How would you push? -Roman Reigns


Getting Noticed By Management
Alright. Second "episode" of this series.

At Elmination Chamber, The Shield will face the Wyatts. Considering the fact that Wyatts will go over, it seems like this will be the break up of the Shield, leading up to a triple threat at WM.

-How would you book them after EC, considering that they will possibly break up?

-How would you book them, if they don't actually break up?

~Personally, I will answer the second question first, and I will say that at this point, everyone is pretty much ready for the Shield to break up and each one of them to follow a singles career, to the point that we can't see what else they can do as a team. After all, I can't see what else there is to accomplish as a team, APART from possibly one of them gets a title shot, and the rest come in and attack his opponent and stuff, but this seems so bad.

So yea, booking them not to split up is really hard and I don't have any answer, and it is also highly unlikely to happen anyway.

~To the first question: I would say that after they break up at EC, they would indeed go ahead and have a triple threat at WM. BEFORE THAT, Ambrose will lose the US Championship to probably Langston (unification) at some Raw, so that the title won't be on the line at the triple threat match at WM. Instead, HHH will come out and say that the winner of that match will have a WWEWHC shot at Extreme Rules. Reigns goes over, in a 15 minute match. At the end of WM, no matter who the WWEWHC will be, while they are celebrating, the Shield's/Reigns' music hits, and he stands on top of the ramp, looking at the champ in the ring and those two have a staredown. What better way to have Reigns be recognized as THE GUY, rather than closing the show at WM in such a big buzz?
At Extreme Rules, Reigns will not win the titles, because Ambrose runs in and screws him. At that time Ambrose will be the US-IC champion, and then a feud with those 2 will start over the titles. A 2 month program should be really interesting and raise the prestige of the titles, also putting both Ambrose and Reigns over.

What do you guys think about my idea? How would you book Reigns?
I think it could depend on a few things. The Shield are really over, but none of them have been tested on their own. I have a feeling that fans will respond positively to Reigns quickly, but that might depend on what program he finds himself in. It's logical to assume that he's gonna feud with the other Shield members, with the way things are looking right now anyway. I think it might be the way to go because, even though they'd still be working together, technically, Reigns would be standing on his own. Simply skipping past a feud with them, or at least with Ambrose, just doesn't seem logical if Reigns winds up being betrayed.

I don't think WWE should rush into things with him, though I wouldn't drag my feet either. I believe he needs to be given time to develop himself, to establish his own identity without any connection to The Shield. I also think that they should do everything they can to make sure that they DON'T try to turn him into a clone of The Rock. He's related to The Rock and bears a strong physical resemblance to him, but I think they're setting him up to fail if they essentially try to make him into another Rock. Reigns doesn't strike me as the type that starts quipping snappy and, at times, juvenile catchphrases left & right. I'm not saying that he couldn't be that type, but it's not the impression I get.

I know it's simple, but Reigns strikes me as a guy who could do well in the role of a big, tough, intense tweener. I can see him in a role that, personally, I think that Sheamus would be able to pull off. He's got the size and the look to pull off such a role, I think that Reigns can hold his own with the mic, though he's a little untested since he talks much less than Ambrose or Rollins. Reigns can be a dominant tweener, though I don't think they should make him TOO dominant. He needs to be able to be able to hold his own with and take on anybody, but I think they should avoid "Super Cena" style booking in which he's able to overcome absolutely everything no matter the odds.
Elimination Chamber:-
The Shield lose. Reigns & Ambrose blame each other for the defeat, Rollins is peacemaker.

Reigns inadvertently helps Langston win the unification match against Ambrose. They Shield have a blow-up in the ring with Rollins again being the peacemaker.

Next night on Raw:-
Ambrose/Reigns vs Harper/Rowan in No.1 contenders match for Tag-Titles. Again, The Shield lose, Ambrose & Rollins turn on Reigns and a Handicap match is set for Extreme Rules.

Extreme Rules:-
Reigns has the upper-hand until a new member of The Shield appears (Mason Ryan) & costs Reigns the match.

After this, Reigns takes couple weeks off to sell the beat-down.
Dean Ambrose wins the IC/US Title.
The Authority are beating down on Cena &/or Bryan on Raw until Reigns makes the save & even takes out Cena & Bryan after clearing the ring of The Authority.

