How Well Can Christian Fit Into Raw?


Brilliant Idiot
Just curious as to what you guys think.

In some ways, I think he COULD do great things. The exchange between he and Sheamus was classic and the match wasn't awful, either. Not to mention that he can shine with even better workers and make for very compelling TV and matches.

However, it's also about who well they use him and what they decide to let him do/get away with.

He's a legit funny guy. That's how he still gets over with his mic skills while having to be limited by the PG rating. That says a lot. And he can still move around that ring very well.

My questions are.. How well do you think he COULD be on Raw? How well WILL it go? Do you even think Raw is the better option for him?
This is a good question. Ever since Christian made his return to WWE, I (like so many others) wanted to see him on Smackdown. I agree with you that Christian cut a great promo with Sheamus this past Monday and also pulled off a solid match with him which got me re-thinking my earlier position of sticking him on Smackdown. Sticking Christian on Raw gives you a hit or miss scenario. On one hand, you have all the big established stars on that brand which might get Christian lost in the shuffle and with all the current ECW stars apparently becoming free agents within the next couple weeks, there's a higher probability of this happening especially if a handful of these free agents end up on Raw.

On the other hand, you can stick Christian on Smackdown. However, the problem with this (and it's been said many times) is that he'd be stuck in the shadow of Edge (sorta like how Matt Hardy was stuck in the shadow of his brother). If WWE ever seriously plans on making Christian a legitimate big star, they'd be smart to stick him on the supposed "A show" which would be Raw and make him a credible contender to the WWE Champion (whoever that may be after Elimination Chamber).
I think he could do well on RAW and he could possibly even begin a program with Cena going back to his small issue with Cena during his last time in WWE. I think Christian will do well on either RAW or SmackDown being either a face or heel.
Well personally I think Christian would be a great fit on Smackdown!

I can hint that after ECW is gone, Christian will sign with Teddy Long's team. And would fill the mid-card main event slot that is the injured John Morrison. But it has to fit right.

I can see Teddy Long introducting Christian back to Smackdown to the WWE universe in the ring. Then after a few words from Christian, Chris Jericho comes down to the ring. Jericho starts off with him & Christians past as vitamin C, world tag team champs, TLC on RAW ('02), ECT. And asks Christian to join him on his cursade once again! But Christian saids to Jericho that he's a hipicrite (or something to that nature?) and he needs a can of "asscream" from those rhashes that make him the man that he is.

And in the ring segment, Edge comes down to the ring to welcome back his former tag team partner. And reminds Christian ( and the WWE PG fans) about the good old days and talk about Chris Jericho's ego. There we see E & C reunite there old friendship. Christian backs up Edge against Jericho * possibly the hart dynasty? Until Wrestlemania 26.

During the world championship match between (champ) Chris Jerciho & Edge, Christian interferes turning heel again Edge, helping Y2J retain! Reuniting vitamin C!

Soon after wrestlemaina Edge & Chris Jericho would continue there fued until extreme rules, where Edge would finally be world champion again for the tenth time to go finish off Christian. Then Christian be in play for a MAJOR WORLD TITLE shot against Edge! Poetic Justice you would say huh?

But the bottomline. Christian is com'in to SMACKDOWN!
Christian would get lost in the shuffle on RAW it happens all to often.

He's proven his worth in WWE this year keeping ECW looking sharpe along with carrying the show on his back along with the title, so move him to somewhere he'll have a strong impact and help the younger guys along with a possible world title run which is SMACKDOWN.

The matches he could have with Macntyre, Morrison could really help the mid card slots, plus he's good enough to feud with Batista, CM Punk (who i think along with Gallows should rule the tag division for a while) Jericho etc before moving on to the world title, which Edge could hold or even teaming with Edge to face the SES or what not.

as you can see he's got more hope going for him being on smackdown where guys get around and don't get mid carded for life like raw.
I think that if Christian can break through the glass ceiling and not get lost in the shuffle, he would fit extremely well on RAW. He is one of the most over guys on the roster and is great on the mic and in the ring. He would be the PERFECT guy to freshen up the RAW main event scene further, possibly even unifying the ECW Title with the WWE Championship.

