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Hulk Hogan vs ?

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
Let us speculate that in spite of it all Hogan will attempt to wrestle at least another match or two in his career. If that happens in TNA I would like your thoughts on under what circumstances you would not hate that decision. Is there anyone you would actually find it interesting if Hogan faced?

For me the list is pretty limited. I could maybe see something in a righting the wrongs of the past match with Sting but it isn't of an especially high interest to me. The one thing that does have a little bit of intrigue to me would be if Hogan got in the ring with AJ at some point as part of this story. It fits quite well, the crowd would be all over that match and Hogan actually putting AJ over would still somehow mean something.
I agree with AJ Styles. I think AJ is one of the few in TNA who could carry Hogan through a match and make him look good. AJ Styles is arguably one of the greatest in ring competitors of all time. Hogan has nothing left to prove so he shouldn't be in another match but if he does then it should be against AJ Styles without a doubt. It could work too because of the whole Immortal vs Fourtune storyline going into play. I still want to see Ric Flair vs AJ Styles thoug, especially with Flair turning on Fortune. I would love to see Flair tap out to the figure four applied by AJ.

Now if Styles didn't face Hogan, my second option would be Kurt Angle. Angle has had many memorable matches and always gives it all. I think Angle and Styles are the only two in TNA who could carry Hogan through one more match. Angle is caught up with Jeff and Karen Jarrett right now but later on down the road, it could happen.
Honestly, the guy can barely move. He's been having surgery after surgery. I know in this business we "never say never", but in this case we need to say NEVER. There's no reason to put Hogan in a ring unless you want to see him go the way Randy "the Ram" Robinson conceivably went in The Wrestler.

AJ Styles? A young guy who flies around? That wouldn't work and a match with Hogan would only make him look bad. Hell, the match with Flair will probably suck too. If IF IF you had to put Hogan in a match, do so with a big guy who is somewhat immobile as well. Then, the storytelling could overshadow the incredibly poor match from a technical standpoint. I mean there's only so much you could do with no back, no knees, and no mobility.

Keep the man either as a manager or behind the scenes. Maybe I'm in the minority that does feel sympathy for these guys, but I don't want to see Hogan writhing in pain for one last hurrah. It's not worth it.
I can't see Hogan lacing up the boots, not after all this back surgery. I mean would it be worth him putting over AJ? Isnt Ric Flair fighting AJ next Impact, and surely that would achieve the same thing. I honestly think at this moment in time Hogan couldn't put anyone over in a match even if he wanted to, simply due to the fact I doubt he could take a back bump. All the guys got left is standing in the ring like a turret and punching people who run at him.

After roughly a year of buildup, the Hogan/Sting match sucked. There's no way they could better it at this time in their respective careers. HOWEVER, if by some miracle he makes it back into the ring and can lay down for the 123, I wouldn't even pick AJ, as Hogan would never keep up with his style of wrestling. I guess Anderson, who has a more grounded almost old school style, but I can't see a win over Hogan as an achievement these days.
would a match between Hogan and Styles really do more than a match between Styles and Flair? right now I think Flair could go more in the ring than Hogan, and there is already history/angle with Flair.
I think we are at a point now where Hogan should not do anymore wrestling. too many back surgeries, he would probably be terrible in some type of match right now.
AJ flies around, I don't see Hogan taking bumps that involve AJ flipping over the top rope onto the floor.

What else could AJ do to put some offense on Hogan? All I can see is him do some strikes himself, and Hogan wouldn't take the styles clash.
A match with Hogan wouldn't kill AJ, but it'd look awful. Go back to the '90s and watch some WCW PPV's. All of these guys in their late 20's and early 30's going against Hogan, and slowing their pace to the point of absurdity.

The guy can't go. He hasn't been able to go for 15 years, but has been able to hang on by gradually reducing his wrestling and workrate within matches. The point has gotten past "salvageable", however; now, watching him wrestle would just be sad. I've never really liked Hogan, but I think I'd spend the whole time hoping he didn't paralyze himself, and then be thankful when it was over without serious injury.
Only way I see Hogan ever wrestling again is in the "wheelchair classic" or if he and Flair start their own promotion " The AARP-W". Folks I grew up watching Hogan since 1981, he gave us our last great wrestling moment in Mania 18, I'm okay with him and Flair still managing or playing GM or Owners but thats it, they don't have any business wrestling.
I was hoping to see a Jarret vs Hogan match when he first came aboard. They both have an "old school" style in the ring. They have a history together dating back to the late WCW days where Jarret layed down for him and Russo publicly fired him. They could have some good shoot promos leading up to the match.
Hogan is my all time favorite wrestler, but even I don't think I would want to see him wrestler again. However, for the threads sake, I can think of two people.

Matt Morgan - I think this is the best choice on the roster. Big guy who works Hogan's style. They could have a match on their feet that was nothing more than chops, punches, and clotheslines until the finish.

Jeff Jarrett - A guy who has a old school move set like Jarrett could work with Hogan. More chops and punches, but the crowd would be into it.

I think AJ would be the worst choice for Hogan. Simpley put, I dont think Hogan could move fast enough to even be carried by AJ in a match. Hogan probably couldn't turn around fast enough to even be facing AJ when he's running the ropes. The only way they could work would be Hogan tossing him around until the finish. And I don't think that kind of match would be good for either of them.

