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How to make Wwe better?


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Now this thread is NOT BASHING THE PG ERA.I got into wrestling during the Pg era so there is no need for me to bash it.I hear alot of people talking about how the pg era is killing Wwe so how would you make it better?That means staying in a Pg format.So no live sex scenes, no Over the top violence( a gunshot to the face ) Dont laugh or make fun of me for posting that because their are atleast 1 or 2 people who would suggest something like that.So what would you do to better Wwe.
1. More unpredictability in the writing. Did anyone on planet Earth think Darren Young was gonna beat Cena this past Monday RAW? Did anyone think Orton was going to lose cleanly to Gabriel? Etc. Occasionally in the sports world, there are these things called "upsets". That never happens anymore in WWE.

2. Let titles occasionally changes hands on RAW. Don't go overboard...but, in line with #1, make us viewers actually wonder if the title might indeed be lost during a particular Title Match, rather than watching for the obvious count-out, DQ, run-in, etc.

3. I personally like Stables and the feuds that develop from having a few. I could be in the minority here though.

4. Better tag team division.

5. Eliminate the Count Out as a way of having a DQ. It's lame lame lame lame lame. Just eliminate the count-out completely, actually. Noone in their right minds would run away from a title match to chase some yahoo thru the crowd if they knew they'd lose their title chance. It's a stupid, lazy way to end a match in a DQ rather than a clean fall. Hell, a run-in is better than a dumbass countout.
Completely agree with Tully re: suggestion 1. Being in the UK, I record the live RAW and for most matches, I can fast forward through the match to the ending. I'd also suggest that the match lengths are more unpredictable. For example, I always know when there will be a commercial break during a match so I fast forward until the second half of the match. Now if they started catching me out a little, I bet it'd make things more interesting too.
Better booking, the Nexus should've went over at Summer Slam just like Legacy should've went over DX last year. It was my understanding that they wanted them to look like a dominat force in the WWE. I'm not saying they should've had a clean sweep but they should've went over to remain strong. Same with Sheamus, RKO didn't really need that win but they really need to make Sheamus look like he can legitimately beat someone of note, I can't think of a match he's had with a main eventer that he won cleanly.
1. More unpredictability in the writing. Did anyone on planet Earth think Darren Young was gonna beat Cena this past Monday RAW? Did anyone think Orton was going to lose cleanly to Gabriel? Etc. Occasionally in the sports world, there are these things called "upsets". That never happens anymore in WWE.

Completely agree. WWE has become painfully predictable over the years and that is one thing I would like to see more of. Even though its alright to be predictable sometimes it gets a little annoying when you can turn on RAW, Smackdown or a PPV and in 10 minutes know whats going to happen. Take this Mondays RAW for example, I think everyone knew that Nexus was going to win every match except the one involving John Cena, I for one knew Young was going to face Cena, lose, then get a beatdown at the end of the show.

Another thing I would like to see is for them to cut back on the PPV's. I don't have a problem with having a PPV once a month if you have enough going on to warrant it (like Attitude era WWE). Right now most PPV's are thrown together (not all, but most) and don't have enough build to them. PPV's should always be special and it gets annoying when there is really no difference between a PPV and a RAW, if you get one for free why would you pay $40 to see the PPV. I'm not saying only have 4, but having 7-8 would be better as it would give the WWE more time to build a PPV that people want to see and in return increase buyrates for those PPV's. If the PPV's are built correctly they will make the money back they lose from the PPV's they drop.

Lastly I would take a more old school approach to building the talent. Stuff like Vignettes and promos before they enter a WWE ring helps a lot as it gets the superstar familiar with the audience (like what they did with Alberto Del Rio). Not only that I would hold off on giving young talent monster pushes unless they really truly deserve it (like the Miz). Guys like John Morrison, R-Truth and Evan Bourne are all good talents who have bright futures, but if you push them too quick (like with Jack Swagger) the superstar will never reach its full potential. Swagger getting the title did him no favors, it certainly didn't help him get over more with the crowd. Nothing wrong with pushing young talent, just don't shove them down our throats like they did with guys like Rocky Maivia.

