I Hate To Go Here.....

A Cena turn really would make sense at the moment (to me anyway)

The WWE is heading towards Wrestlemania 30 and, as I can see it, there isn't anything particularly fresh they can offer in the main event that will keep those ratings high and pop a massive buy rate for Wrestlemania...turning Cena heel does open a lot more doors for them, although I'd wait until the Rumble to do it.

Could have Cena win the title via screwjob at the Rumble, beat Orton in the rematch at Elimination Chamber and set up a title match against the Rumble winner...Hell they used the WM20 period to try and elevate Eddie & Benoit, why not use this years period to try and get someone up to the level....either way the signs are there, probably as a big "Fuck you" from the WWE to us guys though.
The thought of Cena turning heel to face Taker for the streak makes me salivate, but I doubt it would actually happen. If it did, it would be the biggest moment in WWE in quite a long time.
We all know the negatives about turning Cena heel such as the potential of losing merchandise sales. The kids and make wish foundation will be effected etc.

I want to look at the positives for turning Cena heel.

1. He would become a mega heel. There are NO big heels out there for faces to get over with. If Cena was heel this could be a great opportunity to help a face to reach Cena's current face level. A heel Cena would garner loads of attention for any face he is up against. Going over a heel Cena could be what a face Reigns or Bryan need to get to that level. Basically if Cena is forever face it doesnt leave room for others to get to his status.

2. Cena's name will still sell PPV's and merch regardless of face or heel. Cena is a household name and people who dont regularly watch will tune in to find out why Cena is now a jerk. People want to see and hear from Cena and will do so regardless of him being face or heel.

3. If it fails you can always turn him back, e.g. SCSA. Ok, if you turn him heel there is the chance that he wont be as over a face when he goes back. Most of us with the attention span dont like face Cena anyways, most of the kids wont realism whats gone on.

4. It's fresh. There are loads of potential feuds and storylines as a result.

This is all of course my opinion, but I think its worth the risk for WWE to take. I would love to see a graph of Cena's merch sales to find out is it still selling as much as ever.
How great it would be to watch Cena turn Heel & it will give something new for fans as well. Personally, I would definitely love that turn - may be something like how Austin did (thought it was at WrestleMania). But the question is will WWE do it just before WrestleMania? I doubt. Simple reason is John Cena is a huge favourite among kids, youngsters & female fans in majority so that's kinda risky for business and I doubt Vince would do that thing.

If they still go on with Cena's heel turn then John Cena may be Authority's top guy. Then you got one more question - what happens to Randy Orton? Does Randy Orton turn face again since John Cena turns Heel?
How great it would be to watch Cena turn Heel & it will give something new for fans as well. Personally, I would definitely love that turn - may be something like how Austin did (thought it was at WrestleMania). But the question is will WWE do it just before WrestleMania? I doubt. Simple reason is John Cena is a huge favourite among kids, youngsters & female fans in majority so that's kinda risky for business and I doubt Vince would do that thing.

If they still go on with Cena's heel turn then John Cena may be Authority's top guy. Then you got one more question - what happens to Randy Orton? Does Randy Orton turn face again since John Cena turns Heel?

Why not do a Two-Man Power Trip for a new generation? I mean, while I'm not a huge fan of heel Austin or Triple H in general, that was a good angle that would've had a major pay off when a face team finally came along to end them if Trips hadn't gotten injured.

Imagine John Cena and Randy Orton teaming up as heels. It would be a pretty big deal. You could have Punk and Bryan taking them on, then Reigns, Langston and so on. Plus, if Cena aligns himself with both the Authority and Randy Orton, that would certainly stop his younger fans cheering for him.

This is assuming that WWE bookers got their shit together to do the team justice and not just make it the current Authority angle but with more John Cena.

I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see heel John Cena and Randy Orton vs. face Daniel Bryan and CM Punk at, say, Summerslam?
Why not do a Two-Man Power Trip for a new generation? I mean, while I'm not a huge fan of heel Austin or Triple H in general, that was a good angle that would've had a major pay off when a face team finally came along to end them if Trips hadn't gotten injured.

Imagine John Cena and Randy Orton teaming up as heels. It would be a pretty big deal. You could have Punk and Bryan taking them on, then Reigns, Langston and so on. Plus, if Cena aligns himself with both the Authority and Randy Orton, that would certainly stop his younger fans cheering for him.

