How Would You Book Impact Wrestling in This New Era?

-Fire the unused guys, cancel Xplosion. Bring back Magnus and Wolfe.

-Sign a contract with some major indy federation and make Heyman lead them and do the invasion storyline (Team Foley vs Team Heyman)

-Give Bobby Roode a singles run

-Sign Carlito, and when Hall gets well, bring him as Razor Ramon (that's copyrighted, but call him only Razor or something) and let him "mentor" Carlito

-Sign Bill Goldberg


'Nuff said.

EDIT: Oh, and bring Raven. Make him feud with Sean O'Haire.

So we arent copying WCW, but you want Bill Goldberg back. ...and run an Invasion storyline.

You want 2 guys who arent fit to wrestle anymore, Wolfe and Hall (both with seperate issues) to come back.

You want to kill off tag team wrestling by getting rid of Beer Money and MCMG.

...and you want to bring back Raven who looks like hes been spending to much time with Sandman.
and when Hall gets well, bring him as Razor Ramon (that's copyrighted, but call him only Razor or something) and let him "mentor" Carlito

Angel Are you insane? Bring back Hall ? Really really? There is no chance in hell that Hall should ever and i mean ever get back into wrestling. Look i loved the guy he is over like hell, but man he is by all accounts on life support (not literally but you know what i mean).

-Sign Bill Goldberg

Again you must be insane? Golberg is too expensive. If he didn't go To WWE (where they have more money) what makes you think that TNA can have him? Granted we don't know the finances of TNA, but still i would think that it would cost alot of money to get Goldberg.
So TNA Wrestling show has change his name from iMPACT! to iMPACT Wrestling, not running away from their product and their fans as WWE did, or at least, not changing their product to the entertainment business with some wrestling in the middle.

With this change Wrestling will be the focus of the show. How would you book it?

You have a 50+ years old World Champion in Sting that as good as he is in the ring doesn't scream 'real' in this stage that he can keep his title facing younger wrestlers. But at the same time you have very good wrestlers in Fortune, Daniels, Machine Guns, Kurt Angle, even JJ (in my view) that aren't fighting for singles championships, would you book them in a different way in this era?

I think if TNA wants iMPACT Wrestling to be focused on how good their matches are and how good they can outperform WWE inside the ring they need to use AJ, Sabin, Shelley, Angle, Daniels and others in the title picture, sure Anderson is over, and RVD too, and they are main-event material but you need to have excellent wrestlers in this new era so you can look like a different product from your competitors, in this case, WWE.

At Slammiversary have Mr. Anderson/Sting/RVD defending against one of this guys, let's say Kurt Angle, for me Kurt Angle at this point in his career can still go out and put a magic match, and that's exactly what TNA needs. Sure, they have very good champions in Kaz and Beer Money but the main-event title looks like very related to storylines rather than great in-ring performers. Don't get me wrong, I like Sting but of course he is not at the best of shape in his career and there are many wrestlers in TNA that can do wonders for the company if they are able to capture that title...

What do you think? Should TNA focus more on the great athletes they have in the World Heavyweight Championship picture? How would you book TNA in this era that Wrestling Matters?

PS: Keep the discussing of Wrestling Matters as their message in the other thread. This ain't about what the message is and how they use in general, this how you would book TNA thinking about what they want for their product now.

How one would book TNA depends on what the long range goals of TNA really are. Is it to merely gain viewers for Spike TV and continue their success in that area? Or are they truly going to try and compete for some of the viewers of WWE programming? I ask this because the answer provides some clarity to what direction the booking needs to go in and who they need to have on their roster.
Nothing will change as long as Russo is involved. This is a man who, if you listen to his shoots, believes that people don't pay to see the wrestling, they pay to see the soap opera nonsense.

That's one way of putting it, I guess. I've watched his shoots, what he is saying is to get the potential fans flipping the channels you're not going to get them by being nothing but wrestling. Half are going to flip past, the other half that stay to watch are going to turn the channel the first time a match gets boring or goes into rest hold mode for 5 minutes. He's also explained he means "hey this guy and that guy had a scripted 10 minute match on TV" isn't a "holy shit I need to tune in" concerning the masses.

He's not wrong, and the numbers speak for themselves. When it came to WCW the biggest numbers each week, without fail were the nWo kicking someones ass. The 2nd highest were the cruiserweights doing fast paced, shorter matches. Matches were the in ring action was nonstop bam bam bam.

In the WWF's case Austin kicking someones ass, running over peoples cars, blasting the McMahons with firehoses full of beer, DX trolling Stamford CT or WCW and The Rock cutting epic promos were their biggest draws in the breakdowns. In fact two of the biggest ratings bumps were Bret Hart getting screwed over and Austin flipping off and trying to fight Mike Tyson. EVERYONE was talking about "some crazy redneck guy in wrestling flipping off and starting a fight with Mike Tyson."

In other words? His beliefs aren't without merit. If you can get people to stop channel surfing with some storyline and follow it up with a nice flow some of those that stopped will tune in the next week and the week after and become fans. 2.4 to 6.4, that's where the WWF started during the war and where they reached regularly. 4 million people didn't just flip over from Nitro, otherwise WCW would have quickly died. It was from building a new fanbase.