I would also like to see the booking get better.

Those are a few things I would like to see changed.
Tully, you made some really good points. I think that the unpredictability is the way to go. They need to bring some new names into the title scene. Also, someone who wins the Money in the Bank should lose their cash in opportunity. Every now and then they need to throw in an upset. What if Justin Gabriel did beat Randy Orton? The WWE Universe would be turned upside down. Also, they need to have some more title matches on weekly shows. What if Randy Orton and Sheamus fight this coming Monday and Orton wins? The feud doesn't have to end there. They can rematch at the next PPV.

Anyway, that's all for my agreeing with you, but on to my actual suggestions.

1. Stop with the stupid comedy bits. I don't mean all comedy bits, because some of them are funny, but I don't watch wrestling to laugh. I watch it because it's drama fueled fighting. There can be a funny storyline every now and then (Molly Holly wearing granny panties) and such, but they don't need to have Hornswoggle. He's a waste of time. Santino was actually a decent wrestler once upon a time also.

2. The women's division used to be something I liked watching. It was great when Lita, Trish, Ivory, Jazz, Molly, and Chyna were tearing it up, but when all of them left, the division collapsed, and I know it's going to be hard to ever be at those standards again, but isn't it at least worth trying? I don't think anyone will ever surpass Trish, but they can give it a go. The only problem is that they focus too much on how the girls look now, and not enough on their talent. I think Lita was gorgeous, but she wasn't all frilled up. Neither was Jazz. Think about some of the best women's wrestlers that there were (with the exception of Trish) and then think about how they looked. Jacqueline, Jazz, Molly, Lita - none of them were outstandingly beautiful.

3. Tag teams. Make it better. Period. You have the pieces. Put the damn puzzle together. Hart Dynasty, Usos, Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu, and the Straight Edge Society - Bring in some tag teams, and make it work. TNA does a great job of this. BMI, MCMG, GenMe.

4. Face/Heel turns. John Cena needs to be a damn heel again. He did some of his best work when he was doing his rapper gimmick. Maybe Jericho should be a face again. Sheamus could take his first face turn. A member of the Nexus could go face and join the WWE side of things.

5. Drop some unused talent. There is WAY too much going on right now. I haven't seen Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, William Regal, Ezekial Jackson, Zack Ryder, or any number of people on shows lately. It's getting carried away. Stop hiring people. Fire some under-performers. Combine the World Heavyweight and WWE title and have the champion travel to different shows, and once every couple of PPV's have a triple threat with a challenger from each show. Combine the women's and Divas titles back into just the Women's. They did the right thing with the Tag titles, but when is the last time the Hart Dynasty went to Smackdown? Keep the US and Intercontinental titles separate - they need to be TV titles, essentially.

Those are my opinions.
Wrestling has the ability to really become interesting again but they stick to what they know,to what has already been done. However it seems that the creative team is scared to lose there job or to think out side of the box. WWE dosent realize the talent they have on board they continue to pass over guys who are in desperate needs of pushes. Christian,Matt Hardy,MVP WWE needs to see that Matt Hardy has the biggest fan following in the WWE I am not a hardy fan, however it doesnt take a genius to see how many fans love this schmuck. It will boost ratings and should rake in a lot of cash in merchandise. Turn Christian Heel and give him a push, he is the most entertaining personality in WWE at this moment. Who besides Alex Riley is as entertaining? MVP, I dont know how to put in words his worth, he is just over looked. WWE is having a hard time getting out of this slump.
Prediction of writing is the reason I dont watch TNA, WWE is just as predicting,however I am already invested into wwe therefore I still watch.
Stables, bring stables together have them be lead by a midcarder have undercarders in it and it should give more people spots in wwe,it should give the midcarder a push, and makes things unpredictable.
Make it ok for people who are over to lose. Change the foundation of the business its time for a change. HHH leader of Nexus. WCW Faction back abunch of old WCW Wrestlers pissed that vince screwed it up killed it. With everything I said I believe if WWE follows it ratings could rise. You have to think what do the fans want to see? The answer is .............. something they never seen before.
Tully, you made some really good points. I think that the unpredictability is the way to go. They need to bring some new names into the title scene. Also, someone who wins the Money in the Bank should lose their cash in opportunity. Every now and then they need to throw in an upset. What if Justin Gabriel did beat Randy Orton? The WWE Universe would be turned upside down. Also, they need to have some more title matches on weekly shows. What if Randy Orton and Sheamus fight this coming Monday and Orton wins? The feud doesn't have to end there. They can rematch at the next PPV.

