Would Christian be better off on Raw or Smackdown?

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I really have to say that I´m impressed by Christian, he really is flawless in the ring, he doesn´t botch and has an amazing charisma which led him to stardom on ECW but do I think it´s enough for SD! or RAW ? He is definately ready to be on SD, it´d be great to see some fresh new match ups on there, for example Morrison Vs Christian or Punk Vs Christian.

He has the ability to carry someone who isn´t at his level to a decent match and someone on or above his level to a great match.

At this point I even believe that he doesn´t need Edge anymore to shine, he has ability to make himself work.
Christian's job is to hold down the fort on the second rate show. He's the draw on the show and no one else can hold that mantle or would be willing TO hold that mantle. Christian is more than likely stuck in ECW for a spell until the WWE is able to find someone else who can be a serviceable champion on the ECW brand. Christian's in ring skills aren't to be taken lightly. He's a great worker and with solid competition, can put on a great match like he did with Jericho. But as far as wishing he was on another show, it's not going to happen unless there's a guy who just fits the mold as the second rate champion. Right now, that mantle is bestowed onto Christian.
I agree Lariat. He is the one guy right now perfect for this spot in the WWE. If Shelton can get the ball rolling, I can see him taking that spot in the near future. Rhyder, Jackson, Kozlov and Tatsu shouldn't be leaving ECW anytime soon or down the road. Use those guys to really elevate Shelton and get him to face Christian. I think Christian can help build up Shelton well enough to take his place on ECW. Christian is a good worker, and Shelton is nice in the ring and more athletic. Christian is gold on the mic, and Shelton has really stepped that part of his game up as of late.

Christian is the main draw there right now, but there's enough talent there that can be used to replace him with the right build up. This is the perfect place for him now though.
at the moment Christian is the only reason i watch ecw, in saying that the amount of stale athletes on each brand surprises me and its not long before he becomes stale. a move to monday nights or a straight swap with mvp would keep me happy to continue watching raw and ecw. lets face it mvp needs to be the face of a show, and ECW is the place where he can do that
The problem for ECW is that in order for anyone to watch it, it needs to have someone that is over, but who isn't essential to either of the other two brands. Cristian fits that bill perfectly, but probably the only other people that do are Kane and Matt Hardy who have both already done it, and then maybe MVP or a returning Booker T. I imagine Christian will be quite stale by the time we get to the next draft, and he will finally head to Smackdown. As it stand now, he is developing other talent quite nicely, and as long as he moves in the next 9 months or so, I'm not bothered.
I believe that Christian SHOULD move to Smackdown, but not to feud with Edge. Instead to tag with him. They seem to be building Edge up to turn face when he returns and with Batista and Mysterio split, Smackdown is without a top face team.
Not necessary for him to move. He's fine on ECW. He's not slipping into the mid-card anywhere. He's main eventing, he's still entertaining the fans. He's pretty much the glue keeping ECW together right now. Who are they gonna put on as the top dog if Christian was to leave? Nobody right? Tatsu? Dreamer? Regal? Yeah, they're talented. But that just wouldn't work. Christian's doing the good job of putting himself and other talent over at the same time. He can make the other talent look credible and look like a threat but not make himself look weak. Of course there's a lot more for him to do on ECW, but Smackdown is just so full of people right now, he'd probably just get lost in the shuffle.
Why people want to see Christian moved to Smackdown! and then promptly buried in the mid-card muddle is beyond me. Personally, I'd rather see some of the quality Smackdown! mid-card talent moved back to ECW to feud with Christian. It would give all involved improved air-time to develop their characters and feuds and keep them in the title hunt. Think how interesting Christian vs. Matt Hardy would be!
I think that he would be better off on Smackdown making himself and others look good while persuing either the IC or WHC. Being on Raw would just make him more dull in my opinion. Plus, he could work against Edge or Y2J.
This isn't even a close one here! SmackDown! for sure. Oh yeah sure there's Raw and the live audience and top exposure, but with Triple H, HBK, Orton and Cena hogging the spotlight, no chance will he make it to the top there. He'll be given a great chance on SmackDown! and there's plenty of mid card and top level talent for him to face and the setting there would benefit him a whole lot more.
Christian would not benefit from being anywhere else except ECW. Right now, Raw and Smackdown are full of wrestlers contending for main event spots. On ECW, Christian is the kingpin. He's the champion and the center of the card. Even though it might be considered the B Show, it's better than not getting hardly any TV time at all, which is what would happen if Christian was to be on Raw or Smackdown.

I don't quite understand why Christian gets so much hype. He's a good wrestler, but highly overrated by most of the IWC. On ECW, he can feud and help build newer wrestlers. Jack Swagger, Sheamaus, and others have gotten a rub from Christian, which tells me that he's doing his job on ECW. Right now, they can't find anyone else to take the mantle from Christian either, so until that happens and some thinning out of the main event takes place on either Raw or Smackdown, Christian should stay on ECW.
Personally, I feel as though Christian would benefit more by being on Smackdown. The title scene on Smackdown isn't as congested by ego driven stars such as Raw. I mean look at it Undertaker is willing to put people over, Jericho as well and so is Rey, the only guy who might not do the job would be Batista. The guys on Smackdown also would benefit Christian's in ring style better then Raws, in my opinion. Also, Edge is on Smackdown and just imagine Christian finally winning the world championship from his own "brother" Edge. That would be a great moment in wrestling if you ask me. Plus Smackdown was started by The Peoples Champion and The Rock did declare Christian as The new Peoples Champion a couple of years ago. Send him to the show he belongs on, Smackdown.
I'd prefer him to stay on ECW for the time being until someone comes in who is able to hold up the ECW main event spot, maybe Shelton Benjamin (if he got the proper push and quit just doing the bare minimum). But if he were to move I'd like him to go to Smackdown since he could easily put on great matches or feuds with John Morrison, Matt Hardy, CM Punk, or even Edge when he's recovered.
yeah I would love to see E&C back again, especially against the hardyz or the likes of Jerishow, but they need to bring Captain Chismras to SD so he can shine
I mentioned this in another thread, but I'll go into more detail. Christian would do great on either Raw or Smackdown.... but it depends also on which brand Edge is on. Edge & Christian were one of the best teams ever.... but so many people feel that Edge is superior to Christian. If they were to be on the same brand, I have a bad feeling that Christian would be overshadowed by Edge. Edge has had so much more success since they split up. I'd like to see them feud or even reunite their old team.... but not right now. Maybe later in the future.

If Christian is going to become an established main eventer on Raw/Smackdown then he needs to stay as far away from Edge as he can. Once he is more established and closer to Edge's level, then that would be a perfect time for them to feud and it would be an amazing feud no matter what brand it happens on. Heck, they could have them on separate brands and it make it a Smackdown VS Raw match at Wrestlemania. Not this year's obviously, but sometime.

So.... once again. Christian would do fine on either brand, but he should not be on the same brand as Edge if and when he gets moved out of ECW.
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