This is a man who more or less admittedly hates actual wrestling more than anyone else in the wrestling business.

As he has explained he just hates BORING wrestling. Sterile wrestling. 10 minute droning matches with 5 minutes of it being rest holds. Can't say I disagree with that, rest holds in matches suck.

He says there's no such thing as faces and heels anymore,

Not in a traditional sense, no, there isn't. Hence the absolute boredom from heels like Kozlov, Hassan, Daivari ect.

It's impossible to say how they will book the show from now on. Personally I think they'll keep it the same.

Not a bad idea, the current booking just needs a few tweaks here and there and it'll be fine. It's NOT as bad as people make it out to be. The worst thing is it being cookie cutter at times. By that I mean the exact same layout for multiple shows. I don't think people would mind the promo time quite as much if the monotony was broken up and they only went 6+ minutes once or twice per month and mixed it up a bit.
All you guys throwing out stuff like "vacate all the belts" and "fire everyone over 40" just need to chill out. TNA has a very nice run of continuity and consistent storytelling going for it. And really, if you throw out the Jeff Hardy problems, that run would be going back even further. The worst thing you could do right now is press the proverbial "reset button" again.

As for how I'd book things, the easiest way to answer is just to run down the list of relevant guys and explain how I'd use them:

Sting/Anderson - This one's already been done for me as we know they'll be facing each other at Slammiversary. It's only four weeks away so that's a good thing for these two as there's not much more they can say we haven't already heard. I might get Hogan involved a little, perhaps going back to the story where he's trying to get Anderson to finally join Immortal and leaving some question going into the PPV as to whether or not Anderson will sell out.

Kurt Angle - Have him come out on Impact and basically announce the war with Jarrett is over. He talks about his plans going forward in TNA, only to get attacked by someone looking to make a statement by assaulting one of the company's biggest stars. The Pope would be my first choice, with Matt Hardy and Hernandez as other possibilities. If you really wanted to be gutsy, use Gunner and finally give that guy and the Television Championship some real attention. Whoever the heel is, make it a very wrestling-centric feud.

AJ Styles - It doesn't look like the story with Bully Ray and Dreamer is over yet, so continute that one to Slammiversary and add Christopher Daniels to the mix to make it a tag feud. Make it violent as hell and have some kind of heavily extreme PPV match to end the story.

Beer Money - While it'd be nice to see a real tag team feud again, Roode's promo against Hogan two weeks was too good to just drop. I'd actually have Immortal screw Beer Money out of the tag belts when Abyss beats the hell out of James Storm backstage before a match with either Ink Inc or the British Invasion, leaving Roode to fight by himself. He almost pulls it off, but Hogan runs down and interferes to cost them the titles. This sets up Roode versus Abyss with Hogan as the heel mouthpiece.

Ink Inc/British Invasion/Mexican America - Using my last scenario, one of these teams will be the new tag champs. I'd have all three teams bring some focus back to the tag division in a three-way feud that leads to a big match at Slammiversary for the titles.

Kazarian - Obviously the X-Division is about to get hyped again and the champion needs to be the focal point. I'd have Kazarian come out on Impact this week with Kendrick and the rest of the division to call out Foley. They say that if "wrestling matters" now, then it's their time to shine. Kaz proposes an X-Division tournament and says he will even put himself in there as a regular contestant. Foley approves. I'd make the eight contestants Kazarian, Kendrick, Max Buck, Jeremy Buck, Sangriento, Suicide, Alex Shelley, and Amazing Red (I know he's also Sangriento, but just have Red lose his first match). The finals would be Kaz versus Shelley.

Crimson - Feud with Gunner and win the Television Title, continuing his win streak and finally bringing some respect to that belt. Or, if you don't even want to bother with a feud, have him win the belt off Gunner immediately and then feud with someone like Hardy or Hernandez for it. Or, you could continue the feud with Joe and now have the title involved.

Samoa Joe - See above. Or, if not feuding with Crimson anymore, maybe get him into a program with RVD for a solid upper mid-card feud. That feud work well in connection with the existing Morgan/Steiner story. You could have at least one really solid tag match involving those four guys.

To sum it up, my post-Sacrifice TNA would look like this:

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson (World Title)
Kurt Angle vs. The Pope
Robert Roode vs. Abyss w/ Hogan
AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray/Tommy Dreamer
RVD vs. Samoa Joe
Matt Morgan vs. Scott Steiner
British Invasion vs. Ink Inc vs. Mexican America (Tag Team Titles)
Gunner vs. Crimson (Television Title)
X-Division Title Tournament (Kazarian vs. Shelley finals)

EDIT: Realized I left the Knockouts out.

For the Knockouts, have Mickie move into a program with Sarita for the title. You know Madison/Tara is already going to happen. I'd then add Chyna to the Winter/Beautiful People story with Velvet recruiting her help in trying to free Angelina from Winter's control.
If Wrestling Matters then I beleive it is all about format.

If they are intent on saying that they are a wrestling company and WWE has turned their back on wrestling fans, then it needs to kick off straight away. The normal format for WWE and TNA at the moment is the top stars walk out and give a promo, sometimes over 15 minutes in length. If wrestling matters then a match needs to kick off every Impact Wrestling episode to prove it.