Anyway, that's all for my agreeing with you, but on to my actual suggestions.

1. Stop with the stupid comedy bits. I don't mean all comedy bits, because some of them are funny, but I don't watch wrestling to laugh. I watch it because it's drama fueled fighting. There can be a funny storyline every now and then (Molly Holly wearing granny panties) and such, but they don't need to have Hornswoggle. He's a waste of time. Santino was actually a decent wrestler once upon a time also.

2. The women's division used to be something I liked watching. It was great when Lita, Trish, Ivory, Jazz, Molly, and Chyna were tearing it up, but when all of them left, the division collapsed, and I know it's going to be hard to ever be at those standards again, but isn't it at least worth trying? I don't think anyone will ever surpass Trish, but they can give it a go. The only problem is that they focus too much on how the girls look now, and not enough on their talent. I think Lita was gorgeous, but she wasn't all frilled up. Neither was Jazz. Think about some of the best women's wrestlers that there were (with the exception of Trish) and then think about how they looked. Jacqueline, Jazz, Molly, Lita - none of them were outstandingly beautiful.

3. Tag teams. Make it better. Period. You have the pieces. Put the damn puzzle together. Hart Dynasty, Usos, Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu, and the Straight Edge Society - Bring in some tag teams, and make it work. TNA does a great job of this. BMI, MCMG, GenMe.

4. Face/Heel turns. John Cena needs to be a damn heel again. He did some of his best work when he was doing his rapper gimmick. Maybe Jericho should be a face again. Sheamus could take his first face turn. A member of the Nexus could go face and join the WWE side of things.

5. Drop some unused talent. There is WAY too much going on right now. I haven't seen Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, William Regal, Ezekial Jackson, Zack Ryder, or any number of people on shows lately. It's getting carried away. Stop hiring people. Fire some under-performers. Combine the World Heavyweight and WWE title and have the champion travel to different shows, and once every couple of PPV's have a triple threat with a challenger from each show. Combine the women's and Divas titles back into just the Women's. They did the right thing with the Tag titles, but when is the last time the Hart Dynasty went to Smackdown? Keep the US and Intercontinental titles separate - they need to be TV titles, essentially.

Those are my opinions.

What your saying is the complete same thing wwe is doing Same ol shit they always have and its crappy your just saying things with out thinking. Shemeaus face? Cena Heel? One of the only reason wwe is relivent is cause cena is a money horse. They wanna ride it till the wheels fall off. Shemeaus cant be a face fella no one would follow him. He is a main eventer. Try again young fella
Match endings. I have to agree, they need to shake things up with their booking. I know that WWE Title is NEVER changing hands on RAW, it's not happening. And build the tag division, like others have said, the pieces are there.

Allow ALL champions to go back and forth between shows, and quit shoving the same top guys down our throats every week. I get that Cena is the top dog, and Vince likes to trot him out to every live RAW event. But does he have to wrestle every week? Can't we give those top spots to some other guys once in a while, let Cena talk, maybe do a backstage segment and stay out of the ring every couple of shows?

