Hulk Hogan's Alleged TNA Salary: Does He Deserve It?

Is He Worth It?

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I can't say if Hogan is worth £35k a week but, in all fairness to him, well done for getting it (if it's true). Can never begrudge a man getting himself as much money as possible for as little work as possible (which is why Undertaker & HBK get a salute too).

I don't know how much (or if any) of TNA's growth since he arrived has been to do with him but, let's face it, if he can use it to get himself a cushy deal, who can blame him? I defy one person here to say they wouldn't do the same thing.

No wonder Flair signed with TNA, gotta be easier getting the money to pay all his ex-wives/bills/debts with a TNA cushy number, rather then having to do a serious amount of work for less on the autograph circuit (or a WWE legends deal)
There's a key factor not being discussed here, and that's how much TNA is making despite Hogan, as well as what other talents are pulling in.

You can't simply look at one figure–Hogan's rumored salary—and judge one way or another as to whether or not he's "worth" it. It has nothing to juxtapose against, which means that the figure is meaningless as it's not being compared to anything else, or worse – being compared to figures from other eras or other companies.

Sorry, but this just can't be discussed objectively at all. This thread is going to end up littered with numerous angry posts from jaded internet fans who are tired of seeing and reading of Hogan through the reports of dirt sheet writers with biased agendas because the only thing that could actually allow for this to actually be discussed objectively is missing, and that's TNA's actual financial quarterly or yearly earnings.

You do have a point here, that without context this figure doesn't mean anything. While we can't figure out TNA's profits, we can look at some key factors...

1. TNA's ability to pay one off talent.
While, to be fair, it doesn't necessarily and definitively say TNA is broke, the fact that Jimmy Yang's $250.00 check from TNA bounced is not at all a good sign.

2. What other TNA talent make.
It's well publicized that some guys (Jesse Neal in particular) actually have to sign up for food stamps just to make ends meet. Does Jesse Neal deserve to make anywhere near as much? Absolutely not, but would it kill Hogan to drop 10k of that so that the boys can afford groceries?

3. What he does to earn it.
Yes, Hulk Hogan is arguably the biggest name in wrestling. What has that gotten them? Other than his appearances on Bubba the Love Sponge, Hogan doesn't plug TNA in any interviews or segments. What good is having a big, mainstream name attached to your product when he won't acknowledge it in a mainstream setting?

I don't think Hogan is worth it, especially the way that he passively distances himself from the company. He's really not being payed to attach his name to TNA, as he's barely doing that. His job seems to be creative direction and impact on the product, in which case giving him two nickels to rub together is paying too much. Obviously, as previously stated, we really can't make a truly fair call without ALL of the details, this is just my opinion (assuming the article was correct) and my reasons why I think it.
Hogan is worth it in my opinion. Other than his influence in media which has been said so many times this topic so I'll not touch on it, Hogan has been key in some of the big name recruitment TNA have made.

Talents like RVD has viewed TNA as a second rated small company that couldn't hang against WWE before Hogan joined, but after Hogan joined and had talks with him, RVD eventually joined the company. Hogan will be key in future big name recruitment should people like Goldberg signs in the future.
Nobody should be blaming Hogan for anything. If someone is willing to pay you a lot of money, regardless of the circumstances behind it (who you were vs. who you are now, star power vs. lack of star power, whatever) and regardless of the job you do, who's the REAL stupid party here? Let me paint a better picture for you. If I offered you 1 million dollars a year to work in my retail establishment, and paid you the same amount whether you did a stellar job or a shitty one, 99% of people would intentionally do poor, myself included, because they're getting paid the same amount regardless. We can't answer the question "Is Hogan worth it?" Only two people can do that; Hogan and Dixie Carter. If TNA offered him a new contract, then he must be doing something right. At the very very least, he's doing something right IN THEIR EYES. Nobody else's opinion matters. If Dixie Carter decides that she wants to start a fire and literally burn all of her savings and earnings instead of giving them to a charity, that's her prerogative. While we most likely would not agree with that decision, or with the decision to pay Hogan that much money these days, it's none of our business. I know that this is a discussion thread and with the Constitution giving us the right to free speech, we can comment on anything. But some people on here take these threads waaaaaaay too seriously. Instead of engaging in calm, rational discussions, respectfully disagreeing with objective opinions, it turns into a "my dick is bigger than yours" contest. It's okay to feel close and loyal to companies, celebrities, sports teams, etc, but don't forget one thing; You are nothing more than a dollar amount to them. You pay salaries, you pay for benefits, you keep them in business. You ARE the most important person to them, but only as a WHOLE, not you PERSONALLY. ALL organizations/players/companies should be grateful and realize that though. BUT, to defend them as if they are your own flesh and blood is not only absurd, it's borderline insane. Yankees and Red Sox fans would literally kill each other if they could get away with it. Think about that for a minute. Should a form of entertainment really bring out such a primal and reckless nature in the most "intelligent" beings on this planet? As for the people who are saying "tv ratings aren't the most important aspect," I have to disagree. The original ECW went out of business for several reasons, but the single most important one that put the knife in their coffin was the fact they did not secure a new tv deal and were unable to get ratings. They had PPV's, merchandise, hotlines, house shows, everything else, but without a consistent flow of exposure on a national level, they died. If TNA were to lose their tv deal and not get another one, they WOULD die. It may take a while, but it will happen, regardless of who works for them. You can have the greatest idea ever, but if no one knows about it, it will never materialize into anything.
He's only hulk hogan because Vince made him hulk hogan, Vince could of any man THE guy, it's the way it falls, being THE guy 30 years ago dosnt entitle you to $2.000.000 now.