Reigns defeats Dean Ambrose for the IC/US Title.
I also think that they should do everything they can to make sure that they DON'T try to turn him into a clone of The Rock. He's related to The Rock and bears a strong physical resemblance to him, but I think they're setting him up to fail if they essentially try to make him into another Rock. Reigns doesn't strike me as the type that starts quipping snappy and, at times, juvenile catchphrases left & right. I'm not saying that he couldn't be that type, but it's not the impression I get.

Other than being Samoan, Roman Reigns has 0 resemblance to The Rock.

SMH at ret@rds trying to troll hate on The Rock.

Also, those "juvenile catchphrases" brought millions of viewers and made The Rock's This is Your Life segment the highest rated segment in wrestling history.
Elimination Chamber:-
The Shield lose. Reigns & Ambrose blame each other for the defeat, Rollins is peacemaker.

Reigns inadvertently helps Langston win the unification match against Ambrose. They Shield have a blow-up in the ring with Rollins again being the peacemaker.

Next night on Raw:-
Ambrose/Reigns vs Harper/Rowan in No.1 contenders match for Tag-Titles. Again, The Shield lose, Ambrose & Rollins turn on Reigns and a Handicap match is set for Extreme Rules.

Extreme Rules:-
Reigns has the upper-hand until a new member of The Shield appears (Mason Ryan) & costs Reigns the match.

After this, Reigns takes couple weeks off to sell the beat-down.
Dean Ambrose wins the IC/US Title.
The Authority are beating down on Cena &/or Bryan on Raw until Reigns makes the save & even takes out Cena & Bryan after clearing the ring of The Authority.

Reigns defeats Dean Ambrose for the IC/US Title.

Terrible idea. Mason Ryan sucks big time.

Either break up The Shield or don't bring anyone to replace Roman Reigns because it's not going to work.
I'd actually speed up the process a bit and see a triple threat match with all 3 members of the Shield after they lose to the Wyatts. Either that or have the Authority make it Ambrose vs. Reigns with Rollins out because he is caught in the middle. I have no doubt that the crowd would be behind Reigns, but let the crowd show the WWE who to push further than the other.
I think they should lose at EC then start brawling with one another because the whole think has broken down which will lead to their triple threat US title match at WM

Reigns wins the US title at WM, Daniel Bryan wins the title at ER or whatever have Reigns go on a dominant 3-5 month stretch while actually defending the US title against everyone.

Here's where I'm not sure if Reigns should drop the belt or not but if he does lets say he drops it at the PPV before MITB but in a screwjob and for that screwjob to be rectified he's given a spot in MITB which like Cody Rhodes last year, he will booked like he's going to win it during the whole match but get screwed again with another young guy winning. So Reigns loses one or no single's matches during these few months.

Daniel Bryan is also on a dominant stretch leading into SummerSlam, he sees how Reigns is getting dicked around just like he was that time the previous year so he throws him a bone which will be a shot at the WWEWHC. After a great match have Reigns counter something into the spear give him the belt.

Give him good momentum building feuds up until WM where if Undertaker can hold off a year, Cena faces Reigns in the Main Event of WM 31 and puts over Reigns making him the new #1 guy sort of officially. From the next year on to WM 32 have Cena still be booked strong but it should be known he's no longer the top guy like how HBK was in 09-10 then have him lose to Taker at WM 32 and have Reigns be in the title match again.
Terrible idea. Mason Ryan sucks big time.

Either break up The Shield or don't bring anyone to replace Roman Reigns because it's not going to work.

Was about to say that. Either break up the Shield completely and let every one go singles, or keep them together. Don't make the same mistake with Nexus. Once the Shield semi-breaks, no one will care. It will be a toned-down version, with nothing to prove and also, Mason Ryan sucks.
I think there will be a breakdown of some sorts within the shield at EC. Roman is clearly the guy the WWE wants to push,we all thought it was going to be ambrose but its Reigns. Reigns is pretty good in the ring,a little green but that will quickly fade. True enough,we haven't seen enough of him in singles bouts to make a determination. I like him hes very good on the mic,has a menacing look on his face.

He has the size,the look,and the mic skills to make a future mega superstar. Tehy wouldn't have had break the RR record for most eliminations if they didn't believe in him. He needs more time to develop IMO and i think it will be worth the wait
He needs atleast 3-4 years of solid ring work before they should consider pushing him. it was pretty obvious that when he wrestled punk on raw that he was completly lost in the ring.
He needs atleast 3-4 years of solid ring work before they should consider pushing him.

