I found some sample chapters from Milenko's new novel

I have a mildly similar first Milenko story. He was going on in the Bar about his new HOF series (copied and pasted from Wiki, obviously) and listed Kane as HOF material before Cena. I called him on the blatant absurdity of this. Massive argument ensued. Nobody piled on. For a brief moment, I almost thought people regarded veteran Milenko as the equal of noob Coco. Mind you this was also before I "got" Jake. Things have become much clearer to me since then.
Seeing hoe Coco here didn't want to do it Here's the thread Coco was talking about.


Admittedly I have made some pretty fucked up choices/mistakes here but in this case Coco was wrong and this was not one of them. At the time I honestly believed it
Milenko, that thread you linked to stemmed from this:


What is that? Thanks for asking. It's you promoting your legends nonsense (which I mistakenly recalled being a HOF thread series... my bad on that front, but the point still stands). The Kane-Cena argument started there, but you did in fact lift the meat of the legends thread you were promoting from Wikipedia. So I'm not wrong. As usual.
By the way, it's never been clearer that Milenko is a troll:


See? He likes getting a rise out of people. You'll never see me copping to such nonsense. Because I don't troll.

Although I really did trail off there at the end. Supreme Court what? And I seemed to actually put some stock in various wrestling topics on here. Young Coco has much to learn. Disappointing. Also, young Dave is kind of a cunt. More of a cunt than contemporary Dave.
Could you outline the ways in which I'm ducking you? I'd just like to see how drastically you've lost your grasp of the narrative.
Could you outline the ways in which I'm ducking you? I'd just like to see how drastically you've lost your grasp of the narrative.
you made a claim saying my Kane John Cena thread was copied from Wiki. You said you would find it but instead posted a totally different thread that I admittedly did copy from Wiki and when I went and found the original thread you were talking about you ignored it and started calling me a troll
I claimed the legends thread was lifted from Wikipedia. I'm not wrong. You're just wholly unable to follow a simple conversation.
I have a mildly similar first Milenko story. He was going on in the Bar about his new HOF series (copied and pasted from Wiki, obviously) and listed Kane as HOF material before Cena. I called him on the blatant absurdity of this. Massive argument ensued. Nobody piled on. For a brief moment, I almost thought people regarded veteran Milenko as the equal of noob Coco. Mind you this was also before I "got" Jake. Things have become much clearer to me since then.
As I said, I remembered incorrectly that it was a HOF series rather than a legends something-or-another. My point still stands and I couldn't have been any clearer without printing off five hundred sheets of that bolded part, binding them, and beating you half to death with them.
As I said, I remembered incorrectly that it was a HOF series rather than a legends something-or-another. My point still stands and I couldn't have been any clearer without printing off five hundred sheets of that bolded part, bound them, and beat you half to death with them.
When you said Kane & John Cena I thought you meant the one I posted.

I was wrong Coco and I apologize.
You're still viewing the thread, Milenko. What happened to "walks out and closes door?"

You really need to learn when to give up.

EDIT: At least you admit you're wrong.

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