So the format should be:

Seg1: Match - X Diviosn or Tag division- something like MCMGs vs. Generation Me ior Beer Money vs. Hardy/Bully Ray - something that just kick starts the show and really goes all out to show that wrestling matters. And it needs to have a clean finish. Both teams can come out looking good if the match is booked right no matter who wins or loses.

Seg2. Have your main event promo here but keep it short. World Champion Sting and challenger Anderson square off exchange insults or whatever and set up the title match at the ppv.

Seg3. KO match - no matter what the IWC says about how the girls are a piss break, they're wrong, they are big ratings, especially Velvet Sky. If wrestling matters I'd bring back great in ring talent like Hamda and Alissa flash to feud with Tara and Mickie James.

Seg4. grudge match feud match. Matt Morgan is a good example here. the guy could be huge for TNA if booked right. Look how casual fans love John Cena. A pretty white boy. Nothing really special about him apart from jean shorts and a cap. Morgan is a very big guy and could be a good mix between a Goldberg and a Cena character. Give him some wins in this segment like a Goldberg and I think his feud with Scott Steiner is smart. Have him go over Steiner and keep the momentum going so he becomes a cash cow for TNA.

Seg 5. More wrestling and this where a Pope vs Daniels or a Daniels vs Angle or X Division Champion vs. Challenger comes in.. just a good wrestling contest.. really showcase how good the in ring talent of TNA is. Show off!

Seg 6. co-main event feud Jarrett vs Angle has taken this spot lately but it has run it's course and involved too much talking. RVD would be great in this spot, him vs. Angle or Daniels or Pope or Immortal member or have him team up with someone would work well. Keep the wrestling going. Here you can have a heel win to keep the feud going maybe a low blow or a sneaky chairshot, but atleast have a pin or submission.

Main event: Nearly every WWE show has Cena in the main event. Peole pay money to see him wrestle. If Sting is their top dog and he is rating and draw then make him wrestle, be it a tag match or a non-title match, but he needs to be in the ring. In 2009 he wrestled Magnus in the main event, and although there was no real feud there just having Sting in the ring made the show 200% better. Sting in the ring for the main event nees to happen. Team him with RVD vs. Anderson and Bully Ray or whoever their top heel is and keep the wrestling going.

So there you go.. if wrestling matters here's your format.
I don't know how they can do more in ring action on a regular basis at Impact. They need to build storylines, feuds and angles that will culminate at PPVs. To do this, they need promos, backstage segments, etcs. Otherwise how would they build up tension and feuds for PPVs. Even at the moment they don't have enough time to build for PPV, so if there will be more wrestling at impact, how they are going to do this.

Also, what would be the point of PPVs, if all the action would be on Impact? In my opinion, you have PPVs primarily for in ring actions, and Impacts are just there to build up the feuds etc. Also, wrestling is not only about in ring action. wrestling is a total package: in ring action, promos, storylines, feuds, etc. TNA needs to find a balance for all these elements not just throw more random and pointless matches at Impacts.
What's wrong with a reset button. TNA(Impact Wrestling) is advertising the start of this and the start of that and promoting a this is wrestling campaign. What better way then for having them show who's the best by a series of wrestling matches to claim vacated belts. I mean Sting and Anderson kind of have something going but I rather see a tournament to crown a new champ(Eventhough unfortunately that happened last year) or a King of the Mountain match to crown a new champ. But the rest of the belts in my opinion and I'm stressing opinion have little to no direction or feud emphasis and I think doing this "reset" will actually give the writers and fans to put things into perspective and actually build wrestlers wanting to get what originally mattered in wrestling and that is to become a champion.

But I mean a big majority of opinions on this post have been pretty much to get everything a new perspective. I never said rest feuds cause some are keepable but hey lets go ahead and put perspective on belts which is what wrestling was essentially all about. Once again it goes back to doing what the other company is not. If Impact Wrestling focuses on thereselves and not WWE they'll do better in the long run.

Also why not suggest cleaning out people who aren't being used on their roster? If TNA(Impact Wrestling) needs to free up money then release people you don't need. Now I'm not saying getting rid of all the people over 40 cause I'm a huge Angle and Sting fan but there are other wrestlers who aren't doing a damn thing that are kept under contract when you got people like Jay Lethal who should still be with the company. I mean people like Rob Terry and Orlando Jordan to name a few haven't done anything worthwild then being useless lackies. Sure Terry joined Immortal late last year but since then he's been their jobber boy who hasn't given much to storylines. Same with Gunner and Murphy(despite the fact that Gunner is the TV Champ right now). If Immortal is going to be this big bad group that is supposed to run TNA then please put wrestlers that actually cause you to worry in your stable. The fact that Ric Flair had to join Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, and Abyss at Lockdown says something. There's plenty of other heels that could of filled some Immortal spots to make them look like a dominant stable. And before anybody draws nWo comparison keep in mind there was still at least ten dudes you'd be intimidated by before they recruited their occasional jobber.

