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Hulk Hogan to have surgery yet again. Does he have much time left?


now all we need is some rape bait!
So i've been watching Hulk Hogan wrestling since 1987, at that point hes already wrestled over 10 years. Now its 23 years later and he had a match not long ago. I used to love him and now hes a senior citizen, he's having numerous operations because he can barely move. Now the majority of them are on his back from what i've been reading. What if something goes wrong while they are doin something on his spinal cord "Hail Mary" surgery he has scheduled? What if they do it and not long after he passes away because they did something wrong? Sure everything may go ok and look right but you never know what can happen. Being a HH fan for 23 years has brought me to sayin that, i'd actually be sad to see him go. He's a legend and everyone will always know who Hulk Hogan was no matter what happens.

Does anyone else thing something can go wrong, if so, how do you feel about all this?
This is a weird thread, but I was thinking about Hogan's current situation as well.
Not if he would die or anything, but with Hogan being in the condition he's in, how is this going to affect current storylines, or how has it affected storyline plans already?

Reading Hogan's twitter, he makes it sound like he's "dying"/can't move. May be he is just exaggerating and working the fans, but either way, Hogan isn't in the best of shape. But what does this mean for TNA? That's what I'm sorta worried about.

If Hulk Hogan were to die, I think there'd be some big news about it. WWE might even do a tribute since you know how they like exploiting wrestler's deaths. If Hogan were to have kept his life private, I think I might have been more saddened if he passed. I am at a point where I'm not a big fan of Terry Bollea.

I was a huge Ultimate Warrior fan, now knowing the type of man Jim Hellwig is, and not knowing him personally, I really couldn't care less what happens with him, As apathetic as that sounds.

One guy I would be upset about, is Sting b/c he seems like a genuine good man. You never hear about Sting when you hear about the shenanigans of guys like Hogan, The Clique, HBK, Flair, Jake The Snake, and many or most of the old school wrestlers etc. I'm privileged to have been watching Sting as long as I have, one of the best all-time babyfaces ever.

So what I'm worried about with Hogan, is if him being "injured" is going to afect TNA and storylines poorly. I don't think he is in any real danger of dying, otherwise he wouldn't freaking tweet so much. Remember how big a deal they made it on TNA when Hogan had to wrestle and Brooke was crying, I'm thinking it's more of that. Hogan is trying to gain sympathy, apparently it worked on you lol.

If he's suckering people in, to watch TNA, then I'M ALL FOR THAT!
I'm not all that big of a Hulk Hogan fan. Personally, I think that Hogan should have ultimately gone away from the wrestling spotlight a long time ago. However, of course I'd hate for him to pass away. While I might not be a fan of the man's general work inside the ring as a wrestler, the guy's still a human being.

The procedure Hogan is having done is considered to be a last resort when it comes to someone suffering from chronic back pain. It involves having an electrical stimulater inserted into his spinal cord and just the thought of it is enough to make me cringe just a little. I have an uncle that's had trouble with his back for years and it's made him miserable at times, so I hope this procedure is a success. Even if it is a success, I think it's a fairly safe conclusion that Hulk Hogan's days of actually competing in wrestling matches, even on rare occassions, have come to an end.
Agreed, although I will go one step further. Hulk Hogan's days in TNA, in the world of pro wrestling in general are probably gone. The recovery time from this will keep him away from TNA for months already, and by then, who knows if he will even want to return, or if TNA wants him to? I don't see Hulk ever returning to pro wrestling, in any capacity.
Way to get all morbid ya'll. I know it's experimental surgery, but to go from back surgery to a death watch is a stretch. I hope he'll be ok as anything can go wrong with any surgery, but odds are he'll pull through. Worst case scenero is he ends up in a wheel chair, which can be a worse fate than death for an athlete of any sport.
Like Jack-Hammer said, I think his days of wrestling are done regardless of the outcome. As for the TNA story line, that should be interesting to see how he played into the whole "THEY" angle.
If Hulk Hogan were to die, I think there'd be some big news about it. WWE might even do a tribute since you know how they like exploiting wrestler's deaths. If Hogan were to have kept his life private, I think I might have been more saddened if he passed. I am at a point where I'm not a big fan of Terry Bollea.

