How Will the WWE Break Up Legacy?

Barbedwire Ropes

So of course, eventually everything has to come to an end but one thing that I've really thinking about is how the WWE will break up Legacy.

Neither DiBiase or Rhodes are ready for the main event so a turn on Orton for a fued doesn't seem very likely but both seem to be very good workers and more than willing to learn and improve.

Other stable break ups in the past have either failed miserably or have worked so well it sprouted TWO new main event level stars. (EVOLUTION)

So how do you all think Legacy will fall apart and when?
So of course, eventually everything has to come to an end but one thing that I've really thinking about is how the WWE will break up Legacy.

Neither DiBiase or Rhodes are ready for the main event so a turn on Orton for a fued doesn't seem very likely but both seem to be very good workers and more than willing to learn and improve.

Other stable break ups in the past have either failed miserably or have worked so well it sprouted TWO new main event level stars. (EVOLUTION)

So how do you all think Legacy will fall apart and when?

I am going to take issue with your argument that a break-up and feud between the 3 (or however many there could be) wouldn't work. You make it sound like Legacy is breaking up in 3 months. They could and very likely will be together for the long haul like Evolution. Did you see Orton or Batista as main event level when Evolution first formed. I sure as hell didn't. That's the point of the stable, to build up Rhodes and DiBiase.

To answer your question, I think Orton gets booted when Rhodes and DiBiase get fed up with him. Orton will be due for another face run by this time and will have to fend off Rhodes, DiBiase, ect. I figure Teddy's got the biggest future, so he will probably be the leader of a new version of Legacy, similar to win NOD kicked out Farooq and The Rock became the leader of the Nation of Domination.
i see this going one of 2 ways either they split them up by putting ted and brett dibiase as a team and split the full team up with maybe a tag match orton and rhodes vs the dibiases or rhodes and dibiase get fed up of being pushed around and kick ortons ass too the curb
i think maybe with orton being the legend killer and all some how orton will have to take out the fathers of cody and ted. and they wont want to so thats when they'll turn on orton/
This faction hasn't even evolved yet. They still have ways to go. Once Orton retains the title and the whole HHH saga ends, Priceless will start to form into something great. Right now its WM and there is no reason to build a real storyline for them. I see these two guys bringing back relevance to the Tag Titles - fued with Miz and Morrison and become something special.

I see Orton getting booted at some point after Legacy runs a nice course. I agree with everything you guys are saying, they get tired of his shitty attitude and just walk away. By that time, Ted will be getting a huge push into next years MITB and soon becoming WHC. Ted will be somebody big much sooner than many people think. The WWE needs some big stars, with some of their others becoming stale, old, and on the brinks of shutting down. Ted will be the next Orton.
First they need to establish themselves. Right now they're nothing special, they're just Orton and two dudes. Not only that, Rhodes and DiBiase are followers of the highest level. They just follow orders and help Orton...looking week. We'll see how they pan out.

As for them breaking up...
I'm not sure Orton will ever be a face, I can't buy him in that role as he has too much of a dick attitude look and feel about him no matter what he does. I'm sure though that he will be the integral part that breaks the team, either by him turning on them or them turning on him...that's really the only way it can go.