Putting over younger talent? When? Maybe in your eyes.. In my eyes he can't put someone over anymore. Not in the ring, beating a decrepit old man dosnt make you the next big thing, wrestling would be here if hulk hogan wouldn't, stop drinking hogan juice and join us in the real world, he can't work, never could, getting paid a great wage, (if it's true) for saying brother to many times, dude should be happy with a few hundred thousand a year, because no matter what's said, its the wrestling that carrys TNA, hogans name, is here nor there,
I've been thinking about this more and more and, for the life of me, I just can't convince myself that Hogan is worth this much, if that's indeed how much he makes for TNA.

I know what Hulk Hogan was doing 25 years ago as well as anyone. This isn't 1986, however. If Hulk Hogan could do today what he was doing in 1986, then I'd be all for him pulling in 2 mil a year and then some. If he could get in the ring and deliver in matches & feuds that people actually tuned into see, it'd be different. If Hogan could draw fans to watch a wrestling program on television in droves, then there wouldn't be any question he'd deserve to be making that much and a lot more. The thing is, however, is that he doesn't do ANY of those things in 2011. He hasn't done ANY of those things since coming to TNA.

It's true that Hulk Hogan has his name and will always have his name. So what? If having Hulk Hogan's name attached to your company doesn't draw, then what's the point of having him?

As far as what TNA's finances are, I haven't a clue. The question isn't about whether or not it's financially responsible for TNA to pay Hogan such a big salary, if that's indeed how much he makes. It's about what Hulk Hogan brings to the table TODAY. It's about what he's able to generate for TNA in the HERE and NOW. All the nostalgia in the world doesn't do a thing to negate the fact that Hogan, in terms of his ability to get the job done as a draw, doesn't even register as a pale shadow of what he was doing 15-25 years ago.
I can understand both sides of the argument, but no, he's not worth it.

He's made a ton of random changes to the product and none of them have helped matters. If anything, things have gotten worse.

Hell, the Impact just gone, which was based entirely around Hulk Hogan's retirement.....lowest ratings of the year!

I think the talent should walk out if TNA continues making such deals.
If hogan can pull 0.9 by himself, ur telling me 0.2 people tune in for the wrestling, your talking garbage, hogans knows best had good ratings, reality tv normally dose, + he was with WWE when it was hot, his daughter had just started working with scot storch, I downloaded midget wrestling with HH, it was mainstream easy access and, increadibly funny, for every argument you have, about how a secondary wrestling promotion can justify paying the biggest draw in wrestling (25 years ago) 2mil a year I have 4 against it, it worked for wcw, they turned him heel he could.. Well.. Be in a match.. Now it's pointless money wasted on someone who by your logic (stupid and unconvincing) should pull an extra .9 to IW rating, well they were doing 1.0 1.3 before he came, weres the 2.0s at? If he made a valid contrabution to IW in 2 years, your argument wouldn't b as stupid, instead. He's got a spot as the number 2 match of there biggest ppv of the year,

And jonny ace was E-VP of talent relations for a multi million company, hogans a has-been working the second rate show and riding it dry
I can't imagine any star in any wrestling company being worth that much with a limited role this day and age. We really don't know what Hogan's role is though or how financially well of TNA is. Hogan is the biggest name is wrestling and has a lot of stroke with the media. Even though we haven't heard Hogan mention TNA much when he is on talk/radio shows. Apparently Ted Turner invested in TNA and Hogan/Bischoff have resigned new contracts. I don't believe the Turner story but Hogan and Bischoff have probably resigned.

