How I Met Your Mother

Having just watched the season finale of How I Met Your Mother last night, I must say that I was reasonably impressed by how the last season ended. Sure, we didn't get any further towards finding out the true identity of Ted's true love but we really got somewhere with Barney and that is what most people want to see at this point, I hazard a guess at.

It may just be me but I think that Barney is getting married to Robyn. I think it was acknowledged in earlier season that they didn't end up together but I just get the feeling that the lingering look from Robyn as Barney met Nora again tells us more about her character than it does for Barney. I think it is clear at this point that there is still something between them and I fully expect to see that examined in more detail before we eventually see Barney settle down with whomever it is he eventually does settle down with. Could it be Robyn? Maybe. I don't think it is going to be Nora at this point because it really closes the door on Robyn finding love. I think there is definitely still a chance there.

As for Ted's little joke about how he eventually met the mother, I felt like smashing his face into a million tiny little pieces after that. My mouth fell open as the lily was passed to the anonymous woman in the café and Ted proudly announced that this was the mother. That carpet was snatched away from us and I really hated that part. I think I may be the only person who would like to see something develop with Ted because it would presumably signal the end of the show. Still, I still think that they continue it when Ted does meet his true love. I just feel as though it is stalling for time, similar to what Lost did when it didn't know where to go.

Marshall and Lily being pregnant was amazing, if a little bit predictable. Still, it feel like a long journey since they decided to try for a baby and I am glad that they are being rewarded for their perseverance. That being said, you never find out what happened with Marshall's job interview, do you? Maybe they will elaborate on it in the next season. One can only hope that he got it.

It was a good episode and I am already looking forward to the next season.
I am hoping that we get at least one season or half a season with "the mother."

If they reveal her at the last second of the series finale, I will be very disappointed.

I am hoping that throughout next season they continue to show bits and pieces of the wedding and then in the season 7 finale, show Ted going outside in the rain and the mother standing there with the yellow umbrella. Then season 8 can be Ted and the mother.
I liked the season finale. In fact season 6 was one of my favorite seasons. Jason Segel showing he definitely has acting chops outside of comedy and Lily getting pregnant at the end of the season, good stuff. Some people saw the pregnancy coming from a mile away but I was surprised. I mean, I knew eventually that she would get pregnant but I wasn't expecting it the way it happened. I never really liked Ted with Zoey as they didn't really seem to have a lot of chemistry in the later half of the season. I liked them much more when they weren't together but you could tell there was something going on.

As for Barney being the groom at the wedding, surprising but one of only a handful of possibilities. I mean, it was pretty much him or Robin. I'm happy that Barney looks to be finding happiness as the John Lithgow/father storyline really made him look ahead and realize he wants more. I also had a thought of what if Barney doesn't go through with the wedding. What if he calls it off at the last second. It would be an interesting twist. Can't wait for season 7.
I have just the "NAKED MAN" episode, no idea what series this if from, but OMG this was incredibly funny

I now worship Barney Stinson and am getting my brother to download me all the episodes and write them to CD for me so I can catch up on all the previous series'

Best show I have seen in a long time
Season 6 was better on the whole than the last two seasons, but anything involving Zoey was disappointing. Her character wasn't funny, wasn't interesting, didn't really move Ted forward in any good way, and well, you get the point. Marshall losing his dad was well-written, Barney giving things a shot with Nora and finding his dad was well-done (if a little overhyped), and the pregnancy story was (mostly) done very well. When HIMYM is on syndication I almost always stay for an episode from the first three seasons, but Season 6 has more episodes that are worth the rewatch than season 4 and 5 had combined.

Hopefully season 7 will involve some actual progression from Ted. I think the show needs to introduce the mom, even if they don't tell us that she's the mom, this coming season.
I can't wait for season 7. September 19th needs to hurry up. I've stated numerous times how much I loved season 6. It has the show back on the tracks after what seem to be a down season or two. Usually I don't follow up on things until the season starts, but I couldn't control myself. I'll keep stuff in spoilers from here on out.

Martin Short will be playing the role of Marshall's boss. That should be interesting to say the least. I'm hit or miss with Short, but Bays is hyping him up so I look forward to seeing how they run with this.

Bays also stated this season will be a new chapter for the characters. HIMYM is already one of the best shows when it comes to character development, so I really can't wait for that.

Kal Penn is also joining the cast and may be playing a love interest of Robin's. Kal Penn is a pretty diverse actor, much like the rest of the crew so he will definitely fit right in.
Kal Penn is a great actor.

