How Long Until Vince...


Dark Match Jobber
How long do you think it will take Vince to buy TNA or for TNA just just crumble and go out of business.

I know TNA is really no compitition to the WWE right now, so they are not a threat at all, but we all know Vince he has to own everything that has to do with wrestling.

My question to you is when do you think Vince will buy out TNA or when do you think TNA will fall and go out of business. Or do you think TNA will be around for a while and have a bright future. Share your thoughts
I don't think Vince will buy out TNA. If TNA goes under, Vince would probably just buy their video library and maybe pick up the contracts on some of the top wrestlers. Other than that, I don't think he has any interest in them.
bottom line vince isnt worried about tna there not a threat to him and it will take alot to get them there and with that being the case hes not worried about buying them out and as far as tna going out of business its not gonna happen there growing as a company and keep improving once they get a solid following and can improve there ratings everything just goes up from there.
i dont think tna will go down until they run out of money.

i gave tna a chance but its only a matter of time and they will crumble when they run out of money so vince will not buy out the company if he wanted to he would have already done it
its hard to predict the future when it comes to a company like tna. while they are doing everything they shouldn't do, and heading towards the cliff fast, it cannot be denied that they have a strong financial power from being the second largestr pro wrestling company in america, so the cliff is still miles away. i think they will be around for another three odd years or so, after which they will have to take some major progressive steps if they want to avoid the same fate as the others who tried to compete with WWE.
I dont think Vince feels the need to buy TNA because for one they are not a threat and two TNA is like a secret development ground for WWE. Before anyone takes it literally I mean TNA is easy pickings for WWE. Look at how much talent WWE snagged from them and ROH!! Vince probably in my opinion see TNA as a way of young talent paying they dues, seeing how they get over and making it to the big leagues...that being WWE. Nothing against TNA but I'm sure most their talent won't turn down a call from WWE. Its like if you play basketball and your playing overseas. Eventually your hoping the NBA notice you because thats where the best from all over the world is at
I am in no way a TNA fan at all, I don't care for anything they have to offer, however I DO want them to flourish as a company and be around for many years to come. The only reason WWE has had the few interesting feuds is because at least on some level the WWE does have to compete with them to keep viewers. The more TNA grows and the better they become, the WWE will have to continue stepping it up.
I dont think Vince feels the need to buy TNA because for one they are not a threat and two TNA is like a secret development ground for WWE. Before anyone takes it literally I mean TNA is easy pickings for WWE. Look at how much talent WWE snagged from them and ROH!! Vince probably in my opinion see TNA as a way of young talent paying they dues, seeing how they get over and making it to the big leagues...that being WWE. Nothing against TNA but I'm sure most their talent won't turn down a call from WWE. Its like if you play basketball and your playing overseas. Eventually your hoping the NBA notice you because thats where the best from all over the world is at

I laughed at this post, um exactly who has Vince "stole" away from TNA other than Kong? Also how many times are we gonna see "When is Vince gonna buy TNA" posts? It is like you WWE marks have nothing else to talk about. :banghead:
Vince will never buy TNA, at least no time in the near future. Reason being, they simply aren't a threat and never have been. WCW, on the other hand, was a threat. A large one. That's why Vince was so quick to swoop in and make the purchase.

I suppose it isn't out of the realm of possibility to say that someday TNA might be a legitimate worry of Vince McMahon's, but it certainly isn't looking that way as of now. With that being said, I don't see TNA floundering any time soon either. I would assume that TNA and WWE will carry on as they have been, essentially ignoring each other's existence.
People here say that Vince doesn't see TNA as a threat. Then answer me these questions?

1. Why did Vince re-sign Matt Hardy after firing him for revealing the Edge-Lita affair? Because TNA wanted to sign Matt Hardy, that's why.

2. Why did Vince re-sign Jeff Hardy a few years ago, and bring him back to WWE? Because TNA were set to sign Jeff Hardy at the time.