Maybe TNA has the money to spend if that number is even remotely true. It sounds pretty lucrative to me, but I can't speak about TNA's finances.
Hogan was brought in more so to get company over not talent. Only facts you could obtain are ratings (Hogan is usually highest rated quater hour), you have no evidence of what doors the Hogan name has opened for TNA, what TV deals were stucks internationally due to Hogan being associated with TNA, his merchandise sale etc. however the fact is Hogan signed a new contract therefore it speaks for itself if he helped TNA despite not being privy to information.

More people who are not really wrestling fans are more farmiliar with the Name 'Hulk Hogan' then TNA or Impact Wrestling.. No disrespect to TNA but Hogan makes the company seem of more value.

Even though he was brought in to increase exposure of TNA brand ive no doubt he has helped young talent. Again are you privy to the backstage going on's in TNA? How do you know Hogan has not passed on invaluable advice down to these younger wrestlers? How do you know he is not behind the rise of Roode? have you never watched TNA? you must have missed the countless time he put over Beer Money, AJ Styles, MCMG etc. on a promo.

Nobody expects Hogan/Sting to out wrestle or out workrate AJ/Daniels Angle/Roode etc.. but THEY ARE MORE RECOGNISED NAMES THAT BRING IN VIEWERS.. Yes new stars need to be built but TNA is not big enough to get by without established names on the show too.

Get a clue you bias Hogan haters, show the man some respect
So, the guy who sold out Wrestlemania 3. A wrestling legend, icon, WWE's first ever superstar turned household name shouldn't make what's worth?

God knows, Charles Barkley shouldn't make 4 million to talk about basketball. I mean who is he? A Top 50 player. Yet, he makes 4 million for a show that is a half hour long.

You cannot sit here and tell me Hogan shouldn't make that money. The man is who is he is and that is a MAJOR name in this industry, he is there to get marketing deals, bring exposure, rub expierence off on the talent, add his ideas that helped WCW in their hay day.

None of us are in any position to talk about what he should make. Besides, who was the guy who drew TNA's highest ratings to date? Hogan. His apperence alone drew 3 million viewers. The "They" angle was a heavy ratings grabber that month due to names like Hogan, Jeff Hardy turning heel. Who signed Hardy, RVD, Anderson? HOGAN did. Not Dixie, not Bischoff, not Jarrett, Hogan did that.

He makes them a bigger deal than what you think he is. Your views towards Hogan isn't anything like how he is viewed on the outside world looking in by celebs, news reporters and people who have no connection to wrestling but know what WWE is and who he is. Call me when AJ Styles gets on ESPN, Hot 97, Good Morning America, Howard Stern off his name alone and not some picture some guys has to send down and say "he works for TNA...a company like he isn't a former wwe wrestler" until then, Hogan is a huge value. His paycheck is well deserved and we do not even know if he will be appearing on TV after BFG or even if that figure of money is true or not.

I'm sure Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Edge get paid 3 million just to appear on a weekly basis and nobody complains about that. Gail Kim reportedly made 500,000 in WWE. How isn't that up for discussion? TNA pays someone well and it's a problem, they pay someone less and it's a problem.

I don't get it.
I don't care how much money he made for wrestling since 84, it's not an excuse to make this kind of money today. i do not believe he is good for business. he should be in it for TNA , what the fuck has he done? This is absurd.
Hmmm, is Hulk Hogan worth the money?

Anyone who was watching ESPN today or listening to any of their radio broadcasts or watching HOward Stern recently, etc. knows the answer. There are two wrestlers on the entire planet who can get that kind of treatment, who can give that kind of exposure to a wrestling company, and one of them is Hulk Hogan.

I don't even know what the alleged figure is, but he's worth it.

