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I hate some customers


WZ's Resident GameStop Advisor
As some of you may know, I work at GameStop. 99% of my customers are extremely amazing and are fun to have in the store. But the other night I had an example of a customer who I hate to have.

It was the midnight release of Marvel vs Capcom 3. We only had about 10 people show up, so we closed the store at around 12:20. We locked the doors and turned off the registers. At 12:30 a customer showed up and started banging on the door vigorously. He started shouting to let him in. My manager calmly told him to come back in the morning and that he should have shown up earlier to ensure he'd get his copy that night.

The enrage customer decided to file a complaint, made my manager out to be an asshole (he didn't know it was the manager, he just said "employee" in his complaint), and ended up with a 10 dollar gift card. In his complaint, he asked "I thought GameStop was supposed to give power to the players, but how can you have that power if you can't play?"

I can't stand people like that. He's probably the kind of guy who looks at semantics and uses words to get his way. He also probably uses the word "technically" on a daily basis. :banghead:

The guy showed up late because he assumed we would still be open because we were open that late for Black Ops and God of War 3. We tell everybody who pre-orders it to show up BEFORE midnight so we can finalize the payment. To pick up your game at our store, you have to finalize the purchase, even if you've paid it off. We just go in our system and click "pick up" on their account and it prints out a receipt after they've paid, then we put a black X on it. You can't pick up the game without the X. It's not rocket science. We tell all our customers this, and if he's done it before he would know this. How hard is it to show up on time? Honestly? :banghead:
I think I would have kept the store open for a half hour rather than 20 mins to avoid ********s like this kicking off

but he was still an utter cunt. if it had happened to me I would have just come back in the morning after moaning for a minute....definitely not file a complaint. I hate bellends like that
I recently had some bitch come in and make a comment about my personal appearance, like immediately. That was the second thing to come out of her mouth after 'hello' (along with a strong smell of vodka i must point out, at 10.30 in the morning), so i said 'right, i'm not serving you, i'm going to pass you on to someone else' and then she started going 'it's only a joke' and then my manager stepped in, and being the stupid ********er that my boss is, she went and sided with the customer.

She's still there going 'i was only joking mate' and i said 'i don't appreciate you making comments about my appearance when you're asking for my assistance madam.'

There was no apology and she rang up customer services and said that i berated her and that she was so traumatised that she'd never shop with us again.

Then there's the counltess old biddies who think the world should stop for them at the drop of a hat and that every policy should have exceptions for old women over the age of 80 who have no one to talk to all day.

Or the dickless assclowns who think they get preferential treatment if they buy more than on eof something or if they've bought several things from us across a few months.

"I spend a lot of money in here regularly and i should get better service"

Spoken by a man who's never worked for a national retailer in his whole life. *****. I know you're pain dude, just be thankful that you don't have to think for people on their behalves like i do.
I have said it before but in never fails to make me laugh so I'm going to say it again.

One day this old bitch walks into the store. I had only been working there for a few weeks and somebody whispers in my ear, (If you're the one that ends up serving her, make sure you don't make any mistakes because she always complains.

So, Like every story, she lines up in my checkout. after taking extreme care making sure shits bagged up properly, the weight is even and it's not to heavy for what I thought she could carry, and making sure I didn't accidentley scan something twice or type in Zuchini when it was a Cucumber (back then I couldn't tell the difference) She left the store and I felt good about myself...

The next fucking day my boss comes up to me. You have received a complaint she said. Apparently the thing I did wrong was she added her grocery's up to (say) $65.45 but due to my hopeless skills as a customer assistant it came up to (say) $63.95

She felt the need to complain that her grocerys came to cheaper then what they was.

I could just imagine the old bitch at home ticking items off the receipt as she put them away.
Some people are like that. I always make sure my customers are ok with everything before I total the order out. Believe me. I feel everyone's pain. I've worked for many a national retailer for 6 years now. I've seen everything.
I remember talking with the manager by the drive-through one night after closing. Some lady comes by the drive-through asking if we're open. We say no, she yells "ASSHOLES"! Complete with hand gestures.

In our response: :wtf:
There was this douche were I worked at that he would get something and then ask how much it was and then say he didnt have money and left.And i would have to put the things back.So one day I was like Sir we cant have you coming everytime and asking the prices then leaving when I could be serving customers who are actually buying an item.

Then after work he came and hit me from behind.Big mistake.He went home with a broken nose.I had nothing but a few scratches.He put in a complaint that i was a violent young man and Centre Management ignored it.How i love security cameras.
Well see, I have no problem dealing with bad customers. Yes, they are annoying. But it's never my fault. I get mad when they complain about it and my manager gets on to me. But I've started telling my manager about it as soon as it happens, so he has my side of the story by the time the customer complains.