That's a bit unfair to WWE. Say Hogan were to die tomorrow, no matter how WWE reacted to it, they'd still draw criticism. They could make next Monday's RAW a Hulkamania tribute, and people would say they exploited his death to draw ratings. Or if they go the other way and make no mention of it, and Vince would be accused of doing it to spite Hogan and be a prick.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

So what I'm worried about with Hogan, is if him being "injured" is going to afect TNA and storylines poorly. I don't think he is in any real danger of dying, otherwise he wouldn't freaking tweet so much. Remember how big a deal they made it on TNA when Hogan had to wrestle and Brooke was crying, I'm thinking it's more of that. Hogan is trying to gain sympathy, apparently it worked on you lol.

If he's suckering people in, to watch TNA, then I'M ALL FOR THAT!

Why? Does anyone really care if Hogan ever wrestles again. Do you really want to see a 57 year old man shuffle around the ring not taking bumps. He can't even do the fuckin Leg Drop any more.

What can Hogan wrestling do for TNA? He can't put anyone over because like said I before, he can't take any bumps. And could you really buy into him going over anybody? He'd have trouble getting in to the ring, nevermind actually wrestling a believable match. The only feud he could feasibly have is with Ric Flair and to be honest, that's just a depressing thought. So very depressing.
I don't think it's as bad as him dying, but he could end up in a wheel chair. I'm not a Hogan fan, I never was, but I like Hulk. Noone deserves that so I hope he gets better. Fuck TNA and the storylines, it's his health we're talking about. Bischoff can play his role ( even better ).

As far as him being in the ring, wrestling and all, I honestly think he was pretty much done with that the moment he came to TNA, let alone now.

Hopefully he'll be okay soon and will be able to walk and everything.
Well like, you guys never know what can happen with spinal surgery. They can hit a nerve and paralyze him or worse. In all hopes, i'd like to see Hogan come out of this clean and feelin better. From a fans point of view, we honestly don't know how serious this is. Hogan is not going to say whats really going on if there was somethign worse. The age and shape he is in now, well anything can happen. Lets all just hope for the best.
I think you guys may be jumping the gun just a little to have Hogan dying, or paralyzed, or seriously incapacitated from this "Hail Mary" surgery. As I understand it, it's a procedure to help alleviate some of the chronic back troubles which have been plaguing Hogan for years. If it is successful, hopefully he'll get some relief and be able to live a more normal life. If unsuccessful, let's not be premature and kill the guy off; it just means he'll continue to suffer the back problems which he has been experiencing for some time now.

Does he have much time left? In terms of his life span, I would imagine yes, he's old by professional wrestling standards but he's not old by normal life standards. Does he have much time left in his careeer I figure he has about -15 years left. In other words, he should have retired about 15 years ago and has persisted in the business for far too long. Maybe this will be the wake up call he needs to finally get out and stay out of the ring. Either he will remain as a backstage, out of ring, retired former profesional wrestler, or maybe he leaves the business altogether. Who knows?

Much speculation has been running rampant about the identity of "them" and how this major storyline will affect the future of TNA, positively or negatively. Most speculation has involved Hogan (and Bischoff) being integral components of this angle. If this back surgery talk is legitimate, hard to imagine Hogan being as central to all of this as many have thought. Could have interesting implications to the direction of this storyline, and ultimately, to the direction (or lack thereof) of TNA.
Personally, I think it's a work. Hogan is old school, he'd love to work the marks like that. He turns up at Impact in a wheel chair, then he comes to ringside at BFG in a wheelchair. Angle ends up knocked at his feet...and then Hogan cockily stands up and helps beat down Angle.

