I get mocked for not knowing 1000 songs

wait....this is a serious conversation?? the irrelevance of the amount of music you have on a device is so incredibly obscure, I have no words to do it justice. If someone said something like that to me, I would snatch it out of their hands and try to break it.

But doesn't it just fill you with jealousy that they have THAT many songs? They deserve respect for that.
I hate people that claim to be in love with Led Zeppelin, but spell it Led Zepplen, and can only name Stairway To Heaven as one of their songs.
I hate people that claim to be in love with Led Zeppelin, but spell it Led Zepplen, and can only name Stairway To Heaven as one of their songs.

Spelling names wrong is pretty awful. Not as bad as people who have about 4 different variations of the same band/singer's name on their iPod. If you're going to have 50 of their songs, at least organise them under the one, correct name.
I love it when you go, "what do you think of (insert band here)?
and the comment is yeah He is alright.
My ipod seriously has 1 song, and repeats it over and over when i listen to it. O.o I only use it when im running, and only "animal I have become" is good running music!!!
I have a sony walkman thing, It's tiny but has alot of space on it.

The 800 songs on it come in handy when Im doing a 12 hour shift, And I add song I like all the time.
I have 500 on my iPod and thats only because I can't fit anymore. My music folders i don't actually know, there is more than 5000
I have a bunch of dance music, a couple of audio books, and The Fray's new song (I love that shit, but I won't after I play it constantly for the next two or so weeks).
I have a bunch of dance music, a couple of audio books, and The Fray's new song (I love that shit, but I won't after I play it constantly for the next two or so weeks).
That shit happened to me when I listened to Little House too much.
I knew i liked you for a reason.
It's pretty epic. I also used to have the whole of Yu Yu Hakusho, but after I finished the series I deleted it. Outlaw Star deserves room on my Archos no matter how many times I watch it. I should look into getting Big O as well.
I assume you were a fan of Toonami when you were younger? But yea Big O was badass. Out of all of my animes i grew up with, Outlaw Star or Gundam Wing are my favorite.
I was, and all of the Gundam series, for the most part, were the shit.

Unlike other people, I loved the tournament fighting one.
G Gundam? "Look the east is burning red!" "This hand of mine is burning red, its loud roar tells me to grasp victory. Erupting Burning Finger!"

Lol i use to love that as a kid. Still do.
about 1000 i guess. Alot are just albums though with like 2 or 3 songs i actually listen to and 10 or so i dont care about. About 1000 on my ipod but only listen to around 300 or something i guess.
Eh...checking my Ipod right now, I have 10,773 songs on it. Now don't get it all twisted saying I'm trying to be top dog for most songs on an Ipod here, but I have an OCD like problem when it comes to my music collection. If I have an artist on my Ipod, I must have every single album that artist has on it. That and I have a 60 GB Ipod Video that I got on the cheap and I just can't let empty space go to waste. Oh and a 10,000 song playlist on shuffle is pretty damn interesting. Oh and I'm looking to upgrade to a 120 GB Ipod Classic so I have a reason to go download more music to fill that Ipod up.

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