I NEED A BF3 Passcode cuz I'm poor

Here's a hint: If you need to explain your joke, than chances are, it was not all that funny.

Hopefully it is your last attempt as well, because you are not quite cut out for it.

You know Sarcasm is absolutely impossible to translate in text write? Unless you add some sort of smiley face. I'm a pretty sarcastic individual, but I take what I see in text verbatim.

You pay for your civil rights every day. Weather you realize that or not. The United States doesn't need to treat you like a person. Look at China and how successful they are as a country when you take away those civil rights.

Civil rights aren't free, look at any third world country or any country under a dictator.

I'm honestly not trying to bash you. I'm showing you how stupid it is to go onto a forum and beg for a passcode to a game that offers the code free to people who buy the game new. And your own response is "EA/DICE are greedy." Then you go on with this mindless dribble and poor attempt at humor.

Hmm. Lets dissect what you typed.

Hopefully it is your last attempt as well, because you are not quite cut out for it.

Did I once state that my attempted joke was funny?

You pay for your civil rights every day. Weather you realize that or not. The United States doesn't need to treat you like a person. Look at China and how successful they are as a country when you take away those civil rights.

Before I start it is "Whether" not "Weather. Did you graduate sir that is a obvious mistake. One deals with climate and nature the other doesn't.

Now on to what you said. We have these things in America called unalienable rights. These rights are natural rights such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as stated in the Declaration of Independence. You Say "The United States doesn't need to treat you like a person" Technically they do. We have this thing in America also called the Bill of Rights or the first 10 amendments of the Constitution. These rights are wait....GUARANTEEDto every citizen of the United States. These rights protect us from being treated cruel by the United State Government and State Governments. So to respond to that statement yes the United State has to treat us like a person. The little court called the Supreme Court makes sure we aren't being treated unconstitutionally. They interpret the Constitution ya know?

Next statement please

Civil rights aren't free, look at any third world country or any country under a dictator. [/B]

They are free in the US of A. All you gotta do is be an American.

I'm honestly not trying to bash you. I'm showing you how stupid it is to go onto a forum and beg for a passcode to a game that offers the code free to people who buy the game new. And your own response is "EA/DICE are greedy." Then you go on with this mindless dribble and poor attempt at humor

You couldn't bash me if you tried. You tried to school me on Civil Rights and obviously that didn't work. In my opinion (which I can give under the 1st amendment) is that EA/Dice are greedy.

And I didn't beg. I just asked please for a code that was it. I didn't bash EA/Dice until after Harthan responded with his statement. So I was provoked first. I just originally said I thought it was stupid to buy a pass

Did you ask in a Battlefield 3 forum yet? It's probably your best bet.

Funny thing is I already bought a pass. I just wanted to see if I could get one for free first. They just wanna keep going. Thank You for giving me a rationale answer though :). I appreciate your help
Did I once state that my attempted joke was funny?

If you make a joke, the goal is to be funny. Are you really going to say you made a bad joke on purpose? Then just admit you have a awful sense of humor then?

Now on to what you said. We have these things in America called unalienable rights. These rights are natural rights such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as stated in the Declaration of Independence. You Say "The United States doesn't need to treat you like a person" Technically they do. We have this thing in America also called the Bill of Rights or the first 10 amendments of the Constitution. These rights are wait....GUARANTEEDto every citizen of the United States. These rights protect us from being treated cruel by the United State Government and State Governments. So to respond to that statement yes the United State has to treat us like a person. The little court called the Supreme Court makes sure we aren't being treated unconstitutionally. They interpret the Constitution ya know?

You obviously missed the point, yet again. America doesn't need to give you the luxury of human rights or civil rights. America can easily on the turn of hat became a Socialist country and piss away all those rights you think you don't need to pay for. What part of this are you not understanding?

Look at China? China's economy is booming and they are moving away from the "communist" government that they are portrayed as. Sure labor is cheap but they aren't as bad off as we think. A better example would be maybe Libya during the Gaddafi Reign.

