How to use "The Wildcat" Chris Harris

Rated K for Kennedy... Kennedy!

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I've gotta say I'm pretty high on him based on his work in TNA. He's got good ring experience, he's got a great look and size for WWE and I think he could make a splash as far as upper-mid card at least. But the question is how to use him? I believe his real name is Chris Harris, but "The Wildcat" might be trademarked, so what to do with him? Do you think he'll make a splash?
Personally, I can't stand Chris Harris. I think TNA made the right decision on which member of AMW to push after the split. Harris looks sloppy and I find it more exciting to watch paint dry.
With that being said, he does have the size that attracts the WWE to wrestlers so there may be hope for him. As a single's wrestler, I don't see Harris moving any higher than the lower mid-card range. To be successful in the WWE you have to be able to cut a good promo. Harris' mic work was always sub par- his "intensity" feels forced and comes off unconvincing. Harris should be brought in as part of a tag team. He enjoyed his greatest success in a tag team and we all know that the WWE is desperate for some legitimate teams.
Chris Harris has no charisma, no look and no gimmick unless they create one for him. Perhaps he's a good wrestler and perhaps he's a nice guy, but what he isn't is entertaining. He's a "bigger" guy but how many big guys of late can actually put on a match that's interesting. The highest he likely go will be a tag champ with a random pairing with some other boring wrestler. He might, MIGHT be ok as a body guard type. He simply will not be over unless he does something RIDICULOUS and I have no idea what that could possibly be.

He's like an additional Chuck Palumbo.
I can see them putting Harris with Cade since since it looks like Murdoch and him are on the splt they would be able to keep his trademark cowboy look going that fans were use to seeing with him in TNA with Cade. As of for the wildcat im not sure if TNA tradmarked it.
I think there was a thread like this before that I posted in, but I'm too lazy to look. Even if there wasn't, I'm sure I've said this at some point, but I'll say it again anyway...

I haven't seen Harris wrestle, cause I'm not a fan of TNA, and I can't watch 10 solid minutes of it without shutting it off (especially if its not on mute, cause of...Don West? Is that his name? Idk, "bearded idiot on commentary" lol), so I don't know if Harris has a slow-paced & powerful style or what....however, from the looks of him, I can't see him being a London or a Kendrick, lol. That being said, with other people far more deserving of top spots as well as IC/US/ECW title reigns, I say they should team him up with Chuck Palumbo (someone I find boring) and have the two of them help out the tag team division.
him and a Chuck Palumbo tag team would be okay. since Chuck and Chris dont look like singles action wrestlers. hell the Miz has a better shot at a singles career than those two.

maybe the bad-ass gimmick, that Taker had before he switched back to the dead Man, would work best for Chuck and Chris as a tag team.

i dunno have Duece and Domino square off against Chuck and Chris in a turf battle.
You could possibly bring him in after the Cade/Murdoch feud and have him side with Lance, possibly interfering or creating a new team with Trevor Murdoch as supposedly Trevor is going nowhere after this angle. You could also bring Harris in as a protege of JBL, like they did with Orlando a few years back, and Harris would be much better suited for the role. The rub would make him an instant High-mid carder.
The Cade/Murdoch connection seems natural, though why? I can't really see who that would help. Harris is an alright talent. Plunking him in to a body guard role seems like the best option. Maybe for someone like Estrada on ECW, though he doesnt seem to get himself into much in the way of conflict. Maybe stick him in a tag program with Knox, as Smackdown! and Raw have more than enough folks on the roster.
He could just be like MVP and ride the mid card scene. I mean in TNA there was to many other talents that needed pushed and there was no mid card title for him to go for.

If it was up to me id have him be a Regal type fighter because thats who he reminds me of and go for the intercontinental title.

He has a good moveset and can pull of a match or 2, he even can get by on the mic enuf. All he needs is WWE to give him a push.

He isnt a cowboy that was James Storms gimmick i dunno what the hell Chris Harris gimmick was supposed to be really.
Chris Harris will be nothing more than jobber in WWE, probably adn ECW jobber at that, I really don't see WWE doing anything with him, they'll change his name give him a crappy gimmick, then job him out, maybe stick him into some Tag team, but I really doubt they even want to do anything with him, he's a former TNA star, and a bland one at that, WWE hasn't really ever pushed any former TNA talent they have picked up ever, except for Monty Brown, and even that was a pretty half assed pushed
So ok as a singles wrestler in TNA Chis Harris didnt really cut it, but if its one thing that WWE can do right they can make talent and stars theres absolutly no denying that! Failure to them doing that with Haris when he coems in then perhaps he'll put with Hardcore Holly haha! But seriosuly I think if WWE spend enough time of getting him a gimmick and that much needed charisma then he should be fine, but I dont see him making an impact unless possibly on the ECW brand.

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