I found some sample chapters from Milenko's new novel


They're short Chapters but not bad.

Chapter 3: The Mission

It's Wednesday, 10:AM; I hate being woken at this time, the sun is too hot, beating down on my skin, making me sweat, I didnt even know vampires could sweat but there you go, even under my protective hood and long grey coat it gets to me, although maybe the sweating can be attributed to the noises of the playground just a few yards away.

I walk into the building, a huge skyscraper that blocks the sun from my milky white skin, no children allowed, thank god, even though I hate him because I am a vampire, not sure how much more I could take. I take the elevator to the 11th floor, they're expecting me, got me a mission, anything to take me away from Penn State and back into the Cold War.

Chapter 113: The Target.

Moscow, Thursday, 10:pM; Thats better, night time, when I come alive, after bed time. My mark, that sweet blonde little number sitting on that bench just in front of me, she's a spy, a damn good one, although what she's doing in Moscow and not spying on people in America I am not sure. I guess this would concern a normal agent, as would the fact that she's a 10 out of 10, they might let feelings get in the way of hitting the target.

Not me though, I've only got eyes for her jugular. . . and her six year old daughter Svetlana.
So you lot would rather go around validating each others existance constantly in loads of different threads than read quality literature?

It is I who is dissapointed in you.
I know right? He got mad at his own writing.

I wonder if Shakespeare did that.

I was told by 3 different people to stop being a pussy and grow a spine so I thought I would try it with someone that is blatantly being a trollish dick.

So you grew a spine because you were told to? I actually think I am one of the least trollish or dickish people here, considering I take the piss out of myself more than I do anyone else, maybe others think different I dont really care. I just think you need to laugh at yourself more, but fine, you earn your man points if it makes you seem cooler in front of everyone else.
So you grew a spine because you were told to? I actually think I am one of the least trollish or dickish people here, considering I take the piss out of myself more than I do anyone else, maybe others think different I dont really care. I just think you need to laugh at yourself more, but fine, you earn your man points if it makes you seem cooler in front of everyone else.
I've done nothing but Laugh at myself for years on here and all it's done was make people think they can walk all over me and I'm fucking sick of it. It could have been anyone but you happen to have been the first one to do something like this since I decided to not take shit from anyone.
I've done nothing but Laugh at myself for years on here and all it's done was make people think they can walk all over me and I'm fucking sick of it.

No you havent, your one of the most anal people on here and thats seriously saying something, the reason people keep going after you is because you always react to it. As if thats not bad enough you and Doug are always one of the first in line to rip the shit out of some other poor cunt (usually a newer member) thats done something a bit stupid, notice I said one of the first because god forbid you have the balls to actually be the first.

It could have been anyone but you happen to have been the first one to do something like this since I decided to not take shit from anyone.

Whatever dude, go ahead I wont remember tommorow anyway.
As if thats not bad enough you and Doug are always one of the first in line to rip the shit out of some other poor cunt (usually a newer member) thats done something a bit stupid, notice I said one of the first because god forbid you have the balls to actually be the first.
I'm calling so much BULLSHIT on this. I am one of the LAST people to jump on a new member for doing something stupid. I do my best to treat people nicely and it's only after they refuse to even acknowledge my advice or start treating me like shit do I go off on them.

The fact you would even say something like this proves you don't pay attention to really anything I do.
The writing is not bad, not perfect either, but not bad. I've been reading fanfiction for 4 years now, and I've read stuff that was much, much worse.

Milenko's writing is about the same quality as the woman that wrote Twilight, and look how much money that bitch has made.
It is kinda funny that growing a spine is actually doing exactly as you are told rather than following your true nature and not being worried about what others think about it.
I'm following good advice. My true nature is to take the shit people fling at me and I'm getting fucking sick of it.
I'm following good advice. My true nature is to take the shit people fling at me and I'm getting fucking sick of it.

Yes but instead of doing it based on your own decisions and ideas, you are doing it because others told you too. It is hard to consider that really growing a spine whether it is the correct decision to make or not. And honestly I do not believe it is the correct decision to make, it is actually opening yourself up to more shit and you know that you do not handle that well.
I'm pretty sure everyone could tell you didn't write that Milenko, because to be brutally honest, it was far too well written. Sorry dude.

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