How would YOU debut?

oddly enough i was tihnking about this on my way home from college today(its a long ride i day dream) anyways this is how i would do it. I would start out as a ref, I"m about 5'11 and stocky built type, much like tazz you could say.. anyways.. I'd be a ref and i would constantly be abused by a heel like lets just say Randy Orton, i would constantly be the ref in his matches and he would toss me aside week after week, then one week as he's beating down on Dibiase(after his face turn) I would attempt to stop him only to be punched in the face and thrown out the ring, then as he finishes and gloats to the crowd in the right i would grab and chair and cut his kness out from behind, i would go to town on his knee smashing it with a chair and using a figure 4, then i would go bret hart on his ass and do the figure four on his legs using the ring post, as the refs get me off and try and drag me away, i grab the chair again and smash his knee with the chair into the ring post, i would have a sick look on my face as if i had gone crazy. So first i think that would put me over well as a face and then it would give me a realistic beatdown on a top star with the help of a weapon.

just a thought...
My debut, if I was a wrestler, would come after I attended some sort of wrestling school, preferably one associated with the Hart family, after graduating, I'd scrounge for any indy appearance I could get, work and learn. Finally I'll make it to one of the bigger indy promotions, perhaps ROH, make a name for myself, my gimmick would be "Gentleman Jim Star" which is basically doing promos and interviews as a face, then wrestle like a full heel, I'd fine tune it, make it work and finally, make it to the main event in ROH. Then the WWE calls me up, I'd jump ship in a flash, there I am, with my gimmick and the experience I formed through the years, they say I need to go to developmental for a little while, just to learn how the WWE does thing, so I say ok, I've been patient so far, what the heck ? After 3 years in developmental, they say I'm ready for a shot at ECW, so I say great ! I tell them about my gimmick and how I'd like to debut to challenge the champion very politely and ask for a fair fight, then as soon as he turns around to leave, I hit him, and we start a feud, where I talk like I'm the face but act as the heel, they listen carefully, but they tell me creative has other ideas, that are much better, so they send me to creative. Next thing I know, I'm wearing a mask and jobbing to Koslov in a squash match, I think that would be my debut.
There's one of two ways, and it depends on which fed i would be in as to how i debut. I'll do them both.


over the course of a couple weeks, some of the New Breed ECW People (Swagger, Christian ect) would get laid out. No bias on if they are heel or face. Its just that they are the new faces of this lame new ECW. I would leave clues, notes, even audio tapes/cds at the attacks. After laying out the new breed for a few weeks, suddenly they find Tommy Dreamer laid out.

The following week, probably at the end of the show, I would make my entrance. Smash Your Enemies by Hatebreed would play. I would come out holding the ORIGINAL ECW title, the one from back in the day. Not that pretty little bit they have. I would cut a promo. Name dropping, Tommy Dreamer, Justin Credible, Raven, Mikey Whipwreck. I claim responsibility for destroying all these so called "new school ECWers" and then, i would take the responsibility for dropping tommy dreamer. The reason I would give, would be along the lines of "how can you, an ECW original, let them do what they did to ECW. I grew up watching you, the Innovator Of Violence. You let them ruin this, and you. This goes for all the ECW Originals, you let them destroy what you loved. Well, I am here to take it back. This title, it is what the real ECW title. Things Are About To Get Extreme"

I'd leave the ring, and start a program, probably with both Dreamer and Christian/Swagger. Thoughts?


Now as elaborate, but i'd probably steal the X-Division title, because i know i wouldn't be High Level enough to try anything else. or the Legends belt, saying i'm the new legend in TNA. i'm more into the ECW angle i wanna do though :)
Well, this is the type of angle I'd use:

I'd debut in TNA because that company is ripe for parody, which is what my gimmick would center on. I'd debut as a fan who won a contest and got to do commentary for an Impact taping.

During that commentary, I'd repeatedly mock certain performers/angles/gimmicks and break kayfabe.

At some point during the evening I would act fed up, get into the ring, and cut a promo about everything that's wrong with the business/company. I'd say that I'm here to shake things up and bring the sports and entertainment back to sports-entertainment.

My gimmick would involve showing up when least expected and saying things that no one else is allowed to say, sometimes breaking kayfabe. I'd rip on management, creative, wrestlers, fans, one would be safe.

I'd call myself "Wild Card", because no one would know what to expect from me week in and week out.
I'd do promo vignettes all week airing on RAW, ECW, and SmackDown. Then on Superstars I'd walk out before a brand champion 3 way dance with Punk's MITB briefcase, the screen would cut to backstage and show Punk all mashed up, and declare myself in the match saying that I can go for any championship at any time, so they best all watch their backs in the match. I'd take out Orton and Edge with various weapons, and then I'd cash in the MITB clean to fight Christian for the ECW championship saying that its about time the brand had a really extreme champion. Also it'd raise the estimation of the ECW championship as it'd show that I chose it whilst I could have easily taken advantage of taking out the heels. But instead I did the tweener thing of taking out the heels, and then having a clean win over the face.
There's one of two ways, and it depends on which fed i would be in as to how i debut. I'll do them both.


over the course of a couple weeks, some of the New Breed ECW People (Swagger, Christian ect) would get laid out. No bias on if they are heel or face. Its just that they are the new faces of this lame new ECW. I would leave clues, notes, even audio tapes/cds at the attacks. After laying out the new breed for a few weeks, suddenly they find Tommy Dreamer laid out.

