I just wanna update you guys.


Pre-Show Stalwart
For most of you, this isn't important...it's actually not important to any of you. If you haven't read the "There is this girl/Ellisman TwitterV2: There was this girl." Thread, then you probably won't understand.

I dare bringing this up again, and I'm sorry, I just want to get this off my ches. After the last messages we had, I realized it was foolish, and I completely dropped it....I thought. She stopped talking to me as often, maybe once a week, and it wasn't much. Usually just if my friends and I we're being annoying, she'd get all pissed off and yell at us, (considering our table is pretty close to hers, almost behind it..then to the side a little (we're in the very back.)).

My one friend and I where getting off the bus in the morning, considering my bus driver was late, her bus was there too. She was behind my friend and I, when he obnoxiously says "Dave, your girlfriends behind you." I told him to shut the fuck up, then I jokingly pushed him a bit. ttle (we're in the very back.)).

My one friend and I where getting off the bus in the morning, considering my bus driver was late, her bus was there too. She was behind my friend and I, when he obnoxiously says "Dave, your girlfriends behind you." I told him to shut the fuck up, then I jokingly pushed him a bit.

At lunch one time, the four of my friends threw gum wrappers at them, it was pretty funny, but they kinda got mad. We did get yelled too, but I suppose we deserved it.

My friends and I had a dodge ball tournament awhile back, I think...in February? Late Feb-Early March, somewhere round there.

My friends and I had a dodge ball tournament awhile back, I think...in February? Late Feb-Early March, somewhere round there. Well, Me being as stubborn as I am, decided not to bring my cell phone with me, I told my parents to come if it's not over at 9:00pm. It ends somewhere around 8:50. So I wait in the main lobby of the high school, theres actually the lobby, then theres a door with a little section..then theres another door. Hard to explain, but I was between the two doors. There was another kid there, but he stepped out to call his parents. Her, and a few other kids where actually in the lobby talking, She comes in..and as I recall, asks me how I am, and if somebody's picking me up. I told her what I told you, and how I said to come at nine. She Say's okay, and if I need anything to get her.

After that I became to develop that crush again..not as bad as before, but like before, it started to grow bigger, yet our contact still was very low, and didn't grow much. What did grow though, was that damn crush. I became more and more in love. I started hoping about two days ago, that she talked to me at least once a day.

Yesterday, at lunch..after I looked at her and her friend..hugging or something weird thing, her other friend pointed out I was looking, I didn't really care, I think she was just stating I noticed them do something weird. She kept looking back at me (at the time, I went to a different lunch line, and got my lunch faster then all my other friends, So I was the only at the table. I got kinda nervous, but luckily my friends came back and she stopped. The next day..today actually, at lunch..again, I went to another a few seats away from my friends, so I could simply comb my beautiful hair. My other friend obnoxiously says "I think Karlie likes you." Where she quickly made a shocked expression emphasizing "No" or something. Later that day she did talk to me...three words I believe. It was the last period of the day, computer class, I printed out my awesome AFC North Stat project, and stated how awesome it is, and she was at the printer too, and said "Shut up, Davey." (Yeah, for some reason most people call me "Davey". It's kinda annoying..but she can call me whatever she wantssssss.)

I for some idiotically reason, told my one close friend how I wanted her to say something to me, and I think I said it sorta happily, but in a joking way (my friend got my joking gesture.), but I didn't wait till we left the class, we where walking out of the class, and she was at the door, we where kinda in the middle of the room (It's a big room, with about 30 computers.), But I think she heard me, because when I said it, she turned around, and I think smiled. I didn't say it that loud though, but I think my voice travels a lot, so shit.

I'm sorry, this is kinda long, thanks for reading it all if you did, I just wanted to get it out. I'm not a stalker, and I'm not a pedo, I'm her age. Just getting that out, because some people get off with the wrong idea from my last thread.

For TL;DR: I'm a dumbass.
I got curious, but must admit when I saw the page count, I lost all interest in trying to make my way through the pages, considering some posts could be longer than your average spam post :icon_neutral:
I got curious, but must admit when I saw the page count, I lost all interest in trying to make my way through the pages, considering some posts could be longer than your average spam post :icon_neutral:

Haha, yeah I was reading some of it this morning, theres some good parts and some boring parts, the end gets boring, after I make two alts and get put here, and the middle page is boring. But you really would only have to read the first page, and maybe the last few pages.
Wait... you're ELLISMAN?!!?

