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Hulk Hogan's Last Match - Who Should He Face?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok I did a thread about Goldbergs last match and people mainly said he didnt deserve one which is fair enough everyone is entitled to their opinion, so this time im asking the question if Hogan returned to finally end his career for the 20th time and wanted to end his career for real who should have the honor in ending it at ~Wrestlemania lets keep in mind it cant be a long match because Hogan wouldnt be able to cope with it.

for me I think the only guy to end it would be John Cena or Undertaker I really want to say Stone Cold but that match would be a disaster now 10 years ago would of torn the house down.

the reason I say Cena and Undertaker is because Taker ended HBK's career so he could use it in the build up and even thou taker is old I still think he could carry hogan for 7-8 mins in a match.

Cena on the other hand could carry him for 9-10 mins plus if WWE wanted to turn him heel what more would get under the fans skin more, if he ended the immortal Hulk Hogans career for real

what are your thoughts?
He had his last match... with Sting... lets keep it at that.

Cena cant carry a Bag.... he also has no right to end the career of Hogan...they mean nothing to each other.
sorry but get over it,

Hulkamania will never die, but Hulk Hogan in ring ended at WrestleMania 18 against the Rock that was his last good match and last decent storyline
everything he's done beyond that has been painfull to watch
Goldberg deserves one more match WAY more than Hogan. I'm not even a Bill Goldberg fan, I just don't want to see Hogan try and wrestle one last match. It would be a giant payday that I'd rather see go to somebody who has worked their ass off for the the company, rather than Hogan who would come back to the WWE after leaving to help TNA just to make a quick million. No way...

If it had to happen, I'd say let Randy Orton do it. Undertaker is a good choice, but I don't want to see 20-0 be a giant disaster or be all about Hogan. No thanks... Orton has history with him, has beaten Hogan before, and could reprise the old Legend Killer gimmick just for the match. That's of course if Orton was willing to go heel again. Maybe "put Hogan down for good this time".

It's not going to happen. WWE let Bret Hart have his one last match with Vince because that NEEDED to happen for everyone involved. Hogan doesn't need another match, he needs to be put down.
Eh Hogan is on TNA right? This thread should be posted there.

Anyway, if he is coming back to WWE to have one more match, sorry but I won't even bother to think about it. Although I haven't watched him wrestle in TNA, I don't think he is still fun to watch. I mean that guy is old, and slow. I doubt he can still wrestle the way he does before, even though he is 'immortal' he is too old now for this. He is inducted to the WWE HOF right? Let's just leave it like that.
For nostalgic reasons I want to see Undertaker vs Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 30 in a 'Street Fight'. Both can retire gracefully after that match and the biggest WM to date.
Hogan is undoubtedly one of the greatest pro-wrestlers ever. That being said, I highly doubt that he is in any shape to have one last match. He is quite old and has had plenty of "Last Matches". Let the man retire and have an in-ring celebration rather than a match.
To the OP, I am indifferent on Hogan ever wrestling again but like I have said in other threads if it happens it happens. Doesn't mean I support it or like it but I accept the inevitability that he'll have another "fight" sometime down the road.

Mike "The Kid" Killam;3504196 said:
It's not going to happen. WWE let Bret Hart have his one last match with Vince because that NEEDED to happen for everyone involved. Hogan doesn't need another match, he needs to be put down.

Um, Bret vs Vince did not need to happen Mike, point blank it didn't...yes it was good for closure in a storyline but considering the style of wrestler that Bret Hart has always been, I definitely was not a fan of the WrestleMania 26 showdown no more than I was a fan of Sting's match with Hogan at Bound For Glory, again though I accepted the fact that it happened.

But the "need" for Bret vs Vince was nil...like I said before Vince got his ass whipped in the storylines backstage at Survivor Series 1997 after he "screwed" Bret. For me and other fans of that era, I am sure that was good enough. Bret got his physical retaliation the night he got screwed, nuff said.

