How I would Bring Punk back


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is totally fantasy booking so obviously it most likely won't happen.

Steve Austin is always backstage at Summerslam so I would have Austin appear at Summerslam as a guest host or just a hyped appearance. In his appearance he mentions that he wishes that the future of WWE looks good (Wyatt, Shield, Bryan, Cesaro) and he wishes he could have faced some of them. Queue Punk's music, crowd goes wild. He enters the ring and says Austin forgot about someone, Austin says that no one has seen for a month and he took his ball and went home just like he did all them years ago. They go back and forth and Punk challenges him to a match at Wrestlemania since this is the match that he has always wanted. Austin rejects, put Punk goes to attack and gets stunnered.

Next night, Punk comes out and says he will face Austin's greatest rivals every month until Wrestlemania to prove he is better than Austin until Austin agrees to a match. Have opponents like Jericho, Booker T, Angle if they can get him back etc. Have Punk hype that he will face Austin's "greatest" rival at Elimination Chamber to prove that he is just as good as Austin (hint that this rival is The Rock). Have Punk win all the matches and Austin returns the night after Royal Rumble saying he's impressed and agrees if he can beat his greatest rival he will face him at Wrestlemania. Punk agrees and challenges Vince McMahon to a match instead (it would up him as the heel in this feud by having a match with an old man). Have Vince beat Punk by interference by Austin so Punk goes irate and does something to really get on Austin's nerves the next night on Raw, till he accepts. And we have the dream Wrestlemania 31 main event.

A man can dream can't he?
When/if he does return, I don't think putting him into a program with old guys is the way to go. Many things have happened already in the short time he's been gone (Wyatt's steady rise, Bryan's run to the top for example) and other guys will likely move up towards the top of the card in the time that he is gone. So if he returns, I think he needs to go after someone who has moved up in the pecking order since the time he left, not people who are 15 years past their prime.

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk at WM31 would be my choice. The storyline just writes itself, and the match itself would obviously be off the charts.
Have Punk win all the matches and Austin returns the night after Royal Rumble saying he's impressed and agrees if he can beat his greatest rival he will face him at Wrestlemania. Punk agrees and challenges Vince McMahon to a match instead (it would up him as the heel in this feud by having a match with an old man). Have Vince beat Punk by interference by Austin so Punk goes irate and does something to really get on Austin's nerves the next night on Raw, till he accepts. And we have the dream Wrestlemania 31 main event.

It's an interesting idea. But it's the last part here I see several problems with. First, why would Vince agree to have the match with Punk? He's 70 years old, there is literally no reason for him to get into the ring with Punk. And even if Vince does agree, why would Austin agree he would wrestle Punk if Punk won, screw Punk, and then wrestle him anyway because of something else? It's just too complicated and contradictory to itself. Why not just have Punk beat Vince? Much simpler, much easier, much less confusing, same result. Also, I don't think screwing Punk would fit Austin's character.
I'm sorry but are we done with this yet? It's been over three months and we're still talking about CM Punk? I understand the guy has a passion for the business... but you have to look at the reality of the situation.

CM Punk did not get to play pretend the way he wanted to play pretend. That is the long and short of it. CM Punk went to the sandbox at the park, wanted to play house, some bigger kids said "no we are playing restaurant," and CM Punk cried and went home. That's it. If I don't hear CM Punk being discussed ever again, I would throw a party.

As for the "fantasy booking," sure. Great. But after taking his ball and going home, I wouldn't even let him associate with Austin. He doesn't deserve it. But why are we still fantasy booking this guy either? 252 people have fantasy booking threads here on how they'd bring him back. Who cares at this point? Make like the Frozen soundtrack and "Let It Go."
I don't get why people are saying Punk cried and went home. He didn't cry, he didn't have a ball to take because WWE dropped it on him. He just went home. He was burnt out lol. It happens to everyone and especially in a business as tough as WWE where you're always on the road and he was working every week. He just needed a break.

Jericho does this all the time. He doesn't go home in the middle of an angle or anything but he takes his breaks. He knows how the business works. I'd rather him go home when he's not feeling it than stay when he's not feeling it and accidentally get someone hurt or get himself hurt in the process because his mind's not in it.

