How to put someone over without losing - Cena and Swagger

They both put on a good match. Cena sold well and made Swagger look more credible than he already is. Althought the botched DDT left me rolling my eyes. Jack should've improvised and not try to snap the DDT of when falling, very dangerous. He could've brought him down slower, fall towards the ropes, wrap his legs around (like an MMA choke), and let the ref break it. That was my first thought when Cena slipped into him. And Cena did slip.

This should've been the match that Stone Cold didn't want to give Brock Lesnar back in the day. Swagger/ECW Title got a push yesterday and I'm glad. I've loved this kid from jump. Lesnar/Lashley left bad tastes in my mouth and I want legit mat badasses in pro wrestling.

I want Jack to stay on ECW, brag about taking the champ to the limit. Complain how WWE Executives are holding him back because they saw last night that their 'golden boy' can be beaten. Make his close call to Cena seem as the reason ECW is 'held back', "They're scared of us!"

This can build to interpromtional stuff where they cross paths again at Night of Champions and just build to where Cena demands WWE feed him Swagger at Royal Rumble to shut him up. And have Swagger beat him, clean/unclean, doesn't matter. Instant long term feud.
i'm just going to say it. i don't like john cena. and i don't like triple h. however, that should not suggest that i do not respect them. actually, i don't respect triple h either. haha. but after the swagger/cena match last night, i have a great deal more respect for cena. i didn't want cena to win, i wanted swagger to kick his head in, but i have more respect for the guy all the same. as far as the ecw championship is concerned, i am still under the impression that it is a legitimate world championship. and as long as swagger carries the strap right now, ecw is going to attract a lot more attention after last night.
Not much to say about this match that hasn't been said already. I think that was some of Cena's best in ring work that I can remember...ever. Swagger looked great and Cena definately helped in that process. With the obvious exception of Cena slipping when Swagger was going for the DDT, it was an obvious flub but Swagger recovered from it quite well in my eyes for as new as he is. Swagger looks even better than he did coming in to the match (I still haven't seen his NWO match vs. Finlay that I heard was quite the debochle). Cena didn't gain any more respect from me, because I already respect John Cena the man, the unselfish superstar... I just despise the way he's booked and how he wins matches with the same 4-5 moves of doom each time. As someone else said, Triple H needs to be watching John Cena and learn how to be unselfish and let other people headline and be in the main events than his previous Evolution cohorts, and quit making Orton look like he couldn't beat up a fish out of water.
The match, and the promo precedeing it was fucking GREAT. I wanted to mention, did anyone else notice that Swagger's lisp is all but totally gone?? Great give and take promo leading in, and a fantastic, back and forth match between the two guys on the "A" show. there was a very easily heard "lets go Swagger" chant among the defiant fans. fantastic. Cena did all he could, and while I wouldnt put ALL of the onus on him for the quality, he was fantastic in it, making Swagger look good.
I agree completely. What a class act that was last night, the way Cena handled that whole match. He let Swagger show what he has and showcase his ability, both on the mic (while green I know, was a good start) and in the ring. While I know there are a LOT of Cena haters out there, both in the IWC and the regular population, you have to admit he has done, for the most part, what is good for business.
Cena has always been that type of guy that is willing to help put over younger guys. Taker does it well too, and Michaels. Swagger is going to have an awesome future with WWE and last night just showed that he can go toe to toe with the best. The only problem is this only happens when good guys (Cena, Michaels etc) are involved. You get someone like Trips or Batista and you can kiss your career goodbye.

I respect Cena alot, i also respect Trips but he just doesnt give anyone els a chance and it shits me to tears.
I aint a Cena fan as welll and yes i have bashed on him, but what he did last night earnt him a page of respect in my book.

Like what The Rock did for Lesnar this could be that start of something great for young swagger.
Cena gets bashed alot and I'm not a mark but I've always respected his love for the business. That what separates him from the Hogan's of the world. Hopefully if your not a fan he can aleast get your respect.
Ya know, Sam, I was thinking the same thing about this match after it was finished. You are absolutely correct with your views of this match. I have been a huge fan of Jack Swagger from the first time I saw him and his match versus Cena proves how good he is and how good he should be in the future.

