How would you rejig Titus


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I can't remember the last time I won a match. Any tips?
That's like turning John Cena heel honestly. There's only a few characters in the Fed that should never turn alignment and Titus is certainly one of them.

As for character changes, I'm not sure. I haven't really read any RP's in the last few months unfortunately. That said, I'm available if you need to bounce some ideas off of me.
It would be the one thing I would suggest. I know you've been reluctant in the past. I'd like to see a few others take the risk with a turn as well.

If WZCW were to ever do a double turn, Titus would be a prime candidate.

Also, when I struggled I felt it was due to my writing style. The fed evolved, the competition improved hugely, I don't want to suggest it because I've not read any RPs since I left but maybe there's something in that. It may be something as simple as talking to creative because it's their calls at the end of the day.
There's no such thing as a character who should never turn heel. If Hogan did it, no one is exempt.

If you turn Titus heel, it'd probably be the biggest heel turn the fed has seen.
Definitely the influx of competition. I don't think anyone knows by heart how much effort you consistently put in but last minute writing may be your Kryptonite.

The fed is currently in its most competitive point and what you're doing right now may just not cut it if you're consistently going against some of the better RP'ers. A heel turn might switch things up but it's still all about how consistent you are and how much effort you're really willing to put in.

You can come up with some great things on the fly but sometimes you just need to RP days in advance and over-analyze.
Reps for bWo would be easier to get, though.

Don't pull the trigger on that heel turn now, though, as we'll all see it coming now.

It doesn't matter. It would still be the hottest thing in the fed if it happened. Even if Creative told us all the day before that it was happening.
Heel turns can always be interesting, and offer a new nuance to the character, but I've always looked at them as a small remedy. Granted, you're a great writer, but I can see heel and face turns usually working in small spurts.

But the teasing of a heel turn may actually freshen things up; a feud with some dastardly heel who sees Titus as the last pure pillar of WZCW. Perhaps Titus has some ethical dilemma that; I think that could be the issue with Titus; he's culpable of being too perfect. A character that does right whenever possible; perhaps something in his RP's can force him to come to grips that he is doomed to bad things, and that's ok. I think that's why we all get so hyped when Red Mask returns; he's that little bit of neutral good morality Titus could use.

Other ideas.

Tag Team, playa: Having someone there to always bounce ideas off of is always nice. Perhaps the most perfect man to be a tag team with would have been Haven, and perhaps there's room for a face stable. We usually have heel stables, but perhaps a face stable would also be good, to counteract all of the forces of evil that abound.

Double Turn: Numbers addressed, and I really like the idea. If done with the right opponent, a double turn is very effective. There was a time when I thought a double turn with Vega would have been great.

A new nuance to Titus' life: it seems Titus life in his RP's are always focused on two things;

A. His match/feud

B. his career

But what do we actually know about Titus? Who is he dating? Is he lonely? What does his family come from? Some of this may have already been answered, I'm new here. But some of these questions could make for interesting RP fuel. Look at what happened to Beard; he turned heel, but it was done because of things changing in his life/RPs. Something similar for Titus may help.
Has Titus suffered the "washed up" actor treatment yet? Where fans and colleagues feel he isn't putting asses in seats like he used to, casting doubt? Could roll with that.
If a heel turn was to happen, the first thing that makes me think of what could work for a heel Titus is the Big Evil phase of Undertaker where he demanded respect out of the company and take some of the newer members through a lesson how to survive in the Fed.

The other problem I think of late with the feuds you've had is that it hasn't necessarily been about Titus but his opponents. The case with Showtime is that its his last match and refuses to face Titus, whereas Vega was attacking Titus because in his mind he's 'an old timer', which is what Everest went through a lot. It's almost like the feuds are 75/25 to your opposition because of what the story means to them afterwards whereas Titus won't be affected afterwards, he'll move on and fight the next battle. That could be where the problem lies, that he hasn't had a feud where he's needed something out of it as much as his opponent does.

Granted, he's had Mayhem and EurAsian title opportunities, which is always a plus and would have made him a Grand Slam Champion, but if you disregard the title aspect, there isn't a gain for Titus. The big question is; what is his long-term goal when he's achieved most of the achievable in the company? Maybe that might help give him direction.
A heel turn would be great but considering the ratio of face/heel characters, it'd be sink or swim. When the ratio allows for it, I say go for it.

Titus is an actor - you have more concepts to play with than Barbosa has personalities. You can change your character gimmick with every storyline arc and when that gets boring, switch it up to a different role. Think Sting when he switched it up and played Joker Sting for a while. Or when he went from surfer to crow.
Also what I would say is:

Showtime - like you - is a top level RPer, probably could join you as a all-time top 5 RPer.
Vega is as good as anyone right now, especially in big matches. He doesn't lose often to anyone. Kermit and Showtime are the same.
Lots of good ideas. My main thought is the writing style needs to evolve. A lot.
Well as to that, before I let Barbosa write my RP's full time I would change my style up as often as possible, heavy monologue and internal thoughts, then the next round heavy dialogue and body language, then a cross between the two. Rince and repeat.

Keeps things fresh if nothing else.

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