Punk's going to be back one day. For now, just give the guy a break. If he didn't leave Bryan probably wouldn't even have gotten his chance, so be happy about that at least.
I agree with the majority here that we need to just let this go. I don't think you will see Punk in the E this year at all. In fact, I think it is more likely he shows back up in TNA or ROH than WWE next but that is just an opinion. No matter what happens, I think that we should stop discussing it. I am a huge Punk mark and find it disgusting that some many have turned on Punk for exercising his own rights as an independent contractor. However, we are all entitled to our own opinions. Is there a place for him in WWE if he came back, of coarse there is. He is still one of the biggest stars of his era. Will he be back any time soon though, I don't think so but more importantly it is his own choice either way.

As for the suggestion, I wonder how old the person who made this thread is. To mention Austin's biggest rivals and mention names such as Booker, Jericho and Angle over guys such as Triple H, Vince, Bret Hart and a few others is kind of ridiculous. The only one he got right was Rock being the biggest rival. Honestly, I don't think Booker was a bigger rival to Austin than freaking Goldust was. For my money, Austin's top 5 rivals were Hart, McMahon, Rock, Triple H and the Undertaker.
I don't really feel the idea with SCSA is a good one partially because of the way you played it out, but hey thats your opinion.

I think Punk should be a surprise RR entrant, lets face it, when the RR comes around people will be speculating Punks return, theres an annual prediction anyways, so this year its punk who comes out at say #20. Punk comes out and its down to the final four; Batista, Punk, Reigns and Cena. Reigns goes for the spear on Cena who side steps him and out goes an irate Reigns. Down to Punk Batista and Cena. Cena is going for the attitude adjustment on Batista but Reigns comes back and pulls Cena out (setting up Reigns Vs. Cena at WM) Batista and Punk battle it out and both men are on the apron and Punk hits a kick to Batista to knock him down and wins.

Punk finally gets his main event chance at WM but against what some of you might say it has to be against an established star who is not Daniel Bryan because I just don't think Punk Vs. Bryan is a main event match that is ready to be booked especially at a show as big as WM.

I think the swerve of the tale should come here with Punk calling out HHH and says he wants his match at WM to not be for the championship but against him.

Through this you book two matches Punk Vs. HHH and Cena Vs. Reigns while leaving the WWE championship scene between, Bryan, Batista, Orton etc.,
I would love to see him winning the Royal Rumble and challenge the champion (say Daniel ) at wrestlemania 31 for title ...
As much as I'm a fan of Punk, I'm honestly getting to the point where I don't really care if he comes back. Like everyone else, I don't know exactly what happened to result in him walking out, aside from all the various rumors and internet reports. I don't think that there's any clear cut good guy or bad guy in this situation between Punk & WWE. If Punk isn't happy and doesn't agree with how he's been used, I can understand not wanting to come back. On the other hand, Punk's never shown any particularly strong loyalty to WWE and, reportedly, is continuously complaining about one thing or another. My biggest complaint was Punk just simply walking out half an hour before the post Royal Rumble Raw, it just struck me as unprofessional and disrespectful to the fans who'd paid to see him. In his absence, we've seen the rise of Daniel Bryan, The Shield turning face, The Wyatt Family being on the rise, etc. so it isn't exactly as if Punk leaving has been catastrophic for WWE.

If Punk does return, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him paired up with The Authority. Becoming something of a "sell out" in which he finally succumbs to the trappings of success. Maybe even starts looking the part while being clean shaven, wearing expensive suits, etc. Punk would have gotten with the program and turned into someone The Authority approves of, carrying himself in a different manner, etc. Someone who they feel could be a cooperative corporate champion in their eyes. It'd be such a departure from the CM Punk we know that I think there's a lot of potential, so long as they don't turn him into a whimpering little milksop.
Is it okay for me to say that I don't want to see CM Punk back? Not any time soon, but maybe later?

I personally dislike his title reign, particularly the type of matches when he's the champion. It's only after he lost his title that his matches looked more legit to me.
Yeah, unless WWE arrange for CM Punk to main event WrestleMania 31 I honestly don't see him returning at all. This is all just a pipe dream of what could happen but probably won't. I personally am indifferent on the guy, I couldn't care less if he returns or not because I think he's overrated and never was really as entertaining as "some" people made him out to be.

I guess if he did, maybe John Cena? they always have great matches and great feuds, in fact Cena is one of the few guys who CM Punk could work a 'Mania main event against. Daniel Bryan would suck IMO because they already feuded in 2012 and the matches were all boring as hell and the feud sucked. Having those two main event WrestleMania may do the worst buy rate in history.
As for the "fantasy booking," sure. Great. But after taking his ball and going home, I wouldn't even let him associate with Austin. He doesn't deserve it. But why are we still fantasy booking this guy either? 252 people have fantasy booking threads here on how they'd bring him back. Who cares at this point? Make like the Frozen soundtrack and "Let It Go."