This is assuming that WWE bookers got their shit together to do the team justice and not just make it the current Authority angle but with more John Cena.

I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see heel John Cena and Randy Orton vs. face Daniel Bryan and CM Punk at, say, Summerslam?

Heel John Cena/Randy Orton vs Face Daniel Bryan/CM Punk sounds interesting to me. I was just referring if this Heel Cena turn does happen now, how is Orton getting booked there on? Assume if Orton still remains Heel or say even tweener for that matter, sure he wont join hands with Cena immediately since Cena would be the guy who took his beloved title back.

Cena's heel turn needs to be portrayed as a 'shocker' to fans so guess it will be with storyline of Orton getting screwed by Authority. Even if this happens I would not chose TLC PPV for this. May be both champions retained their belts or reverse it at TLC. Then HHH comes out at RAW after TLC and sets some stipulation match at Royal Rumble & then screw job is executed there.
Wishful thinking, but Orton and Cena shaking hands mid fight and giving each other sinister smiles would be insane! The two climb up the ladder together and grab a title each. Trips comes down and raises both their hands making an ultimate heel stable. So much room for so many possibilities. But who are we kidding? It's not happening. Didn't Cena mention in an off-air promo on a UK tour that he would never turn heel? Meh, whatever. Beyond caring now. If he does turn heel, I'll be glad. If he doesn't, it'll be the same old thing.
We all no WWE doesn't have the balls to go through with a Cena heel turn because he is one of the biggest cash cows in wrestling history. They know that all he has to do is show up cut a terrible promo in a loud voice which makes people think it is good then wrestle a match which follows the same script as all of his other matches and then pose with fans. They know that this routine gets people to buy Merchandise, show up to house shows and buy PPV's. There is no other superstar in WWE who can make money so easily for WWE and as a result WWE simply doesn't have the balls to risk a Cena heel turn.
I agree that i think its possible that it might finally happen or at least be the start of it. Now it could be just a tease again but man i would like to see it. Also every time i hear the merchandise thing brought up i get annoyed. First off Buy rates and ratings trump those so there is that. Secondly people act like well if the kids cant cheer for cena they wont buy anything at all. 80% of the kids who get cena stuff will just move on to a new star they like. Kids real quick to move on to the next "super hero/good guy" once the old one is gone. Now no one superstar would fill the void but a few of them would pick up more sells to at least partially make up for the sells loss. Add to that if buy rates and ratings jump it would be worth a loss in some t shirt sells.Who is to say Cena if his heel persona isnt done right wont still do alot in sells? I remember alot of heels who have done very well in the past when it comes to sells to your teens and up.

We all no WWE doesn't have the balls to go through with a Cena heel turn because he is one of the biggest cash cows in wrestling history. They know that all he has to do is show up cut a terrible promo in a loud voice which makes people think it is good then wrestle a match which follows the same script as all of his other matches and then pose with fans. They know that this routine gets people to buy Merchandise, show up to house shows and buy PPV's. There is no other superstar in WWE who can make money so easily for WWE and as a result WWE simply doesn't have the balls to risk a Cena heel turn.
The problem tho with that mind set they have is one day be it a injury or just that time he will have to hang up the boots as they say. At that point your cash cow is gone and you have no real replacement and have to hope someone or some people fill the void. The issue is Cena like Hogan is so big of a face and almost super heroish he makes it almost impossible for anyone to get to his level or near it in that category WWE cares most about and that is being able to push their merchandise. The good thing about a Cena heel turn is you still keep your work horse who can carry the programs just now as a heel while allowing younger guys to step up to the plate and try and become a major face who can step up to be the next guy. Worst case it isn't working you can always flip Cena back face and while yes he wouldn't get all the kids back he would get most of them.
You make a pretty good case for it mentioning all that stuff, but it would be a weird heel turn because Orton is a heel anyway.

Then again everything about Cena is weird so who knows.
Well I don't see cena turning heel at TLC but many people believe the titles won't be unified at TLC meaning I could see the Royal Rumble being the chance for this to happen when HHH makes it a No DQ match as a way of guaranteeing a unified champion with either HHH, Steph or the Shield turning on Orton. Who knows maybe they all will
The problem is that HHH & Steph don't really feel like big time, dastardly bad guys at the moment. Cena winning with their help would feel like an authority face turn more than anything.

