How I Met Your Mother

I don't know if anybody has posted this already, but there has been a research who the mother could be. Remember Barney's father. He said his daughter Carly was in college. That would explain her being in ECON 305 and a roommate to the chick ted like once... He also refers to Barney and Robin as Uncle and Aunt. I know that could just be an expression, but it is fairly possible.

Onto the last season, the finale wa pretty predictable, but I loved it. It's been obvious that Robin and Barney were going to have another relationship and the concept of the wait for 1 season was pretty great. I wonder how long they will be showing us the Barney/Quinn relationship. We know that Ted has a baby daughter in three years, so he should probably meet the mother soon. There has been talk of the next season being the last because of actor contracts, but I'd like to see Ted's family life too. Not the story just finishing with how he meets her. I just love the show and don't want for it to end :(

Anybody know when the new season is starting? Probably in september...
Anybody know when the new season is starting? Probably in september...

How I Met Your Mother will return for an eighth season set to air on September 24, 2012. Producers have mentioned that this may be the last season due to actors' contracts. They have worked out two plotlines, one that would wrap everything up in the upcoming season and an alternative that would extend the storyline to the ninth season

Can't wait to see how it all plays out.
I've seen all the episodes but there's something I have no recollection of and it's possible it's just lost amidst all my knowledge about this show. What ever happened to the guy from the club that Barney, his father, Ted, Robin, Lilly and Marshall went to? The guy that was Robin's secret crush from the store where Ted bought his red boots. At the end of the episode Ted says, "More on him later", alluding that there was a relationship between Robin and the "crush" later. Was that dealt with already and I've just forgotten? It was from season 6 I think.

That at least throws something in the way of Barney and Robin.
Just saw an episode with John Cho. I finally made the connection that HIMYM had the complete Harold & Kumar Triumpherant.

I've seen every episode several times bit I don't recall seeing him there in any of them. Which one is it?

I'm still anxious for the new season, but over the summer I've started following shows that are, with all due respect, a whole lot better than HIMYM, so the majority of my interest is elsewhere at the moment.
I've seen every episode several times bit I don't recall seeing him there in any of them. Which one is it?

I'm still anxious for the new season, but over the summer I've started following shows that are, with all due respect, a whole lot better than HIMYM, so the majority of my interest is elsewhere at the moment.

It's the episode I believe called "That's not me Bro" I think don't know for sure though. Basically Marshall is being interviewed by a corporate company that's pretty shady and Cho is the one interviewing him. In a side plot Ted is confused by a pornstar who he saved from a beating as a child who is know using his name on camera.

I'm interested in seeing what Ted does with Victoria, though I'm not interested in seeing Barney and Quinn's relationship fall to pieces so he can marry Robin.
It's the episode I believe called "That's not me Bro" I think don't know for sure though. Basically Marshall is being interviewed by a corporate company that's pretty shady and Cho is the one interviewing him. In a side plot Ted is confused by a pornstar who he saved from a beating as a child who is know using his name on camera.

That's right, now I remember.

I'm interested in seeing what Ted does with Victoria, though I'm not interested in seeing Barney and Quinn's relationship fall to pieces so he can marry Robin.

I think both sides are intriguing. I don't think I've ever really seen a show do something like this. They shown that Quinn and Barney do split up eventually, but they've recently become engaged. I'm curious as to how they split and how Ted reacts to the situation. I'd be rather annoyed if Ted was just okay with it, there has to be some sort of turmoil between the 2. From the description of the season premiere, it sounds like the Ted/Victoria situation will conclude within the episode.
I think both sides are intriguing. I don't think I've ever really seen a show do something like this. They shown that Quinn and Barney do split up eventually, but they've recently become engaged. I'm curious as to how they split and how Ted reacts to the situation. I'd be rather annoyed if Ted was just okay with it, there has to be some sort of turmoil between the 2. From the description of the season premiere, it sounds like the Ted/Victoria situation will conclude within the episode.

But there was an episode this past season in which Ted finally had to get over Robin. I don't remember the name but it concluded with Robin moving out and both Ted and Robin agreeing there is no chance of them getting back together. Though he did say something along the lines of him, Robin, and Barney can never hang out alone again. I really hope they don't just end his relationship with Victoria in one episode or the entire finale just feels like a waste.