That said, if it is real, seriously chronic back issues, obviously by my name, I wish him well. The man is my favorite wrestler in history, and a boon to the industry. Websites like this forum wouldn't exist if it weren't for Hulk Hogan. Also, I've met the man, and he's a really nice guy, and one of the few people I've met who has a legitimate...the only way to describe it is a presence. When he walks into a room, everyone turns to him. Very cool to see.

Does he have much time left in his careeer I figure he has about -15 years left. In other words, he should have retired about 15 years ago and has persisted in the business for far too long.

If Hogan leaves the business 15 years ago, we get no nWo, no Monday Night Wars, no Stone Cold Steve Austin, no Attitude Era, etc. So yeah, I'm sure most people are glad he stuck around.
I don't care much for him as a wrestler or as a person, but I hope everything comes out ok for him. I. I do really hope this means he can't wrestle ever again. He may be done with TNA all together. He wont be able to take any kind of bump. I think it's time he moves on.
It's a given that he's done with actual wrestling. As him his health, well obviously, I hope he comes out in one piece. As for his role in TNA, I think soon enough I'll need to change. Him as a authority figure isn't exactly gonna put him to best use. Perhaps color commentary would be best for him as well as doing actual hosting and interviewing. That way he's on spotlight, giving younger talent some limelight and doing something that isn't in some way dangerous for him. Let's face it, if he returns, which for the sake of his health, I hope he does, keeping him as an authority figure will lead to more segments with him getting physically involved. That's in no way a good thing any more. He'll get hurt if he takes a dive, he'll just hurt a wrestler's credibility if he wins.

My wishes to Hulk Hogan. As far as returning, he should come back for commentary and let Bischoff do the managing.
Guy, he's having back surgery, not a triple bypass — you think he's going to drop dead because they're trying to repair the damage? Understanding the human anatomy is the first step in understanding what you're talkin' about, brother (channeling my inner Hogan there), and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Next thing you'll be telling us a titty feels like a bag of sand, eh?
Does he have time left in-ring? Not anymore, I assume and hope so (for his health).

As an on-air character? Sure, he's not in his dying years anyway.

I didn't exist during the Hulkamania years, and I never thought much of him when I started watching wrestling a few years ago -- he was just a supposedly big-name wrestler who I quite never understood the hype and hubbub about from old-timers and video promos. If he were to die, then yeah I'd be sad because he's a human being, and hating on the guy after his death doesn't seem very tasteful -- and I'm sure all the haters will save face one way or another.

If he were to die, we'll mourn, blah blah blah, whatever. We'll move on. His fans will miss him, but it's not like he'll take pro wrestling to the grave with him.

But one thing that concerns me, how will he be involved in any matches in the near future?
He is the end all and B all to wrestling

Bunch jealous people here need to understand... wrestling is everything it is 2 this day because of this man.....

Hell if he didnt leave the WWE/F Shawn and Bret and all the other boring people you guys root for would of just been mid cards all there lives.......

Hoagn went 2 a shitty organization like WCW and made it a company to compete with WWE.....

And if his back wasnt hurting 2 this day.... then TNA would give him the strap and he would make that company hudge as well.....

He is the Champ......

When ever he holds a tittle you see him as champ of the world of wrestling ... not just champion of wwe or wcw or tna...... That what makes him Immortal......

When and if he ever dies it will be a real sad day 4 wrestling.....

Watch his tribute Viedo into the HOF again..... Wrestler and fans alike are impressed by his greatness........

Some of these comments just make me sick...... I cant believe how some of you insult the GOD of wrestling... lol oh well....

Anyways..... the man is great and when he pulls through all of this (in whatever condition he is in)he will still over shadow most of the wrestlers in any organization.

