Obama, al Mulaki meet as US prepares to withdraw troops


King Of The Ring

United States President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al Mulaki are currently meeting within the White House as I write this to discuss the ongoing troop withdrawal of the United States from Iraq, and will hold a joint news conference following the meeting to announce any progress that's been made. The current goal is tentatively scheduled for 90% of troops to be completely withdrawn by December 31st, with Obama and al Mulaki to discuss the best possible way to withdraw the troops while attempting to mimimize the significant risks that may arise from withdrawing US presence. The three biggest risks I've read qbout are as follows:

-Human Rights Issues
-Further Oil Sales
-National Safety/Stability

I want to touch on the latter item most, that being of the safety/stability of the country. I'm of the belief that the longer the US, or any country, remains a strong governmental presence in another(country) fosters dependency and the lack of establishing a strong personal government. However, I also see how Iraq is still in a place where even the "governing" parties are split by devisiveness. Former Bush administration deputy security adviser Meghan O'Sullivan, specific to Iraq & Afghanistan, said the following regarding the current plans to withdraw troops:

"The foundations of the Iraqi state remain shallow. Divisions within Iraq's ruling elite run deep. A continued U.S. military presence wouldn't guarantee peace and prosperity, but its removal increases the risks of failure in Iraq by eliminating the psychological backstop to a still delicate political system and by kicking open the door more widely to foreign interference."

However, the current regime has repeatedly stated that this withdrawal process doesn't mean that the US won't maintain a presence- as long as Iraq sees fit, of course. Vice President Joe Biden recently said the following:

The drastic pullback of troops does not mean an end to the U.S. government's presence in Iraq. We are absolutely committed to be your partner to the extent you want us to be. We stand ready to provide assistance."

President Obama has also said similarly:

"We will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces -- again, just as we offer training and assistance to countries around the world."

It should be important to note that the Iraq government has noted that they feel as if they're in a position of strength going forward, and only expect that to increase with time. I'm of the opinion that what will happen within the next few years after we've withdrawn will be a far better indicator as to the success of our time spent in Iraq moreso then what we've seen in the here and now while being there. So if Iraq feels as if they need less US involvement and feels stabilized mostly on their own, I believe the idea to withdraw is a good one.

DO you believe the (fairly) rapid withdrawal of the US troops from Iraq at this current time is a good thing? Why or why not?

Do you see any major pitfalls arising from the troop withdrawal in such a short period of time?(20 days)

How do you believe the US time in Iraq will ultimately be viewed?

Feel free to use the questions as discussion points, or, as always, bring your own thoughts and discussion to the table.

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