How racist was Saba Simba?

I don't see this as racist at all. It's a bad gimmick, but the idea is that he is an African Warrior. It's a cultural gimmick and the only thing that makes it racist is white men who are uncomfortable with other cultures. Kamala was a tad bit racist, slave master and all. NOD was reverse racism, but that was the point. In fact, I find Cena's original rapper gimmick to be more insensitive than this.
How is John Cena, a man who has actually released a rap record, being a rapper more insensitive than a man who had spent the previous 10 years as Mr. USA dressing up like an African warrior all of a sudden? I suppose that's why I find it more offensive than Kamala. Kamala may have been more racially insensitive, but the guy had that gimmick for as long as he was in the public conscience. This on the other hand was "well, we've got nothing for you Tony, unless you want to dress up like a tribesman".

As for saying Saba Simba isn't racist, because the Mexicools were as well, doesn't mean it's ok to discriminate does it? I understand that people don't find this offensive, and they're entitled to that opinion, but people who say stuff like "it is racist, but that's wrestling for you" should be ashamed of yourselves. Your argument is literally the same as saying "It doesn't matter that Hitler killed Jews, because he killed gays and gypsies too. That's Nazism for you".

I know that wrestling is stereotypes galore, but there is a fine line between stereotyping and outright racism, and this is the former, in my opinion.

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