Anyways in closing i will say i reallly hope this is just some bullshit story line (Which it probably is not) and he simple comes back and rules ASS!!!!
Lets put it out there Terry Bollea is a terrible human being from start to finish. He cheats on his wife but makes her look like the crazy bitch and the one to blame. His underage intoxicated son puts a Marine into a permanent vegetative state and all he can talk about is getting his son a reality show when he gets out of prison. Bollea is pretty much the lowest kind of human being and deserves whatever bad comes his way in form of karma.

That said he is also the character Hulk Hogan who revolutionized the business and is the biggest name in the history of the business. Granted he has long since passed the time when he is effective on camera or behind the scenes but that is besides the point. Respect must be paid for what he has given to the sport.

The reality now is anytime at his age you undergo surgery there is a chance something goes wrong and you do not wake up. Surgery is not fun period. I personally do not care for the man at all but will fill empathy for his children and loved ones as they will have lost their father and meal ticket.
Guy, he's having back surgery, not a triple bypass — you think he's going to drop dead because they're trying to repair the damage? Understanding the human anatomy is the first step in understanding what you're talkin' about, brother (channeling my inner Hogan there), and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Next thing you'll be telling us a titty feels like a bag of sand, eh?

Agreed. As with all surgeries there is a danger of things going wrong, but in this case the big risk is paralysis not death. Not that, that is anything to sneeze at. But I'm glad your thoughts are with him.

However, for those of you who say that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has wrestled his last match are dead wrong. Why do I say that? Because his last match will be for the WWE. Vince McMahon wants to be the one to end his career (not him personally in the ring, but in WWE) and we still have that final match to look forward to.

No matter what shape HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN's in Vince will find the money to make it happen. He got Andre to wrestle just weeks after back surgery at WrestleMania III. He got Bret Hart -who has admitted that he can't even ride a bike anymore - to wrestle. It may not be a good match, it may be a brief envolvment in a six man tag but as long as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is in TNA we are guaranteed of at least one more match.
I wish the best for Hulk and I hope he finally gets some relief from his ailing back troubles. Whether the surgery is a success or not, Hogan has no business going back in the ring. Eric Bischoff and many others feel the same way. I don't think this is a life threatening surgery, it just means that Hogan won't be as active if it isn't a success.
Weird thread. If Hogan were to actually die from this surgery, than that would be one of the saddest days in pro wrestling. The guy's a legend and he's done a lot for the business. Although I respect Hogan, I feel needs to retire and only stay on camera as he is now. He can barely move and him wrestling another match could be dangerous for his health and that could lead to another surgery.
This surgery is very complicated and the slightest mistake could leave Hogan permenantly in a wheelchair. The man just does not need to wrestle again, no matter now the surgery turns out. He is an old man and just needs to move on.

A persons health is more important that to hear the crowd roar one more time, and if Hogan doesnt take the warning signs of hios body giving out, then he is a fool.

I love seeing Hulk on TV, but it should be strictly in a managing, commentating or Gm-type role role, he shouldnt wrestle again, simple as
I wish the best of luck to Hulk and hope he pulls through. I do not know much about the surgery or the circumstances, but I've been a fan a long time and hope there are no problems. Say what you want about Hulk, but he is most likely in the position that he is in because he sacrificed his body for the sake of putting on a good show, just like every/most wrestlers do on a regular basis. I feel that the damage these guys do to themselves is often over looked.
Well the man yet again is having more surgery. Hulk Hogan,what else can I say about this man. I hope hes goin to have all this surgury stuff done soon. The man is old and the most he should do in TNA is promos. IF he gets in that ring, then they may just have a stretcher follow him because he cant do anything and will hurt himself. HH took too many roids back in the day, now he's paying for it with the back issues. Thats the difference with him and Terry Funk or Rick Flair, they didnt pump themselves with them to look buff. If they took roids, they didnt abuse them as Hogan did in the lates 70s and 80s. So at this point in time, I don't see Hogan manking any ring return, only promos.

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