I just got back...

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
From a semi-date with one of my friends.

Everyone's friendly neighborhood hopeless-with-women Doc just might be getting a girlfriend. A real life one.


We went to the mall, walked around, drank stuff, hugged a lot (because we both like hugs) and we're hopefully going again tomorrow.

Does that mean I can have Velvet Sky & Hurricane Helms all to myself?

Anyway man, congradulations. Every Doc NEEDS a nurse
We can compromise. One week I'll get Velvet and you get Helms, and the next week we switch.

So, basically the schedule goes like this:

Week 1 (FalKon): Helms/Mickie James
Week 2 (FalKon): Velvet/Alexis Laree

Week 1 (Doc): Velvet/Doc's Nurse
Week 2 (Doc): Helms/___________

Might need to find something to fill that space...
Why didn't you seal the deal, homie?

Go for the kiss and don't let your pussy get in the way of your balls.
Beth Phoenix?

Do you really want to lose your manhood & comedically job for the rest of your life? Great way to lose both Velvet/Helms to me... mwuahahahaha...

I'd go for Natalya Neidhart. At least she is a 3rd generation star, has a lot to her name & KNOWS what to do.
Says the man whom got beaten for using the greatest "picking-up-females tactic" ever. :lmao:

JK, Dave.

Hey! Let me make something abundantly clear, FalK.

I don;t care how they end up in my bedroom, only that they are there.

I don't want to rush things right now, Dave. Don't want to screw things up.

Yeah, I remembered Natalya right after I posted about Beth. Natalya is amazing.
Natalya is amazing.

She is also a great wrestler too...

Just one of the greatest you will see in my new Book This! Thread, the FWA... first show coming very very very soon. Just click the sig! Shameless promoting FTW :disappointed:
There is a thin line between procrastinating to the point where things are progressing very slowly and not at all. If it were me, I would go for it. Go to the cinema and cuddle up. Rest yourself against the arm of the chair and she will do it too. If she doesn't then back off for now. If she does, put your arm around her and your other one on her leg. I mean, don't be creepy about it but have the balls to do it. I used to let myself get in my own way far too much. Now, I could not care less and just go for it.

Tell me, are you not wanting to rush it because you think you will scare her off or because you are not ready?
We've already gotten all cuddly. It was fun.

I'm not rushing it because I've never done this before.
Slow & steady wins the race Doc. Don't listen to Dave., he's Scotish

Actually, I'm Scottish.

Not to worry, Doc. You'll do whatever you want in your own time. For me, it takes very little time for me to advance on girls but I have quite a lot of experience with women. If this is the first time that you are really going to get serious with a girl, then perhaps take it slow. Remember though, girls love a guy with confidence so don't be too withdrawn or submissive.

You will learn lots from me. I am wise beyond my years... ;)
Hey! Let me make something abundantly clear, FalK.

I don;t care how they end up in my bedroom, only that they are there.


Did you happen to make the following Demotivational poster?

I tried the whole dating my friend once thing. We've not talked in 5 months...Probably the biggest mistake I've ever made.
Ehh, just think about what you're doing. If its a risk you're willing to make, then go ahead and do it. Who knows, it could be true love. Or it could be like mine, and you lose your life long best friend.
I reailsed in the past that friends should stay friends. Not from my own experience but from friends dating, hooking up. It basically drew a line in the sand and made alot of my other friends divide. Still to this day some of my friends don't speak, this started 4 years ago.
Stop filling the man with doubt!

Dude, you will be fine. If you and your friend are meant to be together then you will be. If you are true friends, something like this will not come between you in the future if it all goes pear-shaped. Also, I may have made that picture. I am unsure, all I see when I look at it is the ass crack...

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