Husky Harris New Gimmick

He needs, ah, a different outfit. Other than that, fucking wonderful. great charisma, good mic skills, good ability to get into character. Although he is a bit of a large dude to need a monster backing him up, but whatever.
I could see this gimmick going one of two ways. Into Mordecai territory, or potentially developing to be the next Mick Foley. Guy has incredible mic talent and the character is very very interesting.
While I enjoyed the promos, I really think he should just be who he is. I get that they played the 2nd and 3rd generation stuff to death, but used properly could still work. Joe Hennig comes to mind more than Husky, but I think it would be easier for these guys to get over using their names. That being said I did like the promos, and in this case I am curious to see where it could go on the main roster. Only time will tell.
I honestly really love this gimmick and i hope it makes it all the way to wwe or at least continues enough to get some good times out of it. cracked up when he started dancing with the dazed opponent.

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