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How Would You Book Impact Wrestling in This New Era?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
So TNA Wrestling show has change his name from iMPACT! to iMPACT Wrestling, not running away from their product and their fans as WWE did, or at least, not changing their product to the entertainment business with some wrestling in the middle.

With this change Wrestling will be the focus of the show. How would you book it?

You have a 50+ years old World Champion in Sting that as good as he is in the ring doesn't scream 'real' in this stage that he can keep his title facing younger wrestlers. But at the same time you have very good wrestlers in Fortune, Daniels, Machine Guns, Kurt Angle, even JJ (in my view) that aren't fighting for singles championships, would you book them in a different way in this era?

I think if TNA wants iMPACT Wrestling to be focused on how good their matches are and how good they can outperform WWE inside the ring they need to use AJ, Sabin, Shelley, Angle, Daniels and others in the title picture, sure Anderson is over, and RVD too, and they are main-event material but you need to have excellent wrestlers in this new era so you can look like a different product from your competitors, in this case, WWE.

At Slammiversary have Mr. Anderson/Sting/RVD defending against one of this guys, let's say Kurt Angle, for me Kurt Angle at this point in his career can still go out and put a magic match, and that's exactly what TNA needs. Sure, they have very good champions in Kaz and Beer Money but the main-event title looks like very related to storylines rather than great in-ring performers. Don't get me wrong, I like Sting but of course he is not at the best of shape in his career and there are many wrestlers in TNA that can do wonders for the company if they are able to capture that title...

What do you think? Should TNA focus more on the great athletes they have in the World Heavyweight Championship picture? How would you book TNA in this era that Wrestling Matters?

PS: Keep the discussing of Wrestling Matters as their message in the other thread. This ain't about what the message is and how they use in general, this how you would book TNA thinking about what they want for their product now.
I think they should've always focused on what TNA was originally about.

the name Impact wrestling would to me imply High Impact moves, endless action, attitude and bugger all soap opera.

Just an FYI for the last time WWE is not moving away from Wrestling, they never have and never will, it's there main source of steady income. They have just branched out to all aspects of entertainment and content acquiring (like Google does) which is where the money is atm, and it's nothing new, they did it back in the Hogan era, they did it in the Attitude era and now they are trying to make it happen again more then ever and there's far more to acquire.

Hell they also want to have a 24/7 WWE channel how they gonna do that if they cut out all wrestling. It's not gonna happen, stop freaking out.

World Wrestling Entertainment changing to purely WWE is no different then Kentucky Fried Chicken changing there name to purely KFC, they can attract more advertisers and other fans if they aren't promoting as purely a Wrestling product. If you aree a fan you know who they are, if you aren't a wrestling fan you might see it as an opportunity for a new form of media to watch.

how often did they mention World Wrestling Federation during it's tenure? 90% of the time it was just called WWF but you knew what it was and nothing changed.

Any business man with half a brain and the money to make it happen would try to branch out there company to where the money is heading in the current society.
While still maintaining the income you know is there to help it happen
Book matches. Book guys trying to prove they are better in the ring, willing to take more risk, out-technique, high flying, powerful...just build feuds around the talent proving they are talented. Titles can be used as props for the guys who are way over. But everything should be competitive and squashes shouldn't exist anymore. Call it shoot wrestling - where the wrestling part isn't so scripted but truly competitive and cool.

And I would do away with all dirty endings - this is wrestling, not screw-over. Focus on clean endings to build credibility to wrestling talent not a character who tries to cheat. Let the cheaters get their asses chewed out and sent to the back of the line.

Wrestle. Compete. Finish.
Personally, I believe that even though they changed the name to Impact Wrestling that the show will still be exactly the same until they get rid of Hogan and Russo, but pertaining to your question:

1) Devote the show primarily to wrestling. I would stop trying to copy the WWE with convoluted, stupid, soap opera storylines and instead create a wrestling alternative. The fueds will be based on competition instead of stupid, nonsense reasons.

2) Bring the x-division back into prominence. For the last couple of years, the X-Division has been in the gutter, not because of a lack of talent, but due to poor booking. I would bill them as a special atraction that you could only get on Impact Wrestling. They have a fast, exciting style that should bring the hardcore fans in and even draw some casual fans with their flashy moves.