Because let's not forget Bret still had a couple of more "matches" if you even want to call them that after his WrestleMania match with Vince. One of them included him winning a title (The U.S. Championship from The Miz) and even being part of a pay per view main event as a "participant" (SummerSlam 2010).

So with your pretzel logic on this matter of men past 50 wrestling...if Hogan should be "put down" Old Yeller style...let's throw guys like Bret Hart and Ric Flair in there too. Those guys have been greater offenders of this rule than Hogan's ever been.

Last time Hogan won a championship was in 2002 (the tag titles with Edge) before he even reached the age of 49 and the last time he actually closed out a PPV show was in 2005 against Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam that year. And guess what? Those both happened in WWE, a place where he supposedly did not have that "political tyrant power" like he had in Dubbya See Dubbya.

Since being in what people like to call WCW 2.0 (TNA), Hogan has wrestled in only two matches, that tag match with Abyss vs Flair and AJ Styles (which Hogan gave all the glory to Abyss in anyway) and that "fight" with Sting...and let's be honest those matches didn't harm anyone.

In a place where Hogan supposedly calls all the shots I find it so amusing that people will speak so negatively about his presence in TNA where it's been his later runs in WWE where he's actually had more storyline glory when you really think about it. Again I cite his World Title and Tag Team Title runs in 2002 (albeit they were brief but these days that's par for the course) and the fact that he main evented SummerSlam 2005 against HBK (hell Sting and Hogan did not close out BFG at least). As far as his authority figure role goes, let's be honest his year long run as a heel was no different than Vince McMahon's evil boss persona. Yes, I think I could have done without Hogan's Immortal group but again a harmless angle that used Hogan in a non-wrestling role.

Anyway, bottom line Hogan will more likely than not wrestle again in some way shape or form, but as the record these past couple years has shown, Hogan's times in the ring will more than likely be few and far in between. I don't see him trying to win the TNA Title (I mean I could be wrong but I think by now he'd have tried it and I think he definitely would have tried it before his back surgeries had to happen) and as far as a WWE return to wrestle another match goes, yeah it could happen but who knows, time will tell, like I say about everything else.

But let's consider this for a second Hogan's participation in a wrestling ring with WWE would be no worse than the bullcrap I've seen from the company in the past few years...i.e. Chavo Guerrero jobbing out to Cedric The Entertainer, Snookie pinning Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero having a war of words with Miss Piggy and so on.

So Mike saying that Hogan should be "put down" because he gets involved in a wrestling match just once a year these days is questionable especially if you are going to justify Bret Vs Vince...

Again, even though I didn't like the Bret Vs Vince idea, I know it happened and I accepted it but if you are going to justify that occurring...it sounds like a double standard to me if you're going to be so quick to judge Hogan's continuing to wrestle.
I disagree with someone up above...I think Stone Cold would still be the optimal opponent. Not only would there be a legit buzz (see: Rock/Hogan, Hogan/Sting BFG) to make the much HUGE, but it would be perfect for both of them. They both can't take extreme bumps, so an out and out brawl is perfect. Hogan can still throw his old school right hands and Austin could definitely stomp a mudhole in Hogan. And you have to believe that if this match happened, Hogan would be heel so he could control most of the offense on Austin, whom presumably could take more bumps (he says he can). Would it be as good as it would've been 10 years ago? No, but it would still blow the roof off at Wrestlemania and would be fitting as Hogan's last match IMO.
Hulk Hogan should win his last match that would be whats right for Hulkamania to live on.
I disagree that his last good match with a decent storyline was against the rock at x8 I think it was summerslam vs shawn micheals, that was the typical "Hogans friend betrays him so he makes it right" angle straight out of the 80's like a mini rip off of the mega powers explosion.

