Hulk Hogan joins Main Event Mafia

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Pre-Show Stalwart
First off this is highly unlikely to happen but TNA should do it in my opinion.

What would happen if TNA decided to go all out & sign Hulk Hogan to a contract? It would take a hell of a lot of money & would be a huge gamble however what if it were a sucsess? I rekon TNA (backed by Panda Energy) could easily if they wanted cough up 1-2 million pounds & give Hogan a 1 year deal.

I would have Hogan join the Main Event Mafia after his initial Babyface debut.
I honestly think Hogan could elevate TNA in terms of TV ratings, PPV Buyrates, Exposure & overall the Product Presentation significantly.

Just imagine Hogan strutting down the Impact Zone! with the Main Event Mafia behind him! Sure his matches wouldn't be that great & he would not particapate in that many due to his age but that still does not change the fact that he draws money. Obviously people on here are going to complain about more old wrestlers at the top of the card but its Hulk Hogan!

What do you guys think?
For one. That would be silly. 1-2 million dollars for a 1 year contract???? WOW, if only it were that cheap to get Hogan. Knowing hes gluttoned self, he'd charge like 50 million. T_T That takes TNA away right there.

For two, they allready had Hogan on a while back. Jarret beat him down and he never showed his face again. TNA has proven they think Hogan is nothing with that, and don't want him.

For three, Hogan recently/is soon to have back surgery. He may be able to bend over if hes lucky. He will more than likely never wrestle another match, and if he does. It will be for the WWE.

For four, WWE would do EVERYTHING in their power to stop this more than likely. Hogan is homegrown WWE talent. This would put TNA on the map, and WWE could quite possibly have to stop ignoring the exsistance of TNA at that point.

In conclution, He would overshadow Angle, TNA's biggest star. (don't deny it folks) Why would they want to do that, honestly? They allready took in 4x the amount of money last year than they did the year before that.
I ONLY wanna see Hogan in TNA if they make him job to Shark Boy. Hogan makes Steiner and Nash look like the X-Division. His time was over 15 years ago...let him go. Than man can't even walk anymore.
Just a little correction here, obamartins said 1 to 2 million pounds, thats 1.3 million to almost 3 million U.S. and with Hogans finacial state right now I'd say he'd do it for around 5 mil or so for a limited run. But I gree would never happen. Even with the money, for Hogan (and I am a fan of his) TNA is like a step down. He loves the big stage like the WWE. And like Milk[lw] said Vince would find some way to step in behind the scenes and make this not happen. Interesting idea though.
If TNA was to sign Hogan it wouldnt be that cheap,im not saying that 1-2 million is little,but considering who the person is it would cost way more.

i dont think their ratings would go up neither would the buyrates,unless they really hype this up and spend the big bucks on marketing hogan coming to tna.They have signed big stars and it has proven to be little to no sucess for them.If they do what they did with mick foley then it's going to make them look desperate.what i mean is that they sign him then they make him dayview 2 weeks later with no hype or no anything.

Also as already mentioned Vince would try to stop it.He did it once when he almost signed back then with tna,and he could do it again.He also did with foley,and foley came back to wwe.although foley ended up signing with them.
The ratings wound totally go up up up. Hes Hulk fucking Hogan. If TNA hyped his apperance for just 1 week the ratings would go up. The man is money no matter where he goes. On the topic of him in the Main Event Mafia though i wouldnt like it. He did his time as a heel. Its done n over with. The day he joined the NWO was the day super hereos in wrestling died. A peice of every little kid died that day(me included). He needs to be the red n yellow warrior. To fight for whats right! Sing it! You know the words!!!!!
While Hogan in the Main Event Mafia makes some sense, I ask this one question:
Who Is Hogan going to feud with?
Who is Hogan going to wrestle?
And How will that elevate Ratings or Young Talent?

I would be ok if they brought him in, he teams up with anybody to face Beer Money, he gets his ass kicked and gets pinned, and is banned from TNA.
Maybe he could be brought in to bring an end to the M.E.M. Stick it to those guys and bring about a resolution, this could be a 40 day contract 2 PPVs and 4 tv appearences
Rather than Hulk joining the mafia, I think he should join Sting as a face as he would be more over and interesting than rehashing a possible nwo like angle. Make two groups with legends and non legends for example, beer money and MCMG could join with the Mafia that could be all disrespectful and stuff and the other is the good guys who do things right and are respectful like aj, eric young etc.. Then you could make the other factions like the loners. One would be Joe who would break from either side and be his own guy, sort of like the crow sting. I think that could be interesting. If they do legends vs frontline its too much like wcw millionaires vs new blood etc.. Im not saying it could work if its done right but it has been done..
Maybe he could be brought in to bring an end to the M.E.M. Stick it to those guys and bring about a resolution, this could be a 40 day contract 2 PPVs and 4 tv appearences

so your saying, to expose TNA to a wider audience and really put it on the map, have Hulk Hogan who is PURE WWE, come in, rape the shit out of TNA's biggest stars and leave AND all within 40 days.

what a horrible idea. -_____-
He wouldn't go anyway. it's way beneath him.

Plus even in the off chance he did, he would be in as much a position to wrestle on a regular basis as Kevin Nash ie never. And the other thing would be Kurt Anglle's character would have to be highly jealous, after all he is the boss apparently and why would he bring in someone who is a bigger name then him and someone who would never take a back seat to him in a stable spot.