3) Concentrate on biulding new stars. TNA has always been flooded with WWE and WCW castaways. Yes, I think that there is a place for a couple of them. Kurt Angle and Sting are ring generals that are excellent leaders in the locker room and teachers for the younger stars, but a lot of the older stars that TNA has does nothing but suck out money because they do nothing for rating because they have not changed. The few that I would keep would become enchancement talent that will put over the younger stars. They already had their legendary career, therefore they dont need mega pushes and should instead be giving back by giving someone else a chance to have a legendary career.

4) Stop comparing myself to the WWE. TNA compares itself to the WWE all the time, and that is a mistake. By comparing themselves to the WWE, they are basically acknowledging that the WWE is the top dog. Instead of comparing themselves to the WWE, I would not even mention them. I would praise Impact Wrestling and make it seem like it is the greatest company with the greatest talent and the most prestigest title. Go watch some old ECW promos. Sure, they were shooting out of a bingo hall. Sure, most of the guys were hack wrestlers, but you could not tell it by watching because those men truely believed and made th crowd truely believe that ECW was the "IT" thing in professional wrestling.

Those are just some little notes on what I would do. I would write more, but Im too lazy and I doubt anyone read this far.
Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Foley....ALL GONE...

promote fresh talent- the end

:wtf:Are you insane? You want TNA to be like ROH? You People don't get it. :banghead:Yes Flair Hogan, Bischoff and Foley don't need to be on TV all the time but people want to see them thats why they are there. Oh and by the way ratings for TNA were up this week, and guess what Flair and Foley combined with the return of Chyna and Chris Harris were all on TV. Coincidence? I think not. ROH doesn't have a TV deal because besides Haas and Benjamin noboby know **** the ROH wrestlers are. In TNA you have a mix of Ex-WWE talent with TNA original talent, and thats why TNA has a TV deal and ROH doesn't.
:wtf:Are you insane? You want TNA to be like ROH? You People don't get it. :banghead:Yes Flair Hogan, Bischoff and Foley don't need to be on TV all the time but people want to see them thats why they are there. Oh and by the way ratings for TNA were up this week, and guess what Flair and Foley combined with the return of Chyna and Chris Harris were all on TV. Coincidence? I think not. ROH doesn't have a TV deal because besides Haas and Benjamin noboby know **** the ROH wrestlers are. In TNA you have a mix of Ex-WWE talent with TNA original talent, and thats why TNA has a TV deal and ROH doesn't.

they have a t.v deal- they can keep anderson and rvd and scratch hogan flair and foley, probably sting too....give guys like eliajah burke and repackage styles...thats about their only shot because their recipe now is a disaster
:wtf:Are you insane? You want TNA to be like ROH? You People don't get it. :banghead:Yes Flair Hogan, Bischoff and Foley don't need to be on TV all the time but people want to see them thats why they are there. Oh and by the way ratings for TNA were up this week, and guess what Flair and Foley combined with the return of Chyna and Chris Harris were all on TV. Coincidence? I think not. ROH doesn't have a TV deal because besides Haas and Benjamin noboby know **** the ROH wrestlers are. In TNA you have a mix of Ex-WWE talent with TNA original talent, and thats why TNA has a TV deal and ROH doesn't.

Although TNA does need star power, its not the likes of Hogan and Bischoff. Bear in mind that TNA had ratings raging from 1.1-1.4s before Hogan arrived. Other than Jan 4th 2010, TNA has not exceeded a 1.5 rating. Obiviously Hogan is not helping much. The only thing TNA could do to get better ratings is have a better marketing strategy because the current one sucks.

Back on topic, The best booking strategy for Impact Wrestling would to have longer matches and atleast 5 or 6 on the tv show. Ditch the 15-20 min promos and please change the backstage cameras, its like watching the Blair Witch. I liked the backstage segments in 2009 a lot better.
Honestly, I doubt anything is going to change, but at the end of the day they should cut down the promo time, specifically for non wrestlers like Hogan (at this point, he aint a wrestler), Dixie, Bischoff, Karen, Foley and even Flair. Also wrestlers need to have promos cut down, let them tell their stories in the ring sometimes. Unfortunately screwball endings, swerves, squashes and cheating by heels are part of pro wrestling and won't be going anywhere, this is still scripted TV not MMA. They just need to take their time, flesh out their storylines and don't worry about character nicknames, just developing characters. Also, let's be honest, putting the old guys in the spotlight isn't exactly setting the ratings on fire, let Anderson, Styles, Morgan, and some of the younger guns lead the way and have the vets like Angle, Sting and Jarrett put these guys over, after all the vets can't wrestle forever.