No! I'm not Ellisman. The guys in the thread thought it'd be funny to change the title name from "There is this girl...." Too "Ellisman TwitterV2: There was this girl..."

You where in that thread, don't you remember. I think you quoted me in your sig too, or that mighta been Coco. You two are both awesome so it's hard to tell.
So was that the thread that got you in here? or just the thread that people kinda recognize you by? :rolleyes:

I could've sworn I replied to this before I feel asleep at 4:00pm. Anyways, this is the thread that people recognized me by. The reason I'm in here, I had an offensive signature of Obama, even though I love Obama, and I think he's a great prez, I'd suck him off anytime ^.^

Actually I had a few posts I made in here which aren't here now....? But the other reason I'm in here, I made two alts in that thread.

Before the giant thread, I simply just got spam infractions until I was advised to go to the spam section, where I talked a little bit about WWE topics, but people didn't take it as seriously. I then went to the Bar Room, or whatever their calling it nowadays, Town Square or something, but I went there, and made the thread.

In my short time there, I also attempted to join the JOB squad, but after asking, the leader Leafy, who last time I checked was for some reason banned, Well, back on topic, Leafy left the JOB squad, realizing it has turned into a boat of shit or something (see last page of EllismanV2 thread.), and Macca took over. Now theres a big gap for me on what happened in the Bar Room, but apparently Macca did some trolling, and got banned, for some reason involving FTS and Aero-something...

That's all I know. :p
I really regret giving her the urls to that thread, Jesus that was stupid. I gave ALL the information in that thread, all the personal information. Who knows, maybe she didn't read all of it. She asked me If I really liked her, but maybe she only read the first line or so, or just skimmed it.

But damn, I really fucked things up. At least she still woulda talked to me more often, hell, maybe I coulda had a chance, but I doubt it.

Thanks alot GD, I think you where just fucking with me when you told me to send her the urls, wern't you?
WTF. You sent her the link to a thread you made about stalking her. Are you an idiot?
WTF. You sent her the link to a thread you made about stalking her. Are you an idiot?

I like your sig. I wasn't stalking her, and it was pretty obvious she knew I liked her anyway. I thought you where in that thread, or was at least lurking it. Maybe I'm wrong, but as I said, I completely regret doing it.
Yeah how I could I be so stupid?

Let's see...How many blog websites are there you can join for free?

Yeah, but how many people would actulley hear it. First I was asking for advice, now I was just updating the situation. I would have had to type more in a blog.

But if theres ever a new thing that I want to rant about, I'll do it in a blog.
Told you ***** he's gonna rape her (Sounds like his creepy friend is getting in on it too.)

Bitch says one word to him and he hears a Kill Bill alarm and sees red.

If he says he's off to the pet store to buy a puppy, this shit is officially in progress.

Somebody needs to make a thread preparing for the incoming plundering of this village wench.
Told you ***** he's gonna rape her (Sounds like his creepy friend is getting in on it too.)

Bitch says one word to him and he hears a Kill Bill alarm and sees red.

If he says he's off to the pet store to buy a puppy, this shit is officially in progress.

Somebody needs to make a thread preparing for the incoming plundering of this village wench.

Oh shit, Maccas back. Which creepy friend are you talking about. The first one, when we got off the bus, was a friend who just rides my bus, he's not in my grade. The second time, at lunch, it was 1/3 of the friends I sit with at lunch, who can be a real asshole sometimes. What do you mean by the Kill Bill alarm, but I must admit, every time she talks to me I just get all warm inside. The puppy line, priceless. The village wench line I had trouble understanding.

But hell Macca, I'm just glad your back! :banghead:
Brave man. Not only giving her the link to that creepy ass thread but also telling her that you joined a wrestling forum and made a thread about her, professing your love for her to a bunch of complete strangers.

What's next, you gonna tell her you viciously *********e to her yearbook pictures?
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