I just found my first post on here.

But will they be able to fill up the large arenas that the WWE can fill. WWE has Cena, HHH, Batista, Mysterio, Taker, HBK, etc.

TNA has Sting, Foley, Angle,..... um Suicide?

TNA needs to start filming from different locations, but they should use small venues, because it would be mighty embarassing to have a live shot of an empty arena.

Personally (and hopefully), I think it's the annoucement of their second video game. Aside from the oversaturation of Suicide, and occasionally odd controls, I thought their first game was decent.

I think I was pretty damn good.

It's not even a fair comparison. Evan Bourne is entertaining and all, but what do you see selling more tickets:

John Cena vs. Batista


Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd

To be honest, I enjoy the storylines more than the wrestling. If I wanted the best in-ring action, I'd be watching Ring Of Honor, or some Japanese fed. It's not a knock on Evan Bourne, Finlay, Christian, Jack or any of the other guys on ECW. They're great, but I think I'll stick to my "long and monotone" Randy Orton,his "Ortonites", and the "repetitive, goody-goody two shoes" John Cena.

Raw is boring. Plain and simple. I'm a Cena fan, and I admit that sometimes he gets a little boring. Orton is boring, but he wasn't always:



He used to be a mega-douche, and I think that was more interesting than the Orton we get today. But I think that we're getting a wrestling boom very soon. Look at the similarities:

TNA's ratings are increasing and I think that in a year and a half or so, TNA will beat Smackdown. TNA resembles WCW in a way and will soon become actual competition to the WWE.

We have Ring Of Honor, which is more in-ring based action, and it has already gained a cult following. IIt also doesn't have the big pyro and all but it still is popular. Sounds familiar......

And of course WWE. With ratings declining, and more options than ever to watch wrestling, the E will find a way to get back on top. They already have the talent (Jack Swagger, John Morrison, The Miz, and Mr. Kennedy if he can walk to the ring without breaking his leg.Among many others.). Plus there are many people who haven't debuted yet. And you never know who will become a star. Austin went to three promotions before he became big. And did "Mean Mark Calloway" look promising?

So yes, Raw does suck. It sucks major balls, no, it sucks monkey balls, no, better yet, it sucks laser-shooting, flaming, radioactive, toxic, bulletproof dinosaur balls. But it will get better. You just have to be patient.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Batista w/ Ric Flair

One night Legacy was interrupted by Evolution and Raw woud never be the same, however the reunion was short-lived as the next week, Vickie Guerrero announced that Randy Orton would be defending his title against Hunter and Batista, thus creating Summerslam's main event.

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Edge

CM Punk comes out after The Bash's main event and suprises everyone by saying that he will wait until Summerslam to cash in his Money in The Bank briefcase. He says he wants to prove to the world that he can win without his opponent being down and out. In the events leading up to the PPV, Edge tries many tactics to get under Punk's skin, including pouring a bottle of vodka down Punk's throat, but who will come out on top in the end?

ECW Championship
Christian vs. Evan Bourne vs. Vladmir Kozlov vs. Jack Swagger (Tommy Dreamer as Special Referee)

Dreamer announces that as Special Referee, he wil make it as hardcore as possible. Bourne, Swagger, and Kozlov all have qualifying matches to determine who will take place in the match.

The Rebirth of HBK
Mr. Kennedy vs. Shawn Michaels

After losing to the likes of Matt Hardy, The Miz, and even Brian Kendrick, Shawn Michaels announces he is retiring from wrestling. However Mr. Kennedy comes out and convinces Michaels to another match, saying that he wants the old Shawn Michaels back. However, will Michaels be able to raise his morale?

Chick Magnet vs. Chain Gang Commander
John Cena vs. The Miz (No Disqualification Match)

With The Miz talking trash for months, Cena has enough. but will The Miz outsmart the determined and dedicated Cena?

A True Legend
Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker

Chris Jericho says that he has defeated all of the legends in the business, but as he rambles on, the lights go off, and the familiar entrance of the Deadman hits the stereo, the fans erupt as The Undertaker issues the challenge for Summerslam and the match is set.