3. Why did Vince offer a new contract in WWE, despite Benoit failing Wellness THREE TIMES! Because Benoit was set to jump to TNA, as Jeff Jarrett tried to sign both him and Chris Jericho (who was out of the company at the time).

4. Why did WWE ignore Randy Orton's three-strikes for Wellness, as well as his numerous antics of trashing hotel rooms and pooing in diva's bags? Because he was seen as a future star of WWE, and if they had fired him, TNA could have picked him up instead.

5. Why was Vince McMahon upset that Kurt Angle jumped to TNA, when WWE had fired him? I mean, if TNA isn't a threat, and you don't want Angle anymore, why be upset? Shouldn't Vince have wished Angle "well in his future endeavours"?

The fact is, if Vince doesn't fear TNA, he should. Because the last time Vince, and everyone else thought that a company was no threat to WWE, it beat WWE 82 weeks in the ratings, and lost a swag of WWE stars in the process. No-one gave WCW, or "Monday Nitro" a chance, but stealing WWE stars, going live, and the NWO, told a different story.

TNA may not be able to offer the money WWE can, but it can offer more time off, and a "second chance". Also, the last person to take on Vince was Eric Bischoff, and Bischoff is currently in TNA.

Vince says that he doesn't see TNA as a threat, but then, he didn't see WCW or ECW as ones either. Vince would be a fool if he dismissed that TNA could turn into a major threat.

Also, if TNA went under, I think Vince would grab their video library, and sign people such as Kurt Angle (and don't tell me he wouldn't), James Storm, Robert Roode, Velvet Skye and Madison Raine. He would probably also re-sign Bully Ray, and would make offers to Mickie James and Tara as well. He might even sign Eric Young as a comedy character, to be a foil for Santino, or something.



my problem with that is that is they had to try to regain over the last few weeks to get back up to a 0.98 lol...when they finally get up to 1.50 for the first time, then I will believe your "2`s" BS.

if Vince thought WCW 21 talent contracts, video library, logos, trademarks were a bargain at $2 Million, imagine how much a steal TNA will be lmao
my problem with that is that is they had to try to regain over the last few weeks to get back up to a 0.98 lol...when they finally get up to 1.50 for the first time, then I will believe your "2`s" BS.

if Vince thought WCW 21 talent contracts, video library, logos, trademarks were a bargain at $2 Million, imagine how much a steal TNA will be lmao

TNA has already reached 1.5. TNA got a 1.5 rating on Jan 4th ,2010 when Hulk Hogan,Eric Bischoff,Ric Flair,Jeff Hardy,etc debuted on TNA so your point is moot.

I don't know what is people obsession with WWE. I watch all Wrestling companies and am not an ass-kisser for one company like many other marks on this site.

If TNA gets better WWE will do better and we will get 2 better wrestling shows.
When it comes to TNA I think they are competition and competition is good for business Vince even said when he bought out WCW it hurt the wrestling business so to have TNA around even though its still not real strong after 10 years its relevance is still there. However I think there is a problem with TNA, I don't know if anyone else thought about this, but I don't think WWE sees TNA as the #2 wrestling company.

See just because your on TV and Cable and you have guys like Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, RVD, Hardy doesn't necessarily make you #2, because if they were #2 when these guys have contracts that are about to expire why don't they talk to them? Guys like Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe they are great talent, but apparently not good enough. Lately if you pick up your scorecards the only three guys they snagged from TNA had been Chris Harris, Low-Ki and Awesome Kong, and only one of them still works for WWE, You can argue Christian, R-Truth, etc. But remember how many of them were WWE guys first. But in the ROH talent pool you Daniel Bryan, CM Punk Antonio Cesaro, and these are guys who are already getting face time and 2 of them are already Main eventers and Champions or former Champions, so what does that really say about TNA? Production wise you may be the #2 show, but I think from a talent standpoint ROH is #2 and hence why Vince will leave TNA alone for a while
Soooo... TNA sticking around and Vince just not buying it isn't a plausible option? Is the wrestling community this pathetically negative? There's no reason for WWE to buy TNA and there's no reason to think TNA will go out of business. So I'll just stick to that. Realism.
People here say that Vince doesn't see TNA as a threat. Then answer me these questions?