With that being said his last match should be against his 1 friend who he had all through wrestling; brutus the barber beefcake. Lets face it his last match or any match he has in the near future wont be a exhibition of great athleticism by any means so the story line will save the day and that story line would be this:

The legendary Barber is set to be inducted into the hall of fame (if he's not already in I'm not sure on that, could be wasting my time but anyway) Hulk Hogan is urged to return to induct him, during the ceremony when hogan inducts him, beefcake nails the hulkster with the hall of fame ring or trophy or whatever they get. Later on citing his jealousy about Hogans success in an interview with mean gene and challenging the aged Hogan for 1 final stand off thus setting up the opportunity for hogan to either take his revenge or forever be torn up inside by his friends betrayal.

Its gold I think how bout you?
I would have loved it if Hogan's last match was againts Edge. If the rumor of having WM29 in Tornto is true then Hogan vs. Edge would be a WM match that sells itself. Edge was a Hogan fan and cheered on his hero on Skydome ... then 23 years later back in Toronto Edge vs. Hogan goes one on one. Like I said ... the backstory sells itself.
This is easy and it's a match he's been loudly barking about having again in the past year!


I would like to see Austin vs Punk @ Mania 28 or 29, then have Austin fight Hogan (after a Hogan to WWE return) @ WM30, it would be the next last perfect event. The event where the saved John Cena vs Randy Orton main event 1 on 1 @ Mania will take place and maybe Miz vs Punk, with those 4 guys in the title scene an attraction match like Hogan/Austin would cap it off. Taker wont be on the card, he'll be 20-0 next year.

They both cant wrestle that well, so have them do a more brawl it out type thing. I dont care how old they are or what stupid fans say in response to this online, run your mouths all you want, about how it wont be the classic it wouldve been. IT WILL SELL either way, and each of you know it.

I dont care what shape their in, people will pay to see that shit
Hulk Hogan should win his last match that would be whats right for Hulkamania to live on.
I disagree that his last good match with a decent storyline was against the rock at x8 I think it was summerslam vs shawn micheals, that was the typical "Hogans friend betrays him so he makes it right" angle straight out of the 80's like a mini rip off of the mega powers explosion.

With that being said his last match should be against his 1 friend who he had all through wrestling; brutus the barber beefcake. Lets face it his last match or any match he has in the near future wont be a exhibition of great athleticism by any means so the story line will save the day and that story line would be this:

The legendary Barber is set to be inducted into the hall of fame (if he's not already in I'm not sure on that, could be wasting my time but anyway) Hulk Hogan is urged to return to induct him, during the ceremony when hogan inducts him, beefcake nails the hulkster with the hall of fame ring or trophy or whatever they get. Later on citing his jealousy about Hogans success in an interview with mean gene and challenging the aged Hogan for 1 final stand off thus setting up the opportunity for hogan to either take his revenge or forever be torn up inside by his friends betrayal.

Its gold I think how bout you?

I'm sorry. But that is awful. I was going to give you a pass since you are clearly in the dark (not knowing who is in the hall of fame or what they get when they are inducted). However, when you said you think it's gold, I had to chime in. Mean Gene, really? And revenge or forever being torn inside? I think your suggestion may have worked somewhat around 1989ish. But, this is just awful today. And by "worked", I mean as in a legitimate idea from a 7-year-old fan. Not actually have worked. I wanted to speak on the topic more, but I have to shake off this rubbish. Awful!
At the risk of sounding dumb...If Hogan wants "one more final match" before truly retiring from the ring. His opponent should not be a current wrestler who could whup Hogan or even the Undertaker.

Let Hogan settle a long standing personal and a shoot feud in the process by going against (Ultimate) Warrior. Winner of the match gets the bragging rights, but, they have to stipulate to a binding result where the loser gets on Twitter and Facebook and publicly ends this long standing feud once and for all time.

I'm a fan of both guys, and, it pains me that something that happened in the ring has migrated into real life bad blood between these two wrestling greats.