Especially since TNA doesn't have the big bucks like WWE or the past WCW it's not a horrible idea to trim the fat until you become a company that can benefit from having a large roster. I don't know just opinions. I doubt TNA/Impact Wrestling will make huge competition for WWE but that doesn't mean I'm not wanting Impact to start taking steps in the right direction and actually be another alternative that I enjoy watching. I'm a wrestling fan and would love for TNA to thrive to be able to be at that point where they can travel on a regular basis and be able to afford a huge roster with no set backs with enough TV and PPV time to showcase most of them. But you have to crawl before you can walk and that's what Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and Eric Bischoff need to realize at their moment. Yeah they have big dreams and whose to crucify them for that but you set minor achievable goals before you snatch that preverbial brass ring. Here's hoping this Thursday proves to show them moving in that direction.
What's wrong with a reset button. TNA(Impact Wrestling) is advertising the start of this and the start of that and promoting a this is wrestling campaign. What better way then for having them show who's the best by a series of wrestling matches to claim vacated belts.

Why does a renewed focus on in-ring action call for the vacating of all titles? One of the biggest complaints against TNA through the years has been their failure to stick to storylines/angles and display consistency and continuity. While you may think this is a good idea, tons of other people would start bitching about how TNA once again didn't see things through and started all over.

All decisions an entertainment company makes have to be designed to try and satisfy the most people possible. The fusion of a new wrestling-centric product with the continuity of existing storylines and champions is the best way to hold one audience while hopefully adding to it.

I mean Sting and Anderson kind of have something going but I rather see a tournament to crown a new champ(Eventhough unfortunately that happened last year) or a King of the Mountain match to crown a new champ.

What would this really accomplish? Wouldn't Anderson be a likely candidate to win that vacated title anyway?

By killing this story, all you'd do is waste months of build-up to only end up where you probably will be after Slammiversary with the match booked as it is. I know people want to throw Styles or Angle or Roode into the title mix, but Sting is still "The Icon" and deserves a chance to drop the belt and put Anderson over with some dignity. His ring work might be slipping, but he can still promote the hell out of a match.

Plus, Anderson could really use the win over Sting to legitimize himself as a true franchise guy for TNA. Even if he doesn't win the match cleanly, standing across the ring from a legend in a PPV Main Event for the World Title is a pretty big moment for the guy's career and I think an important step in his progress.

But the rest of the belts in my opinion and I'm stressing opinion have little to no direction or feud emphasis and I think doing this "reset" will actually give the writers and fans to put things into perspective and actually build wrestlers wanting to get what originally mattered in wrestling and that is to become a champion.

But I mean a big majority of opinions on this post have been pretty much to get everything a new perspective. I never said rest feuds cause some are keepable but hey lets go ahead and put perspective on belts which is what wrestling was essentially all about.

I could see your point if the existing champions were trash, but aren't Beer Money and Kazarian pretty worthy of the titles they hold? Like my point with Anderson; wouldn't you want them involved in the mix for those same belts if they were vacant? Why go through the hassle of vacating them when you can just book some new feuds with worthy challengers? The champions aren't the problem.

Now as for Gunner and the Television Title, that might be an opportunity. However, I think Gunner was fairly impressive in his match with Daniels recently and it's up to the company to give him more to do. But even if it was a good idea to get the belt off him, what makes more sense? Should you draw it out with a tournament, or just have someone like Crimson beat Gunner for the belt and then go into a new feud? Wouldn't the payoff be greater at Slammiversary if the title was involved in an actual feud than just a series of matches? The biggest payoffs in wrestling come from feuds and storylines. The best in-ring action against totally random opponents can't touch showdowns between rivals.

Also, if Foley just stepped in and stripped a title from a member of Immortal, it would completely killed any credibility Hogan or Bischoff have. What would even be the point of having them or Immortal if someone can just strip titles off their guys? I think it's best that Foley's power be limited to signing matches, just to preserve some sense of legitimacy for the guys "running" TNA.

Once again it goes back to doing what the other company is not. If Impact Wrestling focuses on thereselves and not WWE they'll do better in the long run.

This is such a weak and tired complaint. You can occasionaly make a comment or even mock something someone else did (e.g. "3-3-11" promo) without being "focused" on them. Besids, the only people who even bother to bitch about this are WWE fans who also happen to watch TNA. People who prefer TNA either love it when they take a shot at the WWE or simply don't give a shit.

Also, how different do you really think a wrestling product can be? X-Divisions and six-sided rings are just window dressing. Wrestling will always be about the same types of stories involving the same themes. It all comes down to who does it BETTER, not who does it differently. There were no real stylistic differences between the WWF and WCW during the Wars. WCW took control when they were telling the best story; the nWo takeover and Sting's rise as the avenger. They lost the battle when the better story became the rebellious Stone Cold's rise to power and war against Vince McMahon. It's really that simple.

Also why not suggest cleaning out people who aren't being used on their roster? If TNA(Impact Wrestling) needs to free up money then release people you don't need.

Do you know that TNA needs to free up money? Why call for guys to lose their jobs when you have no idea what the financials of the company look like? That's just ignorance.