We'll have to wait a bit to see what happens with Legacy before we can really discuss a breakup.
I'm going to go with over a year from now. Sometime around summerslam in 2010. Basically Ted wins MITB at WM26 and proceeds to steal the belt from Orton, kinda genius and has the ability to make either one of them be seen as the face or heel
My bet is that somewhere along the road, Orton gets suspended for a Wellness violation, or crashes a motorcycle in his driveway and goes on the shelf for awhile... then Priceless starts to get some success on their own, as Vince will not want to lose the potential of pushing them to the next level... when Orton comes back, they will say they never needed him...
I kinda like RTEs suggestion that Legacy will end when Orton goes after Cody & Teds family thus possibly leading to two family tag teams.Dont forget Ted got kicked in the head & was seamingly reluctant to join Legacy when Priceless was his idea,so belated retaliation could be on the cards..Though if Orton gets suspended again,,as someone suggested,isnt he out on his arse?
I hope if they dont split,Legacy evolve into something more than as is.Orton,mental when it suits him,calling the police when it dont (as wrestlers do!) flanked by two gawking stiffies.I couldnt go a few more months of that every week!
WTF why the hell would we talk about the disbanding of Legacy when it hasn't even started to hit it's stride as a faction. It is nowhere near done, it is far too early in its life to even begin contemplating this. While I can understand the concept of always leave them wanting just that tiny bit more, Legacy hasn't even started raking in the money for the WWE. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Legacy may be the best WWE created Stable since the Heenan Family. So No they are not going to break up Legacy right now or even within the forseeable future and you would have to be stupid to try and predict that far down the line for a stable that is just starting out.
i think that the faction will break up after cody and ted falling out. after several weeks of chasing tag titles or ic titles and costing each other the match the two will h8 each other. then they will ultimatly cost orton the title casuing orton 4 beat them up and cody turns face. ted will then get drafted to another brand after a feud with cody and orton will go alone.
I also agree its way too early to predict the downfall of Legacy as we know it. Who's to say Rhodes or Dibiase gets drafted to another show and maybe have thier spot replaced with someone else like Primo?
You Guys Are Forgetting 2 People.
Manu And Snuka.
Forgot Them.. ? When Manu And Snuka returned With Ted To Assault Ortan, With Rhodes. Then Rhodes And Ted Turned On Manu And Snuka.. And Went On Randys Side.. FORMING LEGACY?!
.Manu And Snuka Somehow Butt In.. And Get Rid Of Ted/Rhodes,
Ted Builds Up.. To Be a Main eventer.. And Betrays Ortan.
Someone Wins The Royal Rumble Or MITB.. And Turns On Randy..
Someone Gets Really Pissed Off And Leaves..

Remember How Evolution.. Nation Of Domination.. NwO Broke Up? Think About Them..

Right Now WWE Ae Reviving Great Storyliens In The Past And Making Them Moe Exciting,. Which Is Excellent.
Dibiase im pretty sure (could be wrong) was punted by Orton which saw Dibiase miss time to film his movie. When he returned and Legacy was formed all that was seen was a handshake between Orton and Dibiase about it and nothing more said.

so IMO i believe Dibiase will never truly 'forgive' Orton and when the inevitable happens Ted will try to get his own back on Orton.

I can see Ted punting Orton in the head after tension builds. im not sure how Cody will fit into this
I think it will be easy. Theres two ways ATM:

1. Randy uses Legacy so much and Legacy think they are just living in the shadow of Orton so they break up and have a feud with him and then Rhodes and Dibiase continue their tag team career.

2. This is if WWE want Rhodes and DiBiase to pursue a seperate single career then Rhodes and Dibiase cost Orton the title and they are excluded from the stable and thus DiBiase and Rhodes have a feud argueing over who cost Orton the title and why their career is ruined by getting excluded from legacy.
This is ridiculus to talk about at this point because they have barely established themselves as Legacy yet. They formed right around the new year, and mostly they have been around in order to get Orton into the WM main event, and eventually the title. Once Orton has the title, then a new dimension will be created for this group. I don't see Legacy ending for at least another year, if not more. Rhodes and Dibiase are mid-carders right now at best, and the reason for this group is to build Orton into the elite heel of the wwe (which is being accomplished) and build Rhodes and Dibiase into main-eventers (which will take lots of time). What I can see is Legacy gaining 1 or 2 new members. While they are an effective unit, they need the muscle. Someone like a D.H. Smith would be a perfect fit in that role, as he hasn't been around in forever. There is bound to be 1 or 2 other 2nd/3rd generation superstars in FCW who will be ready to make the jump in the next 6 months or so, and they can fit in as well. I actually want to see how this group grows, and not begin thinking of how it will end. Get back to me in a year.
what i would proberly do is add DH SMITH to the group as a big man and have him and cody rhodes team up and go after the tag belts and feud with the champions for a while.
i know this is out thair abit but i would add joe henning to the group and have him go into a feud with the ic champ for a while.
id have ted dibiase jr bring in his dad ted dibiase sr as his manger and have him feud with the undertaker for a while so he can get more of a name and then when he has beaten undertaker in (eg)(hell in the cell) he can go on and win money in the bank and cash it in against randy orton sometime down the line and win and the rest of the legacy will have to choose who they want to roll with and id have them choose randy orton and have ted dibiase jr go on his own with his dad as his manger and keep the legacy a heel group and ted dibiase as a face because orton is a shit face so i dont think the legacy will break up for a long long time because you can always add 2-3 generation stars to it to keep it fresh and when they get big stars have them leave and then bring some other 2-3 generation in
It is way too early for Legacy to break up, but its still fun to talk about. Does anyone else remember when Cody first came to the WWE Randy Orton kicked his tail every week and then took out his Dad at the Great American Bash? He also kicked DiBiase in the head too. And I also remember Goldust and Mickie James trying to give Cody advice and telling him what he was doing was wrong and he acted like a dick.

