I Hate To Go Here.....

They practically put "Possible Cena heel turn this Sunday" in sky writing last night, which almost guarantees that it wont happen, it was a cool visual to linger on and generate interest which is what promotion is.
It amazes me how no one acts like fans anymore. Everyone wants to think like they're part of the business. speaking of ratings and merchandise sales and blah blah blah. Well for me as a fan Cena going heel would be great. l wouldn't like him but I'd be a little bit interested as he'd be force to change his character. That would be great. Not only that but he'd be a good legit heel that people can face and get a tremendous rub as Cena seems to be the measuring stick of the company.

If we're talking business Cena shouldn't have to stage face if WWE had built other stars in the last 7 years. now I know they tried with Batista, Miz and some others which failed for whatever reason and I know Punk, Bryan are stars now which is great but that's not enough. Not only that but they always went up against a face Cena. If they had battled heel Cena it could push them as the next face and build more off Heel Cena and before you know it you have a true full main event with interchangable stars like the AE or the Golden era to an extent.

I just wish they'd risk it just once. risk a couple of dollars to make so much more with rising stars at Cenas expense. but at least Cena will be a much more well rounded and by the time he retires we can say he has done everything. Like Taker and Hogan. they both went through alot of changes and all of their characters are remembered for them. Personally I enjoyed rapper thuganomics Cena I found him quite entertaining. For those that are Cena fans now but hate his rap character amazes me as thats what made him popular and made people like him. Then there are fans like me that loved Cena then but can't stand him now as the character just sucks to me and his promos just seem like low blows and sarcasm and his who "parent" act with his opponents. There's just nothing about this character thats entertaining. Neither is anything he does in the ring. Its like if people likes Lord of Darkness Undertaker then he returns as Biker Taker those people arent going to like him and theres nothing wrong with that. Whats even better is people arent hating on them like they do with people that dont like Cena or want him to change

It doesn't take a business insider to know that in business, you don't mess with your cash cow. You do NOT go against the single thing that is keeping your doors open.

As a fan, seeing John Cena turn heel would make WWE unwatchable. Who would fill in? Daniel Bryan? He already failed. CM Punk? He's barely treading water thanks to that horrible feud with Ryback. Orton? He's mostly hated by real fan heat, and not good wrasslin' heat. There's no one else. The WWE has made one mistake, and that mistake was not getting NXT and the Performance Center going sooner. Right now, there's not a single wrestler that could lace up Cena's sneaks.
It's called an opinion buddy, as a fan my OPINION is Cena would be interesting as a heel as his character would have to change. Most people here always refer to numbers or sales as the whole "cash cow" stuff. As a fan of entertainment I'm sure you wouldn't use ratings to determine what you like and not like. There was a show on USA network a couple of years ago called "Common Law" that I loved to death and watched every episode. they ended up canceling the show due to low viewership and ratings. Of course that's always how it is but I as a fan don't all of a sudden stop liking the show due to ratings or merchandise sales. I like what I like and same with WWE. I don't make my argument or opinion based on what others think or sales I base it off of what entertains me and whatnot. So that's why I said people don't act like fans anymore
wait wait wait did you just imply that Cena is the ONE THING keeping the WWE doors open? that just makes everything you say completely ridiculous. If that was the case CENA and HHH should be the only 2 wrestlers in the WWE as according to you is all it takes for WWE to thrive
Its entirely possible, it will happen its just a matter of when.

An important point to note is that there's talk of Cena versing Hogan at WM or possibly Undertaker, either way that would mean more with Cena as a heel.

This is completely out there and I don't think it would happen but just a thought that at TLC after a gruelling match the Authority comes out to screw Orton out of the title and side Cena cause he's best for business but before they can Punk/Bryan/Whoever stops it and Orton takes it. We get an Orton face turn and Authority backed into a corner, Cena could chose to side with them or not, if so he can emphasize all he's done for the company and if he doesn't theres the possibility for Authority introducing Brock Lesnar or something to sort the situation out. This is completely ridiculous but there thoughts going through my head haha.