Sadly, though, Hulk is repeating personal history. He bemoaned the fact that it took a long time to move on with the now deceased Macho Man and start to repair their friendship. Does he want to wait till it's too late to patch up any hard feelings with Warrior as well?

Macho's death this year reminds us that the wrestlers from the great fueds in the 1980s and 1990s are aging fast and they will die someday. Hogan's pushing 60, Flair's like 62, if memory serves. Someday soon, we'll hear of one of these greats agree to a final match and the person dies in the ring making sure that there's no "Flair revival". We almost had that with Classy Freddie Blassie (He came back for one more appearance on RAW, was about to get beat down to have SCSA make the save...Freddie passed less then a month after that. Had the writers not had Stone Cold intervene...Freddie could have had died right then and there! Talk about "bad for business"!)
It's really time to let this "who should Hogan's last match be against" threads to rest. There've been at least a dozen of them combined in both the TNA and WWE sections and it's just time to move on and get over it.

Hogan's last match, according to him, was against Sting. Now, personally, I don't buy it for a second because Hogan will never walk away from a huge wrestling pay day as long as he's, literally, able to walk. His match against Sting was pretty awful. It wasn't quite as bad as I figured it'd be, but it was still pretty damn bad. Hogan is so limited inside the ring by his worn out body that the only people that are thrilled at the prospect of him having a match are die hard Hogan fans and fans that are jonesing for a nostalgia fix.

There are plenty of guys in WWE that could carry Hogan through a somewhat passable match. If Hogan did come back to WWE and want "one more match", I'd personally rather see him face a young guy and put said young guy over rather than have him face a huge mega star. Guys like Orton, Cena, Taker and Big Show don't need the rub and Hogan isn't the mega draw that he once was, not by any degree, so why waste all the time hyping such a huge match when the payoff won't be worth it. I'd put Hogan in a match with someone like CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, etc. because these are guys whose career would be benefitted from facing and beating Hulk Hogan, no matter how worn out he might be. The only problem with that scenario is that it'd involve Hogan putting over a young guy and that's just simply not what Hogan is known for.
As far as wrestling goes Cena vs Hogan would be the worst match of all time, Especially now that Hogan can't even stand up, Cena can't carry anyone btw and this match would be boaring and look like crap. I say UnderTaker or CM Punk
Considering their differences and the fact that we never got to see it on the big show, Hogan Vs Bret Hart has to be a contender. Don;t get me wrong, I am only proposing this in an ideal world where the match wouldn't be an apsolute disgrace to pro wrestling and the legacy of each performer.
Seeing Hogan in the ring recently was painful, but Bret's few appearances have almost sent my ego back 10-15 years and given my childhood a hard kick in the balls. The fact is, neither should get back in the ring, whether it be for a street fight or as an almost non-existant tag team partner. Both have got to the point where watching them struggle to the mat to count a 1-2-3 would be a painful event I'd rather not witness.
But, we are talking about an ideal world, and in an ideal world, I would love to be able to witness Hogan and Bret put an end to their 'differences'.

...Oh, and Warrior as Special guest Inforcer.
Hogan should not step into the ring again. That's the clear answer.

However, if he did, the only think that makes sense for the WWE would be for him to go against Cena and for Cena to beat him.

For fans, they only way it could work is if Cena gets a massive massive beatdown by a heel who disrespects the fans and the US and Hogan comes to Real American in the Red and Yellow out to make a save and have a 3 minute match where he wins the title. Then Hogan gives up the title because "my times over brother, it's about these guys right here." Hogan is 100% done and will do nothing to help TNA now, but in the WWE, he'll always get a pop for Real American, even if he comes out in a walker.
Yes, Hogan's last match was with Sting a couple of weeks ago. That was a sad sight and that's enough. Have any of you guys ever met a celebrity or sports star, just to be disapointed at what a douche they are in real life? That's the same kind of let down it would be to see Hogan wrestle again. Lets let the myth of Hulkamaina be what stays in our hearts and minds, not some half crippled, old guy tring to re-live his youth. I'm sure Hollywood is coming back soon to TNA and that's gonna be hard to watch too.
The Rock.
I really wish that was his last match, you really can't outdo how fantastic these 2 legends played the crowd and made for one of the best WM epics.
Hogan competing in his current shape hurts his legacy, and anybody wanting to see old man flop matches is stuck in the bad part of nostalgia town.
if he wasn't in a contract with tna he should have his final match at wrestlemania as a street fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin. This shouldve been planned from the nwo to wwe era but the rock appeared to be the better choice.