I remember back in the 80's when I was a kid, you didn't see Hulk Hogan wrestling every week on Saturday or Sunday mornings, you were lucky if he even showed up to do a promo. They ran it more like a real sport is run. MMA fighters, boxers, they all need a little time off between matches to heel, refresh and refuel. Why shouldn't WWE superstars do the same?

I'd MUCH more enjoy seeing Orton, Edge, Jericho, Cena, etc. if it wasn't a guarantee that I'm going to see them EVERY SINGLE WEEK.
- More spontaneous finishes (Bret vs Owen at WMX is a perfect example). I understand the importance of finishing moves, but overusing them makes matches seem too choreographed

- Managers. Great way to help talents who aren't so good on the mic

- Re-emphasize the tag team division. Seriously some of the greatest moments of the late 90s/early 00s involved tag teams (E&C, Hardys, Dudleys, Outsiders, etc). It's such a shame to see tag team wrestling now. It seems like the only important tag matches nowadays are the ones with all the World Title contenders thrown in together

- Cruiserweight division anyone? I don't know how many others agree, but I'd like it brought back. I really enjoyed it in WCW. Rey Mysterio has NO BUSINESS winning world titles and I think it would help develop guys like Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, etc.

- Unify the Women's Titles and cut the division in half. I don't mind women wrestling as long as we get to see the best of the best. So they need to get rid of the ones who just aren't cutting it. I'm tired of the botch-fests.

- Longer non-title feuds. This is a good way to keep the Ortons and Cenas out of every single PPV title match. One of the great feuds in recent memory was Jericho vs HBK, and it was over personal differences, not a title. Title matches are important, but personal feuds can be just as good. I don't like how they abandoned the Edge/Orton feud so soon, it had a lot of potential.
1. More unpredictability in the writing. Did anyone on planet Earth think Darren Young was gonna beat Cena this past Monday RAW? Did anyone think Orton was going to lose cleanly to Gabriel? Etc. Occasionally in the sports world, there are these things called "upsets". That never happens anymore in WWE.

So, Kane cashing in the MITB contract the same night he wins MITB doesn't count I take it? The NXT Season I Rookies appearing at the end of Raw, destroying the ringside area and laying a 15 minute beatdown on John Cena doesn't count? Sheamus becoming #1 contender for the WWE Championship last year and going on to win it doesn't count? You don't consider Sheamus winning the WWE Championship in his first shot at it a bit of an upset? What about the return of Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam? See, the problem with unpredictability is that it's extremely difficult to pull off in wrestling these days, particularly when it comes to the IWC. How many members of the IWC spend their time looking for stories regarding spoilers of matches for future shows or potential feuds scheduled to take place in the future? The WWE is a company that cannot win when it comes to the IWC in general. When Sheamus won the WWE Championship, it was the most unexpected thing to happen in 2009 in either WWE or TNA. Nobody really saw it coming and how did the IWC react when it happened? Surprise surprise, it was one criticism after another. There's no pleasing too many fans in the IWC because all they want is everything. They want everything to go down exactly the way they think it should go down involving exactly who they think should be involved. When things don't happen their way, here come the complaints. I'm not saying that the WWE shouldn't be criticized sometimes, don't get me wrong there, but the IWC simply wants too much and is unrealistic in much of what they want in the first place. Or, they simply ignore incidents of the WWE doing the things that they'd like them to do.

2. Let titles occasionally changes hands on RAW. Don't go overboard...but, in line with #1, make us viewers actually wonder if the title might indeed be lost during a particular Title Match, rather than watching for the obvious count-out, DQ, run-in, etc.

Titles do change on Raw occassionally. They don't happen very often and that's just the way it should happen. The WWE United States Championship has changed hands 6 times since March, 2009 and all the title changes have taken place on Raw. I'll grant you that the thing with Bret Hart & The Miz was a rather lame example, but there are still 5 legitimate times it's happened in roughly a year and a half. Also, the last two times that the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship changed hands happened on Raw with ShowMiz beating DX and The Hart Dynasty later beating ShowMiz.

