I didn't know Glenn Beck was a member of the forum.


Pre-Show Stalwart
If anyone with a heart or sliver of human decency, please do not read.

DirtyJosé;2370836 said:
The irony is so lost on you, it's stopped at your asshole to look for directions. But hey, since you like them so much:

Why do mexicans have small stearing wheels?

so they can drive with handcuffs on


What's a mexicans favorite book store?



What do you call a mexican on a riding lawnmower?



What do you call a building full of Mexicans?



What does a mexican get 4 christmas?

Your TV


Why are mexicans and basketball players a like?

they both run jump shoot and steal


What do you call one Mexican on the moon? A problem. What do you call two mexicans on the moon? A bigger problem. What do you call all of the mexicans on the moon?

Problem solved


Why do mexicans wear their baseball cap with the brim up?

So they have a place to keep their taco.


why do mexicans put there names on their car

so they dont steal them


what do mexicans and vending machines have in common?

they both take your money and don't work.


Why do mexicans wear pointed boots?

Because it makes it easier to get over a fence.


How do you keep mexicans from stealing?

Put everthing on the top shelf.


What did Davy Crocket say when he saw all the mexicans running towards the alamo?

Who ordered concrete?


What is the difference between a Mexican and an elevator?

One can raise a child.


What do you call a Mexican with a new car?

A felon


Why are there no Mexicans in Star Trek?

They don't work in the future either!


Did you hear about the two car pile-up in the Walmart parking lot?

50 Mexicans died


Why do mexican kids walk around school like they own the place?

Because their dads built it and their mom clean it.


What's a mexican's favorite sport?

cross country


Why cant mexicans play uno?

Because they always steal the green card


2 mexicans are in a car, who is driving?

A cop


Why were there only 5,000 mexican soldiers at the battle of Alamo?

They only had 2 vans.


What do you call a group of stoned mexicans?

Baked beans


How do you stop a Mexican tank?

Shoot the guy pushing it.


What is the difference between a Mexican and a bucket of crap...?

the bucket


What do you call a mexican baptism?

Bean dip


What do you call a mexican that can't do any thing?

A mexican


What is the difference between a pizza and a mexican?

A pizza can feed a family of four


What do you get when you cross a Mexican and a black person?

Somebody too lazy to steal.


If there was a maze with with a million dollars in the center who do you think would win: the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, a smart mexican, or dumb mexican?

The dumb mexican, the rest don't exist.


Why don't mexicans cross the border in 3's?

Because it says no trespassing


Why doesn't the border have electric wires?

Because Mexicans will steal the electricity to power their house.


Why are Mexicans so short?

They all live in basement apartments.


How Do You Starve A Mexican?

Put Their Food Stamps In Their Work Boots.


Juan,carlos,and antonio all jump off a cliff to see who will hit the ground first. who wins?



Did you hear about the winner of the mexican beauty contest?

Me neither.


What do you get when you cross a mexican with an octopuss?

I don't know but it could pick lettuce good.


Why don't mexicans bbq?

The beans fall through the little holes.


What are the first 3 words in every mexican cookbook?

steal a chicken


Did you hear about that one mexican that went to college?

yeah.. me neither


What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand?

Cuatro Cinco


how do you stop a mexican from robbing your house?

put up a help-wanted sign


What's the difference between a bench and a Mexican?

A bench can support a family


What is it when a Mexican is taking a shower?

A miracle.


A bunch of Mexicans are running down a hill, what is going on?

Jail Break.


What do you call a Mexican driving a BMW?

Grand Theft Auto.


Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team?

Any Mexican that can run jump or swim is in the US!


Why wasn't Jesus born in Mexico?

He couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin.


Why do Mexicans drive low riders?

They are too short to get into any other type of car.


Why do Mexicans re-fry their beans?

Have you seen a Mexican do anything right the first time?


What do you do when a Mexican is riding a bike?

Chase after him, it's probably yours!


Why are Mexicans so short?

When they're young, their parents say, "When you get bigger you have to get a good job."


What do you call a Mexican without a lawn mower?



How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Doesn't matter, they're to short to reach the socket.


How do you get 50 Mexicans is a phone booth?

Throw food stamps in it.


An Arab, Frenchman, American and a Mexican are riding down the highway. The Arab picks up an AK-47. He shoots a couple of rounds and then throws the gun out the window. The American asks him why he through the gun out the window and the Arab says they have so many of those where he is from he doesn't care about what happens to them.