I've been following his career ever since Harold & Kumar and I am really looking forward to seeing him in How I Met Your Mother. Honestly, I loved him in House because he added some more comic relief to the show outside of Hugh Laurie.

That said, I have been annoyed by how many serious roles he has taken over the recent years of his career. Honestly, I think he functions best as a comic actor and I don't think he has been playing to his strengths with the choices he has been making recently. However, he is a fairly good actor in these roles. Perhaps it is just my disappointment that he has not been taking comedy roles that is clouding my judgement of him.

Still, him coming to HIMYM, is going to be a masterstroke. I really hope that he is not just in it for a couple of episode and makes a few fleeting appearances. This is a great opportunity for him to get his career back on track after his role in the White House. Hopefully he can showcase what he still has and add to the cast of HIYM with great aplomb.
I hated the whole storyline with Marshalls dad passing on... it had me in friggin' tears at the end of the episode where he was suddenly announced as having a heart attack. It was just so real, like when I found out my nan and dog had (respectively) died. An ordinary day, none the wiser then BAM! So when I say I hate it, I mean it in the sense that it really did hit home about how fickle life is and how death is just a part of it.. and that in turn made me sad... so bravo! It did what it was supposed to do, it was bittersweet and true to life and wonderfully acted by segal. This was his season.

But yeah.. CANNOT wait for the new season... its going to be f'n A! And also if they don't let us spend time with the mother before the series is out... then I will be a sad man!
CBS has announced that Season 7 will premiere on September 19th with back-to-back episodes.

I really can't wait for this season. There are so many questions, the main one surrounding who Barney's bride will be. Also, will we see more of Barney's wedding, including possibly the ellusive "mother?" How will the Lilly Pregant storyline play out? Will Robin find love?

I was thinking about this the other day and I think what they could do to reveal more of Barney's wedding and to tease us about the mother is to show Ted interacting at the wedding with several different women but without giving us a clear indication of who the mother is. Then when they finally reveal the mother, they can flash back to the wedding and show Ted's specific interactions with that woman.
I was thinking about this the other day and I think what they could do to reveal more of Barney's wedding and to tease us about the mother is to show Ted interacting at the wedding with several different women but without giving us a clear indication of who the mother is. Then when they finally reveal the mother, they can flash back to the wedding and show Ted's specific interactions with that woman.

That's brilliant! I hope they do that! That would be awesome!

This gives a lot of great info on season 7! I can't wait to see who Barney is marrying ( I hope it's Robin). I don't think I've ever been this excited for a new season of a show to start.They just left us with so many unanswered questions that I feel like I'm on the edge of my seat!
I love How I Met Your Mother, it's one of the only few TV shows I have on DVD that I can just rewatch every day.

I have seasons 1 - 5 on DVD and am waiting for the next one, not sure when it comes out though, I have not seen any of it either so I'm trying to avoid all spoilers so I decided to just skip straight to the end of this thread.

My favourite characters would have to be Barney and Robin, I think the more funnier things in the series happens to them. Lily and Marshal are great but Ted annoys me sometimes, I don't know wether that's because the show is centered around his life but he just annoys me sometimes.

My favourite episodes would probably be 'Game Night' where we learn about Shannon and how Barney became awesome, Swarley, Girls vs Suits (I think it's called that, the one where they have the big musical section), Showdown, really the episodes where Barney is featured a lot.
i personally wanna know who the mother is sense i love the show and never miss an episode but i heard the show got renewed for a few more years so the mother wont be revealed just could be the whole "jumping the shark" if they reveal it before the shows gonna end :shrug:
How I met Your Mother is one of my favorite shows. Luckily all of my friends watch it also, so when I quote it I don't look like a idiot. In fact dare I say? I look Legen-wait for it Dary! Anyway I really do want to know who the mother is, but at the same time now I really want to know who Barney married. Will it probably be Robin? Yes, but its still cool too think maybe it will be Nora, or someone we don't really know yet. Anyway season 7 should be awesome.
The show that hooks the audience. Very nice story line . In fact this is the show that I never ever missed. So nothing wrong in saying that this is my all time favorite show to watch.
Season Premiere tonight!! 2 half hour episodes.

"Best Man" and "The Naked Truth."

Supposedly, we'll find out who Barney marries, this season. Can't wait!!

Producers have confirmed that Barney's wedding will take place in the season 7 finale. Also, Marshall and Lily's baby will born in the same episode.
I thought both episodes were good. I liked the second one a little better.

I really think Barney marries Robin. That's my early season hunch.

One thing I realized after last night is that it kinda sucks that they already told us where Ted meets "the mother." Now, with all these girls Ted is going to presumably meet including that one at the end of the episode, we know they're not the mother.
I thought both episodes were good. I liked the second one a little better.

