fans. He wanted to move on to other ventures because he accomplished everything he ever wanted to in wrestling. He still came back every once in a while, and has always been grateful for his time in WWE, and for his fans.

The majority of The Rock's promo material against Cena have been about his character, whereas the majority (all?) of Cena's promo material has been about The Rock disrespecting the fans, or letting down the fans, or selling out. First of all, none of that is hard material to come up with. It's pretty clear that a lot of wrestling fans, despite loving The Rock, are pissed at him (unwarranted, I might add) for showing up infrequently, or not coming back for good. How many times can you make the, "Via satellite" joke and expect it to be funny? The guy has other obligations and the WWE isn't his main job - get over it. I would argue that The Rock has done more for the WWE, and has provided more entertainment to the WWE fans than Cena has, so for Cena to make the argument that he's still in the WWE entertaining the fans while The Rock isn't, and expect that to be some sort of an insult is just proposterous.

Basically, Cena's material hits home for a lot of WWE fans who are still upset with The Rock for fulfilling his own dreams instead of entertaining them forever and that's what some people feel that Cena is owning him. Personally, I think The Rock has been far more entertaining, and that Cena is coming off more like an ignorant idiot who can't seem to understand the situation. Who knows who has wrote what and for whom, and who knows how good/bad of friends Cena and Rock really are backstage - I'm simply talking about this within the WWE universe. I don't find that the Cena character has come off looking good to the intelligent fan, so unless they plan to turn him heel, the Cena character is failing.

Absolutely!!! Within the WWE universe Cena's (character) is failing once again to connect with those who have a brain. The Rock doesn't owe him an explanation or anything for the matter simply because Cena can't lace up Rocks boots. You can't cry foul and hide behind your young fans because Rock goes after your shitty gimmick. That's what makes it preposterous. Calling out The Rock with freedom to say what you want about him and his movie career, leaving, and then lay down ground rules on how he comes back at you. It's like I can talk about you all f'n day, but if you say something about me then your outta line. This is why his character needs to change heel or not. It's sad to see John become this clown he is now. Before I quit watching I love the Thug-a-nomics Cena. He was a beast on the mic. He'd come out and diss the shit out of his opponents and then perform the way a thug or heel would. When he started to get over we cheered for him when he'd distract the ref and hit his opponent with his chain. That was gold. Now he's some superman/hogan hybrid with a crappy motto that just doesn't appeal to the older crowd.
I have a real problem with people saying that Cena has been "owning" the Rock in his promos. The Rock did a lot for wrestling, and did a lot for the fans. He wanted to move on to other ventures because he accomplished everything he ever wanted to in wrestling. He still came back every once in a while, and has always been grateful for his time in WWE, and for his fans.

I fail to see how that has anything to do with Cena owning the Rock. I mean what was the Rock's best verbal shot? A fruity pebble? How can you justify that, when Cena's promo was based on the truth. And he didn't come back live on Raw for 7 years, that's a long freaking time.

The majority of The Rock's promo material against Cena have been about his character, whereas the majority (all?) of Cena's promo material has been about The Rock disrespecting the fans, or letting down the fans, or selling out.

I don't know about you, but calling someone a Fruity Pebble is much more lamer than telling someone they belong in a WWE ring, where they first became famous. The Rock's promo material really wasn't that great at all, if you can look past his delivery and his 1000 catchphrases.

First of all, none of that is hard material to come up with. It's pretty clear that a lot of wrestling fans, despite loving The Rock, are pissed at him (unwarranted, I might add) for showing up infrequently, or not coming back for good. How many times can you make the, "Via satellite" joke and expect it to be funny? The guy has other obligations and the WWE isn't his main job - get over it.

Oh, and 'homeless power ranger', and 'fruity pebble', and 'wannabe rapper' is SO hard to come up with, right? The Fruity Pebble joke got old 3 weeks ago, yet you people don't seem to be complaining about that. Explain that one. Other obligations? Don't give me that crap, I'm not asking him to appear on every single show the WWE airs.