As for WWE "running away from its fans and wrestling", I have to agree with GameOver, its a business move, a way to expand their market. They are a wrestling company that also makes movies and is trying to expand their exposure and product.
To call them out for that is selfish imo, since you're a fan and have no "ownership" of pro wrestling. I watched Smackdown on friday and it was a wrestling show with very few promos and a few pretty good matches (Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan/Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes/Christian & Orton vs. Sheamus & Henry, and even Kane vs. Barrett was better then I expected), the point is, listen to Chris Jericho, an actual wrestler : if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...well u get where I'm going. Either way TNA/Impact Wrestling and its cor(r)e fanbase needs to stop worrying about what's going on in Stanford and go back to basics, good wrestling matches and solid story telling.
Good God, another 'new' era for TNA with the same old results. Sign the over the hill WWE star , place them above the talent that was loyal to the company, rip off old WWE/ECW/WCW story lines and give it another laughable slogan. This company is going no where, they will never be at the WWE level and if they still allow Dixie to run the company, the younger capable talent should be calling Vince right now and beg to be part of the WWE. TNA leads the industry in new irrelevant eras and that's about it.
they have a t.v deal- they can keep anderson and rvd and scratch hogan flair and foley, probably sting too....give guys like eliajah burke and repackage styles...thats about their only shot because their recipe now is a disaster

I agree and I disagree. I agree that guys like Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair need to move aside. Foley? Not so much. We dont see him on the air as its. He does alot of behind the scenes stuff, and it should remain that way. TNA has the talent, they just have to develop them better. In ring segments need to be cut because more than half of those TNA wrestlers cant cut a promo to save there life, and its the same people every damn week. Guys like AJ need to shut the fuck up. He sucks on the mic, so does Tommy Dreamer.
:wtf:Are you insane? You want TNA to be like ROH? You People don't get it. :banghead:Yes Flair Hogan, Bischoff and Foley don't need to be on TV all the time but people want to see them thats why they are there. Oh and by the way ratings for TNA were up this week, and guess what Flair and Foley combined with the return of Chyna and Chris Harris were all on TV. Coincidence? I think not. ROH doesn't have a TV deal because besides Haas and Benjamin noboby know **** the ROH wrestlers are. In TNA you have a mix of Ex-WWE talent with TNA original talent, and thats why TNA has a TV deal and ROH doesn't.

Hmmmm 3 debuts/reapperances in 1 night and you went up a whopping 0.1 raitings point from 1.1 to 1.2 ? Youre missing everyones point which is valid, ITS NOT WORKING !!!! Do something radical, if wrestling matters lets see it. Dont give me Eric Young vs Gunner, give me real stories and real wrestling !!! Thats the problem, they keep bringing in people who are no longer relevant, go sign Jericho or something and maybe that would work but these reapperances do nothing special for the company, sorry !!! Its real, its damn real !!!!
I tell you what, im very interested to see how things will turn around after Sacrifice. Last Thursday was Foleys big announcement, next Thursday we get to see it all unfold.
A question...

Do yout think more wrestling means more ratings?

I think its about balance. a balance with wrestling and promos. There can't be too many promos and little bit of wrestling. Also it has to make sense for more fans to watch the show as for as storylines goes. Another thing if anybody notices is that there are too many people on the roster, time to start releasing wrestlers that aren't being use well. in order to get more ratings, they need to start going on the roads more, do more advertising with their product. Also improve their pay per views. Its the product that needs to be improve to get more fans to watch the product
I wouldn't book anything. I said before I'll say it again TNA blows. Its a sinking ship. Its WCW all over again. Along with some of the same players that brought down WCW. Sell the company 2 Vince. He'd be the only one that could save it. And oh yeah,TNA blows.

