I just bought Playstation Move

I have one.

I tried to find one but people were asking some ludicrous prices for one just because of the backward compatibility. I just settled on the Slim PS3 because if I really wanted to play old PS2 games, I'll just buy my brother's PS2 off of him. That and my bro had his 15% discount at the store he works at so I had him buy it for me.

In my defense, that's only because the Xbox360 is so shitty, and anyone who buys one is an idiot, especially since the price of a Playstation 3 is basically the same as Xbox.

I still play my 360 the most between it and the PS3, but I also have a majority of my games for it. I do prefer the PS3's hardware to the 360 I will say this, and my PS3 collection is slowly growing. I'm not on either side of the argument as I do own both since there are a good amount of PS3 exclusive titles that I like, as well as 360 exclusive titles. Also if I purchase a game for online gaming, I will go with the 360 because I have had far better luck with their servers then Sony's. I wasn't calling you out or bashing you Sly, just noting you have said you don't like the 360 in the past.
The only reason I want an XBox 360 is because I can play Marvel VS Capcom 3 in it when in arrives and... its a freakin' 100 dollars. Other than that, I don't really care for it. Not much of an online fan.
The answer to this question comes when you are able to answer a much more important question:

Why get a XBox360 when you can buy a console which is superior in every way in the Playstation 3? Not to mention the fact, the Playstation 3 is cheaper per GB of HDD when packaged with the move vs. the Kinect. The Xbox offers a 250 GB hard drive with Kinect and Playstation offers 320 GB with Move for the same price. Throw in the free online play and a solid Blu-Ray player (not to mention the much more powerful processor and larger disc space for games), who the fuck buys an Xbox?

People that prefer the Xbox? Just because the PS3 is full up on things, pointless things I might add, doesn't mean that everybody should have one.

Who cares about memory? 60GB is more than enough for your console. All of these stupidly high GB memory's in consoles are nothing more than pointless. Why would you go out of your way to purchase something that has 320GB or 500GB (Master Edition) when 60GB is more than enough? Not only is it cheaper, but it lasts long enough.

I've had my Xbox 360 since December 2008, had zero problems with it and I haven't even used up half of my memory yet; and I have over 80 games in my collection. All of which have been played, have add-ons, immense save states with alot of data on; and that's just the games. My Xbox profile itself takes up it's fair share of data alone. I'd say the Xbox is a bloody good console, and it's reliable. You just have to know how to take care of it, like every console.

The PS3 having a blu-ray compatibility is a luxury more than anything, along with the overrated free online and memory. I don't mind giving Microsoft my fair share of £40 a year for Xbox Live. Why? Because they deserve it and I'm a fan of Microsoft, always have been. While the first console I ever touched was (actually the Sega Genesis, but for arguments sake) the Playstation 1, I have prefered Microsoft's consoles and modern-day machinery for a very long time.

At the end of the day, you can go into how much you adore your console because of it's specs, memory, features etc. but everybody has their own opinion. You like the PS3, because of all the features that go with it. I like the Xbox 360 because I find it very reliable and the graphics for the games are nothing shorter than perfect. Sony have always been one for graphics and specs, Microsoft have been more about reliability and customer satisfaction more than anything. Machinery that is easy to use, and gives the user all the benefits.
Actually, TRE, most PS3 games come with a mandatory download of at least, I dunno, 3GB. Mind you, with my ten games I've bought for it, I haven't even scratched the memory. Another correction is that 360 versions of multiplatform games are usually graphicically superior if anything. Games like Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time, WipEout HD Fury and Killzone 2 do look pretty gorgeous though.

Steam support for PS3 is a pretty exciting prospect. The only morsel we've been tossed so far is that you get Portal 2 for free on Steam - i.e. digitally on PC - when you buy the PS3 version. Ah, Valve. You spoil us. The possibilities are certainly exciting.

On the whole, I agree though. I don't give a fuck about specs; particularly when they often make so little difference. Annnd-- that's about it for my nerd splooge.
People that prefer the Xbox? Just because the PS3 is full up on things, pointless things I might add, doesn't mean that everybody should have one.
Yes, that Blu-Ray player NEVER comes in handy. :rolleyes:

Who cares about memory?
Who said anything about memory? I'm talking about hard drive space. And I care about hard drive space.