Now I'm not saying getting rid of all the people over 40 cause I'm a huge Angle and Sting fan but there are other wrestlers who aren't doing a damn thing that are kept under contract when you got people like Jay Lethal who should still be with the company. I mean people like Rob Terry and Orlando Jordan to name a few haven't done anything worthwild then being useless lackies. Sure Terry joined Immortal late last year but since then he's been their jobber boy who hasn't given much to storylines. Same with Gunner and Murphy(despite the fact that Gunner is the TV Champ right now).

If Immortal is going to be this big bad group that is supposed to run TNA then please put wrestlers that actually cause you to worry in your stable. The fact that Ric Flair had to join Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, and Abyss at Lockdown says something. There's plenty of other heels that could of filled some Immortal spots to make them look like a dominant stable. And before anybody draws nWo comparison keep in mind there was still at least ten dudes you'd be intimidated by before they recruited their occasional jobber.

Buddy, Jay Lethal was overrated. He couldn't draw flies if he'd been dead for a week. When he wasn't doing Savage or Flair impressions he had no charisma. His ring work was great, but ultimately he was good for nothing more than being a warm body to work X-Division matches.

As for your points about Immortal and its lackies, you can't have all of the good heels on one team. And really, what current heel could you add now that would be better than Bully Ray? I can only think of The Pope. And if you cut guys like Terry and Gunner to add more, who's left? Steiner? British Invasion? If all the good heels are in Immortal, then you'll have people complaining about how Immortal is in every match/storyline the way the nWo used to be.

I agree with you that they need a franchise guy as a heel. But unless you were going to give The Pope a massive run as the head of Immortal, sort of like when The Rock was the top dog in The Corporation, then there's nobody better than Bully Ray at the moment. You'd have turn Robert Roode, Anderson, or someone else heel.

Especially since TNA doesn't have the big bucks like WWE or the past WCW it's not a horrible idea to trim the fat until you become a company that can benefit from having a large roster.

Do some research on "Panda Energy" and then decide if you should keep worrying about TNA's money situation. You'll be surprised what you find out.

But you have to crawl before you can walk and that's what Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and Eric Bischoff need to realize at their moment. Yeah they have big dreams and whose to crucify them for that but you set minor achievable goals before you snatch that preverbial brass ring. Here's hoping this Thursday proves to show them moving in that direction.

What's the immodest goal that TNA has right now? From what I can tell, they're just trying to produce a weekly two-hour show with monthly PPVs. They realized the mistake of the Monday night move and went back to what they needed to do. Where are their expectations out of whack?
Awesome I see I run into one of those people that like to section a post line by line and try to make somebody look moronic because of it. Well that's fine and dandy considering I did stress the opinion part of my post.

I never said Immortal needed all the top heels in the company. I will give out a my bad seeing how I can understand how it may have came out that way but either put a few believable heels with the crew or build up the ones you have better. Sorry that I don't buy into gunner seeing as him and Murphy were getting their asses handed to them week in and week out when all of a sudden Gunner took the TV strap. The belt could have easily stayed on Abyss considering he made his return about a week or so after Gunner took the strap. But hey I could be wrong as this may be TNA's way of building Gunner up. I still don't buy it after his month or two reign so far as champ but I suppose we'll see if he makes believers out of the audience. Now if Abyss holding the TV strap didn't go with any storyline he was going into I can see but since he just got off a match with Crimson that would have been the best way to put the TV title forward(with a legit feud) and I can't see you disagreeing seeing as you seem to be high on Crimson right now considering he's the main name in all your TV title talk. But that's your opinion and your entitled to it.

I also think Beer Money and Kazarian are good champs but your suggestion also called for Beer Money to pretty much drop the belts(albeit not a bad one considering your idea to rebuild the division) and for Kazarian to be apart of an X-Division tournament that the winner will be the champ is essentially in the same realm seeing how in that scenario there's no garuntee Kaz would come out champ. We pretty much were spouting the same thing but your ideas would be to let the champs go on and lose the belts and I said vacate them to almost the same results. Then again not trying to put words into your mouth.

Now for the Jay Lethal comment hey man to each their own but I'm willing to bet that more people care about him being on TV than Murphy, Gunnar, and Crimson to name a few. But I don't want to put words into people's mouths I mean it's not like TNA has never let somebody go that didn't deserve it.

To be honest I did think you had some pretty solid ideas but I won't break down your previous post brick by brick. But their were a few feuds you mentioned that I wouldn't mind seeing. But with forums and opinions not everybody is going to agree on everything. Is TNA going to use any of our ideas? Probably not but that's why this post was how would you book TNA onward. So luckily for you I'm not booking TNA right now and to a lesser extent lucky for me your not booking. For you telling people to calm down, you seem to be the one that's hot headed over simple posting. But then again that's my tired ignorant opinion. :)
Awesome I see I run into one of those people that like to section a post line by line and try to make somebody look moronic because of it. Well that's fine and dandy considering I did stress the opinion part of my post.

It's not about trying to make you look stupid, bro. It's a way organizing the conversation so that it's not just one long clusterfuck. Makes it easier for me to respond to a long post and for others to read.

And yes, I get that this is your opinion. I posted my opinions and you decided to disagree with me. I know you didn't bother to "Quote" my post, but you were obviously responding to my comments about "reset buttons" and so forth. I'm not upset about it... just continuing the debate. That's why we come to this board, right? For a good debate/discussion?