3-4 years is a bit long, if he gets the IC or US Title during the summer, then WWE should see how he goes till later in the year & then think about what they want to do with Reigns in 2015. A couple of veterans talking him through matches will only help him as well.
I think it could depend on a few things. The Shield are really over, but none of them have been tested on their own. I have a feeling that fans will respond positively to Reigns quickly, but that might depend on what program he finds himself in. It's logical to assume that he's gonna feud with the other Shield members, with the way things are looking right now anyway. I think it might be the way to go because, even though they'd still be working together, technically, Reigns would be standing on his own. Simply skipping past a feud with them, or at least with Ambrose, just doesn't seem logical if Reigns winds up being betrayed.

I don't think WWE should rush into things with him, though I wouldn't drag my feet either. I believe he needs to be given time to develop himself, to establish his own identity without any connection to The Shield. I also think that they should do everything they can to make sure that they DON'T try to turn him into a clone of The Rock. He's related to The Rock and bears a strong physical resemblance to him, but I think they're setting him up to fail if they essentially try to make him into another Rock. Reigns doesn't strike me as the type that starts quipping snappy and, at times, juvenile catchphrases left & right. I'm not saying that he couldn't be that type, but it's not the impression I get.

I know it's simple, but Reigns strikes me as a guy who could do well in the role of a big, tough, intense tweener. I can see him in a role that, personally, I think that Sheamus would be able to pull off. He's got the size and the look to pull off such a role, I think that Reigns can hold his own with the mic, though he's a little untested since he talks much less than Ambrose or Rollins. Reigns can be a dominant tweener, though I don't think they should make him TOO dominant. He needs to be able to be able to hold his own with and take on anybody, but I think they should avoid "Super Cena" style booking in which he's able to overcome absolutely everything no matter the odds.

Do the Reigns break up similar to what they did to Batista in 2005, when the Animal broke up from Evolution.
A feud with the other members of the Shield especially with Ambrose is a must.

Personally, I'd go the way of a Two-on-One handicap at WM30 with Rollins ultimately siding with Ambrose for this feud. Thus, Roman Reigns would have the entire spotlight on him as he breaks out and is made to continuously look strong.

I also think the Shield vs Roman Reigns programme can go well beyond Wrestlemania. There has been talk of a replacement member for Reigns and the plans being to break away Roman Reigns from the Shield rather than break-up the Shield faction.

Therefore, at WM30;
have Roman Reigns with momentum on the verge of winning the handicap with Ambrose and Rollins, when the new member attacks him and costs him the match or have Reigns win the match, but the new member and the other 2 attack Reigns post-match keeping him from winning the war.
Having Reigns look more and more like an underdog would get the fans right behind him and increase his popularity quite a bit. Also, the programme could continue post-Wrestlemania making for something to look forward to for the viewers. Thus, will truly begin the Rise of Roman Reigns from WM30-31.

Also, I have come to the realization that the US title is not a need for Roman Reigns because that title is nothing more than a prop nowadays so keep that out of the feud as much as possible.

Roman Reigns looks to be more of a Monster type who can also command a lady audience due to his looks as well.
NO SuperCena booking as said by JH, that would kill all of his momentum too quickly and become repetitive.

Lastly, I have repeated this for quite a while. He should NOT be put near the WWE WHC scene anytime before WM31. Slowly, slowly build him up as a Singles star and do it in such a way that the fans are the ones who beg for him to be a part of the Main title scene.
Otherwise, it would seem as yet another case of a guy being forced down fans' throats and the Ultimate push being aborted too quickly due to not getting the desired reaction.
Make the match vs Wyatt's at EC either a standard or chamber elimination tag match and have him eliminate Harper and Rowen as the lone survivor until Bray beats him for the win.

Shield go out to the ring to cut a promo the next night and they implode epically with a huge fight (Reigns vs Rollins and Ambrose) that Reigns wins which hopefully gets huge pop as he turns face

For the next 6 weeks till the Mania go home show they feud on Raw and SD in increasily violent matches until Reigns wins an LMS match vs Ambrose

At some point build in Undertaker wanting revenge at Mania for the attack they did on him and they have to earn a shot at the streak in a triple threat match which Reigns wins

Reigns loses clean to Taker at Mania in an epic 20+ minute match and then Undertaker retires the next night selling the fact that it is because Reigns gave him all he could handle. Also at Mania Rollins beat Ambrose for the US title

Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose feud over the US title till Extreme Rules where Reigns wins it.

Reigns vs Big E in a unification match of the US and IC's titles at Payback which Reigns wins.

