Hulk Hogan's Match in TNA

What Hogan match would you like to see this year in TNA ?

  • vs Sting

  • vs Ken Anderson

  • vs AJ Styles

  • vs Someone Else. (Name him)

  • I say NO to a Hogan match in TNA in 2011!

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Hulk Hogan should never wrestle again. He can't wrestle a quality match and he would be putting his life in danger. It's something I don't understand. Hogan wants to talk about Edge retiring before he was crippled, yet Hogan's heading toward paralysis. He can't take another match and it wouldn't do anything for anyone.

If he beats said person, all that does is make them look real, REAL weak. If he loses, then the dude beat an old man 20 plus years past his prime. It doesn't have any market value and doesn't benefit anyone who manages to wrestle him.
this part of Hogan's career is equivalent 2 Michael Jordan's stint with the Washington Wizards, very 4getful. as far as I'm concerned, his career as I know it, ended with his induction in2 the "WWE Hall of Fame"
this part of Hogan's career is equivalent 2 Michael Jordan's stint with the Washington Wizards, very 4getful. as far as I'm concerned, his career as I know it, ended with his induction in2 the "WWE Hall of Fame"

It's hard to argue that point, I'm not predicting that TNA is doomed to fail like a lot of other detractors might want to do, but Hogan's best days are far behind him, I know I've seen a very minute number of posters saying that there should be another match with Hogan in TNA, for those that were true fans of the Hulkster in the first place, this should be the last thing we want to see.

The WWE Hall Of Fame Induction was one last feel good moment of the Hulkster's career, I definitely wish this had been the coup de gras. But again this is all hypothetical and like I've already said, and I'm thinking that Hulk Hogan's tag team match with Abyss against AJ and Flair from last year still looks to be the final match of Hulk Hogan.
ew - to compare HH to MJ is a disgrace to MJ. MJ could still compete at the highest level as a Wizard. Sure was his stint there forgettable and should have gone out a Bull - YES. Hogan should have gone out after WWE HOF. But HH was not even competitive in his final years in WWF/E. He sold out to a cheap Mr. America gimick and became involved in a pointless feud with Vince because he could not compete against anyone else relevant (his big matches against the Rock were subject). That would be like MJ playing the coaches because he can't play against the 5 20somethings on the floor. The fact is HH can't even draw anymore because his presence doesnt bring TNA ratings or buys. Last time i checked the Jordan Brand was pretty fucking successful world wide. TNA doesn't leave Orlando but 4x a year.
i dont want hogan to ever step back into the ring. i lost all respect i had for the man and think he should stop before he is dead. however if he does wrestle again, i hope whoever he wrestles against hurts him (acidentally) for good so that he cant ever be passed to wrestle again no matter what. of course, im a former fan of hogan who can see that the mans inring career is over and it has been for a long time now, but thats just me.
Anybody wishing for injury to another person is disguisting. The man wants to do something he absolutely loves that provides his living and for that he should get so injured that you never want him to walk again? Who's the asshole here, you or Hulk?
Unlike the majority, I wouldn't mind to see Hulk in the ring again. Jesus Christ, I know he can barely walk but it's not like The Undertaker is in a much better shape. Have you seen him try to punch feeling into his leg?

I'm sure 99% of the people would be thinkin' differently if Hulk was in the WWE right now. And wishing he got injured? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Hogan is the biggest star in the industry - period. Despite his age, despite his condition, I still mark out every time I see him down the ramp because it's The Hulkster to me. I won't turn my back on a man I always loved for the stupidest reasons.

Is the match gonna be good? Hell no it's not gonna be good. But it'll be nice to see Hulk wrestle one more match.
Jesus Christ, I know he can barely walk but it's not like The Undertaker is in a much better shape. Have you seen him try to punch feeling into his leg?

Taker just wrestled a 30 minute match at WrestleMania. Grouping them together doesn't work.

I'm sure 99% of the people would be thinkin' differently if Hulk was in the WWE right now.