I would argue that The Rock has done more for the WWE, and has provided more entertainment to the WWE fans than Cena has, so for Cena to make the argument that he's still in the WWE entertaining the fans while The Rock isn't, and expect that to be some sort of an insult is just proposterous.

Okay, now you're just being an idiot. John Cena, since 2002, has been entertaining the fans of the WWE. The Rock, was not on live WWE television for 7 years, so therefore he hasn't been entertaining WWE fans during that period, has he? And tell me how The Rock has done more for the WWE, I'm very curious to hear this.

Basically, Cena's material hits home for a lot of WWE fans who are still upset with The Rock for fulfilling his own dreams instead of entertaining them forever and that's what some people feel that Cena is owning him.

You're completely missing the point. Cena owned the Rock because he pointed out the Rock's verbal mockery of Cena was lame. The Rock never mentioned one good and hard-hitting pay-out about John Cena. Like Cena said, he dissed his colours, music, motto, and fans. And if you watch the promo (which I'm starting to believe you watched it with headphones on and a blindfold over your eyes), you'll see Cena actually explain this to you.

Personally, I think The Rock has been far more entertaining, and that Cena is coming off more like an ignorant idiot who can't seem to understand the situation.

I agree, the Rock is entertaining, but how does John Cena not understand the situation. In fact, I don't even think you understand the situation. And how the hell does he sound like an arrogant idiot? Correct me if I'm wrong, but on WWE television, the Rock took the first shot at Cena, so wouldn't that mean the Rock sounds a bit arrogant?

Who knows who has wrote what and for whom, and who knows how good/bad of friends Cena and Rock really are backstage - I'm simply talking about this within the WWE universe. I don't find that the Cena character has come off looking good to the intelligent fan, so unless they plan to turn him heel, the Cena character is failing.

If you actually read my previous post, which you obviously didn't, you'd notice that I did support a Cena heel turn. Which was the whole freaking point of my last post! And how is the Cena character failing? It seems to be the most over character with the fans since 2005, so it must be doing something right for 6 whole years. And if you were an intelligent fan, you would notice the John Cena character has been the most successful since The Rock.
We all know that the biggest match without a doubt Cena vs Rock is set in stone, now my question to you is would this be a good promo/diss for cena...... Suppose cena turns heel for the match with rock, saying the fans turned on him and stuff, cena comes out on raw one night and says "Rock I know your in the building so come on out I'm not waiting till mania" then the rocks music hits the fans start cheering, no one shows rocks music gets cut off and Cena says "I knew rock would have trouble finding his way to the ring I mean afterall he is always via satiellite, so I took the liberty of getting him escorts, the bellas music hits and out comes the bellas with a rock on a chair, the rock is put in the ring (not THE ROCK) just a normal rock, and cena has match with it, not the best promo ever but I thought it'd be like a Goldberg, gillberg type of thing, thoughts comments?
don't turn Cena heel. He's so much better as a face. Just do something similar only with his current personality. The best characters are guys' real personalities, and this is Cena. He's probably a goofy corny but hardworking guy in real life. Older fans letting nostalgia get the best of them probably love the Rock still even though everything Cena has said is true and the best Rock can do is one of his silly metaphors, homo jokes, and catchphrases.

Keep in mind I'm an "older fan" I have been watching wrestling over 20 years. I was a HUUUGE Rock fan in 2001. However, I appreciate hard work over making me happy as a teen any day.
People started liking Cena to begin with when he was a heel. Its when he became a face and changed everything that most people started having something against him. Im willing to bet that theres a nice chance Cena will turn Heel against the rock at Mania. It has the perfect feel to make it memorable. Truth is, we dont know whats going to happen over the next 12 months. For all we know the fans might hate him even more 6 months from now. Things change very quick in the WWE world.

I dont think people would enjoy Cena attempting to have a match with a literal Rock though lol.
NO, don't turn Cena heel. The Rock is an amazing heel in the waiting. The contrast of fans and how Cena works both sides has been one of the most amazing feats of pro wrestling since ever.