I really think Barney marries Robin. That's my early season hunch.

One thing I realized after last night is that it kinda sucks that they already told us where Ted meets "the mother." Now, with all these girls Ted is going to presumably meet including that one at the end of the episode, we know they're not the mother.

I agree, both were good, but the second one was a little better.

I think Barney is going to marry Robin too, ever since they broke up I thought they'd end up back together. Plus in the first episode when Lily walked into the room and told Ted that the bride wanted to see him, that would have to be Robin. But maybe it will be Nora, he seems pretty infatuated with her, so who knows.

And I hadn't really thought of that, but now that you mention it, it is kind of annoying that they're going to keep introducing new girls for Ted, but we know he isn't going to meet her until the wedding :/

Overall, I thought both episodes were good, not great, and a solid way to start off the season. I'm just waiting for that wedding and to see what they do with the show after he meets her. I can't wait to see where the season is going.
I actually think Barney's going to marry someone we either haven't met yet, or someone from left field who we know but is not Nora or Robin.

Robin right now is simply the obvious choice, and this show NEVER does the obvious. Plus, her and Barney marrying would be too cliche, and she's simply not Barney's type at all at this point. And man, I really hope I'm right. As the seasons go on, Robin just becomes more unattractive and annoying. Barney deserves better than her if he's going to make the ultimate step into changing his ways.

Anyways, I agree with you both though that the 2nd episode last night was better than the first. The 2nd definitely had the better ending with bringing Victoria back, who is probably the most memorable woman Ted has dated at this point, so it'll be interesting to see where the show goes with that.
I actually like and somewhat agree with jmt's assessment on the wedding for Barney. The HIMYM writers and crew never do the obvious and we seem to be set on Barney marrying Nora or Robin. It throws a wrench into things if they give us something completely different. Lily didn't look like she was wearing a bridesmaid dress during the scene, which makes me think it isn't Lily as Robin and her are best friends. Nora wouldn't seek out advice from Ted now would she? Who knows as we've never seen any interaction with the two of them. What if it is Victoria? We know Ted and her have that connection and maybe we see them two become more friends than lovers and Barney falls for her. Seems unlikely, but who knows. I wouldn't throw out Zoey either. Her and Barney are polar opposites, but maybe something happens. It is so up in the air and that is what I love most about the show. This season is shaping up to be fantastic.
I still think it's going to be Robin. They are going to throw in a bunch of "swerves" to make us think it's someone else and they're really going to play out the Nora thing but in the end, I bet it's Robin.

Also, a way they could show the wedding this season without revealing the mother is simple. Just don't tell us who she is.

I see the wedding playing out with Ted interacting with several women but we are never told (by Future Ted) which one the mother is. He can really hit it off with several of them so that we're not sure who it is. Then at the end of the episode, they can show one of them going outside with the yellow umbrella and Ted following, but they never show the girl's face, just the umbrella.

That way they can still have another season without the mother having been revealed, yet they still showed us the wedding.
After reading jmt's post my thoughts went straight to Zoey or Victoria. You're right, Robin and Nora are too obvious and that's not what HIMYM does. I'm really excited to see how all this plays out. And SDS, I really like that theory on how they'll do the wedding without revealing the mother, I could totally them doing that. It still doesn't change the fact that every girl that appears before the wedding is basically obsolete as far as Ted's storyline goes. But honestly that doesn't bother me all that much. Barbets storyline is far more interesting to me haha
Pretty solid episode this past Monday and the scene at the end really made a whole lot of sense. Robin and Ted's relationship is definitely something to look into for the rest of the show. Is Robin really the reason none of Ted's relationships haven't worked out? It sort of played a part in the whole Stella breakup, but that was more so her ex than Robin. I'm really interested to see if they play on this or if they just put on the backburner and don't really focus on it as we know Robin still has feelings for Barney and it doesn't really fit into the scheme of things. We shall see.
I agree it was a pretty good episode. Really funny too with the whole "Boob Bet."

Does anyone remember in the series premiere when they did a flashforward to Barney, Marshall, Ted sitting at a casino table and then Future Ted said "wait, we'll get to that" as if to say that story is coming up in the future? Was Barney wearing the Duck Tie at that point? He should have been since we just found out he lost the bet, unless that takes place more than a year after the other nights episode.

I was thinking maybe the way Barney gets out of wearing that tie (if he does) is that he does a new slap bet. Maybe he gives Marshall an extra 5 slaps or at least 1 extra slap since I think there's only 1 left.

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