The Frenchman picks up a bottle of wine and drinks a little and throws it out the window. The American asks him why he tossed it. The Frenchman says they have so much of it where he is from he doesn't care what happens to it.

The American picks up the Mexican and throws him out the window.


Two Americans and a Mexican are exploring in Africa and they stumble upon a tribe. The chief of the tribe tells the explorers that they are going to get fruit shoved up their butts and if they laugh they are going to get killed. Luckly, the Chief tells them they get to pick their own fruit. The two whittes pick berries and the Chief shoves it up their butts. They both laugh their heads off. In heaven God asks them why they laughed. And the Americans reply, "The Mexican picked a watermelon."


A little Mexican boy goes into the kitchen where his mom is baking. He puts his hand in the flour and wipes it all over his face. He says, "Mom, look - I'm a white boy!" His mom slaps him in the face and says, "Go show your father." He goes to his dad in the living room and says, "Look Dad, I'm a white boy." His dad slaps him hard in the face and says, "Go show your grandmother." The boy goes into his grandmother's room and say, "Mira, Abuelita, I'm a white boy." His grandmother slaps him in the face and sends him back to his mother. His mother says, "See, did you learn anything from that?" To which the boy replies, "Sure did! I have only been white for five minutes and I already hate you Mexicans!"


Three men are traveling in the Amazon, a German, an American, and a Mexican, and they get captured by some Amazons. The head of the tribe says to the German, "What do you want on your back for your whipping?" The German responds, "I will take oil!" So they put oil on his back, and a large Amazon whips him ten times. When he is finished the German has these huge welts on his back, and he can hardly move. The Amazons haul the German away, and say to the Mexican, "What do you want on your back?" "I will take nothing!" says the Mexican, and he stands there straight and takes his ten lashings without a single flinch. "What will you take on your back?" the Amazons ask the American. He responds, "I'll take the Mexican."


An Englishman, Frenchman, Mexican, and Texan were flying across country on a small plane when the pilot comes on the loud speaker and says " We're having mechanical problems and the only way we can make it to the next airport is for 3 of you to open the door and jump, at least one of you can survive" The four open the door and look out below. The Englishman takes a deep breath and hollers "God Save The Queen" and jumps. The Frenchman gets really inspired and hollers "Viva La France" and he also jumps. This really pumps up the Texan so he hollers "Remember the Alamo" and he grabs the Mexican and throws him out of the plane.

I am just dumbfounded that there are still people like this in 2011. Amazing.
Fuck Fox News and Fuck "Dirty Jose" even though he's probably a hard gay ass white boy named Trevor or some shit.



Also, before you start calling people Glenn Beck...

We got a *** it pandemic in these parts yo.

And there's more like that where this came from, bigot. Now who's sucking Glenn Beck's dick?
Yeah, you know what cabron, too me you look like a fat fucking white man.
And if you actually are mexican, (mexican and spanish are not the same thing for you idiots out there) then your a disgrace too your people, your heritage, and all hispania in general.

Yeah, laugh it up with the white man, be the mexican uncle tom while white america openly despise's Mexico AND South America.

You are a foking joke homie.
Fair enough Jose.

Is anyone else thinking that Jenks is without a doubt an Alt, even if the IP address doesn't match another user account, it's just the way he is going about things.
Yeah, you know what cabron, too me you look like a fat fucking white man.

To me you act like a 10 year old boy

And if you actually are Mexican, (Mexican and Spanish are not the same thing for you idiots out there) then your a disgrace too your people, your heritage, and all Spanish in general.

Your a disgrace on whatever race you are. You are part of the reason that stereotypes exist.

Yeah, laugh it up with the white man, be the Mexican uncle tom while white America openly despises Mexico AND South America.

WZ forums openly despises you.

You are a fucking joke (homie).

Your a joke when it comes to grammar and all round literacy on a keyboard.
Fair enough Jose.

Is anyone else thinking that Jenks is without a doubt an Alt, even if the IP address doesn't match another user account, it's just the way he is going about things.

Now who the fuck are you man? This is the type of shit I'm talking about! I haven't fucked with you Super *** it, have I? So why are you fucking chiming in on me with your two fucking cents?

You've been here since 07' and have 182 posts, what's up with that?

Don't ride my dick son, unless you like smelling like pussy.
Yeah, you know what cabron, too me you look like a fat fucking white man.
And if you actually are mexican, (mexican and spanish are not the same thing for you idiots out there) then your a disgrace too your people, your heritage, and all hispania in general.

