I met a girl who knows Sheamus

THE Madcap

Been in Ibiza for a week...

Whenever I spoke to anyone from Dublin I always asked "Do you know Sheamus O'Shaunnesy" (only to girls, talking to guys about guys is gayyyyy)

anyway... it was to no suprise noone did.

After a night out, I headed towards the hotel bar and got talking to some girls who were staying at our hotel, who sounded Irish

Me - where in Ireland are you from?
her - Dublin
Me - Do you know Sheamus O'Shaunnesy?
her - who?
(my head drops)
her sister - he means O'Shochnessy (apparently how it's pronounced)
her - the wrestler? oh yeah i know him, why?
me - like know him know him?
her - yeah i know him from this club I worked in, he kinda disappeared a few years ago though, said he had to meet someone in LA or something, had a big party but i never worked out why
me - umm...you know he's in the WWE right?
her - ah that makes sense!
me - yeah...current WWE champion...

anyways, she said if i add her on fbook, i'll be able to see his official profile. So really, that was a markout moment for me and my holiday

Rep for the 1st person to reply "TOO MANY LIES"

but this is a true story...
From what I've seen on tv about Ibiza, I really don't think they could give two craps about wrestling...lol. Seems like they're too into their partying and foam parties and dancing...I would think wrestling is the last thing on their mind unless its something they did AFTER the party and was something in the privacy of their hotel room.
If she knew Sheamus how come she couldn't suggest to him he hit some sunless tanners once in a while, tell him when the sun hits him people damn near go blind. Friends don't let friends walk out the house that pale.... :wtf:

I'll have you know the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish are all proud of their pale, pale skin. I made that up, but I never got the whole "tanning" thing. End up looking like WM 24 Triple H.
I'll have you know the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish are all proud of their pale, pale skin. I made that up, but I never got the whole "tanning" thing. End up looking like WM 24 Triple H.

I wasn't dogging on pale people..hell...I'm a ginger myself. I like my pale skin. Compared to sheamus, I'm a malibu barbie. lol I was just joking about sheamus...:confused:
If she knew Sheamus how come she couldn't suggest to him he hit some sunless tanners once in a while, tell him when the sun hits him people damn near go blind. Friends don't let friends walk out the house that pale.... :wtf:

that came up in the conversation, tanning just isn't an Irish thing apparently.

I bet you get alot of chicks with that chat-up line.

Yup. Superior game right here. I should write a self-help book.

I would think wrestling is the last thing on their mind unless its something they did AFTER the party and was something in the privacy of their hotel room.

Exactly. Sex is a form of wrestling



...Made by me =)

Excellent :lmao:
1.)LitasRevenge79...funniest person on WZ...hands down.
2.)Stinger...greatest picture I've ever seen!
3.)Is Sheamus growing on anybody else? You know, I used to hate that guy. He came out of nowhere, beat the hell of Jamie No...body gives a shit...and won the WWE title....God I hated him. I refuse to call him a walking jar of mayonnaise because Cena said it...even though it's f'ing hilarious... Damn that guy is pale, even if it is how the other side of the pond does things. But yeah...he's a beast. And he's growing on me. Quickly.
I like Sheamus...he makes me look like someone from that old show Sunset Tan. I feel like I'm as Tan-o-Rexic as George Hamilton if I were to stand next to him. My husband would probably think he was married to a sunkist orange if I was standing next to the Celtic Warrior.

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