As for him going to Smackdown, I know a lot of people would like to see an Edge/Christian feud (Heck, I'd love to see it) but I think that unless they feud over the World Heavyweight Championship, it would only keep Christian down. If he were to go to Smackdown he needs to step out of Edge's shadow, maybe even ignoring (or only obliquely referencing) their history together.
That's just the issue. I don't think Christian fits on Raw. I mean, sure, Christian could do things on Raw, Christian could be great on Raw, he could win the WWE Championship. Anyone in the WWE could do anything. If it isn't for the WWE Creative Team, that would be 100% true. Christian is one of the most talented superstars in the history of the WWE. No lie. He is great in every department of the business, he has everything you would want in a champion.

I love Christian and I love Smackdown. The same way I love The Undertaker and I love Rey Mysterio... and they're already on Smackdown. If you look at the current Raw and Smackdown rosters, I believe he can work best with a lot more Smackdown superstars. However, that may not be saying much since he can work with pretty much anyone you can think of.

No matter how much success Christian has found on ECW during his 1 year stint, you can't use that success to determine how he will fare on Raw. Especially, considering how hard it is to get a decent push on Raw, coming from ECW. The only people I feel I can exclude are Sheamus and The Miz. Maybe Christian could be added to that list. But I still think Christian would be a much better fit for Smackdown.
i think christian could possible get into the united states tite picture.he has proven that he is a trusted champion on ecw . so why not let him get in the title hunt and actually let him win it when the miz is ready to drop the title and ready to move on to the main event seen. i think christian and the miz could have a great feud together.
He should get a main event push, but wont, he will be a perennial mid-carder feuding for the US title and teaming with some random guy like Kofi for the tag titles. Vince will not push him on their main show because of his jump to TNA a few years back, which is why they put him in ECW to begin with.
The best place for Christian to go to is Smackdown. It seems WWE is going with a face turn for Edge, so It would be awesome to see Christian go to Smackdown and re untie with him. Plus, there's also a WAY better chance at him being involved in the world title picture. Undertaker will most likely take time off this year to heal nagging injuries, and Jeff Hardy has been gone for a while now, so there is a good chance he might get a couple shots at the World Heavyweight Championship.

I have a strong feeling Christian would get buried on Raw. With HHH,Orton,Cena, and HBK(on some rare ocasions) always being in the main event, I don't think Christian would ever get near a WWE championship match. Even the mid card is crowded with Kofi,MVP,Miz, and Mark Henry, so he would probably be buried on the mid card also.
I'd really like to see the following scenario (which likely means it will never happen). Have Christian bounce around between shows for the next few weeks in the sense that he is trying to "decide" which show to be on. At some point during that have him qualify for MITB. At mania, have him win it, only to cash it in later that night after Edge wins the title, and take the belt from Edge. This would not only help Edge's face turn, but would set up the long awaited feud between the two. And depending on who Edge faces at mania, it could be done on either brand, and in my opinion would be a HUGE draw for that particular show. I'm sure this is just wishful thinking on my part, but damn I'd love to see that.
sadly I dont think christian would thrive for long on raw, I just dont see how he can fit in with the main event, HHH would crush him, vince would have cena crush him then suck up to him. he might have an ok feud with orton but in the end orton would win and go on to the main events.

I think Christians would fit in alot better on smackdown, there he could have an instant fued vs CM punk, the peeps vs the straight edge society, their closer in size and would really perform, on smackdown he could reunite with edge, or go fight jerico, and on smackdown he would be more free without vince or hhh saying no because of his size and how they view him.
I think everyone has made very good points and so far both RAW and Smackdown have good cases to secure Christian. I really dont mind where he goes at the moment because i have a good feeling he will win the MITB this year, well i hope he does after last year when he should of won when the ladder tipped and everyone fell but him that would of been awesome... but anyway I think he will win the money in the bank and float around the midcard on which ever show he ends up choosing and cash it in on whoever the champion is and have a nice little title reign that will elevate him to upper midcarder or low main eventer like CM Punk.
Why are people saying the promo he cut with Sheamus was good- half of it was horrible and the other good- so with that it was a DECENT promo and their match wasn't solid with oly the last 4 minutes being good while the other eight just boring and sloppy. Honestly if Sheamus can't have a 3 and a half match with Orton or Christian (2 that fall in the category of 'one of the best') how the hell is he going to have a good match with Triple H the most overrated wrestler in history and one that has won 13 world titles and only deserved 3-4 (apparently H wants him and Sheamus in wrestlemania -as many of you know)
I think we saw on Monday what would happen if Christian were to join the Raw roster. He challenged the WWE Champion....and promptly lost for the first time in months. I think this was his first singles loss in about 9 months!

