Oh but of course. It's what we do.
So, instead of addressing the loss of power, you choose to bash Bush. Awesome. You're just like Obama.
What loss of power? Every president except for Roosevelt or Washington suffered a setback. Instead of whining and sulking, they say "Shit, my bad. But look at how I'm going to fix it."
Is that better? I felt a Bush joke would still get my point across, but I guess it flew right over your head. Too busy giving head to McCain and Romney, I'm sure.
Please, tell me what propaganda that could be. Scott Brown didn't go into that election bashing national healthcare. He voted FOR universal coverage in Massachusettes. He said he was going to vote against this bill because of the massive bribes and earmarks that were used to get it through the Senate. Is there a reason that Lousiana and Nebraska deserve an extra half a trillion dollars in giveaways than everyone else is going to get? Is there a reason that corporations can't run healthcare with some government subsidies? That's the plan being used in Massachusetts and it is a success. He is voting against the bill because it's a bad bill, not because he wants to give us the impression that it's a bad idea. You'd be hard pressed to find any Republican who doesn't want some sort of healthcare, but it needs to start with tort reform, tax credits, and subsidies. Bribes, socialism, and secrecy are not always the answer.
I was arguing the Healthcare propaganda. Like "Obamacare means death panels! Obamacare means we legislate which old people live and who dies! You'll die if you cost us too much! Obamacare means tax payer money for a legal medical operation, aka Abortion! Ahhh! Ahhh! Don't let teh communists get you with their single payer system that you can opt out of ! Ahhh!"
Also, isn't a large part of the Healthcare bill tort reform and insurance company reform?
Tell me where Scott Brown said this? All the polling indicates he won based on his stances against terrorism. His opponent said that we shouldn't surge the troops and that Curt Schilling was a Yankees fan. You don't win by being anti-military and completely incompetent anywhere, much less Massachusetts, a state with a more educated constituency than most other places.
Not wanting a surge in troops is now anti-military? My god. Then when Beck was criticizing Obama for not being forward enough in Afghanistan or Yemen, he was being anti-military as well for criticizing the actions of our military.
..That's what you're saying, right?
Yawn. Come back around when you have actual arguments, other than red herrings that distract from the issues at hand. America opposes this bill, America opposes government takeover, and the Democratic nominee was in way over her head.
You know, that sentence was to put forward my earlier point of people still believing bullshit propaganda that takes maybe 5 seconds on Google to counteract. Everyone is against healthcare reform because the Republicans spent a year saying "Everyone is going to die! Death Panels! Run away deficit that we totally didn't run up in teh first place! ABORTION!" If you would look in the bill, and see that there are no death panels, that the government will not be legislating who lives or dies, and that the government wanted to help subsidize a perfectly legal medical act you wouldn't give into the hype. But no. People hear Abortion and think God is going to strike down the Democrats.
Are you done? Can we talk about issues like adults, or are we going to continue with the Chicken Little bullshit?
You split an entire, self-supporting paragraph into sentences. Shame on you. And besides, I thought I was being funny.
Wow, this is just stupid. If a Jehova's Witness is against medicine, why is he a doctor? It doesn't reconcile at all. Furthermore, I love how you find one statement and make it like his entire campaign was based on it. Truly, a terrible argument. He ran his entire campaign about fiscal responsibility and fighting terrorism. His opponent, like Obama, ran her entire campaign based on sound bites and idiocy. Massachusetts realized that they fell for it once, and like New Jersey and Virginia, decided not to fall for it again.
Lulz. No, his first major amendment to a bill was an attempt to get Doctors to be able to refuse legal medical procedures if they were ethically against them, to which many Republicans gawked.
I was researching to find the AP article, but I have lost it. However, I found a new article you may like:
In addition to his sponsorship of the Womens Right to Know bill, Brown sponsored an amendment to a 2005 bill on emergency contraception that would have let emergency room doctors or nurses turn away rape victims if they had religious objections to providing emergency contraception....
Yeah, Okay. Source
What the fuck? Seriously. I hold that as a major point of his campaign like you did Obama with Healthcare. You're totally against Obama on Healthcare, I'm totally against Brown and trying to allow doctors to turn away contraception for RAPE VICTIMS.