Still these could all be signs that they will turn on Orton eventually. Ted definitely is going to be the bigger star out of the two, but Cody has more reason to turn on Randy and he already turned on one partner, Hardcore Holly (Just thought of that one). They'll probably do a "remember what happened to you in Evolution Randy? Well...deja vu man." lol Ted will take whatever title Orton eventually gets away from him just like HHH did.
There's no need to break up Legacy because they haven't done anything of note yet. Talk about this after a year or two if they are still together. I don't see this as an Evolution situation because Rhodes or DiBiase aren't good enough to be world champions yet. Probably Orton will ditch them if he feels they are becoming useless.
I could see Ted Dibiase Sr being involved for the breakup story (when it comes). Sr could convince Jr. that Orton made a name for killing legends, yet he wants to be become one. Reminds Cody that Dusty got taken out, Sr faces Orton, Jr turns from a simply Million Dollar punt.

Just being creative, but something personal usually works best for breakups.
This is ridiculus to talk about at this point because they have barely established themselves as Legacy yet. They formed right around the new year, and mostly they have been around in order to get Orton into the WM main event, and eventually the title.

Seriously! I mean, WTF? The group only finalized it's members a few weeks ago, and you're already discussing how they will split!? Ridiculous.

The entire IWC needs a heaping-helping of Ritalin. Your attention spans are maddeningly short. The same people who are clamoring for a John Cena heel turn and an Edge face turn are now trying to break up WWE's hottest stable, just months after complaining that WWE doesn't use stables anymore.

Let's hope they don't break them up. Let's hope they hang around like the Horsemen did, so we grow to care about the members - love them or hate them - so if and when they do split, people actually care.
I'll just echo IC25's post. They're newely formed, and have NO NEED to break up for a long, long time. Why break them up when they could go SO much further. They could become a huge, huge stable. Let them devlop as a group, and as individuals. This stable could last for a long time, and I hope it does, providing the storylines are fresh & exciting.
The last two have it spot on, don't even think about breaking them up, even if it is only a "what if" scenario. Enjoy them for what they are, don't watch them thinking of the break up.

That's the problem with stables and even the tag team division, all people talk about is "WHo will be face out of Miz and Morrison when tey break up" when they should be talking about "how great is it that we have an immense tag team on our screens"

Legacy haven't even started properly yet. Ted and Cody need some mic time to themselves so we can get to know them properly, not just Orton's apprentices. They need their own feuds as well, not just helping with Orton's.

That is what you should be talking about, not them splitting.
I think it's ridiculous to already talk about, and shows why good storylines cannot be build up, but..

Ted or Cody will win the WM 26 MiTB and proceed to cash it in on a battered Orton, and obviously I don't think Orton would be very happy.
I wouldnt worry about them breaking Legacy up anytime soon, but we should all be aware that Ted Diabiase is starring in the Marine 2. The WWE will have to turn him face at least 3 months before the release of this film. You cant have a heel promoting a movie that he is the main good guy in and expect people to buy it. So i would say that we are going to see Diabiase break away within the next 4-6 months and recieve a huge push. Now this could be the end of Legacy or they could bring in someone else, such as Joe Hennig, Steamboat Jr, or one of the other Diabiase brothers. Time will tell.

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