The Chinese people are not allowed to have more than one child, Chinese children don't have the luxury of schooling if they are needed for work at 10 cents an hour. The people are constantly at the abuse of their government.

Luxuries like civil rights are not free. That is a fact, just because one Country grants them doesn't mean it is how other countries feel the same way.

They are free in the US of A. All you gotta do is be an American.

That is an awfully ignorant way of thinking. Ever thought of the idea some people can't move to America? Or wish to have those kind of rights in their country?

You couldn't bash me if you tried. You tried to school me on Civil Rights and obviously that didn't work. In my opinion (which I can give under the 1st amendment) is that EA/Dice are greedy.

You are completely going off course because you don't have a sound argument for EA/DICE being greedy. It might be your right to state your opinion on EA/DICE. But it doesn't change the fact you could not be any more wrong.

And I didn't beg. I just asked please for a code that was it. I didn't bash EA/Dice until after Harthan responded with his statement. So I was provoked first. I just originally said I thought it was stupid to buy a pass

And I think it is stupid you think buying a pass is stupid. You expect a company (which main goal is to make money) to offer a service to someone who didn't give a dime to them.

And you also said it was stupid to buy a service that EA/DICE doesn't need to provide to you. That is bashing to me.


Learn how to save your money so you can buy games new so you don't end up in situations like this. :shrug:
You Already Lost Bro. Stop Posting :) Not worth a response because you sound like a broken record now. You are making no point at all and you are just going off on tangents you know nothing about my Pancake.

I could argue it but it would never change your opinion so why would I even try?
How can you say I lost when you failed to make a single point that actually refuted anything I posted? You're not making sense. And if you don't make sense, you don't win a debate.

Here, answer me these questions. And don't worry, I made them nice and simple so it doesn't hurt your third grade mind.

Why should EA/DICE give Multiplayer to anyone that is not a customer?

How does charging someone money for a service make a company greedy or evil?
You know, my intention in this thread was to laugh at the unfortunate cheapo. However, even I read his response to me as being light-hearted and sarcastic. Oh, Pancaker...can't say I'm surprised to see you take a favorable situation and turn things to make yourself look like a pud. It seems to be a knack of yours.
How can you say I lost when you failed to make a single point that actually refuted anything I posted? You're not making sense. And if you don't make sense, you don't win a debate.

Here, answer me these questions. And don't worry, I made them nice and simple so it doesn't hurt your third grade mind.

Why should EA/DICE give Multiplayer to anyone that is not a customer?

How does charging someone money for a service make a company greedy or evil?

Third Grade Mind? Damn well I must be a social studies prodigy because I demolished your life. Anyways.

1.) According to the Merrian-Webster Dictionary a Customer is
: one that purchases a commodity or service
: an individual usually having some specified distinctive trait <a real tough customer>

One that PURCHASES a commodity or service. If someone purchases the game used they are technically a customer. You didn't specify customer of EA/Dice you said Customer. Technically those people are customers.

2.) I believe it is greedy because when servers were more expensive Battlefield did not implement this rule. Also frequently if you play Battlefield someone else who's playing is hosting the server. So Half the time EA isn't even hosting the server. If they hosted the servers and everything ran smooth then I wouldn't have as much a problem. Mostly it is my opinion. I have mine you have yours.

My Questions to you :

What was my original question?
Did you ever give me a response in anyway that would help me receive a answer to my question?
Did I call them greedy before or after my initial post?
This is still going?

Serious question, you say you traded your friend for the game, is there a reason he couldn't just give you the code he got with the game? I mean he obviously isn't going to need it anymore.
This is still going?

Serious question, you say you traded your friend for the game, is there a reason he couldn't just give you the code he got with the game? I mean he obviously isn't going to need it anymore.

Yes he obviously didn't read that I bought a pass. And you can't trade passes. Once it is used it is useless.

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