3. I personally like Stables and the feuds that develop from having a few. I could be in the minority here though.

Well, the WWE does have The Nexus and the SES but it's unlikely that anything is going to happen with those two factions in terms of feuding with one another. As far as faction feuds go, I can live with them or without them.

4. Better tag team division.

Yeah, this would improve things. Since the Hart Dynasty got the titles, the tag division has really stalled out. If they're not going to do much with the tag scene on Raw, then they could make good use of Smackdown or even Superstars. Since the WWE made new tag titles, maybe it'll wind up being a fresh start for the tag team division.

5. Eliminate the Count Out as a way of having a DQ. It's lame lame lame lame lame. Just eliminate the count-out completely, actually. Noone in their right minds would run away from a title match to chase some yahoo thru the crowd if they knew they'd lose their title chance. It's a stupid, lazy way to end a match in a DQ rather than a clean fall. Hell, a run-in is better than a dumbass countout.

Count outs and DQ have their place and can often be used to move things along with certain wrestlers and certain feuds without anyone losing any heat. If a wrestler gets counted out, then he often doesn't lose any strength in the eyes of fans. Edge lost via count out to Heath Slater and I think one reason why people have harped on the cheap wins that The Nexus got on Raw was because of some of the cheap endings that took place at SummerSlam. I agree that it gets irritating to have cheap endings happen in ppv title matches such as with Orton/Sheamus. Save that kind of ending for a build up match between the two wrestlers before the ppv in my opinion.
Now this thread is NOT BASHING THE PG ERA.I got into wrestling during the Pg era so there is no need for me to bash it.I hear alot of people talking about how the pg era is killing Wwe so how would you make it better?That means staying in a Pg format.So no live sex scenes, no Over the top violence( a gunshot to the face ) Dont laugh or make fun of me for posting that because their are atleast 1 or 2 people who would suggest something like that.So what would you do to better Wwe.

poor guy (just kidding :))

The major problem I have with WWE now is... everything. The first issue I have with it is that no episode of RAW seems different from the last. I feel like every time I watch it, it is the same shit I watched the last time.

I'm sure everybody can expect to see Cena making "funny" jokes, and now you can expect Orton to have his little convulsion-like fit before he hits the RKO (am I the only one who thinks his ring-pounding looks ridiculous?) And you can expect Miz to go cut a "great" promo, and you can expect a few "solid" matches, and then a crappy divas match that not even the biggest WWE mark would pretend to enjoy. Add to this the horrible commentary team.

Oh and the way they push people on the roster is, to quote Orton, "stupid, stupid, stupid". For example. Jack Swagger has no heat, then they give him MITB, then they make him look weak, then he wins the title, then everybody remembers how boring he is and stops caring about him, and now he isn't appearing regularly on SmackDown (from what I gather). Then there is the story of Punk's MITB wins. Then there is MVP who was on fire for a while before they murdered his push and turned him face. Then there is Sheamus who I keep forgetting is the champion because I see absolutely NOTHING in him (Other than that he says "fella" and has a funny theme song :| )

Okay so after all this ranting, the major thing I would change would be the way people are pushed. I would give them similar pushes to Miz, even though I hate Miz I think he is getting pushed very well, as he didn't get shot right up to the main event.

Then I would fix the commentary team. Fuck Cole. I know everybody loves him now cause he's heel-ish but honestly I think Josh Matthews is carrying him on NXT from what I've seen.