There would be several problems for Christian if he were moved to Raw.

1. You have your established main eventers that are going to be there month in and month out. Your John Cenas, Your HHH's, Your HBKs, Your Randy Ortons. Unless any of those guys move at the draft, their going to be in the main event.

2. They have their guys lined up they feel are ready for a push. A month ago, i would have added Kofi to this list, but his stock has fallen somewhat. But Sheamus and the Miz are being pushed to the moon right now.

I want to compare Christian to what happened to MVP when he first came to Raw. I explained how badly they dropped the ball with MVP in another thread, I wont go into detail here.

Christian shows up on Raw, challenges the WWE champion Sheamus to a match. As I said, hes subsequently pinned and loses for the first time in God knows how long. When MVP first came to Raw, he came out and challenged WWE champion Randy Orton. He put up a good fight, but Shane McMahon ultimately interfered in the match, and MVP's "push" served nothing more then a setup to further the McMahon feud.

MVP was relegated to the midcard, and there's weeks hes not even on the damn show! The same thing could happen to Christian. He could EASILY get lost in the shuffle. Mondays result was proof perfect of that. It was creatives way of saying " We can count on you to carry our "C" brand, but you're not main event material on the flagship." I understand them wanting to push Sheamus as an unstoppable monster heel, but theres plenty of RAW superstars for them to utilize in that role, not Christian.

Thats why I feel the best place for Christian would be on Smackdown. Since HHH was drafted back to Raw, the main event has been a hot potato there. Smackdown is the better WRESTLING show, and Christian is one of the better wrestlers in the WWE. He could easily slide into the main event there. And heel or face, he could have great matches with CM Punk, Mysterio, Jericho, Edge, JoMo, and Taker. Ive stated it previously, I fully expect Christian to compete in and win MITB this year, and the better feuds for him subsequent to that would be on Smackdown. So would the better place for him.
Christian's place is SmackDown. For those people who say that he'll be living in the shadow of Edge, there is the possibility of Edge being drafted to RAW after his possible program with Jericho, so Christian would be free to roam around without fear of being overshadowed by Edge. I also think Christian would get buried on RAW too. There isn't enough room for someone who is legitimately one of the best in the business to be main event status and I bet WWE knows that fans would riot if you took him and stuck him in the midcard again.
I'm going to pick Smackdown for this one, simply because on SD is a better place for guys, look at Punk on SD compared to how he was on Raw. Cena buried his ass in two matches they had, I don't want to see Christian who has tons of potential to be a great main eventer be denied because of Superman, whereas on SD, look at Jeff, the amount of times hes been in the doghouse with WWE yet he had 3 World Title runs before he quit and eventually signed with TNA and the E still want him back. Christian I'd without a doubt say is more reliable, no scandals, no backstage problems, no drug issues, plus I can only recall one injury he's had and that was in 2004 so he is hardly injury prone. Plus old friends Matt, Jericho and of course Edge are on the show, people he's worked with, he knows them like the back of his hand and overall SD is a much better fit.
I think the potential for him to do well on Raw is definitely there. His mic skills are great, his in-ring work is solid, and he is clearly over with the crowd. I agree with some posters that maybe having him on Raw as opposed to SmackDown might be a better option for him as he will inevitably be under Edge's shadow. Now that's not his fault, but that's just the way it goes. The only way I see him becoming a legit contender right away on SmackDown is to either pair him up with Edge, or somehow get him involved in the feud with him and Jericho. The possibilities are endless on either show, whether it be Morrison, McIntyre, Swagger, Batista, Punk, Ziggler, Rhodes, Orton, DiBiase...I think he could do great things with any one of those guys, but to me, I'd love to see him feud with Miz over the U.S. title. No one can deny the fact the Miz has improved 1000% since his debut, and the promos the two could cut would definitely be entertaining. Not to mention, having 2 high caliber athletes feuding over the U.S. title would definitely give the title a little more sizzle, and add something to the upper mid-card of Raw.
I see him going to Smackdown & thriving.A feud with Edge or CM Punk would be awesome.RAW is to full of Cena for anyone to get a good push.One of the few reasons I watch ECW.
I think Christian could make an immediate impact on RAW, but after that wears off he will get lost in the shuffle. Like most others, I believe Christian is perfect for Smackdown. Not just because of Edge, although I would love to see them in an angle together. There are so many more potential feuds for Christian there in my opinion. For example, CM Punk, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Batista and obviously Jericho and Edge. Christian will be able to make an impact as either face or heel on Smackdown and I can see him consistently featuring in the main event, whereas this is highly unlikely on RAW.