I have to give major kudos to John Cena for putting on a spectatular match. He did, in fact, make Swagger look like a legitimate champion. He sold every move and allowed Swagger to perform on his level. I think the Cena/Swagger match puts a little bit of credibility back into the ECW championship- and it was desperately needed considering that Swagger didn't even get a spot on the WM25 card.
Did Cena make Swagger look like gold? Of course. My problems with the match have nothing to do with the wrestling.

The commentary was stupid. No matter how good all of it was, the fact that Lawler called Jack Swagger "John Swagger", shows how much he's really talked about behind closed doors.

The segment with Swagger and Cena buried him. Cena did what he always does, but Swagger was made to look like a fool. He had no comeback when Cena got on "The All-American American" line. I'm not saying he should've, or could've owned that segment, but something would've been better than standing there, looking like an ass.

The finish. What the hell? Fine, Cena won. I get that. But, why make Swagger tap out? A pinfall victory would've looked better. Tapping out, to anybody, makes him look weak.

I was impressed that Cena actually used an STF, and not some weird version of it.
The NSL F'n Show said:
The segment with Swagger and Cena buried him. Cena did what he always does, but Swagger was made to look like a fool. He had no comeback when Cena got on "The All-American American" line. I'm not saying he should've, or could've owned that segment, but something would've been better than standing there, looking like an ass.

I kind of thought that. I didn't think Cena buried Swagger. I thought it made Cena look stupid actually.

"The All-American American. That's like me saying the Champ is here..... here, or You can't see me.... me"

No John, that's not the same thing at all.

Either Cena thought he was talking to Mr. Kennedy or he was just showing us how bad his liguistic understanding really is.

And Swagger stood there with a look on his face that said 'did he really just say that? And people are cheering this?'

Which is exactly what i was thinking.............

...... but yeah, they did have a great match (with the small exception of that floatover into a botched DDT, but that looked so brutal that it didn't really matter). Someone mentioned Swagger looking weak because he tapped out to the STF? I don't think it hurt Swagger tbh. This is a hold that HHH, HBK, Jericho, Orton, Edge and god knows how many others have tapped out to so i don't think it reflected badly upon Swagger personally. The fact that Cena felt the need to hit the Attitude Adjustment AND lock in the STF came across to me as Cena believing he needed to use both of his trump cards in order to beat Jack Swagger, just the AA wouldn't have cut it against someone of The AAA's calibur.

It was far better than a 6 diva tag where only 2 divas 'wrestle' and the finish is a big boot, but then that goes without saying
No one expected Swagger to win this match, thats common sence. However, since I cannot watch ECW, I never knew how swagger looked. Watching him against Cena made me a fan. Before Taker/Micheals, I was never a fan of the actual wrestling aspect of things, but that put things in perspective, and Cena/Swagger was, in my newly opened eyes, a great match, and put over a man who desperatly needs as much push as he can get.
Was a good match and I agree Swagger looked strong, althoug hthe segment before didn;t make sense. Cena isn't that funny tbh and so should stop trying.
I can see why the WWE pushes Cena, why they have so much faith in the guy, what he did was what most top tier talent are supposed to do, prepare the next generation, he sold Swaggers every move and made the kid look almost unstoppable.

I remember reading on WZ that MCMahon wasn't too high on Swagger but is adimant on pushing him, what a better way to do so then give this kid a great match with one of WWEs Top Tier Talent, I love ECW its my favorite brand now with the Cena rub i hope that Swagger uses that momentum to establish himself as the championship great that Cena is, I got a new found respect for the World Heavyweight champion, now i can see why he is MCMahons pet project, three cheers for Cena all are giving Cena WAY too much credit for that much considering Swagger CARRIED him in that match. Anyone else notice how SLOW Cena looked in there against Swagger? Cena was literally moving at 1/4 speed of Jack. Cena should be ashamed of himself.

Granted, it was pretty awesome that Cena let Swagger get that much offense in, but I should be thanking the road agents (probably Arn for RAW since Steamboat does Smackdown!) for having them craft that kind of match. Fact is, though, that Swagger brought the goods and he utterly floored Cena. He outclassed him on the matt, outclassed him in striking, and had Cena so flustered he didn't even put the STF on correctly (hooked the wrong leg). The DDT botch was actually Cena's fault as he didn't fall with the flow of the move...he hesitated like a bitch, so it looked sloppy (thank God Swagger put some gusto on it and ended up PULLING Cena down with him, showing you just how much impact the move COULD have had). So, Cena didn't put Swagger over...Swagger put HIMSELF over...he just happened to have Cena in there with him.