I bet if he worked for WWE, you wouldn't be singing this song.

And wishing he got injured? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Some people are idiots.

Hogan is the biggest star in the industry - period.

Right now? In the history of pro wrestling, no question. But he isn't half the draw he was even ten years ago.

I don't want to see Hogan wrestle again, because I don't care. It will be in the context of this Immortal storyline, which I hate, so it means nothing to me. Again, that's just how I see it.

Hogan wrestling at this age would be an attraction if he were, A. wrestling another huge name, or B. could actually move. The guy can barely walk. If he isn't healthy enough to make it to the ring, walking down the ramp, in a timely fashion, why should he wrestle? Why should he risk his health for an episode of Impact, or a PPV? I don't get it, and personally, I have no interest in watching it. That ship has sailed, honestly.
The only reason he wrestles again is if he really is trying to bring back the wcw fan base (a category I fall into). When WCW folded and none of my favorite wrestlers went with it, wrestling faded away for me. I tried watching when Goldberg went to WWE, same with the nWo. But it was never the same. But when I heard Hulk Hogan was going to an adult themed wrestling program with Sting, Nash, etc. it got me watching. If what Hogan is thinking is "A match with Sting could spark an interest in an old fanbase, we may be able to grow something...", he may be on to something. It got me watching.
Where is the outcry for Bruno Sammartino's "one more match"?
There isn't one, you say? Why not?
Sammartino carried the WWF on his back for years so there could be something there for Hogan.
Sammartino is a dinosaur, you might say. Too old to "go" in the ring. And every bit as much an icon to to the professional wrestling business as one Terry Bollea.
No one calls out for this legend to put the boots back on.
Maybe it's because they respect that his career in the ring is OVER.
Maybe it's because they don't want him to kill himself or make himself look the fool.
Maybe it's because they just don't know him anymore and that's alright too.

Maybe if Hogan and his fans let the memories be memories then we'd all be better off.
Its hard to watch TNA because every other week I have to see Ric Flair bleed more than the entire attitude era in a 1v1 match with a mid-carder, but the harder thing is the fathom what's gonna happen when Ric goes 1 match too far.
Hogan I fear for more than this, one of the reasons I don't want to see him wrestle, is that I care about my childhood idol. Growing up and looking up to Hulk when it was still real to me, and he gave over 20 years of entertainment. He owes me nothing, his family (whats left of it) doesn't owe me anything. Seeing Hogan get paralyzed for a .1 ratings bump in WCW 2.0's program would be the greatest tragedy since Owen Hart.

Best case scenario, we get a Bret Hart Vs Vince, with even less entertainment, worst case, Hogan takes a bump into a stretcher, and a wheel chair.

The payoff to any of the listed matches isn't worth anything, Sting vs Hulk... Either Sting proves how awesome he is by beating a 57 year old man with a half dozen back surgeries, Or Immortal helps Hogan destroy the prestige that Jeff Hardy forgot to ruin left on the TNA World Title.

Ken? AJ? Which one do you want to ruin the career of? Anderson? he's already hurt enough workers. AJ? Why take AJ out of a real match at a PPV, utter waste to toss him with Hulk in a gimmick.

As far as the someone elses.... There's no rub from Hogan, 10 years ago? Ya, Hulk put over a man with only 1 leg, he was worth it then, now? There's nothing left to drain from hulk in a wrestling ring, unless there's a Mic in his hand.
I remember around Hulk's TNA debut, he'd come to the ring and knock out half the TNA locker room, it made most of them look like garbage.
Hogan should NOT wrestle unless it is for a dream match. Even then, it might be a bad idea due to his injury status. He is decades past his prime and should not risk getting hurt. It would be cool to see him face Sting or one of the younger guys such as Styles that he can put over big time, but they need to save it for a one time special occassion. Hogan is better off being an authority figure and should not wrestle unless it is a short (and probably one-sided) special match to put someone over. If he wins any championship then that would be a bad idea. He is in no condition to defend a title ever again.

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