I still say Orton beats Cena clean & gets double crossed by Trips who promptly beats him for the undisputed title, in a neat reversal of Summer Slam.

Going of topic for a moment, it gives Bryan a chance at ultimate revenge come Wrestle Mania (against the guy who has all of Randy's heel heat anyway) & frees up Cena from the title picture in preparation for facing the Undertaker at the big one.

That match don't need titles, it's freaking John Cena vs The Undertaker for goodness sake.

''But what about Punk?'' I hear you say. Well, he gets his rematch against Brock Lesnar, of course.
The probability is higher than usual. The red herrings are there, but they were there during the buildup to WM 29 as well. Cena backed by the Authority going into Wrestlemania to face the Undertaker for the title is interesting. I don't think they would turn him at TLC.

There is going to be swerve. I think that the Authority turns their back on Orton after he fails to live up to their expectations again when he is defeated by John Cena.
You "hate to go here", but you did. Is there a requirement that the "Cena heel turn" topic gets re-introduced every few months or so? Its such a tired discussion. Let it go.
It's a tease for the sake of a tease. Why turn him heel? Literally 0 reason. He gets booed by some like a heel who will make noise, boo, and continue to watch (no matter how much you think you dislike him for being stale). Turning him heel gets an inverse reaction and makes less money and gets a less rambunctious reaction. It'd be stupid. Seriously, give me a non egocentric fanboy based argument. It doesn't really open up more feuds, he already wrestles heels and babyfaces because he's a heel to part of the audience.

To part of the audience, Cena is that guy in Jingle a All The Way who schmoozed everyone's wife and is the best dad ever. To e other part, he's superman. It works. Making him do bad guy things doesn't really do anything except make less money and get a less unique reaction.
Wishful thinking, but Orton and Cena shaking hands mid fight and giving each other sinister smiles would be insane! The two climb up the ladder together and grab a title each. Trips comes down and raises both their hands making an ultimate heel stable. So much room for so many possibilities. But who are we kidding? It's not happening. Didn't Cena mention in an off-air promo on a UK tour that he would never turn heel? Meh, whatever. Beyond caring now. If he does turn heel, I'll be glad. If he doesn't, it'll be the same old thing.

So they're going to fight and hurt each other for 10 minutes then suddenly stop and be friends? Cena did smirk at Orton at HIAC but I think that was something out of character that was said in the ring maybe by Orton that cracked Cena up. They are buds afterall. They're the "sports entertainment" version of Bryan and Punk.
If you think about it, John Cena is the ideal corporate guy. He's clean cut, marketable, so he should be the perfect choice to fit within Triple H and Stephanie's stable of stooges.

And with Cena attached to Triple H and Stephanie, he's guaranteed a consistent negative reaction from the live crowds. On his own, I'm afraid the heel turn would be a counterproductive move, because there's a good chance of an overall positive reaction with cool heel pops. After all, the people, who always chant Cena sucks will bask in a "We finally got to you" sense of accomplishment.

Either way you look at it, I still can't see a Cena heel turn happening at TLC. Although, I get the feeling WWE is trolling us with the constant teasing all the time. Releasing the Cena sucks t-shirts last year, the Rise Above Hate storyline with Kane, and I vividly remember Cena making a joke with a "heel turn" dance this year on Raw. But every time we're close enough to the edge, WWE pulls back at the last second, because Cena will persevere and rise above the peer pressure somehow.
Until the WWE finds another Cena-esque face that gets the same type of merchandise sales as he does then a heel turn isn't happening. The negatives far outweigh the positives for that type of move. When Austin and the Rock were both around they could always have one of them as the heel because the other could play the face of the company. Hogan could have his heel turn in WCW because of guys like Sting. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are great but they aren't on a level where they can be that number one guy as a face.
the only reason cena moght go heel, is that there is zero reason for him not to. buy-rates and tv ratings are in the crapper. arena's aren't selling out, and basically the wwe is circling the drain with no Rock to save them. think about it, the Rock pretty much saved the last three wrestlemanias and he's gone now. cena might be the face of the wwe, but the wwe has jack sh*t right now and jack just left town.
I think the biggest argument for Cena not going Heel has always been "Who else do they have to be #1 face"? Orton was never a good #2 face, and CM Punk was always better as heel. Well I think they do have that person now in Daniel Bryan. Look at the reactions he is getting. I think if they were ever going to turn Cena right now would be the best time because they truly have 2 guys to fill that top face role in Punk and Bryan.

