Funniest Promo of All Time

Da Truth

Pre-Show Stalwart
I like going back watching some of the old wrestling promos and vignettes; yesterday I came upon some that really made me LOL!!! I was wondering what would u guys say that your funniest promo, vignette, backstage moment, etc. would be.
Two of my top five favorites came by total accidents
1) The infamous Booker T/Harlem Heat promo( Hogan, we comin' for you, Ninja). As soon as he said you knew he messed up, but Stevie Ray covered for him pretty well.
2) The debut of the Shockmaster, truthfully that promo was funny before he even came out and fell; it sounded so scripted but it was well worth it.
My others are 3)the Booker T-Goldust bedroom scene, 4) Roddy Piper with Kamala & the Wizard on Piper's Pit & 5) William Regal dancing around with Cryme Tyme and Ron Simmons comes with the "Damn"!!! Honorable Mention: Tony Atlas, Abraham Washington, & Big Dick Johnson at the Slammy's.

What are your favorites???
Yes same thing with Booker and Goldust. You brought me some good laughs as I looked some of there promos up online. Lol another Funny promo is when Angle did his rap as he was dressed like Cena. Thought that was pretty funny too.
Anything with The Rock. He was gold back in 1999-2002. I think all of his promos insulting guys like Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Booker T, Shane McMahon, Rikishi, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, etc.. Were all hilarious. No one could have pulled it off better than The Rock.

The only time I had a better laugh in Wrestling than a Rock promo was when Kurt Angle unexpectedly kissed The Big Show, low blowed him, and then Angle slammed him. It was just so god damn hilarious.

And there was that one time where Rico(with his gay character) kissed Bubba Ray who was on his knees closing his eyes and expecting a kiss from Miss Jackie. When Bubba realized he just kissed Rico the look on his face was priceless.

And one last one was when DX screwed with Vince's mic back in 2006 I know a lot of people hated DX 2006 but I found them so entertaining fucking with guys like The Spirit Squad and Jonathan Coachman.
I just remembered a classic, when Jericho and The Rock were at the entrance ramp mocking Steph, Booker and Rhyno xD

The rock going meep, meep to Booker and Jericho's "We're dealing with THE GORE.. and The WH-- " XD

and THEN the Rock - "Booker T and Shane, The Punk as-- sucker and the silver spoon motherfu--er" XD

So golden. Epic.
Anything with Booker and Goldust the promo with The Rock is genius, poor Booker spends five minutes trying not crack up laughing how they all managed it is beyond me and also special mentions to Angle who used to have me in stitches time and again, everyone mentioned so far are worthy candidates but ill stick with the original answer, the Booker and Goldust segments! Brilliant TV!!
Years ago, Reverend D-Von cut a promo before a match about how he doesnt *********e until Farooq (his opponent) came out and admitted that he does *********e and he got a standing ovation. Reverend D-Von was so underated and so underutilized. Pisses me off to this day

Nash and Hall were always great with a live mic.

On Nitro Bret Hart just became World Champion and was talkiing about being the best. He was wearing his t-shirt that said "The Best' and his Hitman logo on it. Hall and Nash interrupted him and said that just because he is wearing a t-shirt that says he's best doesn't make it so.

Hall then looks at his shirt and says "well that makes me "the landing strip"!" Hilarious! I was laughing so hard I missed what Nash said.

I remember absolutely losing it on an episode of Imapct when Nash powerbombed Consequences Creed and said something like "I guess that makes you Unconciousness Creed.."
Intentionally funny? Or unintentionally?

Intentionally I love pretty much anything Santino does. I like that style of comedy. Saying stuff in a funny way "Rodney the Pipers" and shit like that.

Unintentionally, probably every single Ultimate Warrior Promo ever. Like raising the IC title in front of his face and snorting and talking about Ho Kogan and the "THE POWA THAT'S FLOATIN THROUGH THE VEINS OF THE WAYIAAAAA" Actually most late 80s main event promos were hilariously nonsensical. Hogan's promo at Mania 4, slamming Andre "the fault like will crack brother and fill up and I'll swim all the little hulkamanicas to safety and.....and...thank GOD Donald Trump is a hulkamaniac and he believes in the power" just fuckin crazy shit, what fault line in New Jersey? What the fuck?

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