Ya do huh? Vince would save TNA? How'd that work out for WCW and ECW? Oh yeah, he killed both companies.. brought back ECW and it blew chunks

TNA is way more entertaining than WWE and has been for more than a few years now..
TNA really needs to drop their PPV's down to 6 so they can stretch out their promos over a large timeline. Because cramming 4 weeks of storyline into 4 episodes of Impact doesn't work because you have shit in ring action every week.

You put on three, fifteen minute matches during the night and perhaps a 20 minute main event and youre left with 30 minutes of promo time which is not enough to build a PPV in 4 weeks.

They need to find that middle ground of in ring action and promo work to build storylines and I think a good 20 minute main event with 2 or 3, 15 minute matches is a good middle ground. But I just cant see them being able to build stories with that kind of show structure.

Its a real tricky situation, its a case of damned if they do, damned if they dont.

But in any case, thats how I want the show to be booked. Good in ring action, lets say 3 solid matches a show.
You have a 50+ years old World Champion in Sting that as good as he is in the ring doesn't scream 'real' in this stage that he can keep his title facing younger wrestlers. But at the same time you have very good wrestlers in Fortune, Daniels, Machine Guns, Kurt Angle, even JJ (in my view) that aren't fighting for singles championships, would you book them in a different way in this era?

I think if TNA wants iMPACT Wrestling to be focused on how good their matches are and how good they can outperform WWE inside the ring they need to use AJ, Sabin, Shelley, Angle, Daniels and others in the title picture, sure Anderson is over, and RVD too, and they are main-event material but you need to have excellent wrestlers in this new era so you can look like a different product from your competitors, in this case, WWE.

At Slammiversary have Mr. Anderson/Sting/RVD defending against one of this guys, let's say Kurt Angle, for me Kurt Angle at this point in his career can still go out and put a magic match, and that's exactly what TNA needs. Sure, they have very good champions in Kaz and Beer Money but the main-event title looks like very related to storylines rather than great in-ring performers. Don't get me wrong, I like Sting but of course he is not at the best of shape in his career and there are many wrestlers in TNA that can do wonders for the company if they are able to capture that title...

I take umbrage with the fact that you are blatantly implying that RVD is somehow an inferior in-ring performer to 25% of the roster. That is insane to me. Rob can still put on a five-star match with every wrestler you mentioned in this thread, without a single one having to carry him through it. RVD has done quality work during his time in TNA, and IMO deserves another title reign, considering the way his first one ended. Rob may not be everyone's favorite on the mic due to his "spaced-out zen stoner" personality, but when it comes to between the ropes, Rob still delivers when really given the chance.

What is also laughable is that you flat said Sting was still good in the ring. Sting can barely move around the ring at this point. All he has is his match psychology now. Main events involving Sting since his return have been relatively short and/or included multiple combatants to hide his limitations. The problem with a one-on-one fued between Sting and Anderson would be that Anderson isn't quite good enough to carry Sting through a lengthy pay-off match, it'd just be another decent 8-9 minute title match.

It should be interesting to see what kind of main-event Sting and Rob can put together at Sacrifice. On paper, this card could end up really needing them to deliver a strong ending.
I take umbrage with the fact that you are blatantly implying that RVD is somehow an inferior in-ring performer to 25% of the roster. That is insane to me. Rob can still put on a five-star match with every wrestler you mentioned in this thread, without a single one having to carry him through it. RVD has done quality work during his time in TNA, and IMO deserves another title reign, considering the way his first one ended. Rob may not be everyone's favorite on the mic due to his "spaced-out zen stoner" personality, but when it comes to between the ropes, Rob still delivers when really given the chance.

What is also laughable is that you flat said Sting was still good in the ring. Sting can barely move around the ring at this point. All he has is his match psychology now. Main events involving Sting since his return have been relatively short and/or included multiple combatants to hide his limitations. The problem with a one-on-one fued between Sting and Anderson would be that Anderson isn't quite good enough to carry Sting through a lengthy pay-off match, it'd just be another decent 8-9 minute title match.

It should be interesting to see what kind of main-event Sting and Rob can put together at Sacrifice. On paper, this card could end up really needing them to deliver a strong ending.
Don't get me wrong. I like RVD, is he excellent in the ring, but somehow that doesn't scream like a great athlete, but he truly is. To the casual fan RVD is a spot-monkey, like it or not.