1. Why did Vince re-sign Matt Hardy after firing him for revealing the Edge-Lita affair? Because TNA wanted to sign Matt Hardy, that's why.

2. Why did Vince re-sign Jeff Hardy a few years ago, and bring him back to WWE? Because TNA were set to sign Jeff Hardy at the time.

3. Why did Vince offer a new contract in WWE, despite Benoit failing Wellness THREE TIMES! Because Benoit was set to jump to TNA, as Jeff Jarrett tried to sign both him and Chris Jericho (who was out of the company at the time).

4. Why did WWE ignore Randy Orton's three-strikes for Wellness, as well as his numerous antics of trashing hotel rooms and pooing in diva's bags? Because he was seen as a future star of WWE, and if they had fired him, TNA could have picked him up instead.

5. Why was Vince McMahon upset that Kurt Angle jumped to TNA, when WWE had fired him? I mean, if TNA isn't a threat, and you don't want Angle anymore, why be upset? Shouldn't Vince have wished Angle "well in his future endeavours"?

The fact is, if Vince doesn't fear TNA, he should. Because the last time Vince, and everyone else thought that a company was no threat to WWE, it beat WWE 82 weeks in the ratings, and lost a swag of WWE stars in the process. No-one gave WCW, or "Monday Nitro" a chance, but stealing WWE stars, going live, and the NWO, told a different story.

TNA may not be able to offer the money WWE can, but it can offer more time off, and a "second chance". Also, the last person to take on Vince was Eric Bischoff, and Bischoff is currently in TNA.

Vince says that he doesn't see TNA as a threat, but then, he didn't see WCW or ECW as ones either. Vince would be a fool if he dismissed that TNA could turn into a major threat.

Also, if TNA went under, I think Vince would grab their video library, and sign people such as Kurt Angle (and don't tell me he wouldn't), James Storm, Robert Roode, Velvet Skye and Madison Raine. He would probably also re-sign Bully Ray, and would make offers to Mickie James and Tara as well. He might even sign Eric Young as a comedy character, to be a foil for Santino, or something.

I wouldn't say that those "answers" are entirely correct...lets try again

Why did Vince re-sign Matt Hardy after firing him for revealing the Edge-Lita affair? - Because he knew he could take that real-life drama and make a good feud. It would draw ratings. TNA was probably a side note to re-signing Hardy..

Why did Vince re-sign Jeff Hardy a few years ago, and bring him back to WWE? Because Jeff Hardy draws ratings, and WWE wants ratings.. again TNA a side note to that.

Why did Vince offer a new contract in WWE, despite Benoit failing Wellness THREE TIMES! Because Benoit was one of the absolute best in-ring wrestlers in the world. Thats why.

Why did WWE ignore Randy Orton's three-strikes for Wellness, as well as his numerous antics of trashing hotel rooms and pooing in diva's bags? NOT cuz of TNA.. cuz Orton was a great young talent.. they didnt wanna lose him PERIOD, forget TNA

Why was Vince McMahon upset that Kurt Angle jumped to TNA, when WWE had fired him? Because they fired him hoping he would come to his senses, check into rehab and then he'd re-join the roster. And because it was Kurt freakin' angle! Vince prolly took that as a slap in the face.