People DO like Cena. Probably 70% of each arena LOVES Cena. They are either kids, women, or people like me who appreciate his ability. The rest are tools who either think that cussing or cool moves makes you a good wrestler.

Fans don't hate Cena, the ones who do, love to hate him. Why turn him heel? That way there is no crowd chaos? That way it's boring old heel vs face instead of Rock fans (in Miami I expect a Toronto pro hogan mania X8 type reaction) vs cena fans.

People didn't like Cena when he was a heel, they liked him when he was edgy. In the current state of wrestling after being raped by the media for something that wasnt' their fault (Benoit) Cena MUST be incorruptable. He has to be like Superman. Wrestlemania will be insane. You'll have corny hard working Cena vs the pompous wanna be movie star. The crowd will be nuts. If you turn Cena heel, you ruin that.

You ruin that because the ONLY reason this works so well right now is because Rock is such a contrast from Cena. If you turn Cena and essentially make him an attitude character, then you ruin the whole purpose of a dream match. A dream match is one guy at his best, which for Cena is a corny babyface who works the entire audience into making as much noise as possible vs another guy at his best, The Rock, which is silly metaphors, homo jokes, fast talking, high energy, catchphrases, and thinking he's a huge star.

Why on EARTH would you wanna change that? Because you live on some planet where you think Cena dislikes the boos? Some place where everyone caring about the outcome is a bad thing? Where you think people boo cena because they actually think he sucks and not because, like every other mark throughout history, they're MADE to boo him?
don't turn Cena heel. He's so much better as a face. Just do something similar only with his current personality. The best characters are guys' real personalities, and this is Cena. He's probably a goofy corny but hardworking guy in real life. Older fans letting nostalgia get the best of them probably love the Rock still even though everything Cena has said is true and the best Rock can do is one of his silly metaphors, homo jokes, and catchphrases.

Keep in mind I'm an "older fan" I have been watching wrestling over 20 years. I was a HUUUGE Rock fan in 2001. However, I appreciate hard work over making me happy as a teen any day.

Well i've been watching wrestling for 26 years since i was 4. I was a huge Hogan, Austin fans. I never was a Rock fan but i'll tell ya this he's way more entertaining then boring Cena. The reason i say boring? Well whenever Cena speaks, i yawn. He's freaking terrible when he talks on the mic. He's better as a babyface? Yea he's a better at being the babyface while he's been boo many times in which it started 6 years ago after he won his first wwe title. Cena is loyal and works hard but that don't change of how boring he is whenever he talks. And if you miss the wrestlemania press conference, go to youtube and look for it. And when you find it, click it cause Cena was boo like crazy by the true wrestling fans. Now if you don't hear loud boos? It's mainely cause wwe edit it. Go to wrestlezone homepage and read what it said about the press conference. <<<It was soo bad and so loud that Triple H even said "Please let the man speak."
Cena was booed because he was against The Rock. Go to a live show, he's insanely over as a babyface.

Cena is boring to you when he talks, but you don't matter. One thing pretty much every "smart" (no such thing) mark needs to realize is that YOU don't matter. The majority watching matters. It's why even though I think Triple H's promos suck and are insanely boring with his monotonous rambling, he gets everyone in the arena and thus likely people at home listening and reacting. I appreciate that and understand that by definition of what a pro wrestler's job is: to get people paying attention and entertain them; that Triple H is good at promos.

Personally I'd rather watch Daniel Bryan vs Mistico all night, but my opinion doesn't matter. the consensus wants to see Cena speak. They want to either boo or cheer Cena. Cena is a good pro wrestler.

You've been watching wrestling a long time but you still don't seem to "get it". Wrestling is about understanding your audience. If Vince McMahon did what entertained him we'd see 55 Chris Masters on the roster, and sometimes Vince lets that get the best of him. However, crowd reaction and merch sales are ultimately how guys are graded. Cena, as a babyface, is his best.

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