But wrestlers like AJ Styles and Kurt Angle scream great wrestlers. For me, RVD could be the main-eventer of TNA Wrestling no problem whatsoever. I like him. But does RVD draw ratings? I don't think so, neither Sting.

I said that both Mr. Anderson and RVD are main-eventers but you have to put another great athlete in the mix so that "Wrestling Matters" makes more sense. I would rather watch RVD vs. Angle 3 times in a row that RVD vs. Sting for example. ;)
Well I might be a bit pessimistic, but I don't believe that TNA is changing a bit. They be the same old 'ish they always were, but this is how I would book the new era:

-Disband Immortal, give Hogan a backstage role and make him a retirement match or something

-Keep Flair on TV, but as a heel manager

-Fire Hernandez and Anarchia or what his name is, I'm tired of the same old LAX crap, and there is no Homicide, so I'm not interested.

-Fire the unused guys, cancel Xplosion. Bring back Magnus and Wolfe.

-Disband MCMG, I'm tired of them, make a Shelley vs Sabin feud, it will draw ratings believe me.

-Fire both Hardys.

-Turn Anderson heel, leave RVD as he is.

-Make Styles world champion, and make him feud with Angle.

-Sign a contract with some major indy federation and make Heyman lead them and do the invasion storyline (Team Foley vs Team Heyman)

-Kaz should get a bigger push

-Fire Robbie E and Cookie, they're pure nonsense

-Give Bobby Roode a singles run

-Sign Carlito, and when Hall gets well, bring him as Razor Ramon (that's copyrighted, but call him only Razor or something) and let him "mentor" Carlito

-When Sean O'Haire gets back from prison, BRING BACK THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, the guy is phenomenal, if you don't know what I'm talking about, youtube Sean O'Haire.

-Sign Bill Goldberg


'Nuff said.

EDIT: Oh, and bring Raven. Make him feud with Sean O'Haire.
Hmmmm 3 debuts/reapperances in 1 night and you went up a whopping 0.1 raitings point from 1.1 to 1.2 ? Youre missing everyones point which is valid, ITS NOT WORKING !!!! Do something radical, if wrestling matters lets see it. Dont give me Eric Young vs Gunner, give me real stories and real wrestling !!! Thats the problem, they keep bringing in people who are no longer relevant, go sign Jericho or something and maybe that would work but these reapperances do nothing special for the company, sorry !!! Its real, its damn real !!!!

Its still better than nothing. Look you have valid points, but like i said there are people that are willing to watch the program like it is now. Some people here wanted TNA to go back like it was in 2005. I don't know about you, but me i started to like TNA around 2007 and have been a fan ever since. Yes TNA has problems i don't deny that, but to say that reappearance of some people does nothing for the company is wrong. In some threads here people are happy to see Foley, Harris and Chyna back.
Ya do huh? Vince would save TNA? How'd that work out for WCW and ECW? Oh yeah, he killed both companies.. brought back ECW and it blew chunks

TNA is way more entertaining than WWE and has been for more than a few years now..

If TNA were more entertaining than WWE their ratings would be better. It's a pretty simply equation. More people watch WWE because more people like WWE than TNA. Spin it any way you like, but that's a fact that can't be hidden from.

TNA is top heavy with ex-wwe talent that is over the hill, or no longer relevant in the main event scene. There's a reason Sting v. Undertaker didn't happen at WM. Think about it very clearly and you'll understand why that match didn't take place.

You have guys in Bischoff, Hogan, Flair, Sting, Angle, and Jarrett who are all past their prime. I read all the time where Angle is one of the best in the world, but could he really go 20 minutes with Orton or Cena? Maybe 30 with HHH at a PPV? Really? As banged up as he is? Keep in mind he's had multiple injuries just since coming to TNA.

Sting is over 50, Hogan is over 50, Flair is over 50 and I think Jarrett is in his 40's. These are the guys people who love TNA think can lead them to the promised land? Really? Angle is now in his 40's and his body is breaking down too. TNA needs to let the young talent have the stage now. Time for the old guard to step aside.
I say vacate the belts in order to give a feeling of a fresh start within the company. Some of the champs and storylines behind the champions need to be freshened up and I think TNA has the perfect oppurtunity right now to do this.