Well there you have it, as of now this eight season of How I Met Your Mother is the last. I really thought they were going to go the Friends route and end it an 10 seasons but it seems as of now this is the beginning of the end. I really hope this season is good and I don't mean five or six episodes out of the twenty something are good I mean the whole damn thing just like the first two seasons. I'm slightly sad yet a little excited we might finally find out this season.
Here is the description of tonight's episode from

"To calm Robin's anxiety on her wedding day to Barney, Ted recounts the story of what happened the time he ran away with Victoria."
Here is the description of tonight's episode from

"To calm Robin's anxiety on her wedding day to Barney, Ted recounts the story of what happened the time he ran away with Victoria."

SD619 - you are my go to on all things HIMYM.

I just watched a rerun I had never seen before with my pubescent crush Danica McKellar/Winnie Cooper/Trudy. In the episode Trudy sneaks out the window without ever telling Ted how a pineapple ended up in his room. Did we ever get an explanation of the pineapple? Did we ever see Trudy again? Is it possible she is the mother which creates a cool connection with The Wonder Years since both have an older narrator telling the story of their younger self.

If the haven't explained the pineapple, they need to refocus the purpose of the show and rename it How I Got A Pineapple.

SD619 - you are my go to on all things HIMYM.

I just watched a rerun I had never seen before with my pubescent crush Danica McKellar/Winnie Cooper/Trudy. In the episode Trudy sneaks out the window without ever telling Ted how a pineapple ended up in his room. Did we ever get an explanation of the pineapple? Did we ever see Trudy again? Is it possible she is the mother which creates a cool connection with The Wonder Years since both have an older narrator telling the story of their younger self.

If the haven't explained the pineapple, they need to refocus the purpose of the show and rename it How I Got A Pineapple.


Trudy comes back, but I don't recall them ever talking about the pineapple. I agree, we need a pineapple episode.

Pretty stoked for tonight's episode. I look forward to seeing how they handle the whole Ted running away with Victoria situation since they built Ted up as the guy you feel for after the whole Stella situation only for him to do that to someone else. It mad Ted a hypocrite and you wanted to punch him in the face repetitively. At least that's how I felt.
Thanks Theo. After I posted I waited about 8 seconds before I realized I was on the internet and could look it up for myself. But I still appreciate the feedback.

After reading about the possible Trudy threesome I realized that my "Trudy is the mother" theory is bunk. I've never had a threesome with my kids mother (or anyone else for that matter - does the cat laying on the bed count?) but if I did I wouldn't elude to it in stories to my kids.

Then again I wouldn't tell my kids any threesome stories, that's just creepy.

Excited for tonight. I'll probably DVR and wait for my wife to get home. Skip b/t MNF and DVR's Raw and have a quiet, relaxing Monday night.

Wait, we have two SD's in this thread. Now I have to figure out which one is the HIMYM encyclopedia.
I enjoyed tonight's episode. I thought we had some great development on the Barney/Quinn/Robin side of things along with the Ted/Victoria side of things. Plus we got a glimpse of the mother at the train station, so I look forward to the inevitable unveiling of her sometime this season. Nothing confirmed there, just my thoughts on the issue.

As always the comedy was interesting this episode with the German Barney and Marshall and Lily's baby zombie sleep schedule. Good stuff and I expect this to continue throughout the season. I believe this will be a rollercoaster season of emotion and it is gonna be DAMN good.
Plus we got a glimpse of the mother at the train station, so I look forward to the inevitable unveiling of her sometime this season. Nothing confirmed there, just my thoughts on the issue.

I liked the big reveal at the end although it wasn't that big of a reveal. We already knew Ted meets the mother on the day of the wedding but now we know he meets her at the train station (or presumably on the train) after the wedding. The questions become: Was she at the wedding? What's with the guitar? Was she in the band at the wedding? They focused on the shoes for more than a second. Those were pretty nice shoes for someone to be wearing in the rain. So, either she was at the wedding or had a performing gig and was leaving from that.
Decent episode last night. The Barney 52 second summary of the show was the highlight.
I really liked the German bit too. I prefer the gang hanging out in a bar over hanging out watching a kid but the characters do have to grow up. Anyone with kids knows how Lily and Marshall were feeling but it was still over the top. I'm sure we will get more high jinks this season and the relationship stuff needs to happen in order for the show to close properly.