So in closing... TNA does matter to wwe.. VERY VERY minimally at this point.
If TNA was to ever go out of business I do think owners of ROH would be given the first serious crack at buying TNA. Seeing most talent on the roster has worked for ROH in the past. Some have said TNA talent would jump ship if WWE was to call and thats a stretchable fabrication. TNA originals over the years since 2002 have been called and most of them basically told VKM thanks but no thanks. The two hottest young talents in the biz right now is Steen and Aries. If Aries was to add 10-15 lbs. of muscle he has the capability to be the next Shawn Michaels. Other than Aries I don't see any non-WWE guys going to the WWE. If TNA was to sell to ROH with a super merger I think thats when Heyman might decide to come back to the wrestling business for no longer than seven years if Sinclair Broadcasting was still involved with ROH.
TNA is a long way from going out of business. Now, whether Vince would buy them, I highly doubt it. He may sign some of their top younger talent if they were to go under, but that's about all he would do. Vince already has everything he ever wanted with the purchases of WCW and ECW. TNA could beat the WWE one day, it's hard to predict the future and what exactly it holds, but remember crazier things have happened in the wrestling business. My prediction is TNA hopefully beats out WWE one day, I know it's a huge wish and a whiff but anybody can dream.
TNA has already reached 1.5. TNA got a 1.5 rating on Jan 4th ,2010 when Hulk Hogan,Eric Bischoff,Ric Flair,Jeff Hardy,etc debuted on TNA so your point is moot.

I don't know what is people obsession with WWE. I watch all Wrestling companies and am not an ass-kisser for one company like many other marks on this site.

If TNA gets better WWE will do better and we will get 2 better wrestling shows.

:lmao: I laughed so hard at this. I like TNA don't get me wrong but that was over 2 years ago guy. They can't even get past 1.0 let alone draw a 1.5 nowadays. I personally am not obsessed with either company. I watch both shows regularly and while I agree WWE needs the competition I highly doubt TNA will be that competition anytime soon.
Vince doesn't need to buy TNA and he shouldn't fear them. TNA is no WCW. I think TNA will last awhile longer. I hope it gets better. I do watch both companies and TNA has talent and loyal talent. But Vince has ROH as bigger competion right now.
These things are so silly, Vince isn't going to buy every wrestling promotion that ever gets popular he has no need to. So much has changed since the WWF / WCW days where they were having the Monday night wars.

There is no reason why the two promotions cannot stay two promotions, no one is really being hurt. Vince has no need to buy TNA and TNA have no reason to fear failing and crumbling both promotions will be around for a long time.
TNA has already reached 1.5. TNA got a 1.5 rating on Jan 4th ,2010 when Hulk Hogan,Eric Bischoff,Ric Flair,Jeff Hardy,etc debuted on TNA so your point is moot.

I don't know what is people obsession with WWE. I watch all Wrestling companies and am not an ass-kisser for one company like many other marks on this site.

If TNA gets better WWE will do better and we will get 2 better wrestling shows.

they got 1.5 ONCE and haven't been close in recent months. TNA is competitive with the old WWE:ECW/NXT tv ratings. They have a ways to go to reach SD(1.80-Lower 2's) & Raw(2.80-3.40). They have alot of work to do to be remotely competitive. Im not being Pro WWE/Con TNA despite what you may think. in any industry, you compare your business to the industry leader

EDIT: In an additional thought, should TNA ever drop to a 0.50 or lower, SpikeTV would be more than justified in cancelling the TNA:Impact show
Only reason of why TNA isn't out of business is because of some investor funding them. Once that investor(s) quits (and I'm saying there aren't many... probably only a handful compared to the WWE) then TNA is done.

You know they're trying to compete and may be on the downhill slide because of the .99 PPV's they're offering now.
People here say that Vince doesn't see TNA as a threat. Then answer me these questions?

1. Why did Vince re-sign Matt Hardy after firing him for revealing the Edge-Lita affair? Because TNA wanted to sign Matt Hardy, that's why.

2. Why did Vince re-sign Jeff Hardy a few years ago, and bring him back to WWE? Because TNA were set to sign Jeff Hardy at the time.

3. Why did Vince offer a new contract in WWE, despite Benoit failing Wellness THREE TIMES! Because Benoit was set to jump to TNA, as Jeff Jarrett tried to sign both him and Chris Jericho (who was out of the company at the time).

4. Why did WWE ignore Randy Orton's three-strikes for Wellness, as well as his numerous antics of trashing hotel rooms and pooing in diva's bags? Because he was seen as a future star of WWE, and if they had fired him, TNA could have picked him up instead.