60GB is more than enough for your console.
Uhh, no it's not, not if you actually use your console. I've had to go through on a couple of different occasions and had to delete videos, music and game files from my 60 GB PS3.

All of these stupidly high GB memory's in consoles are nothing more than pointless.
Unless you actually use your console. Then they come in handy.

Why would you go out of your way to purchase something that has 320GB or 500GB (Master Edition) when 60GB is more than enough? Not only is it cheaper, but it lasts long enough.
Again, not if you actually use it.

I've had my Xbox 360 since December 2008, had zero problems with it and I haven't even used up half of my memory yet; and I have over 80 games in my collection. All of which have been played, have add-ons, immense save states with alot of data on; and that's just the games. My Xbox profile itself takes up it's fair share of data alone. I'd say the Xbox is a bloody good console, and it's reliable. You just have to know how to take care of it, like every console.
First off, I'd say the "reliable" comment really doesn't apply considering the high failure rate the console used to have, and even now struggles with.

Second of all, why pay for an inferior machine? Why pay equal money for a machine that does less, and does it less impressively? That just seems stupid to me. When you throw in online play, why pay more money for less machine?

The PS3 having a blu-ray compatibility is a luxury more than anything
A luxury? No, it's called a "feature". Not only do Blu-Ray games have more disc space which will be important in the coming years as games keep getting larger and more detailed, the move to Blu-Ray as the video standard is well on it's way. DVD's will be around for a while, but more and more Blu-Ray is where the video industry is going.

along with the overrated free online and memory. I don't mind giving Microsoft my fair share of £40 a year for Xbox Live.

Yes, free is overrated. Let's pay a lot of money, driving up the cost of our console, for something I can get for free on a much better console.

I just don't understand the mentality of the Xbox supporters. How can you be proud to pay more money for something that is inferior?

Why? Because they deserve it and I'm a fan of Microsoft, always have been.
AHHHH! Now we get it. You're either a child or technologically ignorant. No one with a decent knowledge of technology is a fan of Microsoft. I support them as much as anyone, but to call oneself a fan just makes you look dumb.

Microsoft is FAR from "deserving" anything when it comes to computer technology. They are merely a bunch of bullies, who try to force their flawed proprietary garbage down the throat of millions of unsuspecting users. Only Apple can compete in the technology industry as being so distasteful. To be a fan of Microsoft, you obviously know little about technology.

Which also explains why you are happy to give them money for an inferior product.

I have prefered Microsoft's consoles and modern-day machinery for a very long time.
But it's not modern-day machinery. It's old technology. The Xbox is old technology, and quite frankly, has been for years.

At the end of the day, you can go into how much you adore your console because of it's specs, memory, features etc. but everybody has their own opinion. You like the PS3, because of all the features that go with it. I like the Xbox 360 because I find it very reliable and the graphics for the games are nothing shorter than perfect.
The PS3 is also incredibly reliable (with a failure rate far lower than the Xbox's), and the graphics on its games are every bit as good, if not better, than the Xbox, when you compare games which are developed on the machine and not ported to one or the other.

You're not making sense. There is not a single argument which can be made for the Xbox over the PS3, other than "I just like it more", which just makes you look silly in an argument about the two consoles. The PS3 is superior in every way (including your argument on reliability).

Sony have always been one for graphics and specs, Microsoft have been more about reliability and customer satisfaction more than anything.


Oh my God, I so cannot believe you just said that. Every tech person in the world is laughing at you right now.
Interesting story. Sony's recently hacked firmware means that hackers in online games are going to become a lot more common. Giant Bomb claim some games are becoming "unplayable". I've never played my PS3 online so I wouldn't know.
I think I got my Xbox before the PS3 was released, and then I've just stuck with it. I don't care about Blu Rays, and don't play online. I would buy a PS3 if I was starting from scratch though.
Interesting story. Sony's recently hacked firmware means that hackers in online games are going to become a lot more common. Giant Bomb claim some games are becoming "unplayable". I've never played my PS3 online so I wouldn't know.

