I get mocked for not knowing 1000 songs


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Me and my friend were talking about how many songs we have on our iPods, I showed him I only had about fifty songs on my iPod. He started laughing at me for that reason and told me he had over a thousand or so. I'm serious I don't even know 1000 songs, if anything I know maybe two-hundred or so. It made me laugh so hard quite honestly.

Not really important, just Bar Room chatter.

Also how many songs do you have on your iPod/MP3 player?
thousdans easily. I just added 980 different artists to my playlist when I reoganized my music today.
I'm not a huge music fan which probably explains my lack of songs on my iPod. I think the music I'm growing up around sucks in my opinion. I like a lot of the classic rock, metal, and grunge music. Guys like Queen, Pink Floyd, some Nirvana, and Sound Garden
I was worried this would turn into a "who's is bigger" competition but with playlists instead of size. Luckily it hasn't yet.
I'm not a huge music fan, and I've got 500-600 songs. I can't see listening to any more than that. If you have over 2000 songs, you probably haven't listened to some of them in years. Weed them out.

Swagger: I thought the music when I was in high school sucked. That was 5 years ago. I listened to a couple currently popular songs the other day and they were techno hell. Good for you for listening to the old stuff, the new stuff is crap from what I've heard.
Anyone who takes pride in the amount of songs they have on a music device is a fucking idiot. Do they even listen to all of them? No, they'd listen frequently to about 100 songs at most. Well done. You've wasted hours of your life putting songs that you don't even listen to on your music player, just to go and show that off to people. Halfwits. IPods are design to play music, not to just store songs. The guy who puts shitloads of music he wouldn't even listen to on one should be more "embarrassed" than the guy who puts 50 of his favourite songs on there.
Anyone who takes pride in the amount of songs they have on a music device is a fucking idiot. Do they even listen to all of them? No, they'd listen frequently to about 100 songs at most. Well done. You've wasted hours of your life putting songs that you don't even listen to on your music player, just to go and show that off to people. Halfwits. IPods are design to play music, not to just store songs. The guy who puts shitloads of music he wouldn't even listen to on one should be more "embarrassed" than the guy who puts 50 of his favourite songs on there.

Never worked 14 hour shifts, have you?
I was mainly referring to stupid teenagers. Even so, I doubt you listen to all your songs, so why put them on there?

And music is a distraction. You should be working harder. ;)

Id have extra songs on for certain situations. I used to work a lot of hours (Helped to pay for school) so the ipod was good for that. 100 songs a day if I didn't repeat was easy.

I do think thought that a lot of people just seems to try and brag about their music. Its nothing special, anyone with LimeWire has the same ability to have that many songs.
I'll be honest, the reason I have 4000 songs is because I'm an obsessive compulsive nut, and it would drive me insane to see incomplete albums in iTunes or on my iPod. So if there's one song I like, it pretty much turns into twelve. I've listened to pretty much all of them - I'll just set it to shuffle and go through a whole bunch of them.
wait....this is a serious conversation?? the irrelevance of the amount of music you have on a device is so incredibly obscure, I have no words to do it justice. If someone said something like that to me, I would snatch it out of their hands and try to break it.

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