Then I would do something to make one night of RAW seem different from the last. I know this isn't as easy said as done. But it would probably be a good idea if WWE were to create some actual storylines and feuds, this Nexus shit is not working imo

...and I just realized how negative this post was. Oh well nobody reads my posts anyway lol
So, Kane cashing in the MITB contract the same night he wins MITB doesn't count I take it? The NXT Season I Rookies appearing at the end of Raw, destroying the ringside area and laying a 15 minute beatdown on John Cena doesn't count? Sheamus becoming #1 contender for the WWE Championship last year and going on to win it doesn't count? You don't consider Sheamus winning the WWE Championship in his first shot at it a bit of an upset? What about the return of Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam? See, the problem with unpredictability is that it's extremely difficult to pull off in wrestling these days, particularly when it comes to the IWC. How many members of the IWC spend their time looking for stories regarding spoilers of matches for future shows or potential feuds scheduled to take place in the future? The WWE is a company that cannot win when it comes to the IWC in general. When Sheamus won the WWE Championship, it was the most unexpected thing to happen in 2009 in either WWE or TNA. Nobody really saw it coming and how did the IWC react when it happened? Surprise surprise, it was one criticism after another. There's no pleasing too many fans in the IWC because all they want is everything. They want everything to go down exactly the way they think it should go down involving exactly who they think should be involved. When things don't happen their way, here come the complaints. I'm not saying that the WWE shouldn't be criticized sometimes, don't get me wrong there, but the IWC simply wants too much and is unrealistic in much of what they want in the first place. Or, they simply ignore incidents of the WWE doing the things that they'd like them to do.

I did clearly type "more unpredictability", implying that there is, indeed, already some...just not enough.

Were you on the edge of your seat this Monday RAW thinking Cena might actually lose cleanly to Darren Young? See, to me- that was AWFUL booking. Anyone and everyone knew exactly what was going to happen.

And that's my point re:predictability. I just FF'd thru that match to the also-predictable NEXUS beatdown. There's WAYYYY more predictable moments like this than the handful of good moments like the ones you mentioned.

Kane's title win was one of my favorite moments of the past few years, so thanks for mentioning that. Noone deserves to hold the World Title more.

And look what an awesome moment that was, due to noone-expecting it, and how well-received Kane's title reign has been. While probably half is just due to knowledgeable fans like yourself knowing that Kane deserved it, some surely is from the "Wow - didn't see THAT coming" segment also.

Titles do change on Raw occassionally. They don't happen very often and that's just the way it should happen. The WWE United States Championship has changed hands 6 times since March, 2009 and all the title changes have taken place on Raw. I'll grant you that the thing with Bret Hart & The Miz was a rather lame example, but there are still 5 legitimate times it's happened in roughly a year and a half. Also, the last two times that the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship changed hands happened on Raw with ShowMiz beating DX and The Hart Dynasty later beating ShowMiz.

When was the last World Title change televised? I honestly don't know - not trying to bait ya here. :shrug:

Also, I saw those Tag Title drops as hurting the Tag division more than helping them. It was no surprise to me whatsoever to see ShowMiz drop the straps.

Yeah, this would improve things. Since the Hart Dynasty got the titles, the tag division has really stalled out. If they're not going to do much with the tag scene on Raw, then they could make good use of Smackdown or even Superstars. Since the WWE made new tag titles, maybe it'll wind up being a fresh start for the tag team division.

There's an idea - have the Tag Champs defend on both Smackdown and RAW. Have several teams ALWAYS gunning after them. Agreed - 'fresh start' is needed.

Count outs and DQ have their place and can often be used to move things along with certain wrestlers and certain feuds without anyone losing any heat. If a wrestler gets counted out, then he often doesn't lose any strength in the eyes of fans. Edge lost via count out to Heath Slater and I think one reason why people have harped on the cheap wins that The Nexus got on Raw was because of some of the cheap endings that took place at SummerSlam. I agree that it gets irritating to have cheap endings happen in ppv title matches such as with Orton/Sheamus. Save that kind of ending for a build up match between the two wrestlers before the ppv in my opinion.

Obviously you're right here - Count Outs are just a lame pet peeve of mine.

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