5. Why was Vince McMahon upset that Kurt Angle jumped to TNA, when WWE had fired him? I mean, if TNA isn't a threat, and you don't want Angle anymore, why be upset? Shouldn't Vince have wished Angle "well in his future endeavours"?

The fact is, if Vince doesn't fear TNA, he should. Because the last time Vince, and everyone else thought that a company was no threat to WWE, it beat WWE 82 weeks in the ratings, and lost a swag of WWE stars in the process. No-one gave WCW, or "Monday Nitro" a chance, but stealing WWE stars, going live, and the NWO, told a different story.

TNA may not be able to offer the money WWE can, but it can offer more time off, and a "second chance". Also, the last person to take on Vince was Eric Bischoff, and Bischoff is currently in TNA.

Vince says that he doesn't see TNA as a threat, but then, he didn't see WCW or ECW as ones either. Vince would be a fool if he dismissed that TNA could turn into a major threat.

Also, if TNA went under, I think Vince would grab their video library, and sign people such as Kurt Angle (and don't tell me he wouldn't), James Storm, Robert Roode, Velvet Skye and Madison Raine. He would probably also re-sign Bully Ray, and would make offers to Mickie James and Tara as well. He might even sign Eric Young as a comedy character, to be a foil for Santino, or something.

Let me try to take a stab at this one...

1. Vince trying to capatalize on a real-life fued is why Matt was brought back. It had nothing to do with TNA. Plus, Vince has a history of releasing and resigning superstars.

2. Oh I don't know, maybe to line his pockets? Bringing back Jeff Hardy was a great business move. He was over when he left and even more over when he came back, and chances are, he would be massively over if he returned again.

3. Chris Benoit would've never made the jump to TNA. His loyalty was to WWE and I recall reading an interview with him that stated that. Benoit was over in WWE, when you are on top, and over, wellness policy doesn't matter.

4. Read the last line of #3 except replace "Benoit" with "Orton". Once again, nothing to do with TNA, simply Vince resigning a guy he wanted to keep.

5. Kurt Angle is a touchy subject. He wasn't "fired" as you put it. He went to Vince and asked for his release because "he was getting burned out and wanted to take time off to heal nagging injuries and get his head right" (that quote comes from the WWE article on his release, as well as a couple other sites, including this one.). There was a "gentlemen's agreement" that he would come back to WWE after he healed up and got his head right. Instead, Kurt Angle pretty much slapped Vince in the face and announced he had signed with TNA a mere three weeks later. Once again, you don't have to feel TNA is a threat to be pissed that one of your major stars lied to your face and signed with them.

As far as you saying he never saw WCW or ECW as threats, ECW? Maybe not since he let ECW stars come on his show in the beginning and also paid Heyman a large sum of money (hundreds of thousands) to bail him out and pay his guys. Eventually he bought out the entire company.

As for WCW, do you not remember the "Monday Night Wars"? WCW and WWE spent every week trying to one-up each other. You only do that if you notice a threat. Let's not forget WWE, and this is pretty public knowledge, was on the verge of going out of business to WCW at the beginning of the MNW. Losing ratings for 83 weeks straight tends to do that to you. WCW, in their own cocky way, ended up fucking that up and being bought out in 2001.

To sum it up, get your shit straight before you make stupid posts like this one.

As for the OP, TNA is not and will not ever be a threat to WWE. There is no chance. Not now, not in three years, NEVER!

Quit making this damn thread topic, it is pointless and has been done over and over and over and over again...

TNA has already reached 1.5. TNA got a 1.5 rating on Jan 4th ,2010 when Hulk Hogan,Eric Bischoff,Ric Flair,Jeff Hardy,etc debuted on TNA so your point is moot.

The ONLY reason that it had a 1.5 is because the debut of Hulk Hogan, and you know what ? They haven't had a 1.5 since, I am not hating on TNA, just stating the obvious, as I am like you, I am not biased to one company.

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