I hate feeling like this.

Maybe. The only hints I've had is that she doesn't want to lose "us", meaning me and her friends.

I'm going to continue being there for her and reassuring her that I'll never leave. It justs hurts to see her suffer like this. I'll try not to badger her though.

It's good that you care.

I've often wondered if I should care less about peoples' problems. I feel as though worrying about her problems leaves less time for worrying about my own. Then again, I have very few problems in life, other than the loneliness and the math.
No you don't. You don't know what its like to be considered an uncaring individual. Nor what its like to have problems in your life. Look at me. I've spent the past 3 weeks with a possibly crippling sickness and can't see a doctor because I don't get paid for another week.

As for my former best friend, it's not that he was pretending to be my friend, more that he's turning into a ******** and can't keep his promises.
Believe me, I have no problems with marijuana and alcohol if you're old enough and mature enough to use responsibly, but he's 14. He got "drunk off his ass" at a party over the summer and it really freaked me out. He was totally messed up.
After all that he said he felt terrible about it and for hurting me and the girl like that (It was his irresponsibility that hurt, and he also said some things to us). He said he wouldn't drink or do drugs until he was old enough to handle them. I mean, Jesus, he's 14...
This happens oftenly. If you still care, stay close. He may realize his mistakes sooner than later and see who his friends really are.

Well he's been lying to me. He took ecstasy AT SCHOOL after an exam because he had nothing better to do. He's gotten high a load.
Your hall moniter sucks.
Not always a good option though. Some people get depressed after they cum. I can only assume that Clint Eastwood is not one of these "some people."
I'm in no way straight edge. I like alcohol (though I never go out drinking or anything; I mainly drink it when I visit Europe) and think marijuana should be legalized, but...he's totally fucking up his life. He's fourteen, for God's sake.

I feel like the world is passing me by. I hear about the kind of things kids my age are up to and I'm shocked. It's stupid, I know, and I'm certainly not naive enough to think it doesn't happen, but it's so...weird.

It's hard to explain.

I used to feel as though the world was passing me by. When I was in High School, I often felt that I was just tagging along for the ride and not actually living my life. However, I was never unhappy about that. I was never unhappy about the decisions I made to stay in and do something that, at the time, was fun. It could have been watching some TV, hanging out with friends or chilling on a forum like I am now. As I got older though, I decided that I wanted to make a change in my life and go out and enjoy myself. I think that is a massive problem for people. They feel down that they may not be getting the most out of these years but they are not actively trying to remedy that fact.

Now, I am not saying that you should go out and get wasted on drugs and alcohol. Far from it. If that is what people want to do, then so be it. I have done both of those on multiple occasions and they are of too many to count. However, it is a choice that you make and I was happy with the experiences. I still drink and I still go out frequently but looking back on what life used to be, I am not unhappy with what life has given me. The point of the whole thing is to be happy. If that means going out and getting wasted every night, then that is OK. If it means chilling for a while on a forum, then wonderful. However, if you want your life to be what you want it to be (and I have no idea what that would be for you) then go out and get it.

In the immortal words of Colin Farrell "You never know what life's gonna put in your lap, if you just open your arms and embrace it".

Live it, Learn it, Love it.
Sorry about accidentially stealing what was in your head ZeroVX haha. Situations 'ey?

Anyhow, I know what people mean about not trying to help ALL the time but it really is easier said than done. I find myself currently as the go-to guy for all my friends. Whenever they're upset, they come to me to talk about it. So when they don't, it comes as a huge shock. Best mates especially. So I can only assume that's how you feel at the moment Doc.

I really hope things get better for her, for your sake, buddy.
True story...I've never been high or drunk. Although I have indulged once.

Doc, all things work themselves out in time.
Lol... out of all the people you could have ever quoted Dave, you go with Colin Farrell? That's fucking hilarious. :icon_razz:

Anyway, Doc.. don't pressure her into telling you anything. She will eventually, or she'll act like nothing ever happened. Either way, she'll be over it by Tuesday.

As far as your other friend, it's a tough reality, but man... you're going to lose 90% of the friends you have in high school once it's over with, anyway, so don't even stress about that kind of shit.
Lol... out of all the people you could have ever quoted Dave, you go with Colin Farrell? That's fucking hilarious. :icon_razz:

As your rep comment suggests, I think that I might go back and delete that. I always thought that it was a quote that resonated with the situated I was in at the time. Not the most desirable of people to quote but it's still a keeper, in my opinion.
I know what you are going through, Doc. Especially when it comes to the helplessness you can feel.