I would also like to see how he plans on fighting runaway spending when he is joining the same Republicans that ran the deficit up rather high destroying our freedoms. They gave Bush a blank check, but when the Democrats do the same it's suddenly horrible and wrong? Talk about hypocrisy.
I bet Hillary could beat Obama in a primary as of right now.
I call bullshit.
More sarcasm to avoid to issue at hand. The Democratic message is falling by the wayside. Yo be able to lose Ted Kennedy's seat, something has to be very, very wrong. The candidate is an idiot, but all national polling shows that the message is failing too.
1) At least you caught the sarcasm this time.
2) You know why the message is failing, don't you? When you hear nothing but Death Panels! Abortion! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! ROTTING LEGS!!!! People aren't going to support it. Instead of attacking the bill on a fundamental, "I don't like telling insurance companies to be ethical" level, they attacked it with bullshit propaganda the likes of which I haven't seen since we invaded Iraq for the second time.
I will forever blame Pelosi. Forever.
Yep. Believe me, if we were tracking his approval rating, it would go up every day for ten years. TARP ran efficiently and under budget. Compare that with Obama's stimulus package, which, has created about 11 jobs for a trillion dollars.
It's teh same thing for Carter. He spent months getting the Iranian hostages freed, but Reagan took the credit for it because they were released on his Inauguration Day. At least Obama could have said "Hey guys, I'm going with what Bush had in place."
However, did you sit here shitting on TARP when it was first implemented? Those fucking bailouts, right?
I've been happy since Tuesday.
Read a poll. You are so wrong about the people wanting it.
Not at all. People want a reform of the insurance industry. It's just that the Republicans got to them with bullshit Death Panels. Fucking propaganda, it'll work every time.
Right. Because RCP aggregate of Gallup, Opinion Dynamics, USA Today, CNN, NY Times that shows national healthcare losing by double digits only accounts for the crazies. These are more baseless arguments that show the ignorance of the leftist media.
Not at all. All you hear from the Christians are the insane, Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian Right, correct? It's the same principle. Not everyone is as far right wingnut as those people. Just like that, not everyone is against Healthcare reform. Just the people who still think there will be Death Booths set up on street corners.
The Democrats can all share it.
With the Republicans, right?
They left the right completely out of the loop on writing the bill, therefore, the right opposes it. The bill is a big government, deficit raising, entitlement that raises taxes on corporations out of pure spite.
And tell me, why do the Republicans oppose it? Despite the "raises taxes" thing.
This is against the ideals of the Republican party.
That they've fought to uphold since.....when? Don't' you fucking dare to say the Bush Administration.
I know that this is where you say the right is a machine and they're just fighting against Obama. You're wrong. They represent a segment of the American population which accounts for 57-65% of the voting public, depending on which poll you read.
Lulz. And that's totally why Obama won the election, or why Democrats had supermajority in Congress. Because 65% of the United States is Republican.
The only polls you will find that favor national healthcare in this entitlement, earmarked, pork barrel current form will be taken with the White House or on liberal college campuses full of kids living off of their parents who don't understand how taxes work.
I understand how taxes work. I also understand that insurance companies should be taught a few ways to act ethically, because they obviously can't do it on their own. However, the Republicans seem to think that anyone regulating a business that isn't themselves is bad, so it won't happen.
Reid is losing his seat soon, so thank goodness for that.
By following Bush's plan. You already admitted that.
No, you know McCain would have stayed their must past Bush's accepted withdrawal plan. His entire presidential campaign was based on it.
McCain is an idiot too, but his plan for healthcare was better. Give people a tax credit for their coverage and let them find their own, managed by business which is always more efficient and better than the government, i.e. The Postal Servie, Amtrak, the mortgage industry.
How does that keep the insurance companies from kicking people who are sick from their coverage? Refusing coverage based off of bullshit "Pre-existing conditions?" Forming a monopoly over the insurance industry in specific sectors of the United States? In Arkansas we have two insurance companies for the entire state. They work together to raise rates, and thereby have formed a trust. How in the fuck can we not bust them?
Oh, yeah. Pro-business legislation means they are exempt from being charged with holding a monopoly or Trust over the insurance industry. Good job, Republicans.
