I met HBK today!

Well in that case I completely agree with you:

Big Show = Wrestling present, Wrestling future...

HBK = someone who was around in wrestlings past, and is around in Wrestlings present... Big Show will kill HBK within the year
That's what I was thinking too. I think if she didn't take the chance with that she couldn't live with herself.
To deny that HBK has any history in wrestling is ridiculous!

1st grandslam winner
Founding member of the most popular stable in WWE history
Was in the first ladder match
Was in the first HIAC match
Retired Ric Flair
2 Time Royal Rumble winner
Always gives 5 star wrestlemania matches
Was the whole reason the Montreal Screwjob happened!
Has been incredibly loyal to the WWE
To deny that HBK has any history in wrestling is ridiculous!

1st grandslam winner
Founding member of the most popular stable in WWE history
Was in the first ladder match
Was in the first HIAC match
Retired Ric Flair
2 Time Royal Rumble winner
Always gives 5 star wrestlemania matches
Was the whole reason the Montreal Screwjob happened!
Has been incredibly loyal to the WWE

Don't get me wrong I'm not at all saying Shawn doesn't have a huge list of accomplishments because there's no doubt that he does. What I'm saying is that he has never had anything that he will forever be rememebred for. Granted retiring Flair may change that. With the screwjob, wasn't it more Hart and Vince not being able to agree and Shawn was the guy that went through with it? He was definitely a player in it but I'd say the main two were Vince and Bret.
You know what's annoying? When naming things HBK has done, or will be remembered for suddenly people are saying The Screwjob doesn't count because 'it wasn't him'. However when the hatred for people comes out regarding the Screwjob Shawn is the first on the list as being in the wrong.
*annoyed Becca*
Although Shawn may not have been the primary player in the Montreal Screwjob, of course the two primary players were Vince and Brett, but he will still always be remembered for being in that match. He will always be remembered for DX, he will be remembered for being the guy to retire Ric Flair, his list of accomplishments go on and on. Shawn Michaels wont remembered for one thing, he will be remember for many things because he is one of the greatest performers of all time.
Oh Shawn will be remembered. I mean he won't have one specific thing, but rather his career as a whole. There is a list of things he'll be remembered for. I didn't bother debating your list because there's nothing to argue. He's one of the best of all time but his career is a lot like the Undertakers or the original ECW. They won't be rememebed for one match or one feud or one moment, but the summation of their time in the business.
Did you just compare Shawn Michaels to the original ECW?

Oh god. Other than that agreed with everything.
Shawn is more important than the company. I watched the rise and fall of ecw the other night and they used that line. Just giving credit where it's due.
It really doesn't deserve much credit, because it really had no change on pro wrestling, and the only change was for the worst.
I never really got to watch that much of it. The one important thing it did do was allow Steve Austin to find what would work for him. Aside from that, I actually can't think of anything major that they gave to wrestling. RVD was great in wwe, but other than that, nothing huge.
I still think Shawn was a main catalyst in the Screwjob. the reason it happened was because Bret didn't wanna put Shawn over. After it happened Shawn pretended he wasn't involved and then admitted to being involved later on. He is a HUGE part of it and when he hangs up his boots, he'll be a hall of famer for sure!
To deny that HBK has any history in wrestling is ridiculous!

1st grandslam winner
Founding member of the most popular stable in WWE history
Was in the first ladder match
Was in the first HIAC match
Retired Ric Flair
2 Time Royal Rumble winner
Always gives 5 star wrestlemania matches
Was the whole reason the Montreal Screwjob happened!
Has been incredibly loyal to the WWE

Add to that the first of 2 who won the Rumble from Entry 1.
Won the HIAC
Was in and Won the first EC.

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