The following week, probably at the end of the show, I would make my entrance. Smash Your Enemies by Hatebreed would play. I would come out holding the ORIGINAL ECW title, the one from back in the day. Not that pretty little bit they have. I would cut a promo. Name dropping, Tommy Dreamer, Justin Credible, Raven, Mikey Whipwreck. I claim responsibility for destroying all these so called "new school ECWers" and then, i would take the responsibility for dropping tommy dreamer. The reason I would give, would be along the lines of "how can you, an ECW original, let them do what they did to ECW. I grew up watching you, the Innovator Of Violence. You let them ruin this, and you. This goes for all the ECW Originals, you let them destroy what you loved. Well, I am here to take it back. This title, it is what the real ECW title. Things Are About To Get Extreme"

I'd leave the ring, and start a program, probably with both Dreamer and Christian/Swagger. Thoughts?


Now as elaborate, but i'd probably steal the X-Division title, because i know i wouldn't be High Level enough to try anything else. or the Legends belt, saying i'm the new legend in TNA. i'm more into the ECW angle i wanna do though :)

That would be an awesome debut, I like the way you make it look like Dreamer and then rip on him for letting ECW have its extreme taken out. Yes I agree that it carries on the tradition of building new stars, and I'm happy about that. But ECW was known for technically acute matches, as well as hardcore matches... just look at RVD, he's a master of speed, agility, power and hardcore all at once... not just a spotmonkey as ECW naysayers would argue. They seem to forget that all of the Radicalz, Mysterio, Jericho etc came from there... heck lets not forget Stone Cold, WCW shit on him pretty bad, and Heyman helped to fuel what is now known as the "Austin Era/Attitude Era"
I would debut in ECW attacking Evan Bourne as soon as hes finished in one hell of a match with Paul Burchill, I would then take my belt of and whip the shit out of him before the referees attempt to pry me off the body of Evan Bourne, next week i would be in the ECW general managers office in an attempt to ask me what the hell i was doing and the reason why i wouldnt have charges pressed against me for the attack on bourne, i would be asked my name and proceed to leave mid conversation as i bump into Paul Burchill he proceeds to talk to me as i slap him across the face in mid sentence....

I then proceed to berate him and call him a failure to Queen and country, he gets angry before his sister stops him, I look him square in the eyes before being attacked by Bourne in an incensed rage, Bourne proceeds to beat on me before Burchill proceeds to brawl with Bourne in my defence, it leaves the fans puzzled to what the hell is going on..

I then show up on raw aiding regal against MVP as myself, regal and Burchill proceed to attack the Us champion, we all stand tall in the middle of the ring as the screen fades.

Next night i am on Raw letting the fans know who i am. I would be the manager of champions from some kayfab english fed and i came to the wwe to elevate the british talent that has been buried by americans all this time.

for this to work i would be working cross branded shows, raw and ecw forming a coalition of british talent our main goal to completely rule the WWE.
The lights would go out, and the whole arena would be dark for about 25 seconds. Then, on the Titantron the this is only a test screen pops up, and a loud beep occurs. some fuzziness on the screen, and then my face appears and I would say the following.

"It has been too long, and now the time has come. I will stab Hulkamania in the Hart, and be the best there ever was. I am the man who walks alone into Death Valley, and destroys the Legend of the Wrestlemania. I am the man who will break the Heart Break Kid, and will shatter the dreams of of the many not just the few. You won't see me, and they will soon forget-U. I will break the walls down to conquer the WWE, not even the King of Kings nor the McMahon family will stop me."
Good question.

I would debut as a jobber of sorts. Rey Mysterio and say...MVP would be in a feud for the IC title or some mid-card belt. MVP would beat the crap outta the jobber on Raw.

Mysterio would be next vs. his jobber. I would already have came out after the commercial break, so no TV entrance. I would then get on the mic and deliver a spot-on promo on how I am not a jobber. I am above (name guy MVP killed), and as a matter of fact, I am above Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Shawn Michaels....I am in a class of my own. Given the way the WWE works, because I haven't proven myself, I am subject to matches against people who have no business in the ring with me...etc..."

The promo would be one of those Jamie Noble promos, where it looks like I'm just a cocky guy who sucks....but then when the bell rings, I just beat the hell out of Mysterio until he gets carted out on a stretcher. I continue to dominate on the show against lesser talent, with my gimmick being "I guarantee I win the title in 1 year's time!" Every match, I will point to the titantron, which will display my spotless record and my countdown. My wrestling style would be that of an early Golberg...simply badass and dominant.

My first loss ends up being a loss to Cena exactly 1 year later for the title. The title match would finish like that of Benoit/Rock at Fully Loaded 2000, where Benoit won on a B.S. technicality, the commisioner comes out, reverses it, Rock wins.

This would allow me to set up a program with Cena or other big names without just coming in out of nowhere and winning the title.

This debut would be realistic, unlike most of the responses which have title wins 1-2 weeks into your debuts. That didn't happen with Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, or John Cena. It won't happen ever, regardless of skill.

And I'd be a heel that was great. I wouldn't cheat to win, rather, I'd be just that cocky a-hole that always wins clean. This is what I want the WWE to do more often. An amazing heel wrestler who doesn't need to cheat to win. Brock Lesnar and Goldberg are great examples of what they need to do.

I hate Edge's coward gimmick. It just is stupid. He's got like 2 clean wins since his heel turn.
Being the son of a legend can have instant cred.

not really, you see sim snuka, where is he now?

but as to the debuting goes...this would be my debut

In the middle of a match between

WWE Championship
Shane O' Mac vs Randy Orton

Shane is about to win, then legacy comes in to "save Orton" and instead shane kicks their butts, and then I debut from out of no where and hit Shane with whatever my finisher would be...let orton pin him and when orton gets up in my face to find out who i am, the show ends with us standing face to face....instant impact on the WWE title picture (new legacy member)
and once into the WWE for a couple months, maybe like 2 years, i turn on Orton myself and take the WWE title from him saying "that was my plan all along"
what do you think?

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