Because of that huge recession under Reagan? Or is it because of the huge recession under Clinton, who was a Friedman guy? All of you lefties love to point to deregulation as being the cause of recessions, but look when they happen. In 1990, Democrats gained a filibuster proof majority in the House, recession. In 2006, Democrats took control of the house and senate, recession. In 2008, Democrats get a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, economy is worse. Notice a pattern?
In 1990, we had had 8 years of Reaganomics.
In 2006, we had had 6 years of Bush rescinding what Clinton tried to repair.
In 2008, we had the mortage bubble burst, which had gotten that way because of Reaganomics and their deregulation.
So yeah, I see a pattern. A pattern of you pointing to Democrats taking control just as shit regulation finally hits the fan, and pointing at them instead of the Republicans who wrote it.
This is another red herring talking point that only appeals to people who already leftist anyway. It will score big points here, but means absolutely nothing in a pragmatic worldview.
How is is a redherring? You argue that the Republicans will legislate against big government,
finally. I argue they will not, but instead legislate morality into their nice new big government helping big business bills.
Yawn. Tell me when you're going to stop with this fire and brimstone, completely empty rhetoric and show me some sources or some proof of any of this. How is the left's hatred of religion any better? See, I can do it too.
I showed how Brown tried to do it.
How about a man in almost getting to argue Manslaughter for killing an abortion doctor, who was performing completely LEGAL acts?
How about the Republicans getting in a hissy fit over subsidizing Abortions, a legal healthcare procedure? Would you have gotten pissy if they subsidized pacemakers?
Or, I don't know, the numerous attempts to AMMEND THE CONSTITUTION to define marriage as between a man and a woman? Not to do something legally worthwhile, mind you. To motherfucking legislate morality.
Also, I don't hate religion. I hate having it legislated on me. As Reverend Al Sharpton said: "I'm a Christian, and I wish you to Heaven. I want you to go to Heaven. I will try my very best to talk to you and get you to realize the glory of God's word. However, it is not my place to force you to act morally and within God's law. It is not my or anyone else's place to legislate morality."
Maybe someone in Congress who hates the Gays should read that.
If you think terrorism is a ghost and not an entirely legitimate enemy than it explains your entire post up until now. These are the same arguments that lost the Democrats a seat, in Massachusetts, that belonged to a Kennedy. Face it, your message, and the message you cite does not resonate with real Americans. It's nice that people want change when it's necessary that time. In 2008, I told you all that hope and change meant that you hoped you would have some change left after taxes, and it looks like I would have been right had the American people not stood up and told Obama that enough is enough. If he was any kind of Patriot, he would resign his office.
I don't think Terrorism is a ghost as much as the magical Al Qaeda, people who apparently want to nuke us for 7 years but just haven't found a way out of their caves yet. The bombings are horrible, and the shootings are terrible. I feel for those who died. But when I hear a report every 3 months about how Al Qaeda wants a dirty bomb to detonate in New York, it gets old. It gets to feel like the great Communist Monster must have felt after 20 years of "He's going to nuke us!"
Our message resounds with the American people. It's just that it can't get through the Republican bullshit that repeatedly claims "Terrorist attack?!?! Obama's fault!" or "Abortions?!?! Baby killing Obama!!!"!"!"!!"!>AADSFJASKDFJAKSDFJASKDFJAKSDFJAKLSDJFASJDF
If I have to get hysterical and make wild claims to get people to listen, I can. McCain is a baby murderer from Rwanda who is going to go murder the Pope after chanting a variety of Satanic chants. Only thing is, he has to get pork-barrel spending outlawed before he can do so. So vote Yes to Pork-Barrel spending!
See? I can sound like someone who has no clue what the fuck I'm talking about as well. Substitute "Satanic Chants" for "We don't like Big Government now, despite the fact that we instituted a whole new Government Agency 5 years ago and cut away a large swath of your rights in the name of letting the President hear about your late night rendezvous." and you'll have your typical Republican talking head.
He's already saved us, and he hasn't even cast a vote.
I'm sorry, did you not catch the AP article where he said he'd vote with the Democrats some times? That the Republican Minority Leader should "not count on my vote?" He's going to be there to serve his own interests, not serve a Republican ideal that has been lost to the sands of time and Reagan's failed deregulation.