How to debut Prince Devitt??

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
Now that Prince Deviett has signed with the WWE I wonder how he will be handled. Will they change his name to something stupid like Colin McDonald or Patrick Flanagan? How long will he spend in nXt?? And how will they debut the over seas star??

I would not have the vignettes live Rusev, Rose & Dallas.
I'd have hi. debut like the Shield & Uso's by coming through the crowd. I'd have him come out & attack Sheamus & go straight into a U.S. title fued. He could also say he is a real Irishman & Sheamus is a joke.


With Batista taking time off to promote his movie & all the Evolution needs a new member I think that would be a great way to bring Deviett to the main roster.

So now I'm asking the IWC how would you guys Debut Prince Deviett??
I don't think it matters how they debut him because he will just be another jobber or get released. He is awesome and my favorite non WWE wrestler but he is no different than Kofi, Tyson, A Double, and all the other guys that can work a great match but is weak in just about every other aspect of wrestling.
Good luck if you want to see him as part of Evolution. As far as I know, he's still waiting on his work visa, so may not even move to the US until June/July/August. He'll likely have a stint in NXT first to acclimate himself into how things work in the WWE, and it'll probably do him some good. I wouldn't expect to see him on the main roster for a little while yet, maybe not even this year. We'll see, but I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do.
Knew this was coming when he was announced he was finishing up his New Japan obligations. He's such an extraordinary talent that I have no doubt the WWE will be able to properly utilize him, if this was say even 5 years ago? I'd have serious doubts, but with Hunter in charge of talent relations and the mega pushes Bryan, the SHIELD, and Cesaro among others have received I actually have a bit of confidence in the WWE and their handling of indy and international stars coming into the promotion. They'll undoubtedly want to play up his Irish heritage and it should do a good job of getting him over along with his hard-hitting strong style. Fans are going to warm right up to him very quickly like they did with Bryan, though maybe not as quickly because Bryan was a more well known name to your casual WWE fan before coming in than Devitt is now. As for what they'll do with him, I imagine a good chunk of time will be spent down in NXT like they've down with Generico and everyone else they've groomed for main roster success, and I have no problem with that though I hope they don't keep him down their quite as long as they've kept Generico/Zayn down there because it's not like he needs seasoning or anything, just a bit of time to adapt his in ring style to fit within the confines of the WWE system.

This is excellent news for the WWE and their long term goals, as it adds yet another young, extraordinarily talented young wrestler to their stable of them who has all of the tools necessary to become a big star for them just like Bryan and the SHIELD have done when given the proper chance. As a longtime fan of Devitt this news leaves me with a big grin on my face for the future, and I'm even more thankful the WWE decided to sign him and he didn't wind up trying his hat in TNA, where they would have undoubtedly misused him like they do everyone. If anyone deserves a shot at the big stage, it's Fergal Devitt.
Piece of cake. He'll debut as Fergal! (always with an exclamation mark). Fergal! is your typical leprechaun-hunting, potato-farming, soccer hooliganing Irishman with a scrappy demeanor and surprising amount of fighting spirit for such a wee lad. He was a fan of Sheamus on the Irish independent scene and felt inspired by his success (when news of his WWE championship win over Cena made its way to Fergal!'s idyllic village last month), enough to hop the next steamer ship to Ellis Island. He saved up enough from menial factory jobs and underground fight winnings to make it to WWE offices and apply for a job as a bona fide Superstar.

Sheamus can introduce him to the crowd as a giddy fan "just like each any every one of you scamps", and beg us to "Please give the little fella a chance. He might not be championship material, but what he lacks in strength, size, ability, experience, and the sheer likelihood of victory, he makes up for with dancing!"

Fergal! (dressed as a 19th century immigrant) then proceeds to do an elaborate jig before Sheamus hands him the mic, leading the crowd to encourage a short speech. Fergal! clears his throat, stammers, and finally says: "I... I just want to say how happy I am to be following my dreams. I don't have much in this world except me traditional Irish dances, but hope one day I'll be as great as Sheamus!" This kicks off Fergal!'s whirlwind run as mainstay enhancement talent on Superstars.

Note: The preceding is an example of how to terribly handle a great talent. While we all hope reality will fare better, I look forward to WWE debuting Devitt in a manner worse than this.
Colin McDonald or Patrick Flanagan (lmao) or some other stupid jobber name like Michael McGillicutty II (rofl because it's just one of the stupidest names I've ever heard ).
Bring him in in a stable with KENTA and Kevin Steen (both rumoured to be joining the NXT 2014 summer class) around the time the Shield split. Break the illusion that WWE exists as the solar object in its universe and have them say how NOAH, New Japan and ROH's top* guys all loved their former companies and didn't want to leave, but the reality is that WWE has eaten the market and they had no choice to come and make livings for their family and future and that they feel no remorse about doing whatever it takes to get to the top. If you give them long enough together as they have with the Shield and the Wyatts, you get to understand the subtleties of what each man brings (which is why you have Harper marks, or people who never knew Tyler Black who love Rollins to bits). It's not the most original idea but an original idea might be too daring for a company treating every unpredictable move of their ratings and stock as the fault of the unfamiliar aspects on the TV show.
Honestly, to the IWC, Prince Devitt should be thrust right into the main roster and start working with somebody like Sheamus because we know he has the talent to do so... However if we are looking at this logically, I would say that MAYBE 10% of the regular WWE audience have actually heard about Devitt or know who he is... Not very much.

Devitt will probably go through NXT for a while and get the same treatment as Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, Rusev, etc. The guy will get his chance to make his mark but most likely, he will be booked like evry other NXT star... He'll come in with some stupid vignette, run through some jobbers and than HOPEFULLY be put in a meaningful storyline. Do I like this idea? Not particularly, but it's what is most likely.
How is he going to be debuted? On NXT, under a different name, and you won't see him on the main roster for a solid 6 months minimum. If you were a fan of this guy, and are expecting some grand debut in the WWE, you're just kidding yourself.
He'll be Fergal McFly... just so Vince can use the Biff Tannen schtick of having Sheamus walk in and yell "MCFLYYYY...I thought I told you never to...or Ambrose can do the knocking on his head... hellooop!!!!" Or he'll be Adam Rose's bunny who turns on him next Easter...

In all seriousness his Joker look this week was pretty sweet, I personally hope whatever his gimmick is based somewhat from it, not the Ledger look exactly but off beat dress, dark demeanour with the facepaint... Would be very interesting to see someone other than Sting rocking facepaint in 2014.

In reality he's gonna go to NXT for possibly 3 months, possibly under a mask in the opposite to Zayn, that way they can preserve his actual debut gimmick/look until hs real debut... part of the to and fro and length of the deal was probably him wanting some kind of assurance that he's not gonna spend "too long" in NXT... indeed Alberto Del Rio was a similar level on his entrance and spent barely a couple of months in FCW just to acclimatise.

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