I wouldve liked to see Steve Austin walk to the ring with a austin 3:16 shirt classic and get in hogans face and rip him to shreads on the mic as the old steve austin that started his rise...no beer..no what chants...Then flips him off and gives hogan the stunner then SAYS HOGAN AUSTIN ...WRESTLEMANIA ... and that's the bottom line cause i said so.
I don't understand why so many marks come on here and get all so smarky negative about old wrestlers having one final match. Hogan couldn't wrestle worth shit in 1984 and he still can't wrestle worth shit now. The guy is an entertainer. Wrestling isn't even wrestling it's wrestling entertainment. It comes with bumps, yes, but the big bumps are for young guys climbing the ladder who haven't learned the art of entertaining. That is most of TNA and WWE's rosters. The old guys, who spents years perfecting their art before big time spotlight, learned that they could get that spotlight concentrating on being entertaining. And that's part of the argument about Hogan. He can't wrestle, never could, but for a lot of fans he's still entertaining. He's a draw. Even most of the smarky marks who say they wouldn't watch one last Hogan match in WWE are full of it.

Hogan at any age is wrestling history. Who really gives a shit if Hogan can still entertain? A number of you say Hogan can't even do that, but i disagree. Even if he couldn't entertain and barely move, his career is so storied and intertwined with the history of wrestling that a one definite last Hogan match in WWE would be perhaps one of the most memorable moments in wrestling history. It'd be comparable to Ric Flair's three years ago. (Hogan is the same age now as Flair was then).

Anyway, that said, Hogan vs Sting was honestly one of the last best remaining options for him to end his career. Sting and Hogan have been arch enemies for 15 years, they represented the 80s-90s WCW and WWF respectively. It was considered the big dream match before it finally happened in the mid to late 90s. Sting's crow persona began in response to stopping Hogan and the latest angle seemed to bring one of wrestling's longest lasting feuds full circle. I don't believe Hogan beat Sting once in his career unless it was in a tag match. Hogan has submitted or been pinned by Sting 9 times in his career. No other wrestler, besides Undertaker I believe, has more than one pinfall or submission victory over Hogan. To the poster who said Hogan hogs the spotlight in WWE where he has less control over politics is spot on with his argument. Hogan jobbed more in WCW and has stayed out of the ring for the most part in TNA whereas in WWE he always ends up the major focus (He is used properly).

At this point if Hogan was to come back to WWE there would be some options. The one final match I believe Hogan really wanted, the one i wanted, was against Macho Man Randy Savage. Unfortunately this can't happen now. But the last time Hogan was in a WWE ring was on RAW in 07 saving Hornswaggle from the Great Khali. He did a short promo afterward where he alluded to having one final match and did a "ooh yeah," implying he'd like his last match with his best friend/ biggest enemy. Savage was the single most important wrestler and personality in Hogan's entire career. Hogan owes much of his success to Randy Savage who made him look so good in their matches in the 80s, Savage played the villain better than anyone putting Hogan over repeatedly. Savage brought the best out of Hogan and without Savage jobbing to Hogan and hating him incessantly, Hogan might not be the biggest wrestler ever. Savage could have taken that spotlight and never let go back in 1988. I really would have loved to see Hogan finally return the favour Savage did for Hogan where Savage and Hogan's intertwined careers could end at the same time with Savage finally getting that ever allusive pinfall victory over Hogan.