Sorry that I don't buy into gunner seeing as him and Murphy were getting their asses handed to them week in and week out when all of a sudden Gunner took the TV strap. The belt could have easily stayed on Abyss considering he made his return about a week or so after Gunner took the strap. But hey I could be wrong as this may be TNA's way of building Gunner up. I still don't buy it after his month or two reign so far as champ but I suppose we'll see if he makes believers out of the audience.

Plenty of guys start as jobbers, so it's not fair to hold that against Gunner. You really can only judge him based on what he's done with the opportunities he's been given. And really, what opportunity has he had other than the match with Daniels? He may have held the title, but it's not like he decided to take himself off TV. He's had one match of consequence and actually looked pretty solid in it. Don't write him off yet.

Now if Abyss holding the TV strap didn't go with any storyline he was going into I can see but since he just got off a match with Crimson that would have been the best way to put the TV title forward(with a legit feud) and I can't see you disagreeing seeing as you seem to be high on Crimson right now considering he's the main name in all your TV title talk. But that's your opinion and your entitled to it.

I agree with you that it would have made more sense to keep the belt on Abyss based on how it all played out. I said the same thing at the time; why vacate the belt only to have Abyss return a week later? But what I assume is that they wanted the TV Title to move further down the roster to where lower-ranked guys could use it. I know Abyss isn't World Title material anymore, but he's still a pretty big piece of TNA history and I guess they consider him to be more of an upper mid-card guy. I think they just saw an opportunity with his injury/absence to vacate the belt and move it to where they thought it could be more useful.

I also think Beer Money and Kazarian are good champs but your suggestion also called for Beer Money to pretty much drop the belts(albeit not a bad one considering your idea to rebuild the division) and for Kazarian to be apart of an X-Division tournament that the winner will be the champ is essentially in the same realm seeing how in that scenario there's no garuntee Kaz would come out champ. We pretty much were spouting the same thing but your ideas would be to let the champs go on and lose the belts and I said vacate them to almost the same results. Then again not trying to put words into your mouth.

You're right that our ideas were similar in ways, but the differences are very important. Beer Money losing the belts due to an Immortal screwjob is a far different scenario than the titles being vacated. It furthers one storyline (Fortune vs. Immortal) while also immediately elevating a new team by making them the champions. It also gives the next challenger fodder for accusing the other team of being undeserving champs because they only got the belts with Immortal's help. Those little things add flavor that an open tournament for a vacant belt just can't match.

Similarly, Kaz still being the champion but competing in the tournament gives a more unique and intriguing situation. To keep his belt, he has to essentially defend it in three-straight matches. If he wins the tournament, it makes him look like a total badass. Or, let's say he loses it in Round Two and then the guy who beat him loses in the finals. They only got to be champion for one week. It's just something different and more interesting than the same old "vacate the belt and hold a tournament" scenario. It's not a huge difference, but again it adds a little more flavor.

Now for the Jay Lethal comment hey man to each their own but I'm willing to bet that more people care about him being on TV than Murphy, Gunnar, and Crimson to name a few. But I don't want to put words into people's mouths I mean it's not like TNA has never let somebody go that didn't deserve it.

You're probably right about Gunner and Murphy, but Crimson seems to be pretty popular from the threads I've read. Also keep in mind that Lethal's also been around much longer and naturally has more fans than all three of the guys you mentioned. But for all the exposure and chances Lethal's received, has he ever really done much with them outside of his impressions?

But you're right, to each their own when it comes to who we like/dislike. We all have different tastes and values.

So luckily for you I'm not booking TNA right now and to a lesser extent lucky for me your not booking. For you telling people to calm down, you seem to be the one that's hot headed over simple posting. But then again that's my tired ignorant opinion. :)

If you took my post as "hot-headed," then I'm sorry for coming off so harshly. That wasn't my intention. It just seemed like you were basically refuting my whole post and figured you wanted to have a debate. You made plenty of fair points and I respect your opinion more now after seeing your second post. See ya around.
I won't get into booking specific angles, feuds or storylines, because that's just stupid. We wouldn't know how to specifically book a show if we were forced to, and that goes for anyone and everyone on this site. But, a few general ideas never killed anyone :rolleyes:

1. Finish off this "Power Struggle" stuff, please. Get down to real feuds, with wrestler vs. wrestler type angles headlining the show. Jarrett vs. Angle has been great. Why? Zero involvement with Immortal. I know, the nWo made truck loads of cash in the mid-to-late 90's... but this ain't the nWo, and it ain't the mid-to-late 90's.

It hasn't done a damn thing to bring in new fans, and despite what TNA marks may say, that was the goal of bringing in Hogan and Bischoff. I'm not saying those two should be fired, or anything like that, but this "heel group vs. the world" shit is beyond done and over with. I hope this "Wrestling Matters" thing isn't just a load of shit, which I'm afraid it is.

2. Reduce the talking, and add some discipline to the people who are speaking. These wrestlers are insane with the talking. They ramble on and on and on, and never stop. It takes people like Morgan, Anderson, and Velvet 5 minutes to get across what they're trying to say. And usually, the content of the message should take up no more than 30 seconds.