United States Championship
MVP vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Hardy vs Santino Marella (Ladder Match)

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Umaga vs. John Morrison

Diva's Championship
Maryse vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Pheonix vs. Mickie James

Smackdown vs. Raw vs. ECW
Kane vs. Big Show vs. Finlay

Unified Tag Team Championships
The Colons vs. Priceless vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Tyme vs. World's Greatest Tag Team (Tag Team Battle Royal)

Women's Championship
Melina vs. Michelle McCool vs. Maria vs. Layla vs. Gail Kim vs. Eve vs. Candice Michelle vs. Alicia Fox

I was a nooby beast.
The fact that The Miz was on Reality TV will forever taint his name. I admit he's great but I hate him for being a "reality star".
Benjamin Wade would be the greatest thing to hit wrestling in the last twenty years. NEVER hate on reality stars.


The Colons vs. Morrison/Miz rocked going into Mania. And then they added lumberjacks to it.
Coming soon.........Mega-Poster: The Doc Dibiase Story (with special alternate commentary by Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler)

I'm greatly anticipating his return. Shame they're moving him to RAW, because I don't get to watch RAW. I love Evan Bourne. I mean, he had people chanting his name is his TV debut! That's awesome right there.

Him and Kofi would make a brilliant team. They teamed up once, why not have them as a real team?

Is it strange that I find his performance on the mic to be oddly endearing?

Michael Cole: That's Vintage Doc!

*Random Becca Post*

King: Puppies!
I wonder what it would be like to get sunburnt on your genitals? Or how in the heck you would get it on your genitals?

That was my first post ever. It was in The Bar Room if you couldn't tell.

i'd vote for Morrison vs. bourne on ECW. that was one heckuva match it was straight up, back and forth, high flying, and technical. it reminded of what those technical srait up matches in ECW used to be like. u know the cruiserweight ones and the benoit/guererro/malenkos and all of them. it personified what ECW USED to be and what it SHOULD be all the time today. That match was 4-5 Star for a match on a one-hour C-Show, period.

That was my first non-spam post. Oh, I've grown so much as a poster.
I been thinking of possibilites about who would go where for the past month and here it goes.

John Cena, Umaga, and Jericho should go to Smackdown while Batista, MVP, and Finlay go to RAW

Smackdown would be instantly better with feuds like Cena v. Edge, Umaga v. Batista, Umaga v. Taker, and Jericho v. Matt Hardy

RAW wouldn't be hurt because they had the majority of the main talent....I would love to see a MVP v. HHH or HBK feud.....I hope MVP especially doesn't get shifted to the midcard and fades away like other superstars that went from Smackdown to RAW

When Carlito moved to RAW he won the IC Title....Hasn't done much since

Kennedy- Took him a while to regain main-event status albeit the suspension

King Booker- Was the top heel on Smackdown....Don't remember him winning one match on RAW

The draft last year was plain awful......I think Kennedy, Khali and Snitsky are the only superstars that arestill in the WWE since....You had Bobby Lashley, King Booker, Chris Benoit, Boogeyman, Chris Masters, Torrie Wilson, Ric Flair...

Hopefully Million Dollar Mania doesn't ruin it....

How's that move to RAW working out for you MVP?
Mine as well.... the earliest on record for Doug Crashin is me replying to the Air America thread. However, the earliest I can think of when I was bryanskrantz, was in the special guest forums, insulting Marty2Hotty.
None of your alls first posts defeats mine.
So im a huge john morrison fan, i understand this 100 posts thing is going to hold me back since im 99 short, but hey, youve gotta start somewhere right?? =P I love to watch this guy wrestle, i recently watched the shawn micheals (excuse my spelling, i know its not good) documentary that Wwe 24/7 had running, and i have to say John morrison is most deffinatly the shawn micheals of todays era. I can most deffinetly say IF Mr. Mcmahn(ugh, once again excuse my spelling trully sorry, i know im ******ed but, you know what i mean right? =P) dosent missuse him as weve seen time and time again...Not to mention John Morrison is just plain sexay....i love john's finisher....everytime i see it i'm amazed at how well he performs it, it always looks so painful now unfortanatly, i didnt get to see his MITB at wrestlemania, but from the highlights ive seen, can i say AMMMAAAAZZZZIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG if john morrison were a candy bar, hed deffinatly be an m-azing bar (personal humor) he oozzzeeessss with charisma, great mic skills, gentelman, princess, ladies, i think we have our next big thing (once again i completly understand if im not in the club, but i'm looking forward to the future of posting/sharing my opinions and seeing yours hey uncle sam ^_^ teach me your ways.)

Try to touch me.
I wasn't here for the exclusives, but wasn't there a section of the forum where you could post complaints/responses to main site columns?

I think that had like, one topic in it before it was quietly deleted. Or something.

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