If Cena turns that means Orton has to go back face. He will be a loner face because of all the crap he pulled when he recently turned heel. I could see him going back to feuding with Shield. I could see Orton/Cena rematch at RR and maybe another at Elimination Chamber. Then when Bryan wins Rumble we gets Cena/Bryan for Title at WM. I would love to see Punk involved with HHH. So Mania would be something like

Orton/Ambrose or Orton/Kane

I just want to see Cena come out in his Suit. Then wrestle in tights instead of his jorts.
Not happening in my honest opinion.

One, they've flagged up too many indicators that it might happen already, they'd surely have a Cena heel turn come completely out of the blue for maximum impact. Second, there is no way they'd give that away at TLC, they'd at least save it for the Rumble to have a bigger audience and to officially kick start the Road to Wrestlemania with a wallop .

There's also all the usual reasons Cena won't turn heel as well, which all still stand. I mean a Cena heel turn would have to be well thought out and would have to last for a long period time, because Cena turning heel completely thrashes the character he has built up since he got to the WWE. His whole identity and legacy is about respect & loyalty to himself and his fans, about being yourself no matter what people think about you. Turning heel throws all that in the garbage and he could never go back to it. At this stage of the game I don't see Cena being convinced of doing that, I don't see the WWE particularly pushing it when he's still selling tickets and t-shirts either.
Super Cena is worth over $100 million to the WWE. Bad Guy Cena isn't worth a fraction of that in regards to merchandise sales and revenue. WWE is a business. Sometimes, the top guy running things isn't necessarily the most qualified, and sometimes, industry insiders know that the person probably shouldn't be in that position. But he IS in that position, and he DOES have incredible value as a good guy, and much less value as a bad guy.
If Daniel Bryan can get a decent amount of sales in merchandise,then a Cena heel turn is possible. Also, with Del Rio now out of the Main Event picture, and the Shield looking to disband, they do need a new Top Heel in the company,with the amount of good face characters they have. The Orton heel turn, hasn't had the effect.

On if Cena goes heel, he can't turn back to being a babyface in the future. I disagree. If Cena was to become heel(merchandise sales,etc... being handled) then a heel run for a couple of years would surely freshen his character up. At the moment, he continues to get heat from the crowd, why not give a reason for the heat especially now that Daniel Bryan is over with the crowd in a big way?
While I doubt we will get the Cena turn, it was a pretty cool sight to see him standing beside The Authority after HHH pedigreed Orton. It just looked all sorts of wrong and I liked that.
It amazes me how no one acts like fans anymore. Everyone wants to think like they're part of the business. speaking of ratings and merchandise sales and blah blah blah. Well for me as a fan Cena going heel would be great. l wouldn't like him but I'd be a little bit interested as he'd be force to change his character. That would be great. Not only that but he'd be a good legit heel that people can face and get a tremendous rub as Cena seems to be the measuring stick of the company.

If we're talking business Cena shouldn't have to stage face if WWE had built other stars in the last 7 years. now I know they tried with Batista, Miz and some others which failed for whatever reason and I know Punk, Bryan are stars now which is great but that's not enough. Not only that but they always went up against a face Cena. If they had battled heel Cena it could push them as the next face and build more off Heel Cena and before you know it you have a true full main event with interchangable stars like the AE or the Golden era to an extent.

I just wish they'd risk it just once. risk a couple of dollars to make so much more with rising stars at Cenas expense. but at least Cena will be a much more well rounded and by the time he retires we can say he has done everything. Like Taker and Hogan. they both went through alot of changes and all of their characters are remembered for them. Personally I enjoyed rapper thuganomics Cena I found him quite entertaining. For those that are Cena fans now but hate his rap character amazes me as thats what made him popular and made people like him. Then there are fans like me that loved Cena then but can't stand him now as the character just sucks to me and his promos just seem like low blows and sarcasm and his who "parent" act with his opponents. There's just nothing about this character thats entertaining. Neither is anything he does in the ring. Its like if people likes Lord of Darkness Undertaker then he returns as Biker Taker those people arent going to like him and theres nothing wrong with that. Whats even better is people arent hating on them like they do with people that dont like Cena or want him to change

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