I heard activision were stopping COD on PSN until it was sorted
You shouldn't play COD online anyway. I tell a lie - it's actually quite fun. Only if you're in a party with friends and not random ***** though.
Yes, free is overrated. Let's pay a lot of money, driving up the cost of our console, for something I can get for free on a much better console.

The XBOGS online is a shitload times better than the PS3 online. The PS3 online is adequate but the 360 online is much smoother, better connectivity for a lot of people and better coherence with games. The PS3 network seems to be a hassle at times with games online and downloading patches to actually play them.
The XBOGS online is a shitload times better than the PS3 online. The PS3 online is adequate but the 360 online is much smoother, better connectivity for a lot of people and better coherence with games. The PS3 network seems to be a hassle at times with games online and downloading patches to actually play them.

Yes, yes, more xbox fanboy rhetoric. I have seen many online xbox games, and played many ps3 online games, and in my experience, the quality of the online play is in favor of PS3. I've seen my brother get shot on call of duty due to lag so many times, he got pissed off and quit. That's never happened to me on PSN.

Furthermore, why WOULDN'T you want to update a game before you play it online? That makes much more sense than playing a buggy game. You Xbox players will say anything to justify the purchase of the inferior console.

The person above you said he got an xbox before the PS3 came out and he's just stuck with it. That I can understand. But he also said he'd buy a ps3 ahead of a xbox if he was starting now, so that also makes sense. Simply put, the PS3 is better.
Yes, yes, more xbox fanboy rhetoric. I have seen many online xbox games, and played many ps3 online games, and in my experience, the quality of the online play is in favor of PS3. I've seen my brother get shot on call of duty due to lag so many times, he got pissed off and quit. That's never happened to me on PSN.

Furthermore, why WOULDN'T you want to update a game before you play it online? That makes much more sense than playing a buggy game. You Xbox players will say anything to justify the purchase of the inferior console.

The person above you said he got an xbox before the PS3 came out and he's just stuck with it. That I can understand. But he also said he'd buy a ps3 ahead of a xbox if he was starting now, so that also makes sense. Simply put, the PS3 is better.

No I like the PS3 more than 360 but in MY experience the 360 online is better than PS3 online and I've known people who have had to wait a week to play a game online because PSN was lagging like hell and they needed a patch to fix the problem. The PS3 is a better machine, but the online on the 360 is better.
No I like the PS3 more than 360 but in MY experience the 360 online is better than PS3 online and I've known people who have had to wait a week to play a game online because PSN was lagging like hell and they needed a patch to fix the problem. The PS3 is a better machine, but the online on the 360 is better.
With what you described here, and given the facts they are friends with YOU, my guess is the problem is less likely with the PS3, and more likely due to the fact they are idiots.

Just a guess though.
I probably would have bought a PS3 instead of the Kinectbox if I had any PS3 games I could play in comparison to my massive Arcade library, the people I enjoy gaming with the most seem to have a PS3 instead of an XBOX so I'm stuck with Vind

Anyone who values graphics as their number one priority when it comes to gaming is a fucking moron and needs to go back and play each generation of consoles to appreciate that pretty pictures aren't needed to be enveloped into a story and have interesting gameplay mechanics

I probably would have bought a PS3 instead of the Kinectbox if I had any PS3 games I could play in comparison to my massive Arcade library, the people I enjoy gaming with the most seem to have a PS3 instead of an XBOX so I'm stuck with Vind

Anyone who values graphics as their number one priority when it comes to gaming is a fucking moron and needs to go back and play each generation of consoles to appreciate that pretty pictures aren't needed to be enveloped into a story and have interesting gameplay mechanics


Graphics aren't everything, but you're lying to yourself if you try to claim they're not important.
I didn't say that at all, I said number one priority. I'm used to playing games that had glitchy as fuck graphics where your arm would stick through walls and shit, so it doesn't really bother me at much. I do much prefer a game being visually pleasing, but when it begins to trump gameplay I just lose interest, unless it's supposed to play like an interactive movie
With what you described here, and given the facts they are friends with YOU, my guess is the problem is less likely with the PS3, and more likely due to the fact they are idiots.

Just a guess though.

No it was the PS3 network. Sony said to wait for the patch.

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