People like Abyss, Anderson, and all of the women, actually, are constantly screaming. Jesus, TONE IT DOWN. Listening to that yelling (the women, especially) is draining. Just another example of these performers having zero structure. I hate to compare, because it gets us nowhere, but WWE is an example of being too scripted. They sound like robots. TNA shouldn't go near that realm, but a little structure wouldn't hurt. Get an acting coach, whatever, something. But please, make the noise go away.

However, guys like Robert Roode, A.J., Sting, and Bischoff are much more brief, concise with what they're trying to say. I think the whole roster needs a bit of that discipline while speaking.

3. Create A Star (or at least attempt to). A babyface, not a heel. A.J. Styles, Crimson, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan -- someone like this. Someone who can not only battle the evil heel stable ( :disappointed: ), but someone who can put on a damn fine show in the ring.

Over the past year and a half, TNA has worried about the heels. Who is the next big heel?? We need a heel stable! And Another!! And through all of it, we have no one to consistently cheer for. Enough with the heels, Brrrrother.

These are just a few things off the top of my head. I have more problems, obviously, but these are what came to mind while typing this.
Over the past year and a half, TNA has worried about the heels. Who is the next big heel?? We need a heel stable! And Another!! And through all of it, we have no one to consistently cheer for.

I actually completely disagree with this. I agree with the fact that they have overplayed the power struggle storyline, but there is a simple reason. They are trying to use Hogan/Bischoff/Flair and the immortal faction to hide the glaring fact that the company has been unable to create a "top heel". Jarrett is by far and away the best heel in the company and the only true heel anywhere close to singles-main event worthy. Bubba has also done solid work recently, but the fact remains that neither is a guy that many fans really want to see as the top heel, main-event, world title contender type at this point in there respective careers.

TNA gives us plenty of guys to cheer for... Fortune, Angle, Sting, RVD, Anderson, and the Guns are all way over and good at what they do. Impact provides plenty of talented faces worth tuning in for... yet suffers from a serious lack of credible heels to oppose them(not counting over-the-hill mouthpieces).
I actually completely disagree with this. I agree with the fact that they have overplayed the power struggle storyline, but there is a simple reason. They are trying to use Hogan/Bischoff/Flair and the immortal faction to hide the glaring fact that the company has been unable to create a "top heel". Jarrett is by far and away the best heel in the company and the only true heel anywhere close to singles-main event worthy. Bubba has also done solid work recently, but the fact remains that neither is a guy that many fans really want to see as the top heel, main-event, world title contender type at this point in there respective careers.

TNA gives us plenty of guys to cheer for... Fortune, Angle, Sting, RVD, Anderson, and the Guns are all way over and good at what they do. Impact provides plenty of talented faces worth tuning in for... yet suffers from a serious lack of credible heels to oppose them(not counting over-the-hill mouthpieces).

yeah, they definately appear to be better with faces than with having a top heel that is unquestionably THE heel of the company.
It's easy to say "focus on wrestling", but is that what people that aren't watching TNA now are looking for? ROH is almost exclusively wrestling, and even the people on these boards that talk up how TNA should increase their wrestling content, by and large, aren't paying attention to ROH.

Professional wrestling as you knew it is dead, folks. I hope I'm wrong. I really do hope this "wrestling matters" rebranding will work for TNA, as I firmly believe professional wrestling is headed towards a permanent decline if TNA can't provide a relevant alternative to the WWE. But people don't want professional wrestling anymore- not in the kind of numbers that justify it against 'sports entertainment'. Which, really, isn't anything new, but merely a term to recognize how much soap opera has entered professional wrestling, which has been on the increase since before I was born.

But you want to know how I'd book it? People care about characters- provided they are given a reason to care. I could give a shit if Dixie Carter gets back her company, because I could give a shit about Dixie Carter. How do I sympathize with her position? Why do I care that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff want to take her company, besides the fact that they talk like bad guys? TNA doesn't offer people a reason to care about what happens to their characters, so they don't. That's where I'd start, and it's where TNA started last January 4th, before they started with this self-aggrandizing Immortal bullshit.

People want to see something in themselves or their values in the protagonist. That's Writing 101. (Seriously- that's freshman year high school material) Telling a story is meaningless; having that story emotionally impact your audience is the goal. TNA needs to get back to that theory of booking, rather than this Crash TV nonsense.
There are a few things I'd probably do, they might not seem all that revolutionary and they might be what a lot of other people have said but they'd make me more interested in seeing the product.

I'd stop putting so much focus & attention on the non-wrestling characters of the show. Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff should not be the nexus point of TNA in my opinion. By keeping Hogan & Bischoff in the forefront, it gives TNA an excuse for not developing and pushing new heel stars. I'd do the same thing in regards to Mick Foley. These three can represent the authority figures of TNA with each of them pushing their own agenda for what they want but don't weave the shows around them. Bring them out for one segment a week, let them do their thing and let that be the end of it until next week or the week after.