For the World Title have a tournament with 8 to 16 of the "top guys" and make it mean something for the new champ and their flawed ranking system. Have some established guys and a couple of new up and comer wildcards to see how they do in the big leagues.

For the Tag Straps have a fatal fourway bouts between four of the top teams and you put an emphasis on the division after that match.

For the X division title that's simple. Have the best Ultimate X match that you have had in a while. That way when all your x division starts bust their ass in this match people can see why the X division can be great again.

For the television title. I'd say have a battle royal and from then on start having legit and meaningful feuds for the title. This title has had a hard time maintaining identity from it's name changes to the people holding it. The last champ that made it credible was AJ when he feuded with Douglas Williams. Have your midcarders or upper midcarders with nothing to do war over this belt. It's perfect for the likes of Matt Hardy, Desmond Wolfe, Bully Ray, Crimson, Dinero, Somoa Joe, Daniels, etc.

The Knockout's belt can have a tournament as well giving all the Knockouts something to do again.

The Knockout's tag belt has the same problem the Television title has and having a fatal fourway or one of those wierd knockout briefcase matches might freshen it up. Idk there's a lot of women with nothing to do so put them into teams.

I don't know from then on make the belts mean something and have matches of people trying to be contenders for those belts. Focus on being TNA and not worry about the big boys up north. Spring clean your roster and hire free agents from the indies and overseas and maybe a few young worthwild releases from wwe.
I wouldn't because I don't know shit about booking. I guess I'd make AJ the face of the company. That's pretty much the only thing I know will work for a fact.
I say vacate the belts in order to give a feeling of a fresh start within the company. Some of the champs and storylines behind the champions need to be freshened up and I think TNA has the perfect oppurtunity right now to do this.

For the World Title have a tournament with 8 to 16 of the "top guys" and make it mean something for the new champ and their flawed ranking system. Have some established guys and a couple of new up and comer wildcards to see how they do in the big leagues.

For the Tag Straps have a fatal fourway bouts between four of the top teams and you put an emphasis on the division after that match.

For the X division title that's simple. Have the best Ultimate X match that you have had in a while. That way when all your x division starts bust their ass in this match people can see why the X division can be great again.

For the television title. I'd say have a battle royal and from then on start having legit and meaningful feuds for the title. This title has had a hard time maintaining identity from it's name changes to the people holding it. The last champ that made it credible was AJ when he feuded with Douglas Williams. Have your midcarders or upper midcarders with nothing to do war over this belt. It's perfect for the likes of Matt Hardy, Desmond Wolfe, Bully Ray, Crimson, Dinero, Somoa Joe, Daniels, etc.

The Knockout's belt can have a tournament as well giving all the Knockouts something to do again.

The Knockout's tag belt has the same problem the Television title has and having a fatal fourway or one of those wierd knockout briefcase matches might freshen it up. Idk there's a lot of women with nothing to do so put them into teams.

I don't know from then on make the belts mean something and have matches of people trying to be contenders for those belts. Focus on being TNA and not worry about the big boys up north. Spring clean your roster and hire free agents from the indies and overseas and maybe a few young worthwild releases from wwe.

I like a lot of what you offered and agree vacating the belts would give TNA a chance to start fresh. Give the young folks on the roster a chance to shine and to become the new faces of this organization.

With that in mind, I do have a question for those who claim that TNA needs Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, etc.

For how long? How long should TNA keep these gentlemen employed and in their current positions/storylines? When will it be the right time for TNA to move on from these guys to their younger talent? If not now, when?
Nothing will change as long as Russo is involved. This is a man who, if you listen to his shoots, believes that people don't pay to see the wrestling, they pay to see the soap opera nonsense. This is a man who more or less admittedly hates actual wrestling more than anyone else in the wrestling business. He says there's no such thing as faces and heels anymore, wins and losses don't matter, and neither do championships. This bloke is holding the book. It's like letting a nonce watch your kids.

It's impossible to say how they will book the show from now on. Personally I think they'll keep it the same. If I was booking it, I'd go right back to basics and focus on the in-ring action more. But then everyone would agree on that. It's not rocket science. I'd still keep a good portion of story because it's completely necessary. Also, I'd start every single show with some X-Division stuff, similar to how WCW did with the cruisers.

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