This is why I continue to say that Swagger is going to be HUGE someday...World Championships, PPV main events, and the coveted Undertaker Mania streak will be all his someday...

I dunno, maybe I just overanalyze things since I'm a worker, but I'll be DAMNED if anyone thinks Cena was the one to make Swagger look good...SWAGGER made Swagger look good, and he made Cena his bitch in the process.
Cena did put Swagger over. Fact of the matter is, HHH wouldn't. In the same situation, we would've seen a 5-minute match, a pedigree, and HHH celebrating looking as though he wasn't even in a fight. That's not to say that Swagger didn't step up to the plate, but let's be honest.

Raw is Ramsey said nothing about Triple H, fact of the matter is, Triple H has nothing to do with this. He was simply saying that in his opinion, Jack Swagger carried the match, and put on a clinic.

Now I understand you feel the need to bash Triple H, but there are more than enough dedicated threads for that, this is about Cena and swagger, the fact is, in the three paragraphs you quoted, Triple H's name was not mentioned a single time.

How many matches have Swagger and Triple H had?? you cant say that Triple would crush swagger and shit on his face afterwords, because you feel that Triple H is an out of control ass hole that shits all over everything.

To stay a little on topic, as I already said, Swagger and Cena both put on a Damn good match, Cena had to sell it, but Swagger had to pull it off, credit goes to both, maybe even more so to swagger. I have to say that two of the three best Free T.V matches this year have included swagger, Swagger/Christian on ECW and Swagger/Cena on RAW, both outstanding matches, better than half the shit I pay for with PPV's. Swagger has a pretty bright future in the WWE, with some fresh faces on ECW now I can for see some pretty good matches and feuds If the decide to leave the belt on swagger.
People like Cena, Edge, HBK and Kane etc... are good at putting people over and they don't always lose. I just wish people like Triple H would do the same. Imagine how strong Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase would look right now if Trips had afforded them some of the good treatment his fellow main eventers show on a regular basis. Instead they get more or less buried every time they are in the ring with him...
While I don't disagree with the submission finish, I would have booked it a bit differently myself. I think Cena and Swagger did a great job in this match, as my last post states but the ending could have been different and had an even larger impact, with Cena still winning.

I would have had the 5 moves of doom come out, up until the FU, but as Cena went for it, I would have had Swagger escape. Then have him set up the gutwrench powerbomb but have Cena swap that into a rollup for the quick pin. The doesn't kill Cena but would have allowed the announcers to talk about how close Swagger truly was. Talk about the "rookie" mistake he made and how he was that 1 mistake from victory. Take the build from there into how he took the other champ to his limit and he could have taken off even farther.
When I saw the match advertised, I thought "huh, Cena's going to run over him". I was shocked how good both of them looked in the match, Cena for letting Swagger dominate him, And then Swagger, For taking the ball and running with it. Cena is slowly turning me into a mark for him, Every now, And again he will does something that will make me think "wow, What a guy."

And anyone that watches ECW know's Swagger has the good's to put on a great match.
I thought this was a great match. Both Cena and Swagger contributed well and put on a show for the fans. I was never a huge Swagger fan and i was actualy wishing for the day he got realeased(he annoyed me)but recently with his ECW title reign push and his match with Cena he could be a possible upper mid carder and possibily a main eventer one day.:)

Got to give Cena his props too, the man made Swagger look pure gold, like he does with quite a lot of his opponents. I would like to see another encounter between these two at a bigger stage once Swagger is established enough.
from seeing Swagger(my first time even hearing of him) i figure he'd just big some huge rigid bum with a fake title, but Cena really sold this kid. he definitely dominated the match and looked as if he was gonna take it over the top. it made me want to see him wrestle again.. lol @ his nickname tho the all american american haha cena was clowning him for it
I think too much credit is being given here. I really didnt like the use of the STFU as it soured the match. It made Swagger look very weak. I was also bothered by a lot of moves not coming off very crisp. Whether Swagger was nervous or it was an off night, Cena didnt take a lot of suplexes and slams the way I would have liked. Painful looking.

The pre match promo wasnt, in the words of a certain Norcal, "FUCKING GREAT". It was your typical John Cena interview. Makes fun of his opponent in a lame, not funny joke format. But did anyone wish that kennedy would come in after John Cena repeated "All american....american" about 3 times?


no? just me? must have forgotten my meds this morning

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