This also sounds like a very simple idea but one that I think is obviously important in this new "Wrestling Matters" era. Simply book stronger wrestling content on the shows. One thing I'd do away with are the 2 and 3 minute title matches that we've seen on TNA on a fairly frequent basis. If you want to have a relevant title match, then it needs to be given some decent time. I'd also advertise and push a title match at least a week before the match was scheduled to take place. I'd also do away with so many frequent and meaningless gimmick matches on TNA television. Like the title matches, they're often far too short to mean anything and they downright kill the relevance and novelty that gimmick matches tend to represent. Ideally, I'd like to have at least 2, maybe on occassionally 3, wrestling matches go 10 minutes or more. It's not all that difficult to make "wrestling" a relevant portion of Impact Wrestling, it just takes a modicum of effort. It might mean a lot less 20+ minute promo segments but I've got no problem with that personally.
How I would book them in the new era? Stop caring about the WWE!

You won't be competition, or a threat. You pride yourself's on letting "me be me," then be yourself's. Establish new star's, get a identity, advertise, market.

Don't care about what the WWE does, and stop trying to get their attention. Trust me, you won't unless you take some of their fa'ns away, which you won't be anytime soon.

Be TNA, no a bush-leauge like company who's trying to impress the Major Leagues of wrestling.

Well, since my rant is over, some thing's I would do is market, advertise, and get out there. Do talk-show's, magazine's, guest host on television show's, do stuff that people can hear about your product. And no, billoards in Stanford Conn. don't count.
How would I book things?

Well for starters there would be even more focus and even less clothes on the knockouts , with Madisson Rayne holding the title almost always (Which is basically what they do now but I'm saying even more emphasis and force Mickie to cut 1 inch off her shorts lol) Also if ODB is actually back and staying , force her to go back to blond because the brunette thing doesn't look so great on her specifically

Then for the guys I'd have Sting lose the world title and quick , either to Anderson , Bully Ray , or to Kazarian now that hes not X division champ

X divisions new champ Abyss would have basically squash matches with the lightweight dudes at every PPV to continue with Bischoff trying to kill the X division , eventually one of them (Lets go with Kendrick) actually overcomes Abyss and pulls off the win somehow

Outside of the current roster I would make an attempt to steal Wade Barrett and Zack Ryder from the WWE , those dumbasses have no idea what they have in them and they are wasting both of their potential.

If aquired Wade Barrett would be pushed immediatley into the TNA world heavyweight title scene where he would quickly win it and become a permanant main eventer.

If aquired Zack Ryder would go to team with Robbie E. sometimes but mainly do his own thing in the X division solo where he would become X division champ within a couple of months , years later to become world champion

Oh yeah and also in the womens division I would make an attempt to steal Natalya & Beth Phoenix from WWE as well , they have no idea wtf they are wasting with them either. They would both be great additions to the knockouts division. They would both be pushed hard/fast immediatley just like Mickie was

TLDR Summarized Version :
Steal Wade Barrett , Zack Ryder , Natalya , & Beth Phoenix from WWE
Even more focus on Knockouts division (+Making Mickies shorts shorter)
World title off of Sting ASAP , onto Ray , Kaz , Anderson , or Barrett (If possible) ASAP
X Division sees Abyss squash little guys for months ,Kendrick (Or Ryder if possible) wins
How I would book them in the new era? Stop caring about the WWE!

You're STILL whining in threads about that? Get over it already. Jesus, you act like TNA ran a train on your girlfriend.

Don't care about what the WWE does, and stop trying to get their attention. Trust me, you won't unless you take some of their fa'ns away, which you won't be anytime soon.

Well I WOULD trust you on it, except the fact you feel the need to chant it like a mantra in as many TNA threads as possible shows me you're not even convinced it is true but are trying to convince yourself of it.

Be TNA, no a bush-leauge like company who's trying to impress the Major Leagues of wrestling.

They're not trying to impress the WWE kid, may as well give that little fantasy up and move on. They could care less if your hero Vince is impressed, they only care about paying fans being impressed.

X divisions new champ Abyss would have basically squash matches with the lightweight dudes at every PPV to continue with Bischoff trying to kill the X division , eventually one of them (Lets go with Kendrick) actually overcomes Abyss and pulls off the win somehow

Aside from the Kendrick example I love it. The only thing different I would add to it is start scouting better X-Division caliber guys on the Indy scene and as Abyss squashes this guy or that guy they're fired from TNA. Once the chosen guy ends the streak and kicks off an actual feud he brings in backup and they start rebuilding the X-Division with fresh new faces.

If aquired Zack Ryder would go to team with Robbie E. sometimes but mainly do his own thing in the X division solo where he would become X division champ within a couple of months , years later to become world champion

Love it, although i'd suggest making Ryder and Robbie E a permanent tag team. They would fit perfectly together and strengthen the Tag division that much more.

Oh yeah and also in the womens division I would make an attempt to steal Natalya & Beth Phoenix from WWE as well , they have no idea wtf they are wasting with them either. They would both be great additions to the knockouts division. They would both be pushed hard/fast immediatley just like Mickie was

LOVE it. Absolutely would LOVE to see Nattie and Beth in TNA feuding with the Knockouts and maybe even a few of the men.

Good stuff Gaga, aside from the Kenrick and Wade Barrett stuff i'm fully with you.

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