One of my best friends has been going through a tough time over the passed year or so. She had an awful job that had her move away from her friends and family all the while demanding more from one person than was healthy such as working from 6am to 11pm with little help almost daily.

It affected her really badly and yet she was too proud to really tell us how bad it was. It was so bad that she broke up with her boyfriend, who was the only person that she had allowed to help her. Soon she had fallen in with another guy, over 10 years her senior and who she described as "her knight in shining armour" even though we could all tell it was a rebound/convenience relationship.

Now she has gotten pregnant and surprise surprise the guy turns out to be a complete ********, throwing her out of his house when she asked for help. Just before Christmas I started to see her a bit more regularly as she was forced to move home. Being close to her friends and family seemed to help her out. Personally, I started to travel up and down to Belfast with her as she went to work and me to uni and I saw a massive improvement in her demeanour and health.

However, she has had a bad pregnancy and her boss at her new job has been less than helpful. She kept talking about not wanting the father to be involved but I could tell that that was a smoke screen. He has a grip over her, not just when it comes to being the father of her child. It was unfortunate that I was going away over for a couple of months as I truly believe that talking with me regularly was helping her see things more clearly. I knew that once I was out of personal contact that she would be back with this guy again... What's worse is that I know that she is back with him but she refuses to tell me about it. I had to hear from another source.

Sometimes there is just nothing you can do
I know what you are going through, Doc. Especially when it comes to the helplessness you can feel.

One of my best friends has been going through a tough time over the passed year or so. She had an awful job that had her move away from her friends and family all the while demanding more from one person than was healthy such as working from 6am to 11pm with little help almost daily.

It affected her really badly and yet she was too proud to really tell us how bad it was. It was so bad that she broke up with her boyfriend, who was the only person that she had allowed to help her. Soon she had fallen in with another guy, over 10 years her senior and who she described as "her knight in shining armour" even though we could all tell it was a rebound/convenience relationship.

Now she has gotten pregnant and surprise surprise the guy turns out to be a complete ********, throwing her out of his house when she asked for help. Just before Christmas I started to see her a bit more regularly as she was forced to move home. Being close to her friends and family seemed to help her out. Personally, I started to travel up and down to Belfast with her as she went to work and me to uni and I saw a massive improvement in her demeanour and health.

However, she has had a bad pregnancy and her boss at her new job has been less than helpful. She kept talking about not wanting the father to be involved but I could tell that that was a smoke screen. He has a grip over her, not just when it comes to being the father of her child. It was unfortunate that I was going away over for a couple of months as I truly believe that talking with me regularly was helping her see things more clearly. I knew that once I was out of personal contact that she would be back with this guy again... What's worse is that I know that she is back with him but she refuses to tell me about it. I had to hear from another source.

Sometimes there is just nothing you can do

In the words of the Briscoe's.....tell him to "Man Up"
If you want a wrestler's advice, post about it on Matt Hardy's MySpace and let us know what he has to say. He normally gets around to such things.
Either that or he'll be so alarmed that someone who isn't a fat goth chick cares what he thinks that he'll have a shock (and fat) induced heart attack.
I wish somebody could explain to me how a guy as insecure as him gets women who are so far out of his league.

So, I have a friend. I feel a very deep affection for this girl. Not romantic, but I love her like a friend.

Anyway, there is something really weighing on her mind. She won't tell me what it is but it's really eating her inside. She says she'll tell me when she's ready, and she told a really drunk friend of hers, but it's still hurting her.

I hate seeing her suffer lke this. I wish she would tell me, because I think if she told someone it could help. Of course, I could be totally wrong. But I'm worried for her.

She's my best friend.

Never, ever force it out of her. In fact, tell her this word for word.

"I don't know what's wrong, but I have a feeling it's really hurting you. Whatever it is, I'm here to help you."

Then drop it. Don't try to be her hero, be her best friend. Help her in everything she does, even if it's not telling you something that's hurting her.

Speaking of best friends, yesterday I realized that someone I used to consider my best friend doesn't...care. He only pretends he does.

What the fuck does that even mean. I mean, for reals. "I only pretended to be your best friend."
I'm sorry for complaining like this. I know a lot of people say you shouldn't bring personal stuff into the Bar Room, but I had to tell someone. I really have very few people to talk to.

I'm in a helpful mood today.

What should I do? Should I just not let it get to me?

Say what I told you to, and don't push it. Just realize that whatever she needs you to do she will tell you to do. If it's leave her alone, leave her alone. If it's hear her out, hear her out.

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