Like today. A young teen and his mom came in to the store. His mom looked piss from the beginning. He wanted to return a game that he bought new (we don't take in new games that have been opened, we will take them as trade ins though) and they wanted their full money back because "it was boring" (Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit if you were wondering). I told them the deal and they seemed fine with it, and went looking for a new game to buy. My assistant manager saw what was happening and stepped in and she talked to him to clarify if what I said was true. Apparently she was cussing a storm in front of little children. They ended up not trading the game in, we lost business, and she threatened to complain. Our DM is now starting to notice that 90% of our bad customer service complaints are just the customers, not the employees. Though sometimes, some of us do have the tendency to say things we shouldn't.. (I made a woman feel bad for buying GTA4 for her 8 year old son)
What I can't stand, are the people that spend 40-60% of their goddamn monthly income at the Casino, and then come into the bank bitching at ME because they got hit with 200+ dollars in overdraft fees. I mean really? Well, fuck YOU! Especially when you've gone above and beyond in the past to help them try and avoid this problem. Kiss MY ass!
Though sometimes, some of us do have the tendency to say things we shouldn't.. (I made a woman feel bad for buying GTA4 for her 8 year old son)

I don't think you should have felt bad in the slightest. As far as I'm concerned, you made her conscious of the fact that she just purchased a game that could potentially have her son running around cussing with a Russian(?) accent. You just tried to help... fuck em!
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2858249]I don't think you should have felt bad in the slightest. As far as I'm concerned, you made her conscious of the fact that she just purchased a game that could potentially have her son running around cussing with a Russian(?) accent. You just tried to help... fuck em![/QUOTE]

I only feel bad because I apparently embarrassed her in front of other customers. I don't regret making her feel guilty though. It has horrible content in it, especially for an 8 year old.

I know it's my not my job to tell them how to parent, but should I get a fucking lecture because I read out loud (kind of in an over exaggerated way) the ESRB rating for the game? (btw, my JOB requires me to do so)
Thanks for the high five.

Funny update: the dude from the original story came back and was looking for a job application.
I remember having a massive row with a customer at the Asda store I worked at because they were just generally being a fucking jackass and she was moaning and complaining about some bullshit thing. It had been a bad day and I ended up arguing back, I am generally good at keeping my calm when speaking with customers. She ended up calling me useless and I ended up laughing in her face

Great thing was, 20 mins later I got called over my my manager...and that customer had been the regional manager of all the local Asda stores, and had just popped in for a quick bit of shopping on their way home.

Lets just say I wasn't the most popular employee with management when the next store review came in haha
I only feel bad because I apparently embarrassed her in front of other customers. I don't regret making her feel guilty though. It has horrible content in it, especially for an 8 year old.

I know it's my not my job to tell them how to parent, but should I get a fucking lecture because I read out loud (kind of in an over exaggerated way) the ESRB rating for the game? (btw, my JOB requires me to do so)

I highly doubt that your job requires you to read out the rating in an over exaggerated way.
Oh my job definitely has the perks of customers being right idiots or thinking they have the right of way to demand discounts or feel they're special.

Yesterday, I had an old lady come in with a camera that was given to her for Christmas 2009, she planned to return it because it wasn't working after owning it for a year and felt wasn't satisfactory enough. I looked at it, checked the batteries (Tesco value AA), put some lithiums in, camera works, she leaves off.

Think the only time someone has chosen to make a complaint against me was because he didn't explain the set-up he had from speaking to the manager from the phone and demanded I do what he expected of me when I just followed store policy and never gave me a chance to explain. Some true idiots out there, really are.

My pet peeves for customers are the "I can get it cheaper on the internet" after spending about 30 minutes with me running the perks of the products. Yes of course you can get it cheaper on the net, but you won't get the service I will provide you, not to mention you can get dodgy dealers pending on where you shop. It's insulting because I gave out information to help and you wish to go elsewhere.
I hate 75% of people who shop at Primark. If I made a thread every time a customer was acting like a complete piece of shit to me, or was just a fucking idiot, there'd be no space for anything else in the Cage. What possesses people to be such morons?! Get a life you sad sad people.
I'm not sure if Wal Mart still matches other stores prices on groceries or not. I used to be a cashier at pretty much the biggest Wal Mart and the only Wal Mart in Eastern Kentucky for miles in Hick city. I would have old ladies screaming at me for vegetables ringing up 10 cents more then she thought, and the things she wanted cheaper I couldn't give to her. Not only is that annoying but all of the first of the month "pillbillies" that come to cash their check or food stamps invade the store like herd of buffalo.

They all stare at you like you just raped their mother because you are the one of only a few cashiers that have a register open. I don't miss those days. Customer is always right? Customer is always as asshole.
I can't wait, in a few more years..I'm going to have one of these jobs..and I can tell funny stories about idiots who go out in public.
The customer's at my work are relatively nice, and the elderly people are generally good to chat too...i work in a supermarket, so i also tend to help locate items for people as well as do stock filling but being on registers and dealing with the public has its positives and negatives.
Some crazy old bat accused me of putting poison in her frappucino and that Starbucks killed her son

I swear this is 100% true
Closing the restaurant at 11pm the other night. We were about to close when a bus full of church people arrived 10 minutes before we closed. The boss quickly jumped the counter and locked up.

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