While there are potential opponents for Christian on RAW like Orton or Sheamus, I just feel Smackdown is where he can produce better quality matches and have more of an impact. So it seems like a bit of a no-brainer.
I think that if Christian can break through the glass ceiling and not get lost in the shuffle, he would fit extremely well on RAW. He is one of the most over guys on the roster and is great on the mic and in the ring. He would be the PERFECT guy to freshen up the RAW main event scene further, possibly even unifying the ECW Title with the WWE Championship.

As for him going to Smackdown, I know a lot of people would like to see an Edge/Christian feud (Heck, I'd love to see it) but I think that unless they feud over the World Heavyweight Championship, it would only keep Christian down. If he were to go to Smackdown he needs to step out of Edge's shadow, maybe even ignoring (or only obliquely referencing) their history together.

Ignoring their "history" together would be like ignoring Kane and Undertaker's history: They were booked as BROTHERS. The only reason we see Christian as just Christian at the moment is because Edge wasnt around when he re-debuted. Edge and Christian were a dominant tag-team, and gave some of the best promos of their era.
Christian on RAW could work but Smackdown for christian will definetly work. A lot of superstars get their big break on smackdown. Some one already said this but look at Jeff Hardy 3 time world champion. Look at CM Punk # 1 heel in my oppinion on smackdown and also won 2 out of 3 of his world championships as a member of smackdown and he's becoming 1 of the most talked about wrestler(so is the miz) I think CM Punk could possibly be superstar of the year. Edge 9 time world champion he won 7 of them I beleive as a member of smackdown now do you get the picture. Smackdown is the place for future multiple time world champions. If christian went to smackdown it would be the best thing for him.
Regardless of where Christian ends up, I feel that he needs to be kept apart from Edge, i.e. on a separate show. Edge won the Royal Rumble and is building momentum of his own, guaranteed a main event place at Wrestlemania. Christian needs to be on a different show. Christian is a fantastic talent and personally, I think he'd fit into Smackdown better, assuming that Edge makes the switch to Raw. I'd like to see him feud with CM Punk or Jericho. A Christian/Punk feud is a feud that could potentially be carried for months, even without a title being in the picture.
When Christian Came To The WWE Everyone Thought He Was Heading To Smackdown! But The WWE Turned The Tables On Us And Moved Him To ECW, He Then Became The Lonest Reigning ECW Champion Under WWE's Banner, it Proves To Everyone Hes A Well Trusted Champion And a Great Worker, My Opion Is That He Might Head To Raw Since He Did Show Up There A Week Before ECW Shut Down For Good, I Think He'll Probably Feud With Sheamus Or Some Heel Raw Mid-Carders, I Thikn He Will Occiasionally Main Event Raw But Only In Tag Team Matches, I Think He'll Feud With The Miz And Take The U.S Championship From Him, So The Answer To Your Question How Well Can Christian Fit Into Raw, I'd Say He Will He'll Go To The Top In The Next 4-5 Months And We'll Just Have To Wait And See.
I think he'll fit just great if they give him some mic time.

I think there's a good chance that this will happen:

Christian wins MITB at Wrestlemania. Edge beats Jericho for the belt. Christian "out-Edges" Edge by cashing in and taking his former partner's newly won title right then and there.

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