Anyone else think the mother has a slight case of cankles?

Is Nick Robin's mystery man that she met while buying the red boots with Ted?
Yeah, gotta agree. Was a decent episode but had a nice ending to start off the season. Still don't know how many more seasons they've got so hopefully we see more things unfold. Highlight of the show has got to be either Barney's 52 second summary or him seducing that woman over the phone, haha, that was brilliant.

Pretty stoked for this season, let's hope it's a really good one!
Probably the worst episode I've seen in a long time. Seriously? They're going to use Barney's comically over-sized Will as a jumping off point to ultimately end the Barney and Quinn relationship? Everyone knew it had to happen eventually, but after putting that much effort into getting them together, why end it in such a ******ed fashion?

And Klaus is by far the worst character they've introduced thus far. Jesus Christ. I can't believe they didn't just leave him with the one scene in episode 1, I never would have thought someone would think this character was a good idea. I really hope they straighten this up a bit.
What Nate said, this is potentially the final season and what they've done so far has been pretty awful. Ending aside from the season premiere it was overall pretty average. This was just horrible. Filled with way too much generic things that have been done to death on sitcoms such as the hey we're males/females so we automatically have to side with said male/female. This episode may have been horrible but at least they didn't drag out the Quinn/Barney relationship all season when we knew it wasn't going to last. The only problem now is that Robin's relationship has to end, and did I mention she has to be the worst character of the main cast? Robin has been extremely unlikable since Season 6 and it just keeps getting worse to the point where she's bringing down Barney. Episodes like these are the kinds of things that ruined Season 7 completely.

We need more Ted episodes, hell give us Marshall and Lily episodes but please don't make this horrible storyline a main point of this season. Klaus was really only needed for the last episode, why they needed him here I don't understand. Really starting to dislike CBS's sitcoms with a passion. You're better than this HIMYM.
Not sure where all the negativity is coming from. I liked Quinn for Barney but I like single Barney a ton more. At least now we may get some of that for a while. I'm also thankful that Barney and Quinn didn't have to break up over another Barney/Robin hookup that we've seen before. The Klaus storyline was stupid and the pre-nup was over the top but Bob Odenkirk is hilarious so I am willing to overlook other things. As always the Lily/Marshall shenanigan's were very relatable and had a sweet ending.

Robin isn't unlikeable, she's damaged and she needs to change her hair.
Now that Quinn is out of the picture, they can start focusing the stories soley on Ted. If this is truly the last season, then we really need to see how Ted finally gets over the hump and meets the mother. I love Barney but in order to provide closure this season has to focus on Ted exclusively. I feel like there's nothing more that can be done with Marshall and Lily. Love them but their story is done as far as I'm concerned.
Underwhelming season so far. The latest episode is another episode of unfunny rehashing of sitcom cliches. I don't mind sitcoms using the same ideas but it is difficult to accept when they are unfunny. I didn't think Robin would be fighting to be a godparent considering her character's disdain for children. Hopefully the writers can improve the quality of the show once they figure out whether season 8 is the last season.
This has been kind of... shit. It's like they're just going through the motions, like they can't figure out how to take the show through a 22 episode season without just bailing on any and all relevant stories for weeks at a time. I'm still watching, they usually tend to kick into a better level in the latter part of the season, but I'm getting bored quickly.

Also, fuck them for what they've done to Marshall and Lily. They're unbearable.
I thought Monday's episode was really funny at times. The shit with Barney being a strip club "Free Agent" was an absolute classic. The "stamp of approval" stuff was pretty dumb. I hate to say it but Marshall and Lily have really jumped the shark. I think they shouldn't have had the baby until the end of this (final) season. That might have helped.

I like the Barney and Robin kiss at the end. At least they're building up to the Barney-Robin wedding storyline and didn't just say "oh hey Barney and Robin are back together."

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