On the note of the single champion the thing I can't go past if the sheer significance of someone becoming champion for the first time. Everyones going on about Reigns being the next star, just imagine the reaction of him having a long struggle and finally capturing the single title from a heel Cena with Authority, would be intense

here is what the IWC needs to figure out.......

CENA IS ALREADY A HEEL....to you and me.

Turning him will just make the little dorks and fat women that buy his merch no longer buy it.

will you be more likely to buy his merch if he turns heel? doubtful, his stuff is horrible b/c it's made for kids who have horrible taste.

this premise of cena needing to turn heel needs to stop.
This is Awesome. The same idea entered my head after they announced the match on raw,but i was too afraid to post the thread about it and start the cena heel turn argument again. I'm glad someone had the balls to make this thread though. As for me i could totally see it happening. I wont be shocked at all if come monday cena comes out wearing a suit and is with The Authority. I think the time and the situation is right and it works perfectly because sense this is a B PPV maybe not as many people would see it coming. But i guess we'll find out sunday.
They practically put "Possible Cena heel turn this Sunday" in sky writing last night, which almost guarantees that it wont happen, it was a cool visual to linger on and generate interest which is what promotion is.

I'm not sure how they did, as I thought they were much more subtle about it. On Raw, in the end, it seems they made it much more about the Authority once again, as if it was Cena that was their choice, rather then Cena choosing them. I read his helping Steph to her feet as him being a gentleman, not siding with the Authority in any way.

I think it's the more subtle things Cena has done and said that have made me think it's entirely possible. In HHH's interview with Michael Cole on Wednesday, he said 'I know what's going to happen on Sunday.' Whemn Cena cut his promo on Friday, he said ' On Sunday, I know exactly what's going to happen.' Call it coincidence, creative trying to plant another red herring, or them wording that similarly for a reason, but it seems like something's up.

Also, this seems like the perfect time to do it. WWE has built two legitimate men who can be main event faces, and as faces, Bryan/Cena and Punk/Cena would feel like fresh, legitimate matchups. Further, this tunes up the Road to Wrestlemania, as it would breathe live into a product that desperately needs it. They've definitely laid the groundwork for it, and it wouldn't be a surprise. Cena could present it with over the top heel logic, something only he could get away with at this point.

Randy Orton simply wasn't the one to unify the titles. Givenhis rich history, a screwup such as he isn't worthy to be the Champion of Champions. I've given my life to the company and no one has worked harder then me, and no one else other then me, especially Randy Orton, deserves the prestige and honor of being the one who unifies the two titles.

It's as simple as that, really. A promo like that would work, because it would just be adding arrogance and a bit of delusion to Cena's character. He wouldn't even need to align himself with the Authority, that wouldn't fit Cena's character, be he face or heel. Cena as a heel isn't imaginable as a corporate stooge. His t-shirt reads 'You Can't Stop Me' which is essentially Cena being arrogant, is it not? It's these simple, subtle changes that have hinted at a heel turn, and would work for him as a heel as well.

It would have the potential for Cena to be the best heel since NWO Hogan, and the rub that Cena would provide to a Punk/Bryan or an up-and-coming face could possibly be even greater as a heel then the rub he could provide as a face.

Finally, some have voiced concern over this leading to a Randy Orton face turn, it really doesn't have to. A few scathing promos that vascilate between Orton whining over it, all-the-while talking about how he's bigger then the WWE, and it was jealousy that lead to them screwing him over. Orton hasn't clicked as a main event level heel this go-around, but he'ld be better as an upper-mid-card one, rather then a face.

But yeah, the seeds have definintely been planted here. Cena's promos have hinted at it, as have the similarities between his promo Friday and HHH's interview Wednesday. The timing is perfect, as you'ld have a radically different direction for WWE's biggest star as we hit the Road to Wrestlemania. It could be a short turn, and a match with say the Undertaker, who beats Cena and teaches him respect.

Reminding Cena who he is, of course, with his Hustle, Loyalty, Respect credo.

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