That being said, I really don't want to see Hulk wrestle. I don't think he can even do the leg drop anymore.
I am going to say Hernandez, here. He never hurts anyone and can work at several different paces. I have seen him backstage, and he was always very respectful to the veterans, and is strong enough, and quick enough to make it look good, plus he is big enough to make it look like a power brawl, so hogan doesn't have to take any dangerous bumps.
If Hogan WAS to have another match in TNA, then Kurt Angle is the man I would like to see him facing, they have never got it on in their careers as far as I can remember.

However, with Angle's high impact style and many of his moves involving back bumps (German Suplexes, Angle Slam etc), I just cannot see Hogan getting into the ring with him, and I do not think he should. He has nothing left to prove. A Hogan in-ring return would not affect the ratings much any more, he can barely move and with all the recent surgery he has had why would he even consider doing it? He isnt in any way physically capable of wrestling a good match, not even with a man who can carry almost anyone to a good match in Kurt Angle. Hogan needs to stay out of the ring now, for is own health.

If he was to "fight" anyone, I think it will be Bischoff, in a sort of street fight that would not require Hogan to actually bump properly. Perhaps after Immortal break up Eric and Hulk have some sort of disagreement and end up having a no-DQ brawl or something like that. It wouldnt require much mobility and is probably something Hogan would be able to do. He would obviously win the match.

Preferably I would like to see Hogan avoid making another in-ring return.
Angle and Hogan have faced off, at least twice maybe more. Back in 2002 the match was crappy but entertaining. The stuff that made it entertaining wouldn't apply as much here because the heel/face roles would be reversed and Angle can't use comedy to fill the voids of Hogan's shortcomings when it comes to Angle's usual stiffer style. Hogan has tapped to the ankle lock and it isn't like Angle needs to get over. There just doesn't seem to be a lot to gain there to me. I ruled out people like Angle for such reasons and others because they were not on a high enough level yet for a Hogan match to be plausible. One suggestion I do like at some point might be Matt Morgan.
Angle and Hogan have faced off, at least twice maybe more. Back in 2002 the match was crappy but entertaining. The stuff that made it entertaining wouldn't apply as much here because the heel/face roles would be reversed and Angle can't use comedy to fill the voids of Hogan's shortcomings when it comes to Angle's usual stiffer style. Hogan has tapped to the ankle lock and it isn't like Angle needs to get over. There just doesn't seem to be a lot to gain there to me. I ruled out people like Angle for such reasons and others because they were not on a high enough level yet for a Hogan match to be plausible. One suggestion I do like at some point might be Matt Morgan.

It was crappy 9 years ago, with a fantastic wrestler. Add 9 years of age, depreciation and countless hip/back surgeries and what do you get?

If they were smart, they'd get Hogan never wrestling again. But this is TNA, so he'll prob fight somebody. I'm guessing Flair. He knows what it's like to be older in the ring and his style could carry Hogan well. Can't wait for this to be at BFG 2011. Should be a show stealer.
The best option if someone held Hogan at gunpoint and forced him to have a match in TNA would undoubtedly be Matt Morgan. Morgan wrestles in a similar style and is known to be a pretty safe worker as well. Morgan will undoubtedly benefit from the rub.

Another option that I can think of is Mr Anderson. He wrestles mainly as a brawler but has the reputation of hurting people and using rissky moves as well. But I think that he will be a lot more careful around a legend. Also he hasn't exactly hurt anyone since he joined TNA. The promo wars would surely be epic.

But I do echo the sentiment that Hogan does not need to wrestle anymore. He can work effectively in that evil authority type figure with or without Immortal.
For me, it'd have to be Mr. Anderson. He's the one guy I think TNA could market the match AND have a good match result. Guys like either of the Hardys, RVD, or Styles are just too athletic and would run circles around Hogan. A big guy like Morgan or Abyss, as safe as they may be, are just too much weight for a guy with a bad back, and you know Hogan would have to bodyslam his opponent. Anybody else would be too small a name for Hogan to waste his time. Anderson, on the other hand, has a good variation of moves, a brawling style, is "light" enough for Hogan to bodyslam, and would sell Hogan's power moves to make it a decent match.
Honestly, I just can't see it happening. Hulk Hogan spent much of the second half of 2010 in crippling pain and, basically, having parts of his spinal column rebuilt. Without actually knowing Hogan personally, I just don't know how he could wrestle again.

I can't say that I'd be interested in seeing Hogan wrestle anyone. I just can't imagine how the quality of the match could be anything other than awful no matter who its against. Who knows if Hogan can even still take a bump or not? Just an assumption on my part, I doubt it if his back has been in that bad of shape and there's no reason to doubt that it hasn't.
AJ Styles makes the most sense as it'd be AJ the TNA Original/Crusader v. Hogan the Power-Hungry Dictator/Politician, though as most have already echoed, I actually don't have much interest in actually seeing the match seeing as Hogan's health is already a stones throw away from paralysis*.

In terms of story, it makes all the sense in the world to build to a feud between the two at Bound For Glory with Fortune fighting Immortal the entire way there, but in reality it's best for AJ (and Hogan) if he simply move the [Jeff] Hardy route and not go after a guy who can't re-pin a World Championship around his waist in the process.


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