I did notice one thing on Impact the other night, they seem to be sought of doing a NWO turn for the MEM, with supporting Don West and attacking Foley.

So we'll have to see if thats whats in store for the future. tnWo Mark III
In truth,we all talk about WhO could take TNA to the next level & partly agree that Angle,Booker & Foley cant do it alone.So on paper who better than the guy who took WCW to the next level.
But in reality,we dont wrestle on paper,though the cross promotion with CCW would be invaluable & make slight sense of any involvement Danny Bonaduce (spellcheck?) would have.Maybe have the prize for winning CCW,a TNA PPV match ,with Hogan the enthusiastic manager.see how it goes.
But while I think Hogans appearance might add a few numbers & he can TalK a good match,I feel he would be just an expensive valet.or another kayfabe boss,& what TNA need right now is less kayfabe chiefs & more roster good indians.
While I understand his position though if Angle,s the one who doesnt want any bigger fish in the growing pond,,the day may come when TNA ,hoping to build a roster round Angle,may have to do WithouT Angle.
,But its always a good point for a thread,who could AdD to TNA without taking away what they already have.
This sounds an awful lot like an angle a former Ted Turner owned and Eric Bischoff managed company used several years back.

I hear Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are looking for work too !!

BUT... on the flipside, it does sound like an angle Vince Russo would pitch. Lets just pretend he's in a meeting with Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter.

"But guys, I used this same angle back in the nineties and we almost sent Vince McMahon into bankruptcy. Look at what we're doing now. We almost have a third of the audience WWE has already. Hulk Hogan could push us over the edge."
No... just no.
If Hogan goes to TNA, it's just solidifying TNA as a place where should-be retired wrestlers go for one last moment in the spotlight and one last 7 figure paycheque.
The MEM doesn't really need Hogan anyway. Hogan was the guy who didn't respect young talent. The MEM are guys who want respect from young talent. See the problem there?

What should happen is for Samoa Joe or maybe someone more shocking to join the MEM and they could tutor him into becoming as "good" as them. That's a way better idea than Hogan.
I would love to see Hogan in TNA. He would be great in the MEM. He would blow the roof off the Impact Zone. Ratings would definitely go up, which is why they would want him there. If he came in there first as a face, acting like he hated the MEM and disliked everything the stood for, then helped them win a World Title, I could see it. Hogan would do wonders for TNA and the MEM. 100
First off this is highly unlikely to happen but TNA should do it in my opinion.

What would happen if TNA decided to go all out & sign Hulk Hogan to a contract? It would take a hell of a lot of money & would be a huge gamble however what if it were a sucsess? I rekon TNA (backed by Panda Energy) could easily if they wanted cough up 1-2 million pounds & give Hogan a 1 year deal.

I would have Hogan join the Main Event Mafia after his initial Babyface debut.
I honestly think Hogan could elevate TNA in terms of TV ratings, PPV Buyrates, Exposure & overall the Product Presentation significantly.

Just imagine Hogan strutting down the Impact Zone! with the Main Event Mafia behind him! Sure his matches wouldn't be that great & he would not particapate in that many due to his age but that still does not change the fact that he draws money. Obviously people on here are going to complain about more old wrestlers at the top of the card but its Hulk Hogan!

What do you guys think?

So....essentially reliving the formation of the NWO. Great... Assuming Dixie Carter would pay Hogan his usual paycheck, which would wipe out their payroll for one year... :lmao:
There is no way that even Hogan could pull TNA up from where they are right now. I think it's a silly idea and should be kept in the mindset of "What If".

Hogan is THE biggest ego the wrestling industry has seen in the last 20 years, so putting or trying to put him into a group of wrestlers with egos bigger than themselves is a silly, stupid, and rife with idiocy. No offense to you, but the industry is in need of more than a Hulk Hogan appearance. TNA is in need of better booking and desperately needs to figure something out soon.
Hell no this wouldn't work! At first it'll proably be shocking, ratings will go up for a while, and TNA might get more attention. But all this would only last about a month. Then Hogan will want to jump ship, and the MEM will become stayle yet again.
no tna would screw it up they could never have one of the best legends of all time they would screw up if they had hbk or hhh so no
hogan just dosent fit on the TNA roster, lets look at the roster, he has no one to fued with at all, hogan and sting has been done and we dont need a horible version of that fued to wipe out the memories of the decent matches of the 90's. If hogan was to sign anywhere it wil be wwe since they have th moneyand the people to fued with. I think TNA should sign guys like Sean Waltman, Lex Luger, Sid Justice, and Scott Hall all are looking for work and will work in fueds, money and in the company. A sid/joe fued or a sting/lex fued will be awesme. The mcmg against the outsiders and 3d. waltman vs kip james (bad as billy gun) and so many other possile fueds
I'd sooner bring in Savage or Hall – and that's a stretch. A big stretch. Hogan has no place whatsoever in TNA, and certainly isn't owned a thing by management or booking to usurp the status earned by Angle as the top guy/heel in the company.
The main event mafia already has Sting and Kurt Angle at odds as the figureheads of the mafia. Sting is the same as Hogan in ring nowadays and Angle is drastically better. Nash is more limited than Sting and Hogan. As far as bringing more media attention to TNA. Hogan would defiently do that. But TNA already has a ton of exposure as it is and bringing in another main eventer when they've been cutting talent as it is(Especially one that is Hogan's age) wouldn't be a very good buisiness move long term.
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