I Love Psy


Dark Match Jobber
I grew up on what... heavy metal, hip hop, classic rock... my first concert was at 8 years old. If I listed the concerts I had seen between 8 and 12 years old it would probably HUM-BEL people old country way so I won't... HUM-BEL BRAG...

The point is as a grown ass man, suddenly Psy is my SHIT. WTF... Korean pop? What the fuck? Sorry I can't be more I don't know, descriptive about my feelings on the subject. But it's a what the fuck. Out of the moshpits... into Gangnam Style.

The new song Gentleman slays me. He uses his accent to say "I'M A MOTHER FATHER GENTLEMAN" and put "I'M A MOTHERFUCKIN' GENTLEMAN" in your head. Bad ass. Sick hooks, well written pop.

Bring it on. Psy's my dude.

Thoughts? Who here is too cool to dig Psy? Where tha hipsters at? lol
Being an American Soldier and citizen I'm too cool to dig someone that once said that American's should die slow painful deaths.

He will never receive a penny of mine.
My grandfather was a Colonel who led the 82nd Airborne into Vietnam on 3 occasions out of Ft Bragg.

All that said, I have the brains to look past some silly propaganda and enjoy music for what it is.
I also have the brains to look past "propaganda", however, not when it involves the innocent murder of civilians and threatening our troops. Just mah 2C.
The ponytails swinging the in the Gentleman videoclip got to me. I can't get those girls out of my head, lol

Nah but for pop-ey stuff, if I HAD to pick out of any current popular music I'd listen to Psy. The beats are infectious and it's some pretty catchy stuff. It's a good time for good time's sake sort of thing.

As for the anti-american soldier thing, it was around the time that two little Korean girls were killed by an american military vehicle. (not picking sides or anything, just saying)

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