Boom. Roasted.
Hulk Hogan has his own Kinect video game, that's the power of the Hulk Hogan Brand.

please note also how weak the TNA impact Videogame was and how little it sold...
If that report is correct, then I do not think Hogan deserves to be making that large of an amount per appearance. So what if he is the most famous wrestler ever? The ratings have not gone up that much since he got there. All that has changed are that they got a 4 sided ring and we have had to deal with that worthless Immortal stable for a year now. Hogan deserves less than what he is reportedly making because he has not earned the right to be making THAT much in TNA.
is hulk worth WHATEVER he makes...well unless your under the age of say 16 there is ONE reason why you even know what wrestling is...know what that reason is Hulk Hogan...I do agree however with the countless posters that this "thread" cant be discussed. TNA isnt a publicly traded company so we dont know what they make of merch, all shows, ppvs, sponsors and any other streams of revuene cobined and also love tna or hate TNA until you build the 2nd biggest wrestling company in the world what right do you have saying "I can run a multi million dollar company better than the people who are actually doing it because I watch each show and read blogs" even tho I dont know you but Im sure if you could you wouldnt have almost 5 thousand post on an internet msg board...
That's a lot of money for a guy who doesn't draw nearly what he used to because he doesn't wrestle - how many matches have they gotten out of Hogan in two years ? Fact is, people don't tune in to see you give an interview, they want the payoff, they want the match. That's why managers never got paid what top talent got in the day, they were an essential part of the program's success but ultimatley you didn't watch WrestleMania because of Jimy Hart and Bobby Heenan, you watches because Hogan, Savage, etc were WRESTLING. J Dillion was a big part of The Horseman but the NWA didn't fill Charlotte Memorial Stadium because he was fighting Nikita Kolloff, they filled it cause Ric Flair was.

If Hogan is making over a million a year by being a slightly more than part time on air personality while top guys like Angle are paid as much or less then it's a waste of money.
I'm not sure what any other TNA star gets paid but I would expect Hulk Hogan to be able to command more than anyone else. Not only is he the biggest name pro wrestling has ever produced, but people also don't like to admit how much Hulk Hogan has helped TNA as a brand. No one can say TNA would be filming half their month's shows on the road without Hulk Hogan. It just wouldn't have happened, TNA would still be filming EVERYTHING in the iMPACT! Zone.

Hulk Hogan, to TNA, is worth what ever he wants to be paid IMO. There's no denying the attention Hulk Hogan has brought to TNA. They may not have many more viewers according to the Nielson thing, but a hell of a lot more people know that company exists now and it's much more talked about. Some love it, some hate it, but I'd say a lot more people know it's there now.

Hulk Hogan is Hulk Hogan and I don't see why it matters how old he is? Why he has to hog the spot light? Or how much he's paid? You do realise that Hulk Hogan doesn't walk into a wrestling company and say "Employ me now brother! I'm having that TV time!" No, surprise surprise, the wrestling company calls him. Why do they do this? Because people still MTFO seeing Hulk Hogan and he brings exposure to your company.
$2 million dollars a year for Hulk Hogan.

Let's looks at what Hogan has done while at TNA (as well as alleged items).

When he first signed with TNA, Hogan was on a late night show (Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Fallon I think) and didn't even mention TNA. He has been on other national shows since then...and again, no mention of TNA. I honestly can't think of a time that I have seen Hogan on some form of national media where he has promoted TNA (though he seems to be doing so on some radio shows as of late). When he does talk publicly about TNA, it seems that he's badmouthing most of the younger guys there (though he did give credit to Jeff Hardy...who was arrested or cited multiple times and is recently coming out of jail).

Hogan has a competing video game, and a competing wrestling shows.

Hogan can no longer wrestle. To the point that they have to explicitly state that he is not in a "wrestling" match. Now, that's not too bad because we all know what to expect from Hogan, even when he was young, but he almost can do nothing in the ring now.

PPV buys are supposedly still low, with little to no increase.

Ratings are supposedly still low, with little to no increase.

Live events are supposedly still low on attendance, with little to no increase.

No major stars have jumped over to work with TNA. In fact, Booker T, Kevin Nash, and Mick Foley have all left TNA and rejoined WWE since Hogan came in. This one isn't on Hogan, just pointing out that people aren't clamoring to work with him.

Let's recap that. He doesn't seem to promote the brand or show. He's not bringing in ratings, PPV buys, or live gate revenue. He's not bringing in top talent and well known names are even leaving. He has personal projects that are competing against TNA. He can't work in the ring. So no, he's not worth it. He's being paid on his name and that name is not bringing in anything.

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