Reigns feuds with Cesaro over the USIC title at MITB and drops the belt

Rollins make amends with Reigns saying Ambrose got in his head and he should have stuck with Reigns the whole time and they win the tag titles again at Battleground and feud with teams like the Uso's while maintaining the title until dropping them in a 4 team TLC match at TLC.

Reigns wins the 2015 Royal Rumble

Reigns feuds with Ambrose over his main event spot and Wrestlemania at EC and keeps hold of the spot.

Wins the title in the main event at Wrestlemania 31.

It would be a very fun 14 months to watch
The most important thing is to not rush the push. Right now, Roman Reigns is in a faction, which offers the advantages of hiding weaknesses. What made the Shield work is that they were booked strongly and that each member brought something to the table that the others didn't. When Reigns breaks out on his own, you need to give him time to develop as a singles wrestler. He has the look, he has raw athleticism, and he does what he does quite well. But there's no reason for him to be immediately shoved in the World Title scene. Let him continue to improve on the mic and in the ring, bring him up the right way, and you could have a big star on your hands.

But what is the right way? Well, like the OP said, the Shield will lose to the Wyatts at Elimination Chamber, probably due to some internal issues. This will set the stage for the Shield to implode at WrestleMania 30. I would do a triple threat match at WrestleMania, and since Ambrose is the US Champion it makes sense to put the belt on the line. A lot has been said about Ambrose barely ever defending the US Title and the belt being an after thought, but instead of trying to sweep that under the rug it should be utilized. Have Ambrose get called out for not being a fighting champion, work it into the storyline instead of ignoring it.

At Mania, you obviously put over Reigns, and he becomes the new US Champion. Have him say that he will be a fighting champion unlike Ambrose, and consistently allow him to defend the Title. While Reigns is being built as a dominant US Champion, I would build Big E Langston as a dominant Intercontinental Champion. They are both tearing through the midcard, defending their Titles against all comers. By doing that, you could start to create a rivalry with them without actually having them feud with one another directly. You're also increasing the notoriety of your midcard belts, which is a plus.

Eventually you have the huge moment where Langston and Reigns are face to face in the middle of the ring, with the two Titles. Maybe there was some kind of major brawl in the ring with a bunch of guys, and Reigns and Langston are tossing bodies all over the place before coming face to face against each other. Whatever it is, you find a way to set the stage for Reigns vs. Langston, Champion vs. Champion. Ideally, I would aim to do this at around Night of Champions, because that would give several months to build them both up at champions and have them improve as workers. Plus, Night of Champions would be a fitting event to have a champion vs. champion match. So now we have a created a meaningful feud in the midcard between two up-and-coming guys, and we are creating a significant PPV match with fresh talent. It almost doesn't really even matter who wins at the PPV, but for the sake of this thread, I'll give Reigns the nod.

From there, you could go in a few different directions, but I think Reigns would be in a position where he could definitely succeed. I think if you are really going to push him as a big name babyface he needs to keep the edge that he had when he was with the Shield. You can't turn him into a smiling generic babyface with lame prewritten one-liners, he needs to keep his legit badass persona or the fans will turn on him. In terms of WrestleMania 31, it's hard to say this far out what would be the best match for him but there are lots of possibilities. If you want Reigns to be your next top guy then I like the idea of Reigns vs. Cena for the WWE World Title at Mania 31. At Mania 21 Cena won his first WWE Title and now 10 years later, Reigns beats Cena for the belt and the torch is passed. It would also be cool if Reigns earned his shot at the Title by eliminating Batista to win next year's Rumble, sort of bringing things full circle from this year's Rumble.

Another option would be to do Reigns vs. Brock, since they are both badass guys with legit athletic credentials, this would be a good choice if you feel that Mania 31 is too soon for Reigns to win the World Title. If the Rock wanted to come back he could be another opponent for Reigns and you could play up the family relation. In that case maybe you could turn Reigns heel going into Mania 31 and have him attack the Rock when he makes his return. Reigns could say that this is his time now and he doesn't want the Rock coming in to take his sot. Reigns going over the Rock at WrestleMania would be a huge push. The last option would be the streak. If you are pushing Reigns strongly and the fans perceive that he's going to be the next guy, then a match with the Undertaker would be really exciting because he could conceivably win the match "to get the push". The fans would actually believe he has a shot at winning which is exactly what you need for an Undertaker match at WrestleMania. Personally, I wouldn't have Reigns end the streak but being in such an exciting high profile match at WrestleMania would do wonders for his career regardless.

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