Yeah, laugh it up with the white man, be the mexican uncle tom while white america openly despise's Mexico AND South America.

You are a foking joke homie.

oh no my sense of racial identity is being assaulted by the homophobic douche bag who got butt hurt in the cage, despite having read the warning sign. whatever will i do. oh that's right, i was going to kill myself for my faulty punctuation, i suppose i should just go on with that.

How about this, pendejo: I don't give a shit. I have much bigger problems than a pissant prepubescent prick like you says or thinks about my loyalty to my race. Really? Mexican Uncle Tom? For catching you on being a hypocritical oversensitive bitch in The Cage? I think not. Just keep digging, pal, just keep digging.
Don't ride my dick son, unless you like smelling like pussy.

You really like sounding like a Grade 3 drop out don't you? This is 2010. No one except lil wayne talks like that these days. Grow up. Act your age. It's official, This guy is worse then Bill Lesnar.
OH MAN! That was awesome Jose, just brilliant! I'd green rep you a million times if I could!

Oh and Jenks, pull the stick outta your ass!
To me you act like a 10 year old boy

Your a disgrace on whatever race you are. You are part of the reason that stereotypes exist.

WZ forums openly despises you.

Your a joke when it comes to grammar and all round literacy on a keyboard.

Blah blah blah, typical fucking racist conservative attitude. I'm not the reason stereotypes, exist ... you are you son of a bitch. Your a fucking hate monger. I didn't have shit to do with u, but you've been riding my ass the past day (whether it's red repping me or what not.) Your not the spokesperson for WZ, so shut the fuck up dick weed.

Listen, go back to your Fox news and tea party gatherings. I almost would of thought you were Sarah Palin for a second, I get a strong scent of pussy coming from you.

Don't fuck with me unless you have legitamte quams you hick bastard.
Now who the fuck are you man? This is the type of shit I'm talking about! I haven't fucked with you Super *** it, have I? So why are you fucking chiming in on me with your two fucking cents?

Here you are, getting butt hurt in the cage again. You know why these people jump out of the woodwork? It's the same reason you were raped by the admins this evening: you can't stop talking out of your ass. Do you know how many shit talk/hate threads like this I've ever started? None. Not a single one. But you, oh every little grievance or offense to you is another shit thread to start up. These people read your shit threads, find you full of shit, and decide to share that with you. If you recall, the sign said be prepared to take it if you want to sling it. That meant from all sides. So once again, if you aren't going to quit being a pussy, get the fuck out. Because if you insist on being as ******ed as you have been, there will always be fuckers calling you out on your shit. Deal with it, or leave.

Don't ride my dick son, unless you like smelling like pussy.

So you'd let a guy ride your dick? What the fuck are you talking about? This is the other reason people can't fucking stand you; you don't make any fucking sense at all.
Now who the fuck are you man? This is the type of shit I'm talking about!

Superman Punch. I won't need to ask your name because I'm smart enough to see it just over the top of your post. You probably should have done the same.

I haven't fucked with you Super *** it, have I? So why are you fucking chiming in on me with your two fucking cents?

It's Superman Punch.

Also it's because your a disease on this forum. I wouldn't be surprised if your banned within the next week, So it's not really important to have a back and forth with you.

You've been here since 07' and have 182 posts, what's up with that?

Are you actually annoyed at this stat?

Nothing is up with that, you won't even make it 12 months before your ass is banned anyway so........ what now?

Don't ride my dick son, unless you like smelling like pussy.

You wouldn't know what pussy smelt like.
Okay, well since I'm HALF NATIVE AMERICAN, I guess that "racist" shit will not be working against me now will it? No. Sorry. I could have done the same thing as a bunch of other people or other races and "act black" as I see a lot of Asians, Mexican's, Whites, and pretty much every other race under the sun, but why bother? Try not following what everyone else is doing, and be your own person, because the whole "Gansta" thing makes you come off as a complete and utter piece of Ghetto Trash.
#1 you do it horribly.
#2 your "Glen Beck" comparison is aweful since you are more like him then anyone else around here.
#3 You really don't expect people to attack your posts with the shit you've been saying? You called KB a ***, as well as talked shit about 2 or 3 other staff members. yet you REALLY don't see why people don't like you?
#4 Stop acting like you're a big shot. You're not. Nor can you do anything to prove otherwise.
#5 Jose showed you. Called him a raciest, and yet he was the race you were trying so hard to defend! But instead of admitting you were wrong, you dug your hole deeper and deeper.

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