Austin did the exact same thing so that just makes your argument flawed already....the board is as dead as Michael Jackson lately so I just wanted to spark discussion. I don't really care if he comes back this is why I said the word "if".

As for the suggestion, I wonder how old the person who made this thread is. To mention Austin's biggest rivals and mention names such as Booker, Jericho and Angle over guys such as Triple H, Vince, Bret Hart and a few others is kind of ridiculous. The only one he got right was Rock being the biggest rival. Honestly, I don't think Booker was a bigger rival to Austin than freaking Goldust was. For my money, Austin's top 5 rivals were Hart, McMahon, Rock, Triple H and the Undertaker.

I'm 21, and of course these are bigger rivals but Bret can't wrestle, Triple H won't lose to Punk at an event that isn't Wrestlemania and The Undertaker won't come back either for this in my opinion. I have picked realistic options that he could face.
You wanna know how i would bring back cm punk?

I wouldn't cm punk took his ball and went home, cm punk is no better than seth rollins, or daniel bryan or even cesaro.

Cm Punk was just there before any of the rest, and he got more spotlight give the others i just mention a few years and they will make you forget about punk, wwe shouldn't waiste time on a guy who they can't trust.

They need to work with someone who isn't going to give them trouble, and cm punk needs a reality check cause if it wasn't for the summer of punk, cm punk would have never been a major star, he would have been similar to sheamus is now, if sheamus left nobody would care and thats the same for if punk would've left in 2011. People only care now cause wwe made him a star.

wwe can make someone else a star now
I would book it on PPV... Have Bryan have a rematch against Triple H somewhere down the line like Summerslam and have Bryan win the match only for Evolution to attack Bryan after the match just before Triple uses the sledge hammer on Bryan... all of a sudden CM Punks music hit and he sprints to the ring with a weapon clears the ring of Evolution and celebrates with Bryan. Out of nowhere Cm Punk knocks Bryan out with the Sledge Hammer from behind that Triple H was going to use and turns heel followed by a GTS. Triple H comes back into the ring and the shake hands and signs a contract in the middle of the ring over Byrans dead like body.

Next night on RAW Cm Punk comes to the ring with security guards all around the ring and explains "I am better then wrestling and its stupid fans and your the reason I walked out and I only came back cause Triple H did what is right for business and gave me all my demands on my new shiny contract including a title match at the next PPV, a top spot, and a pay rise.
You wanna know how i would bring back cm punk?

I wouldn't cm punk took his ball and went home, cm punk is no better than seth rollins, or daniel bryan or even cesaro.

Cm Punk was just there before any of the rest, and he got more spotlight give the others i just mention a few years and they will make you forget about punk, wwe shouldn't waiste time on a guy who they can't trust.

They need to work with someone who isn't going to give them trouble, and cm punk needs a reality check cause if it wasn't for the summer of punk, cm punk would have never been a major star, he would have been similar to sheamus is now, if sheamus left nobody would care and thats the same for if punk would've left in 2011. People only care now cause wwe made him a star.

wwe can make someone else a star now

Most of you didn't catch it but CM Punk didn't really LEAVE without "Warning". I don't know how do people come to that conclusion but this is wrong.

He said he wanted a break during a Q&A Session right before actually leaving. His absence is temporary. He'll be back before you know it.
For whoever is saying Punk vs. Byran, I agree that's the way to go.

Punk comes back at a PPV with a big save for Bryan when he's about to lose the title. Everyone cheers. Bryan retains. Everyone cheers. Punk hits a move on Bryan and beats him down. Everyone boos. Punk cuts a heel promo on RAW the next day. Punk vs. Bryan.
Great... But why are you fantasy booking Punk to come back? Do you want him back that bad? He's done with wrestling and rightfully so. He has no reason to go on anymore.
Couldn't really give a fuck or not if he comes back, the boards are shit these days and wanted to make a thread to get discussion going.
Couldn't really give a fuck or not if he comes back, the boards are shit these days and wanted to make a thread to get discussion going.

Well come up with something more original than another thread about CM Punk. If you think the "boards are shit" don't make it SHITTIER by beating this dead horse.
He's a great wrestler. I loved his matches with Bryan. But I don't miss him a bit.

He gave us some good years and entertained us well. Sounds like he's saved every dime he ever made. Now he doesn't need to work - doesn't need to destroy his body any further.

Good for him. His life is now attending sporting events and banging AJ Lee. Sounds like the man has a nice retirement ahead of him.

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