Hogan vs Vince already happened, Hogan vs Taker just wouldn't add anything to Taker's streak, Hogan vs Cena would suck unless Hogan stuck around a year to do a program with him, Hogan vs anybody in WWE or TNA wouldn't be that big a deal unless he did a longer program with them. Hogan vs Stone Cold is the big dream match that never happened and i'd love to see but i don't think Austin would ever agree to it even if Hogan would job to him. Hogan vs Piper would be an amazing final match for them both but we have seen it so many times before. Hogan vs Goldberg would be stupid because Goldberg is nothing to wrestling. Hogan vs Warrior can't happen because it would just plain suck and Warrior might try to actually kill Hogan. Hogan vs Brock wouldn't happen although i'd like to see Hogan beat Brock cause Brock is the closest thing these days to Andre. It would be an amazing way for a crippled old man to go out.

Sir Jose will disagree with me on this but the big match i'd like to see that could still potentially happen is.....Hogan vs Bret Hart. I know both can barely take a bump, I know that ship sailed 10 years ago, but it could happen couldn't it? If Bret vs Vince could happen, Vince is three or four years older than Hogan, then why couldn't Hogan vs Bret happen? They have legitimate heat in real life. It was the big dream match that didn't happen, well it did but there was no decisive match or program but instead a short countout or dq match. Hitman could put the sharpshooter on Hogan and seemingly destroy Hogan's back and career. I know that doesn't really do anything to add to either's legacy but i'd still love to see Hitman have a final match not against the Miz but against someone who can actually entertain who meant something to wrestling like Hogan. It'd be cool to look back on the history of wrestling and see that Hitman's last matches weren't against Terry Funk in WCW or The Miz in WWE but against the biggest wrestling legend ever who he never had the chance to beat in his prime. Hitman's beat them all, besides Hogan, and he can't do a match in his condition with a guy like Angle. But he could have one final match with a guy who similarly can't take bumps like Hogan. These guys aren't getting any younger and as every year passes so goes the chance for these guys to step in the ring. Savage is dead and its final he can never have a wrestling moment with Hogan ever again. Even if it was a shit match, Hogan vs Hart could be a cool month or two program where their history with Hogan avoiding Hart could be played out. To me, the Hitman Hogan match would be just as important to wrestling history as the Hitman Vince match was.
I would have loved it if Hogan's last match was againts Edge. If the rumor of having WM29 in Tornto is true then Hogan vs. Edge would be a WM match that sells itself. Edge was a Hogan fan and cheered on his hero on Skydome ... then 23 years later back in Toronto Edge vs. Hogan goes one on one. Like I said ... the backstory sells itself.

Ahhh yes but the problem there is Edge retired on medical grounds. So how is he going to Wrestle Hogan? Next....

I still say Undertaker. The Immortal Hulk Hogan going against the Dead Man at Wrestlemania. Epic! Who cares the match will suck. The story tells itself.
sorry but get over it,

Hulkamania will never die, but Hulk Hogan in ring ended at WrestleMania 18 against the Rock that was his last good match and last decent storyline
everything he's done beyond that has been painfull to watch

Amen to that, brother. (no pun intended)

It IS painful to watch your childhood heroes continue to TRY and perform in the ring. I'm 31 now and I remember watching these guys when I was 7. Even then they were balding and getting old. You can't say they don't love the business...because they wouldn't be out there if they didn't. The spotlight is hard to walk away from, as we've seen on numerous occasions from many different superstars.

But I definitely agree that Hogan's last meaningful match was at WM 18. He needs to call it a career and find a new love in life.
If Hulk Hogan were to fight in one final match, I think it should be against Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Sure, it would be painful to watch as both of those geriatrics can't really move but I'd like it to be face "Real American" Hogan against heel Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania.

They could actually hype that enough to make it worthwhile.

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